Short biographical sketches were requested of all graduates earlier this year (2003). Those sketches were made into a directory available at the reunion on Saturday, June 21, 2003. If you were unable to attend the reunion and would like a copy, consult the photo of the 2003 group reunion and contact an attendee.

The entire directory has been prepared online. Classes within the online directory will be separated into the three graduation class categories:

button to january graduates page button to june graduates page button to august graduates page

You are listening to the work of a North High graduate, class of 1942's Louis Weertz, aka Roger Williams, playing "Autumn Leaves." With an astounding 115 (18 gold and platinum) albums to his credit, Williams is the greatest selling pianist in history. Williams first burst onto the popular music scene when he recorded “Autumn Leaves” in 1955. His version became an American classic and still stands as the greatest selling piano recording of all time. Roger followed with more million-selling records, charting Billboard hits in four different decades including “Born Free,” “The Impossible Dream,” “Almost Paradise,” “Lara's Theme from Dr. Zhivago," and "Theme From Somewhere In Time." He has performed everywhere from Carnegie Hall to the Hollywood Bowl and the White House. The latter has earned him the title of "Pianist to the Presidents" playing for eight chief executives. He has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and is the only artist to receive the Steinway Lifetime Achievement Award. He continues with 30-40 concerts a year. At 79, on October 2, 2003, Roger played a 13-1/2 hour marathon concert in Palm Springs. He runs three miles a day.

For North High grads...Roger began practicing at the age of three on a piano in the basement of St. John's Lutheran Church, Sixth and Keo, Des Moines, where his father was the pastor. Roger was later the choir director there.

Click here for low resolution/dialup
of Roger's latest appearance at Carnegie Hall
Click here for high resolution/broadband
of Roger's latest appearance at Carnegie Hall
(This was filmed by Roger's grandson who was in the the very back of Carnegie Hall).
A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart.

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