North High School
1953 - 2024
* = deceased
Email addresses white envelope for email
    ClassmateMarried Name      Email Address
Akes, Annette L. Wright[email protected]
Aller, Patricia AnneSpellman[email protected]
Anderson, Mary LouYoung[email protected]
Andrews, PatHeid[email protected]
Augspurger, George [email protected]
Austin, ClairDeceased 02/15/06[email protected]
Bailey, James E.Deceased 05/10/05[email protected]
Baker, Florence Hayden[email protected]
Barr, Merton Addison  [email protected]
Barton, EleanorKnold[email protected]
Benton, Marilyn Barnes[email protected] or [email protected]
Berkey, SharonCard[email protected]
Berry, Bill [email protected]
Berson, BeverlyGardner[email protected]
Blanchard, JoyFedson[email protected]
Bone, NormanDeceased; 08/25/03;
[email protected]
Boys, Margaret [email protected]
Brayton, Jacqualyn (Jackie)Griffin[email protected]
Brooks, Loy [email protected]
Browning, Donald J. [email protected]
Campbell, NancyManhart[email protected]
Caplan, Gary [email protected]
Cohen, Jack Deceased 11/21/11[email protected]
Collins, Betty AnnSees[email protected]
Cruitt, Jerry Trent does not respond[email protected]
Dart, Tom [email protected]
DeVore, Donald Howard  [email protected]
Dowell, JoanLarson[email protected]
Dunphy, Mary JeanDunley[email protected]
Elmore, Bob  [email protected]
Elmore, JimDeceased 02/10/14[email protected]
Fletcher, Robert H. [email protected]
Frey, Bill [email protected]
Gabriel, BeverlyWhipple[email protected]
Geissinger, Gene E.Deceased 08/15/04[email protected]
Gergely, ClaradellShedd[email protected]
Goltry, JerrineAndreini[email protected]
Goslin, Shirley D.  [email protected]
Griffiths, Sally A.McDowell[email protected]
Haller, Bill [email protected]
Harpel, NancyJeffries[email protected]
Hilgenberg, SharronCordaro (no response)[email protected]
Hummel, JoniDunn[email protected]
Hutchins, Sandra Goreham[email protected]
Jones, Mary JeanSales[email protected]
Juroe, James  [email protected]
Katzenberger, BonnieBower[email protected]
Kircher, JoanneHunt[email protected]
Knutson, David Allen  [email protected]
Lang, Jim [email protected]
Lass, JoAnnAdams[email protected]
Lawdahl, AnnTharnish[email protected]
Logan, Tom  [email protected]
Loomis, Don [email protected]
Madison, Robert [email protected]
Marchant, Darwin [email protected] or
[email protected]
Marchant, David [email protected]
Martin, Brandon [email protected]
Matheny, Ernest (Bud)  [email protected]
McBride, EdithDawson[email protected]
McClure, SallyRhoads[email protected]
McGowan, Margaret Fraaken[email protected]
Mentzer, Sally JoRiekena[email protected]
Mohr, Arlene DuPratt[email protected]
Morlock, Louise Gisler[email protected]
Moss, Duane Edward [email protected]
Munzenmaier, MarilynGrother[email protected]
Munzenmaier, SallyFuller[email protected]
Murphy, Johndeceased 01/27/11[email protected]
Nourse, NadineWood
Deceased 08/09/11
[email protected]
Overton, IleneJohnson[email protected]
Pratt, Gene [email protected]
Quiner, Charles  [email protected]
Ramsey, MildredUding[email protected]
Rhoads, Rodney [email protected]
Romeo, Rosalee Klisares[email protected]
Scott, DarleneStewart[email protected]
Shepard, Jacqueline Murphy[email protected]
Sherman, Richard Bardwell [email protected]
Smithson, Leland [email protected] or
[email protected]
Snodgrass, Jim [email protected]
Spellman, Patricia Aller [email protected]
Springate, Kenneth [email protected]
Stevens, RobertaHermon[email protected]
Stiles, PeggyHouston[email protected]
Stookey, David James [email protected]
Stuart, Harold Roger  [email protected]
Sweeten, BarbaraGranzow[email protected]
Switzer, ShirleyRandall[email protected]
Torrence, Jerry (12/18/05) [email protected]
Towey, Bill [email protected]
Van Arkel, JoeDeceased 07/02/14[email protected]
Willcockson, SharonMcGraw[email protected]
Willittes, James [email protected]
Winslow, ShirleyCramer
Deceased: 01/11/09
[email protected]
If you have information which updates this data, please inform:
 Claradell Gergely Shedd  
2313 Sahalee Drive East
Sammamish, WA
(425) 868-0260
or you may email me directly (Claradell) to place it online on this site: [email protected]

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