North Des Moines High School
Class of 1969
Join us for your 50th!
July 12, 2019
Friday, July 12, 2019
Time: 6:00PM + Icebreaker Chucks Restaurant (back room)

3610 6th Avenue

  Des Moines, IA
  (515) 244-4104
Saturday, July 13, 2019
Time: 10:00AM

Tour of North High
  501 East Holcomb Avenue
Des Moines, IA
  (515) 242-7200
Time: 5:00PM-6:30PM   Check in and mingling
  Holiday Inn Airport
  6111 Fleur Drive
Des Moines, IA 50321
(515) 287-2400
Group Photo:
  Group photo. Be prompt for this photo shoot.
Cost: $50.00/person
Contact:   Barb Hansen Longerbone
[email protected]
(515) 265-7875
Holiday Inn Airport Room Rate: $119. for block of rooms reserved
Class of 1969 - 50th Reunion taken July 13, 2019
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Barb Hansen Longerbone, Barb Seals Hill, Penny Spriggs, Helen Mischkiet Edell, Jan Olson White, Linda Herndon Beveridge, Laura Fond-Cohen, Cindy Davis Blum, Teresa Shaw Emery, Colleen Walker Worthington, Cheri Watkins Boehner, Jan Claussen Wagner, Linda Dickson Thomas, Patty Sparks Collins, Joyce Fett Diers, Mara (Martha) Swanson
2nd Row Kathy Stout Greene, Shawn Reynolds, Marlys Dunahoo Wallace, Becky Bush-Daugherty, Sheila Starkovich Lingwall, Sandy Kalsem-Plowman, Marsha Anderson Marlow, Mary Van Dam Huckett, Terri Broxmeyer, Rick Shrader, Larry Johnson, Cindy Hansen Johnson, Janet Rew Hanson
3rd Row Carol Pierce Gordon, Linda Wynn Monserrate, Alan Lander, Cindy Westlund Hoepker, Craig Farson, Verna Shelton Cobb, Bill McDermott, Chuck Clark, Patty Johnson Gwinnup, Marcia Davis Briskin, Kay (Gloria) Barker Wardenburg, Patrice Kalleen Goe
4th Row Steve Humphreys, Lynda Sassatelli Bradley, Karen Crowell Chatfield, Barb Sidoner Waller, Dave McGinnis, Shirley Lovig Ring, Sheila Main Middleton, David Russell, Linda Ainsworth Sapp, Carol Jessen Kellogg, Sandy Jacobe Olson
5th Row Tom Olney, Dale Aycock, Steve Peglow, Kris Hokanson Gates, Lenis Hart, Rick Wills, Ken Martin, Jack Shepard, Bob Nedderman, Cindy Shoeman, Chuck Brewton, Rick Fedson
6th Row Mike Poore, Dick Rodine, Steve Dengle, Bob Luxen, Leroy Chatfield, Todd Ririe, Ron Kellogg, Ken Gordon, Steve Anerson, Jack Wallace, Scott McAdm
enlarged left side of 50th reunion photo
enlarged center portion of 50th reunion photo
enlarged right side of 50th reunion photo
Friday, July 11, 2014
Time: 6:30PM + Smokey D's Restaurant
  5055 NW 2nd Street
  Des Moines, IA 50309
  (515) 243-2747
Saturday, July 12, 2014
Time: 6:00-7:00PM Social Hour
7:00PM Group Picture
  3.5 miles E - 180 & Hwy 65 I80 E
305 34th Avenue NW
Altoona, IA 50009
  (515) 266-2121
8:30-11:30PM Program, Music, Dancing, Socializing
Cost: $45.00/person
Note: Rooms are available at Adventureland Inn. Self registration (515) 265-7321
Friday, July 17, 2009
Time: 6:00PM + Trophy's Lounge & Sports Bar
  Plaza Lanes Building
  2701 Douglas Avenue
  Des Moines, IA 50301
  (515) 255-1111
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Time: 6:00PM Social Hour
Dinner: 7:00PM
Holiday Inn Downtown
  I-235 and 6th Avenue (1050 6th Avenue)
Des Moines, IA 50314-2606
  (515) 283-0151
Group Photo: SmugMug
Class of 1969 - 45th Reunion taken July 12, 2014
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row

Karen Crowell Chatfield, Cindy Hansen Johnson, Marlys Dunahoo Wallace, Cindy Davis Blum, Colleen Walker Worthington, Cheri Watkins Boehner, Terri Broxmeyer, Cindy Westland Hoepker, Joyce Fett Diers, Gloria "Kay" Barker Wardenburg, Marsha Anderson Marlow, Barb Hansen Longerbone

2nd Row LeRoy Chatfield, Larry Johnson, Martha "Mara" Swanson, Marirose Weaver, Janice Claussen Wagner, Julie Wilson Fuller, Patty Sparks Collins, Linda Synn Monserrate, Verna Shelton Cobb, Cheri Kelaher, Janet Rew Hanson, Laura Fong-Cohen, Steve Peglow, David Russell, Mike James
3rd Row Jack Wallace, Robert Nedderman, Tim Olney (black shirt), Bob Luxen, Frank Crosswhite, Scott McAdam, Richard Rodine, ...then starting with the ladies on Frank's left are Sharon Seward, Cindy Shoeman, Karen Van Dorn Bernhard, Bill McDermott, Mary Ridgway, Linda Ainsworth Sapp, Shirley Lovig Ring, Linda Herndon Beveridge, Lynda Sassatelli Bradley, Barb Hansen Miller. Going back to the fellow behind Cindy Shoeman are Steve Dengle, Omar Duncan, Ronald Kellogg, Carol Jessen Kellogg, Denise Darner Curry, Sheila Main Middleton, Rick Fedson, John Brommel, Carl Wilcox, Dale Aycock, Greg Milosevic, Robert Schatz, Chuck Clark, Alan Lander
Not pic: Attending, but not in picture: Cheryl Moon Newlin, Sheila Starkovich Lingwall
enlarged left side of 45th reunion photo
enlarged right side of 45th reunion photo
40th reunion, 2009 40th reunion, 2009
40th reunion, 2009 40th reunion, 2009
Class of 1969 - 40th Reunion taken July 18, 2009
Starting first row, bottom left
Seated Frank Crosswhite, Mara Swanson, Chuck Clark, Mary Van Dam Huckett
Cheri Watkins Boehner, Helen Mischkiet Edell, Cindy Westlund Hoepker, Joyce Fett Diers, Laura Fong-Cohen, Patty Sparks Collins, Janice Claussen Wagner, Cindy Davis Blum, Teresa Shaw Emery, Linda Herndon Beveridge, Cindy Shoeman, Linda Wynn Monserrate, Jenna Jurgensen Brownell, Cindy Hansen Johnson
Barb Hansen Longerbone, Lynda Sassatelli Bradley, Sheila Starkovich, Marlys Dunahoo Wallace, Karen Van Dorn Bernard, Terri Broxmeyer, Debbie Taylor-Leightor, Shirley Lovig Ring, Sandy Jacobe Olson, Gloria Barker Wardenburg, Linda Ainsworth Sapp, Robin Pagitt Steffen, Marcia Davis Briskin, Marsha Anderson Marlow, Carol Jessen Kellogg, Laurie Jensen Brickett, Patty Johnson Gwinnup, Marirose Weaver, Karen Crowell Roberts, Janet Rew Hanson, Joan Taggart Powell, Becky Bush Daugherty, Barb Seals Hill, Patrice Kalleen Goetz
Bob Luxen, Rick Fedson, Scott McAdam, Jack Wallace, Bob Nedderman, Carl Wilcox, Dick Rodine, Greg Milosevic, Ed Rarick, Ron Kellogg, Bill Evans, Don Krause, LeRoy Chatfield, Gary Schwab, Craig Hunter, Larry Johnson
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enlarged left side of 40th reunion photo enlarged left side of 40th reunion photo enlarged left side of 40th reunion photo
enlarged left side of 40th reunion photo enlarged left side of 40th reunion photo enlarged left side of 40th reunion photo
enlarged left side of 40th reunion photo
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enlarged right side of 40th reunion photo enlarged right side of 40th reunion photo enlarged right side of 40th reunion photo
enlarged right side of 40th reunion photo enlarged right side of 40th reunion photo enlarged right side of 40th reunion photo
enlarged right side of 40th reunion photo
35th Reunion; 2004 35th Reunion; 2004
35th Reunion; 2004 35th Reunion; 2004
Class of 1969 - 35th Reunion taken July 17, 2004
Photo by University Photo Gallery & Imaging
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row (kneeling) Claudia Mayberry, Cheri Watkins Boehner, Cindy Westlund, Hoepker, LindaRose Nemo Levin, Patricia Atkins Moody, Judy Stout, Karen Crowell Roberts, Marirose Weaver, Barb Seals Hill, Teresa Shaw Emery; behind Teresa is Rick Petithory; Gary McLain, Bob Nedderman, Lynda Sassatelli Bradley
2nd Row (rest of the ladies) Jenna Jurgensen Brownell, Linda Ainsworth Sapp, Mary Ridgway, Linda Wynn Monserrate, Janie Stout Losee, Sheila Main Middleton, Debbie Boylan, person with red hair behind Debbie's left shoulder is Judy Mossholder, Marlys Dunahoo Wallace, Terri Broxmeyer, Joyce Fett Diers, Gloria Barker Wardenburg, Christina Brandser Kemp, Laura Fong-Cohen, Roberta Kellis McGriff; hiding behind guy is Marsha Anderson Marlow, Patty Sparks Collins, Janet Rew Hanson, Cindy Davis Blum, Linda Dickson Thomas, in blue dress is Shirley Lovig Ring, (behind Shirley in black dress is) Denise Darner Curry, Karen Van Dorn Bernhard, Carol Jessen Kellogg, Vicki Brodeen Richards, Laurie Jensen Bickett, Linda Herndon Beveridge, Cheryl Storck Green, Janice Claussen Wagner, Shawn Reynolds, Karen Stephens Hornberg, Kathy Stout Greene; behind Kathy is a girl who didn't graduate with us, but her name was Nikki Norris; Barb Hansen Longerbone, Mara Swanson
3rd Row (row of men) Les Ballard, John Copic, Dale Aycock, Chuck Clark, Lenis Hart, Frank Crosswhite, Tim Olney, Jim Fogarty, Jack Wallace, Walter Chivers, Rick Fedson, Scott McAdam; in front of Scott is Les Tesdall; Todd Ririe, David Russell; person in front of Dave is Rick Shrader, Mike Poore, Vergil Parker; behind Vergil in dark red is Bill McDermott, Mike Noble; behind him is Brian O'Donnell; Alan Lander, Steve Dengle, Jack Shepard, Robert Jones; Kristine Hokanson Gates; Ron Kellogg, Don Cook
Photo and id: Compliments of Barbara Hansen Longerbone
enlarged left side of 35th reunion photo; 2004 enlarged left side of 35th reunion photo; 2004 enlarged left side of 35th reunion photo; 2004
enlarged left side of 35th reunion photo; 2004 enlarged left side of 35th reunion photo; 2004 enlarged left side of 35th reunion photo; 2004
enlarged left side of 35th reunion photo; 2004 enlarged left side of 35th reunion photo; 2004 enlarged left side of 35th reunion photo; 2004
Enlarged left side of 35th reunion photo (above)
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row (kneeling) Claudia Mayberry, Cheri Watkins Boehner, Cindy Westlund Hoepker, LindaRose Nemo Levin, Patricia Atkins Moody, Judy Stout
2nd Row (rest of ladies) Jenna Jurgensen Brownell, Linda Ainsworth Sapp, Mary Ridgway, Linda Wynn Monserrate, Janie Stout Losee, Sheila Main Middleton, Debbie Boylan; person with red hair behind Debbie's left shoulder is Judy Mossholder; Marlys Dunahoo Wallace, Terri Broxmeyer, Joyce Fett Diers, Gloria Barker Wardenberg, Christina Brandser Kemp, Laura Fong-Cohen, Roberta Kellis McGriff
3rd Row (row of men) Les Ballard, John Copic, Dale Aycock, Chuck Clark, Lenis Hart, Frank Crosswhite, Tim Olney, Jim Fogarty, Jack Wallace, Walter Chivers, Rick Fedson, Scott McAdam; in front of Scott is Les Tesdall; Todd Ririe, David Russell; in front of Dave is Rick Shrader
enlarged right side of 35th reunion photo; 2004 enlarged right side of 35th reunion photo; 2004 enlarged right side of 35th reunion photo; 2004
enlarged right side of 35th reunion photo; 2004 enlarged right side of 35th reunion photo; 2004 enlarged right side of 35th reunion photo; 2004
enlarged right side of 35th reunion photo; 2004 enlarged right side of 35th reunion photo; 2004 enlarged right side of 35th reunion photo; 2004
Enlarged right side of 35th reunion photo (above)
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row (kneeling) Judy Stout, Karen Crowell Roberts, Marirose Weaver, Barb Seals Hill, Teresa Shaw Emery; behind Teresa is Rick Petithory; Gary McLain, Bob Nedderman, Lynda Sassatelli Bradley
2nd Row Laura Fong-Cohen, Roberta Kellis McGriff; hiding behind man is Marsha Anderson Marlow, Patty Sparks Collins, Janet Rew Hanson, Cindy Davis Blum, Linda Dickson Thomas, in blue dress is Shirley Lovig Ring, (behind Shirley in black dress is) Denise Darner Curry, Karen Van Dorn Bernhard, Carol Jessen Kellogg, Vicki Brodeen Richards, Laurie Jensen Bickett, Linda Herndon Beveridge, Cheryl Storck Green, Janice Claussen Wagner, Shawn Reynolds, Karen Stephens Hornberg, Kathy Stout Greene; behind Kathy is a woman who did not graduate with us, but her name was Nikki Norris; Barb Hansen Longerbone, Mara Swanson
3rd Row (row of men) Todd Ririe, David Russell; in front of Dave is unknown person; Mike Poore, Vergil Parker; behind Vergil in dark red is Bill McDermott, Mike Noble; behind him is Brian O'Donnell, Alan Lander, Steve Dengle, Jack Shephard, Robert Jones; Kristine Hokanson Gates; Ron Kellogg, Don Cook
33rd Reunion Picnic; 2002 33rd Reunion Picnic; 2002
33rd Reunion Picnic; 2002 33rd Reunion Picnic; 2002
33rd Reunion Picnic - 2002
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Patty Sparks Collins, Cindy Davis Blum, Joyce Fett Diers, Linda Wynn Monserrate
2nd Row Mara Swanson, Karen Crowell Roberts, Janet Rew Hanson, Marsha Anderson Marlow, Gloria Barker Wardenburg, Gerald Hoffman, Barabara Hansen Longerbone, Janice Olson White, Shawn Reynolds, Cheri Watkins Boehner
3rd Row Chuck Clark, Scott McAdam, Rick Fedson, Don Cook, Lenis Hart, Ruth Ann Wright Lydon, Vickie Brodeen Richards, Dale Aycock, Cindy Shoeman
Photo: Compliments of Barbara Hansen Longerbone
20th Reunion; 1989 20th Reunion; 1989
20th Reunion; 1989 20th Reunion; 1989
Class of 1969 - 20th reunion taken 1989
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Seated in front: Frank Crosswhite. Kneeling: Chuck Clark, Rick Fedson, Don Krause, Bill Edwards, Mike Noble, Ron Kellogg, Scott McAdam, Carol Jessen Kellogg, Patrice Kalleen Goetz, Karen Van Dorn Bernhard, Jenna Jurgensen Brownell, Steven Peglow, Mike James
2nd Row First row of seated ladies: Melanie Minear-Lazer, Cindy Westlund Hoepker, Janice Claussen Wagner, Marsha Anderson Marlow, Karen Crowell Roberts, Barb Hansen Longerbone, Debbie Murtle Neuman, Sheila Starkovich Lingwall, Janet Larson Braun, Mary Van Dam Huckett, Janet Rew Hanson, X, Deanna Bergman Drew, Debbie Taylor Leighter, Becky Smith Pfannenstiel
3rd Row Second row of ladies with two men on each end: Gordon Cox, Dave Russell, Carol Pierce Gordon, Judy Mossholder, Linda Wynn Monserrate, Claudia Mayberry, Sharon Seward-Tayler, Kathy Stout Greene, Linda Ainsworth Sapp, Sheila Main Middleton, Patty Sparks Collins, Barb Hansen Miller, Gloria Barker Wardenburg, Laura Fong-Cohen, Vicki Brodeen Richards, Janice Olson White, Cindy Davis Blum, Linda Herndon Beveridge, Marlys Dunahoo Wallace, Lynda Sassatelli Bradley, Sandy Jacobe Olson, Steve Humphreys, Rick Schrader
4th Row Row of men standing: Omar Duncan, Kenny Gordon, Dean Gillaspey, Gary Anderson, Ed Rarick, Steve Anderson, Jack Wallace, Steve Dengle, Todd Ririe, Mike Poore, Bill McDermott, Dale Aycock, Dan Downing, John Copic, Mike Siepmann, Scott Crawford, Bob Schatz, Bob Nedderman, Mike McConnell, Ken Martin, Bill Evans
Absent/pic: LeRoy Chatfield, Tom Minks, Tim Olney, Jack Reynolds, Martha Swanson, Wayne Westendorf
Photo and id: Compliments of Barbara Hansen Longerbone
Class of 1969 Class of 1969 Class of 1969
Class of 1969 Class of 1969 Class of 1969
Class of 1969 Class of 1969 Class of 1969
Class of 1969 Graduation (310 in photo)
Starting first row, bottom left (*means we would like definite confirmation; X means unidentified)
1st Row Janice Louise Claussen, Marlys Ann Dunahoo, Ruth Elaine Eggert, Loy Hellen Davis, Gloria Kay Barker, Judy Ann Hollrah, Roberta Jean Kellis, June Ellen Switzer*, Colleen Marie Walker, Ellen Diann Lane, Cathy Ann Lajko, Janice Kay Olson, Christine Marie Negrete*, Joyce Ann Wohlwend, Linda Arlene Daniels, Verna Marie Shelton*, Denise Louise King*, Trina Coleen Turner*, Terrasa E. Steele*, Elizabeth Mardale Green Manuel*, Rebecca Sue Bush, Dianne Lee Crowder, Kathryn Sue Price, X, Vickie Lynn Spriggs, Carlotta Marie Brewer
2nd Row Bruce Wayne Palmer*, Kenneth Roy Gordon, Craig Douglas Hunter, Robert Gene Schatz, Michael Charles Noble, X, Gerald Lee Hoffman, Larry Wayne Swigert, Dennis Robert Vanderwerf, Mark Alex Bennett*, Craig Price Farson, Louie F. Greco, David Alan Oliver*, Leslie John Tesdall, III, Victor M. Wilder, William Fred Mohr, Alan Luverne Lander, David Alan Kirchner, John Judd Copic, Michael Duane Siepmann, Charles Walter Clark, Michael Alan Long, Frank Allen Crosswhite, Thomas James Minks
3rd Row Robin Joyce Pagitt, Esther Marlene Sellers*, Ann Katherine Kinnamon, Linda Christine Pugh, Judith Ann Mossholder, Kathleen Sue Quick, Patti R. Blumer, Joyce Ann Fett, Deborah Brown, Marilyn Roberta Hill, Melanie Ann Minear, Dee Ann Veenschoten, Helen Jean Mischkiet, Jeanne Dianne Groom, Teresa Ann Shaw, Cynthia Arlene Davis, Phyllis Jean Stephens, Patricia Ann Sparks, Jo Lynn Moore, Deborah Jean Murtle*, Connie Sue Carpenter, Jane Rayne Vosburg, Cheryl Diane Watkins, Kathryn Louise Stout, Marsha Lynn Anderson, Barbara Kay Hansen, Janelle Susan Weddell
4th Row Craig Douglas Edwards, Eric Wayne Schnirring, Rickey Eugene Shrader, David Claude Humphrey, Lawrence Dennis Sitterle, David Lee McGinnis, John Samuel Gay, Michael George LaMasters, Michael Harold Poore, LeRoy Harold Chatfield, Wayne Reynolds Westendorf*, Tim H. Olney, Lamar Mitchell Henry, Lenis Paul Hart
5th Row Cindy Sue Hansen, Celeste Allynne Hood, Vernona Louise Westphal, Jenna Sue Jurgensen, Patrice Ann Kalleen, Mary Elizabeth Ridgway, Deborah Lynn Taylor, Carol Lynne Pierce, Sheila Marie Starkovich, Martha Sue Swanson, Karen Rae Van Dorn, Mary Patricia Van Dam, Marcia Ellen Davis, Tana Jo Roff, Deanna Rae Bergman, Colleen Marie Lydon, Barbara J. Seals, Lynda Louise Sassatelli, Janet Elaine Rew, Barbara Ann Hansen, Jacqueline Sue Steele, Marilyn Beth Gerecz, Linda Kay Dickson, Karen Ilene Curtis, Linda Rae Miller, Lillian Pauletta Daniels, Elaine Octavia Singleton, Vonderlyre Elizabeth Watkins, Penny Maureen Spriggs
6th Row David Democrat Kauzlarich, Larry Ernest Johnson, Thomas Michael Murphy, Terrill Edmond Eastin, Alan Dale Aycock, Steven Alfred Brown*, Richard Petithory, Danny Dean Downing*, John Roberts, Dennis Wayne Peterson, Robert Raymond Dunn, Kenneth Earl Martin, Randy L. Wonders, Michael Thomas Kirkpatrick, Mark Douglas Levine (not certain), Walter John Chivers, William George Evans, X, Jonathan Warren Duncan, Sylvester Lee Green*, Floyd Epton, William Daniel Hunter, Jr., Omar Theodore Duncan, Lavonne Binky Burks, Harry Webb-bey*, Sherwood Earl Brown, Jr.*, Mark William Garanson*
7th Row Carla Rae Hansen, Karen Marie Crowell, Nancy Jane Holste, X, Linda Sue Roberts, X, Cheryl Ann Storck, Deborah Lyn Hall, Christina A. Brandser, Teresa Diane Broxmeyer, Karen Maxine Stephens, Cheryl Ann McConnell, Sheryl Rose Meisheid, Lynn Kathleen Petty, Marilyn Kay Pierce, Kristine Roseann Hokanson, Laura Louanne Alcox, Delores Ann Ferguson Sothman (not certain), Cnythia Louise Westlund, Patricia Esther Johnson, Vicki Gayle Brodeen, Sarah Joanne Mainard, Jennifer Denise Darner, Judith Lynn Stout, Debra Kay Day, Gwendolyn Sue Cogley, Sharon Ann Seward, Linda Jo Anne Wynn, Janie Kathleen Stout, Debra Jean Boylan, Sharon Jean LaForge, Bettie Lou Martin*
8th Row Gary Lewis Schwab, Michael Joseph Rubino, Victor Alan Mccullough, Terry Duane Vestal, John Patrick Bockert, Stephen Lee Francisco, G. Todd Ririe, Steven Enoch Anderson, Gregory Alan Robertson, Robert Eugene Luxen, William Alan Byas, Seppo Juhani Martikainen, Scott William Crawford, James Daniel Fogarty, Dean Lee Gillaspey, Donald Dean Krause, Jr.,X, Thomas Michael Chrystal, Robert Dean Jones, Richard Lee Wills, Philip Anderson Leslie, Brian E. O'Donnell, Timothy Mark Johnson, William Charles Rumme, Thomas Eric Dickinson, Steven Paul Brockett, X
9th Row Patricia Ann Atkins, Laurie Louise Jensen, Carol Martha Jessen, Janet Sue Larson, Judy Kay Bartlett, Shirley Ann Lovig, Sheila Marie Main, Jean Elizabeth Sperry, Kathleen Ann Spicer, Sharon Lavon Agee, Renee' Brown Lengeman (not certain), Karen Anne Iverson, Connie Jo Eaton, Rebecca Sue Smith, Barbara Louise Sidoner, Claudia Lynn Mayberry, Linda Beth Ainsworth, Linda Rose Nemo, Sandra Lee Wright*, Sandra Lee Wright*, Judy Jo Lester, Velma Mae Reeves, Christine Merle Schultz, X, Catherine Ann Swartz, Janel Denise Phipps, Jeraldine Lee Luedke, Sandra Kay Jacobe, Ruth Ann Wright, Pamela Sue Rhoads*
10th Row Alan Lee Dyer, X, X, Ernest Edward Fisher*, X, Dana Kramer (not certain or James Joseph Hohl*), Jack Hansen Shepard, Kevan Lance Brown, John Byron Bowen*, Richard Harlan Fedson, Jr., Richard Lee Rodine, Gary Kent Anderson, Carl Edward Wilcox, Robert Charles Baughman, William Joseph Graves, III, Robert Morgan Nedderman, Michael Jay Heinkel, Roger Alan Gustafson, Gary LeRoy Gray, Kenneth Eugene Crouch, David Oliver Cox, Bruce Lynn Potter, Scott Thomas McAdam, Jack Keith Wallace, Jr., Stephen Sidney Dengle, Ronald Thomas Kellogg, Wayne Leroy Fisher, George Edward Engle, X, John B. Brommel, Robert Dean Stielow
Photo: Compliments of Barbara Hansen Longerbone
enlarged left side of class graduation photo enlarged left side of class graduation photo enlarged left side of class graduation photo
enlarged left side of class graduation photo enlarged left side of class graduation photo enlarged left side of class graduation photo
enlarged left side of class graduation photo enlarged left side of class graduation photo enlarged left side of class graduation photo
enlarged left side of graduation photo
enlarged right side of class graduation photo enlarged right side of class graduation photo enlarged right side of class graduation photo
enlarged right side of class graduation photo enlarged right side of class graduation photo enlarged right side of class graduation photo
enlarged right side of class graduation photo enlarged right side of class graduation photo enlarged right side of class graduation photo
enlarged right side of graduation photo

June 1969
Class Officers

Frank Crosswhite
Bruce Potter
Martha Swanson
Janice Claussen
Janet Larson
Kathy Quick
Steve Peglow
Carol Jessen
William Hunter
Sheila Main
upper 3% scholastically upper 3% scholastically upper 3% scholastically
upper 3% scholastically upper 3% scholastically upper 3% scholastically
upper 3% scholastically upper 3% scholastically upper 3% scholastically
Senior Kadets Senior Kadets
Senior Kadets Senior Kadets
Senior Kadets
Row 1 Sheri Watkins, Cathy Lajko, Melanie Minear, DeAnn Veenschoten
Row 2 Ann Kinnamon, Janice Claussen, Vickie Spriggs, Judy Mossholder
Row 3 Jenna Jurgensen, Cindy Hansen, Marilyn Gerecz, Martha Swanson
Row 4 Barb Sidoner, Cindy Shoeman, Karen Stephens, Carol Jessen
boys' swimming team boys' swimming team boys' swimming team
boys' swimming team boys' swimming team boys' swimming team
Boys' Swimming
Row 1 Leroy Chatfield, Bill McDermott, Chuck Brewton, Scott McAdam, Mike Rubino
Row 2 Russ Underwood, Bob Lawson, Ken Webb, Steve Nichols
Row 3 Barry Long, Mike Morse, Coach Bob Lawson, Tim McDonald, Howard Hawthorne
Student Council Officers - Fall Semester
Student Council Officers - Spring Semester
All-State Band, Orchestra, Chorus
Row 1 Marla German, Craig Haynes, Marilyn Hill
Row 2 Mike McPherson, Alan Dyer, Bob Baughman, Marty Smith
All-State Band, Orchestra, and Chorus All-State Band, Orchestra, and Chorus
All-State Band, Orchestra, and Chorus All-State Band, Orchestra, and Chorus
Younkers Ad Younkers Ad
Younkers Ad Younkers Ad
John Phipps
Diane Kalwishky
Ann Kinnamon
Ron Kellogg
Photos: Compliments of yearbook of Joyce England Bahrenfus
Graduates numbered 379
Agee, Sharon Lavon Davis, Marcia Ellen James, Michael Lee Mooers,CindyRene'Barnhart Sheridan, Joseph Richard
Aguiniga,Raymond Richard Day, Debra Kay Jensen, Laurie Louise Moon, Cheryl Ann Shoeman, Cindy M.
Ainsworth, Linda B. Demoss, Loren Joseph Jessen, Carol Martha Moore, Jo Lynn Shrader, Rickey Eugene
Alcox, Laura Louanne Dengle, Stephen Sydney Johnson, Larry Ernest Morgan, Larry T. Sidoner, Barbara Louise
Allen, Larry Jay Dickinson, Thomas Eric Johnson, Patricia Esther Mossholder, Judith Ann Siepmann, Michael Duane
Ander, John Leslie Dickson, Linda Kay Johnson, Timothy Mark Murphy, Thomas Michael Sims, Hershel Jay
Anderson, Gary Kent Downing, Danny Dean Jones, Pam Murtle, Deborah Jean Singleton,Elaine Octavia
Anderson, Marsha Lynn Dunahoo, Marlys Ann Jones, Robert Dean Nedderman,Robert Morgan Sitterle,Lawrence Dennis
Anderson, Richard Robert Duncan, Jonathan Warren Jurgensen, Jenna Sue Negrete, Christine Marie Smith, James E.
Anderson, Steven E. Duncan, Omar T. Kalleen, Patrice Ann Nemo, Linda Rose Smith, Rebecca Sue
Aswegan, Gary Thomas Dunn, Robert Raymond Kalsem, Sandra Darlene Nichols, Fredrick Leroy Smith, Robert M.
Atkins, Patricia Ann Dupuy, Vicki Joann Karas, Kathy Noble, Michael Charles Spagnolo, Frank Alan
Aycock, Alan Dale Dyer, Alan Lee Kauzlarich,David Democrat Nodland, Michael Arthur Sparks, Patricia Ann
Baker, Carolyn Joann Eastin, Terry E. Kay, Ronda Sue O'Donnell, Brian E. Sperry, Jean Elizabeth
Ballard, Lester Herbert Eaton, Connie Jo Kellis, Roberta Jean Old Bear, Jeffrey Spicer, Kathleen Ann
Barker, Gloria Kay Edwards,Craig Douglas Kellogg, Ronald Thomas Oliver, David Alan Spriggs, Penny Maureen
Barlett, Judy Kay Edwards,William Elmer   King, Denise Louise Olney, Tim H. Spriggs, Vickie Lynn
Baughman, Robert Charles Eggert, Ruth Elaine Kinnamon, Ann Katherine Olson, Janice Kay Starkovich, Shelia Mary
Beeman, Linda Ann Engle, George Edward Kirchner, David Alan Pagitt, Robin Joyce Steele, Jacqueline Sue
Bennett, Mark Alex Eoff, Russell S. Kirkpatrick,MichaelThomas Palmer, Bruce Wayne Steele, Terrasa E.
Bergman, Deanna Rae Epton, Floyd Kramer, Dana Parker, Nancy Renee' Stephens, Karen Maxine
Blumer, Patti R. Evans, William George Krause, Donald Dean, Jr. Parker, Robert Lee Stephens, Phyllis Jean
Bockert, John Patrick Fairchild, Barbara Jean Lackershire, Jo Ann Parker, Vergil Abbott Stielow, Robert Dean
Bowden, Susan Kay Farson, Craig Price   Ladd, Diana Lynn Peglow, Steve Craig Stiles, Vickie Lynn
Bowen, John Byron Fedson,Richard Harlan,Jr. LaForge, Sharon Jean Peterson, Dennis Wayne Storick, Cheryl Ann
Boyland, Debra Jean Ferguson, Dolores Ann Lajko, Cathy Ann Petithory, Richard Stout, Janie Kathleen
Brandser, Christina A.   Fett, Joyce Ann LaMasters, Michael George Petty, Lynn Kathleen Stout, Judith Lynn
Brewer, Carlotta Marie Fisher, Ernest Edward Lander, Alan Luverne Phipps, Janel Denise Stout, Kathryn Louise
Brewton, Charles Grant Fisher, Wayne Leroy Lane, Ellen Diann Pickett, Roger Dean Swanson, Martha Sue
Brockett, Steven Pual Fogarty, James Daniel Larson, Janet Sue Pierce, Carol Lynne Swartz, Catherine Ann
Brodeen, Vicki Gayle   Fong, Laura L. LaRue, Karen Sue Walden Pierce, Marilyn Kay Swigert, Larry Wayne
Brommel, John B. Francisco, Stephen Lee Lavia, Angela Marie Pilcher, Michael Dennis Switzer, June Ellen
Brown, Deborah Freeman, Michael Dean Leslie, Philip A. Plummer, Jerry Arnold Taylor, Deborah Lynn
Brown, Kevan Fulwood, Faith Therese Lester, Judy Jo Polito, John Joseph Tesdall, Leslie John
Brown, Renee' Garver, Linda Christine Levine, Mark Douglas Poore, Michael Harold Thomas, Diane
Brown, Sherwood Earl, Jr. Gay, John Samuel   Lewis, Dennis E. Potter, Bruce Lynn Thompson, Johnny
Brown, Steve A. Gillaspey, Dean Lee Lewis, Edward Jerald Preston, Arlan Wayne Turner, Trina Coleen
Broxmeyer, Terri Diane Glas, Fredrick Alan Lightfoot, Jim Gene Price, Kathryn Sue VanDam, Mary Patricia
Burks, LaVone Binky Gnewikow,Larry Gayland Lindgren, Gerry A. Quick, Kathleen Sue Vanderwerf, Dennis Robert
Burnham, Dixie Jean Gordon, Kenneth Roy Lockman, Eudalee Dale Rarick, Ed I. Vandorn, Karen Rae
Burns, Barbara Kay Graanson, Mark William   Loehr, Timothy Michael Reed, Barbara Sue Veenschoten, Dee Anne
Bush, Rebecca Sue Graves, William Joseph   Long, Michael Alan Reese, Gale Duane Vestal, Terry Duane
Byas, William Alan Gray, Gary Leroy Lovig, Shirley Ann Reeves, Valma Mae Vosburg, Jane Rayne
Cain, Jenny Kay Greco, Louie F. Luedke, Jeri Lee Rew, Janet Elaine Walker, Colleen Marie
Campbell, Gary Michael Green, Sylvester Lee Luxen, Robert Eugene Reynolds, JackEdward Wallace, Jack Keith
Carpenter, Connie Sue Groom, Jeanne Dianne   Lydon, Colleen Marie Reynolds,Shawn Elizabeth Wallace, James Everett
Carrizales, Lena Marie Gutafson, Roger Alan Main, Sheila Marie Rhoads, LaDonna Kay W. Walters, Deborah K.
Carter, Virginia Marie Hall, Deborah Lyn Mainard, Sara Joanne Rhoads, Pamela Sue Waltz, Randall Glen
Cauvel, Gale W. Hall, James E. Manning, Mary Ridgway, Mary Elizazbeth Waterman, Donna M.
Chatfield, Leroy Harold Hansen, Barbara Ann Manual,ElizabethMardale Riding, Roy Lewis Watkins, Cheryl Diane
Chesowsky,Stanley Patrick Hansen, Barbara Kay Martikainen, Seppo Juhani Ririe, G. Todd Watkins,VonderlyreElizabeth
Chivers, Walter John Hansen, Carla Rae Martin, Bettie Lou Ristau, William H. Weaver, Marirose
Chrystal, Thomas Michael Hansen, Cindy Sue Martin, Ken Earl Roberts, John Webb-Bey, Harry
Clark, charles Walter Hart, Lenis Paul Mattern, Susan Frances Roberts, Linda Sue Weddell, Janelle Susan
Claussen, Janice Louise Haus, Larry James Mayberry, Claudia Lynn Robertson, Gregory Alan Welborn, Douglas Allen
Cobb, Debbie Kathleen Hayes,MarilynBethGerecz McAdam, Scott Thomas Rodine, Richard Lee Wessel, Rodney Earl
Cogley, Gwendolyn Sue Heinkel, Michael Jay McConnell, Cheryl Ann Roff, Tana Jo Westendorf,WayneReynolds
Collins, Kenneth Ray Henry, Lamar Mitchell McConnell, D. Michael Rollen, David Rickey Westlund, Cynthia Louise
Cook, Donald Roy Hernandez, Rita Ann McCullough, Victor Alan Roush, Dan Westphal, Vernona Louise
Copic, John Judd Herndon, Linda Kay McDermott,William Arthur Rubino, Michael Wilcox, Carl Edward
Corey,MariTheresaStrathman Herring, Marsha May McGinnis, David Lee Rumme, William Charles Wilder, Victor Maurice
Cox, David Oliver Hickman, Zola Mae McLain, Gary Marvin Russell, David Bruce Williams, David Eugene
Cox, Gordon Vance Hill, Marilyn Roberta McLaughlin, Robert Paul Ryan, Charlotte Becky Williams, Mark Robert
Cox, Jeff Lynn Hoffman, Gerald Lee McNeeley, Kathleen Jean Sassatelli, Lynda Louise Wills, Richard L.
Cox, Patrick Spencer Hohl, James Joseph McPherson,Robert Michael Schatz, Robert Gene Wilson, Julie Lynn
Crawford, Scott William Hokanson,KristineRoseann McQuerry, Carolyn Marie Schnirring, Eric Wayne Wohlwend, Barbara Jean
Crosswhite, Frank Allen Hollrah, Judy Ann Meisheid, Sheryl Rose Schultz, Christine Merle Wohlwend, Joyce Ann
Crouch, Kenneth Eugene Holste, Nancy Jane Mendenhall,CandaceTherese Schwab, Gary Lewis Wolverton, Patrick Joseph
Crowder, Dianna Lee Hood, Celeste Allynne Michael, Lyman Delmar Seals, Barbara J. Wonders, Randy L.
Crowell, Karen Marie Humphrey, Dave C. Miller, Linda Rae Seiberling, Daniel Eugene Wood, Mary Christine
Curtis, Karen Ilene Humphreys, Steven Craig Milosevic, Gregory Paul Sellers, Esther Marlene Woodyard, Wesley Micheal
Daniels, Lillian Pauletta Hunter, Craig Douglas Minear, Melanie Ann Seward, Sharon Ann Wright, Edward Benedict
Daniels, Linda Arlene Hunter,William Daniel, Jr. Minks, Tom James Shafer, Richard Marshall Wright, Ruth Ann
Darner, Jennifer Denise Iseminger, Gary L. Mischkiet, Helen Jean Shaw, Teresa Ann Wright, Sandra Lee
Davis, Cynthia Arlene Iverson, Karen Anne Mitchell, Fay Lenore Shelton, Verna Marie Wynn, Linda Jo Anne
Davis, Loy Hellen Jacobe, Sandra Kay Mohr, William Fred Shepard, Jack Hansen Zawistowski, Jon Michael
In Memoriam
Class of June, 1969
June, 1969
Aguiniga, Raymond Richard (d.07/22/11) 2011 Lockman, Eudalee Dale (Fowler) (d.04/18/02) 2002
Anderson, Richard Robert (d.02/26/76) 1976 Loehr, Timothy Michael (d.02/02/75) 1975
Atkins, Patricia Ann (Moody) (d.03/05/22) 2022 Luedke, Jeraldine Lee (d.08/25/03) 2003
Aycock, Alan Dale (d.06/27/20) 2020 Lydon, Colleen Marie (Feeney) (d.01/12/23) 2023
Ballard, Lester Herbert (d.01/27/22) 2022 McLaughlin, Robert Paul (d.12/29/15) 2015
Baughman, Robert Charles (d.08/29/05) 2005 Minks, Thomas James (d.05/31/95) 1995
Brown, Sherwood Earl, Jr. (d.02/24/13) 2013 Mohr, William Fred (d.06/19/18) 2018
Burks, LaVone "Binky" (d.08/14/18) 2018 Moon, Cheryl Ann (Newlin) (d.02/14/20) 2020
Campbell, Gary Michael (d.10/09/10) 2010 Morgan, Larry T. (d.10/25/70) 1970
Chesowsky, Stanley Patrick (d.01/29/22) 2022 Murtle, Deborah Jean (Neuman) (d.05/17/20) 2020
Chivers, Walter John (d.01/01/19) 2019 Noble, Michael Charles (d.07/25/12) 2012
Cook, Donald Roy (d.01/05/18) 2018 Oldbear, Jeffrey (d.09/30/96) 1996
Cox, Patrick Spencer (d.11/09/97) 1997 Palmer, Bruce Wayne (d.01/12/22) 2022
Crowder, Dianne Lee (Pecina) (d.11/05/92) 1992 Phipps, Janel Denise (d.07/08/10) 2010
Daniels, Linda Arlene (d.10/14/70) 1970 Polito, John Joseph (d.04/86) 1986
Darner, Jennifer Denise (Curry) (d.03/02/15) 2015 Preston, Arlan Wayne (d.09/24/06) 2006
DeMoss, Loren Joseph (d.12/14/16) 2016 Pugh, Linda Christine (d.08/09/21) 2021
Duncan, Jonathan Warren (d.11/24/98) 1998 Reed, Barbara Sue (Chester) (d.02/18/20) 2020
Duncan, Omar Theodore (d.05/06/19) 2019 Rhoads, Pamela Sue (Reed) (d.11/11/12) 2011
Eaton, Connie Jo (Michael) (d.05/13/19) 2019 Roberts, John (d.06/16/03) 2003
Engle, George Edward (d.11/20/22) 2022 Robertson, Gregory Alan (d.06/02/08) 2008
Fisher, Ernest Edward (d.09/12/23) 2023 Rollen, David Rickey (d.06/19/86) 1986
Francisco, Stephen Lee (d.12/02/10) 2010 Ryan, Charlotte Becky (d.01/26/22) 2022
Fulwood, Faith Therese (Ostrye) (d.09/15/21) 2021 Schatz, Robert Gene (d.01/04/23) 2023
Gordon, Kenneth Roy (d.07/02/22) 2022 Schultz, Christine Merle (Petty) (d.11/09/96) 1996
Graves, William Joseph, III (d.01/12/18) 2018 Seals, Barbara J. (Hill) (d.06/09/22) 2022
Gray, Gary Leroy (d.09/16/12) 2012 Shafer, Richard Marshall (d.09/23/17) 2017
Groom, Jeanne Dianne (d.06/20/15) 2015 Sidoner, Barbara Louise (Waller) (d.04/05/21) 2021
Gustafson, Roger Alan (d.09/12/98) 1998 Siepmann, Michael Duane (d.04/02/01) 2001
Hart, Lenis Paul (d.07/24/20) 2020 Singleton, Elaine Octavia (d.05/06/22) 2022
Hill, Marilyn Roberta (Calhoun) (d.10/17/02) 2002 Smith, Robert M. (d.11/30/2000) 2000
Hohl, James Joseph (d.11/10/17) 2017 Sperry, Jean Elizabeth (d.12/13/01) 2001
Holste, Nancy Jane (Cooper) (d.01/28/18) 2018 Spriggs, Vickie Lynn (Mambu) (d.09/28/11) 2011
Hood, Celeste Alynne (d.12/03/15) 2015 Stephens, Karen M. (Hornberg) (d.10/04/07) 2007
Jensen, Laurie Louise (Bickett) (d.03/23/21) 2021 Switzer, June Ellen (d.09/18/07) 2007
Kay, Ronda Sue (Little) (d.02/18/15) 2015 Tesdall, Leslie John (d.07/18/22) 2022
Kirchner, David Alan (d.07/09/13) 2013 Waltz, Randall Glen (d.09/19/17) 2017
Krause, Donald Dean, Jr. (d.11/03/13) 2013 Wilder, Victor Maurice (d.01/27/15) 2015
Kruse, John Leslie (Ander) (d.04/03/17) 2017 Williams David Eugene (d.09/23/16) 2016
Ladd, Diana Lynn (d.04/20/19) 2019 Williams, Mark Robert (d.12/21/97) 1997
Lander, Alan Luverne (d.08/27/22) 2022 Wohlwend, Barbara Jean (10/23/21) 2021
Levine, Mark Douglas (d.02/21/21) 2021 Wolverton, Patrick J. (d.01/06/01) 2001
Lightfoot, Jim Gene (d. 07/01/99) 1999 Wood, Mary Christine (Reed) (d.11/19/19) 2019
For further input, please email me at [email protected]
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Class of 1933 (60th reunion), 1993 Pictures
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Class of 1935, (60th reunion), 1995 Pictures
Class of 1936, (50th reunion), 1986 Pictures
Class of 1937, (60th reunion), 1997 Pictures
Class of 1938, (50th reunion), 1988 Pictures
Class of 1939, (66th reunion), 2005 Pictures
Class of 1940, (50th reunion), 1990 Pictures
Class of 1941, (60th reunion), 2001 Pictures
Class of 1942, (45th reunion), 1987 Pictures
Class of 1943, (65th reunion), 2008 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1944, (65th reunion), 2009 Pictures
Class of 1945, (60th reunion), 2005 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1946, (65th reunion), 2011 Are we describing you?
Class of 1947, (60th reunion), 2007 Pictures
Class of 1948, (60th reunion), 2008 Pictures
Class of 1949, (70th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1950, (60th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 1951, (60th reunion), 2011 Are we describing you?
Class of 1952, (65th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1953, (grad pictures, lists) Pictures
Class of 1953, (10th reunion), 1963 Pictures
Class of 1953, (30th reunion), 1983 Pictures
Class of 1953, (40th reunion), 1993 Pictures
Class of 1953, (50th reunion), 2003 Pictures
    Class of 1953, (60th reunion), 2013 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1954, (60th reunion), 2014 Are we describing you?
We want you! Class of 1955, (60th reunion), 2015 Are we describing you?
Class of 1956, (60th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1957, (60th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1958, (60th reunion), 2018 Pictures
Class of 1959, (60th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1960, (60th reunion), 2020 Pictures
Class of 1961, (55th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1962, (60th reunion), 2022 Pictures
Class of 1963, (55th reunion), 2018 Pictures
Class of 1964, (55th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1965, (50th reunion), 2015 Pictures
Class of 1966, (50th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1967, (50th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1968, (50th reunion), 2018 Pictures
Class of 1969, (50th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1970, (51st reunion), 2021 Pictures
Class of 1971, (40th reunion), 2011 Pictures
Class of 1972, (50th reunion), 2022 Pictures
    Class of 1973, (50th reunion), 2023 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1974, (45th reunion), 2019 Are we describing you?
Class of 1975, (40th reunion), 2015 Pictures
Class of 1976, (40th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1977, (35th reunion), 2012 Pictures
Class of 1978, (35th reunion), 2013 Pictures
Class of 1979, (40th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1980, (30th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 1981 Pictures
Class of 1982 Pictures
Class of 1983, (30th reunion), 2013 Pictures
Class of 1984, (25th reunion), 2009 Pictures
Class of 1985, (30th reunion), 2015 Pictures
Class of 1986, (30th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1987, (30th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1988, (20th reunion), 2008 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1989, (20th reunion), 2009 Are we describing you?
Class of 1990, (20th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 1991 Pictures
Class of 1992, (20th reunion), 2012 Pictures
Class of 1993 Pictures
Class of 1994, (15th reunion), 2009 Pictures
Class of 1995, (10th reunion), 2005 Pictures
Class of 1996, (10th reunion), 2006 Pictures
Class of 1997 Pictures
Class of 1998 Pictures
Class of 1999 Pictures
Class of 2000, (10th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 2001 Names
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Class of 2003 Pictures
Class of 2004 Pictures
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Class of 2008, (10th reunion), 2018) Pictures
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