Now playing...hit
song in 1939... |
"Over The
Rainbow " |
Graduates - January,
1939 (numbered 145) |
Abraham, Bruce H. |
Eby, Elinor Ruth |
Hoff, Paul |
Olson, Edward Donald |
Adams, Josephine |
Ede, John |
Holland, Orson |
Omdahl, Jean |
Albach, Herbert Clifton |
Edwards, Thomas Charles |
Hoos, Jessie |
Perry, Francella |
Alexander, Carl Edward |
Elliott, William Richard |
House, Maxine Betty |
Peterson, Frances Elaine |
Allen, Wayne Eugene |
Elliston, Gertrude Francis |
Hubbard, Philip Gamaliel |
Peterson, Richard Phillips |
Anderson, Linnea |
Erickson, Thomas A. |
Hufnagel, Helen |
Pidgeon, Abe |
Anderson, Virginia |
Evans, Marybelle |
Hunt, Ross |
Pigneri, Lucille |
Arenson, Bernard R. |
Felse, Doris |
Hunter, Ruth |
Poush, Ruth |
Armstrong, Glee |
Fergus, Dara Lorraine |
Johnson,Charles Christopher |
Rollins, Earl |
Ashby, Evelyn |
Fisher, Warren |
Johnson, Dwight |
Ross, Rose Frances |
Bailey, Cecil Otis |
Flanders, Robert P. |
Johnson, Helen Marie |
Roth, Janet |
Beardsly, Dorothy Mae |
Fleming, Loran Irvin |
Johnson, Marijane |
Row, Ethel |
Bechtel, Dorothy G. |
Frandsen, Robert Lee |
Johnston, Virginia |
Royal, Richard Johnstone |
Bent, Norma Jean |
Frost, Maxine M. |
Jones, William G. |
Scott, Robert Ray |
Berg, Frank, Jr. |
Fuger, Donna |
Karp, Sylvia |
Shafer, Harlan |
Berkemann, Helen Mae |
Garland, Verona Louise |
King, Maxine |
Shaw, Elinor |
Bode, Katherine Jean |
Gibson, Emmadell |
Knode, Cleone Mae |
Shepard, William M. |
Boger, Phyllis Louise |
Gibson, James D. |
Lawhead, Mildred Aline |
Silk, Josephine |
Bradshaw, June |
Gifford, George Richard |
Leicht, Harriet Ruth |
Spargur, John A. |
Breneman, Lawrence R. |
Gilkerson, Dixie |
Little, Stanley Max,
Jr. |
Spencer, Betty Jane |
Bridenstine, Donald
B. |
Ginsberg, Nellie |
Long, Bette |
Stadlan, Igal |
Brindle, Erna Ruth |
Godshall, Mary Jane |
Macomber, Mary H. |
Stanton, Robert Eldon |
Broad, Edwin Earnest |
Gore, Ruth |
Malin, Marcella |
Stattuck, John |
Brown, Marian Elaine |
Griffin, Robert John |
Martin, Jerold Irving |
Steen, Mary Alice |
Caplan, Rose |
Griffith, Gloria |
Marx, Romona |
Storms, Daniel |
Carrick, Martha Janice |
Gruening, August F. |
Mason, Jean |
Sweem, Robert Jack |
Cook, Robert |
Gunderson, Gordon G. |
Matheny, Richard |
Tempores, Lenore |
Cooper, Thomas Edward |
Hagen, James Arthur |
Mathis, Dale Marvin |
Thompson, Edwin |
Cooper, Wiley |
Hall, John Vernon |
McCoy, Leland C. |
Thompson, Irene |
Cox, Leona Ruth |
Hansen, Howard |
Meyerhoff, James |
Webb, Donald Edward |
Davis, Lucy |
Hargrove, Margery |
Milne, William |
Weidner, Mary Catherine |
Devine, Rose Evelyn |
Harper, Robert George |
Mitchnick, Bernice |
West, James Louis |
Dillon, Robert Eugene |
Hayward, Albert L. |
Morrison, Lloyd |
Wickland, Leone Marie |
Dishman, Wayne Ellsworth |
Henrickson, Maurine
A. |
Newsom, David Willis |
Woods, Patricia Carolyn |
Duff, Ralph J. |
Hewitt, Robert Paul |
O'Leary, Harry |
Zeller, Robert L. |
Dunn, Genevieve M. |
Hites, June |
Olsen, Richard |
Zimmerman, Evelyn |
Easter, Daisy Ruth |
x |
x |
x |
Graduates - June,
1939 (numbered 326) |
Adams, Jean Dolores |
Farnsley, Jack Nevins |
Liddy, Marian Frances |
Rehder, Eileen Marie |
Adams, Robert Jack |
Fees, Lillyan Christian |
Lindquist, Leonard Leroy |
Richardson, Arlene |
Alkire, William K. |
Fergus, Dona LaVelle |
Lindquist, Mildred Nelina |
Ridgway, Anna Mae |
Anderson, Mary Jean |
Filowin, Molly |
Litchfield, Phyllis
Marie |
Rife, Eugene B. |
Atherton, William Verle |
Findley, William Scott |
Lueder, Warren Edwarde |
Riley, Helen Norine |
Atkinson, Betty Marie |
Fisher, Enid Marcella |
Lugar, Beulah Louise |
Robbins, Bette Jean |
Bachman, Robert |
Fletcher, Arlene Ruth |
Lyons, Denis A. |
Roberts, Carol Ruth |
Baird, Carl Loren |
Ford, Lillian Mae |
Malone, Helen Joyce |
Roberts, George Harold |
Baker, Betty Jean |
Forrest, Nancy Jane |
Marlow, James William |
Robinson,Nadine Ramona |
Baker, Helen Elsie |
Frette, Florence |
Marshall, Marilynn Marie |
Rock, Wallace Willard |
Bales, Betty Fern |
Fuller, Robert Rex |
Martin, William Lewis,
Jr. |
Rogers, Barbara Gene |
Ballard, Mary Almeda |
Gaekle,George Wilfred,
Jr. |
Matheny, Raymond S. |
Rogers, Betty Ann |
Barcroft, Russell Ankeny |
Gallaugher, Alice Anne |
Matson, Glen H., Jr. |
Rothman, Bertha |
Barnett, James Aaron |
Gamble, Kenneth Omer |
Mayne, Frances Jewel |
Rowan, Joseph James |
Barrett,Genevieve Joan |
Gammill,Frances Marcelle |
McCall, Harry Elmo |
Schmeltzer,James Howard |
Bassman, Frieda |
Gardner, Betty Marie |
McCarthy, Paul Eugene |
Schmitt, Helena |
Beeghley, Ruth Barbara |
Garmon, Robert Merwin |
McCoy, Betty E. |
Elise |
Bennett, Leila Jane |
Garrett, Robert O. |
McCutchan, Virgil Ray |
Schlotman, Emerald |
Bennett, Shirley |
Geitz, Gilda Helena |
McGee, James Isaac |
Scoonover,Kathleen Virginia |
Benson, Marion Arnold |
Gillette, Robert Weed |
McGrevey, Helen Ann |
Severino, Mary Ann |
Beougher, Lois Maxine |
Gilliland,Franklyn Wells |
McIntire, Agnes Louise |
Shaffer, Lyle Byron,
Jr. |
Bierma, Marvin Leroy |
Ginn, Eugene Lyle |
McMaster,George Frederick |
Sheehan,Margaret Patricia |
Billings, Joseph Andrew |
Gordinier,Harold Raymond |
McMullen, Fred William |
Shelton, Doris Elaine |
Blackwell, Lauretta
Virginia |
Graham, Fred Mitchell |
McNeal, Barbara Jean |
Shelton, Edward Leroy |
Blair, Margaret Jean |
Graves, Lelia Pearl |
McPhee, Betty Jean |
Shepard,Maureen Katherine |
Bloom, Jean Carolyn |
Graves, Margaret Mae |
McPherson, Bartus Francis |
Short, Wilmer Dale |
Bougsty, Marcella Lillian |
Gray, Margaret Jane |
McVey, Martha Anne |
Shoup, John William |
Bradshaw, Herbert DeWitt |
Gray, Vincent Paul |
Medd, Ruth Eileen |
Shreves, Barbara Geneva |
Brady, Bernard |
Greenwell, Ruanne |
Mehaffey, Jay Howard |
Slack, Barbara Jo |
Brennan, Robert John |
Guerrero, Julian Peery |
Miksell, John |
Smalley,William R. Jr. |
Brennan, Vera Jeanne |
Guthrie, Thelma Arlene |
Miller, Kenneth Paul |
Smith, Bernice Emaline |
Bridges, Wilbur Ivan |
Gwinn, Jean |
Miller, Louise |
Smith, Camille Rose |
Brown, June Beverly |
Hale, Louise Marceil |
Minear, Christina Luella |
Smith, Eleanor Lorraine |
Bullington, Charles
Edward |
Hamilton, Joann Helene |
Miner, Richard Martin |
Smith, Elwood Parker |
Bumgardner,Robert Edward |
Hammond, Helen L. |
Moore, Halcyon Rosalie |
Smith, Juanita E. |
Burdick, Deloris Constance |
Hankins, Wilwa Maxine |
Moorehead,Robert Marshall |
Smith, Loren Alvin |
Burns, Orval M., Jr. |
Harvey, Elizabeth Jean |
Morlock, Jerome Franklin |
Smith, Marialice |
Burns, Virginia Mae |
Haskins, Velma Grace |
Morris, Margery Eloise |
Snell, Rolland Arthur |
Byers, Isabelle Izetta |
Heefner, Paul Roland |
Morrow, Harold Alexander |
Snorf, Doris Eloise |
Caldwell, Virginia Gayle |
Heger, Catherine Anne |
Moyer, Harry Hector |
Snyder, Iris Athalie |
Carlson, Marcelene LeVon |
Helvig, Donald Fredrick |
Mueller, Waunnetta |
Sparks, Mary Ellen |
Carr, Evelyn Claudine |
Henry, Doris Ann |
Mulcahy, Elizabeth Jean |
Spencer, Jeanne Aileen |
Chamberlin, Clarice
Mae |
Herbner, Eleanor Marie |
Myklebust,Kenneth Norman |
Stanley, Burl William |
Chambers, Emily Helen |
Herman, Doris Fern |
Naumann, Ivan Willard |
Stanzel, Carolyn Mildred |
Chandler, Mary Jane |
Hibbs, Earle L., Jr. |
Nelson, Thelma B. |
Stark, Wilma June |
Channon, Audrey Barbara |
Hicks, Ila Laniece |
Newbern, Robert Oren |
Steelsmith, Shirley
Irene |
Chapman, Evelyn Mildred |
Hill, Jane |
Newsom, Margaret Alice |
Stevenson, Bonnie Jeanne |
Chenoweth, Dale G. |
Holt, Esther Mae |
Noftsger, Jean Louise |
Stewart, Marjorie Eleanor |
Chenoweth, Thelma LaVon |
Hood, Beth Ellen |
Nowels, Ruby Grace |
Stewart, Vesta K. |
Chrenen, Sadie |
Hough, Virginia Nell |
Olson, Dorothy Ellen |
Stone, Wilford Lloyd |
Christensen, Carol Jean |
Howard, Bette Jean |
Olson, Sumner James |
Strawn, Floris Avonelle |
Christensen, Lillian
Ruth |
Howard,Charles Preston,
Jr. |
Overton, Pauline Lucille |
Sutton, Lela Mae |
Coll, Robert E. |
Hughes, William W. |
Pace, Earl Darwin |
Taylor, Herbert A. |
Colles, Alvin Robert |
Huss, Edith Edna |
Parker, C. William |
Thompson,Bonnie Darlene |
Collins, Ann Cathleen |
Jackson, Lawrence |
Parkis,Charles Alfred,
Jr. |
Urion, Kendall Dwight |
Conroy, John Edward |
Jacobsen, Neva Maxine |
Parkis, Opal Arleen |
VanMaren,Clarence Ray |
Cooper, Helen Louise |
Jay, Robert Ainsworth |
Parsels, Odette Marcelle |
Vermeulen,Clifford Lawrence |
Crosby, Charles Donald |
Jenkins, Pauline Virginia |
Patrick, Walter LeRoy |
Vuper, Amelia Jane |
Crowell,Gwendolyn Esther |
Jensen, Robert DeWitt |
Pearl, Celia |
Walkup, Virginia Helen |
Crumley, Jean Naomi |
Johnson, Elizabeth Jane |
Pedersen, Myron Edward |
Ware, Carmen Faith |
Curtiss,Martha Washington |
Johnson, Lacie Mae |
Peery, Virginia Ann |
Ware, Eustace John |
Darlington, John William |
Jones, Elsie Juanita |
Pender, Ralph LeRoy |
Warner, Thurman C. |
Davies, Molliedelle |
Joseph, Ruth Eileen |
Petersen, Irma Jeanne |
Warrell,Pauline LaVonne |
Day, Cara Frances |
Kakos, Angeline G. |
Peterson, Jeanne Edith |
Webster, Warner Francis |
DeCarlo, Arthur |
Kaldenberg,Elaine Gloria |
Pflanz, Dorothy Anne |
Weiser, Eva Estelle |
DeGrotte,Bernice Maxine |
Kean, Marjorie Ada |
Pigneri, Rachel Marie |
Welch, Charles William |
Dennis, Dorothy Jane |
Kerr, Marilyn C. |
Pilkington, Marijane |
Welch, John Douglas |
Dennis, Malcolm LeRoy |
Kilgore, Rolla C. |
Polsky, Hortense |
West, Mary Anne |
Devine, Audrey Maxine
Killebrew,Kathleen Louise |
Powers, Vernon LeRoy |
Westing, Eunice Dorene |
DeWitt, Dean Lyle |
King, John Robert |
Pray, Donald Charles |
Weyand, George Franklyn |
Dohrmann, Clifton E. |
Kisky,Vivian Marybelle |
Prescott, Edward Howard |
Wheeler, Virginia Mae |
Draves, Virginia Rae |
Kissick, Robert L. |
Price, Justine LaRue |
White, Bob Eugene |
Dunshee, Fairy Mae |
Knudsen, Ruby Maxine |
Prior, Lloyd Harry |
Williams, Paul Godfrey |
Esterling, Barbara Jean |
Edwin |
Quick, Helen Elizabeth |
Williby, Delores Audrey |
Ebert, Wilma Evelyn |
Lamb, Dan Richard |
Quincy, Launa |
Winget, Zynn Oliver |
Eckholdt, Eunice Dorothy |
Lampman,Leslie Floyd,
Jr. |
Randelman,Richard Wayne |
Winick, Jeanette |
Edling, Leatrice Joy |
Lane, Earl Cummings |
Rasler, Lorraine Florine |
Wise, Floyjeanne |
Edling, Lois Catherine |
Lang, Betty Jeanh |
Rasmussen, Shirley Anne |
Wise, George William |
Elefson, Robert D. |
Laun, Richard James |
Rawlings, Glen-na Maxine |
Wolfe, George Lorin |
Emery, Harold Joseph |
Lawson, Vern J. |
Rebuschatis, Robert
J. |
Young, Kay Elizabeth |
Erlanson,Beverly Ernestine |
Lawyer, George William |
Reed, Betty Lou |
Zavatsky, Sylvia |
Farao, Frank Samuel |
Lewis, Betty Marie |
x |
x |
Graduates - August,
1939 (numbered 36) |
Bell, Gordon Keith |
Gilmore, Hester Loucille |
Hubbard,Melba Elizabeth |
Mullins, Lial Arless |
Brotchi, Celestine Margaret |
Gowey, Ethel Jeanette |
Jones, Anna Wright |
Pallwitz, Heinz Gustaf |
Callison, Virginia Lee |
Gray, Robert Thomas |
Josusch, Russell P. |
Pellegrino, Mary Thersa |
Campbell, Richard Keith |
Griffin, Delores Pindell |
Keller, Keith Eugene |
Robinson, Phillip Eugene |
Clement, William A.,
Jr. |
Handley, Gerald Guy |
x |
Kisky, Dorothy |
x |
Smith, Earl West |
x |
Fluke, Loren O. |
Harter, Dorothy |
Kanpp, Robert H. |
Taylor, Harold Wayne |
Francisco, Maurice |
Higdon, Harry Stanton |
Larsen, Vivian Gladys |
Tomes, Tressa Arlene |
Funk, Floyd W. |
Hindal, Paul Ellis |
Maulsby, Earnest Earl |
Williams, J. Paul |
George, Evelyn Dora |
Horton, Thomas Rhea |
Miller, May Ella |
Zarifes, Edna Z. |
In Memoriam
Class of January/June/August,
1939 |
1939 (total class numbered 145) |
Abraham, Bruce H. (d.05/13/98) |
1999 |
Hayward, Albert L. |
Adams, Josephine (Seger) |
1995 |
Hewitt, Robert Paul
(d.10/08/03) |
2003 |
Albach, Herbert Clifton
(d.12/19/01) |
2001 |
Hites, June |
Alexander, Carl Edward |
Hoff, Paul (d.01/74) |
1974 |
Allen, Wayne Eugene |
Holland, Orson (d.07/71) |
1971 |
Anderson, Linnea S.
(Johnson) (d.10/24/95) |
1995 |
House, MaxineBetty(Chapman)
(d.05/17/05) |
2005 |
Arenson, Bernard R.
(d.02/13/09) |
2009 |
Hubbard, Philip Gamaliel
(d.01/10/02) |
2002 |
Armstrong, Glee (Tennihill)
(d. 03/18/03) |
2003 |
Hufnagel, Helen |
Beardsley, Dorothy Mae
(Fatino) (d.04/92) |
1992 |
Hunt, Ross (d.10/28/96) |
1996 |
Bent, Norma Jean (Broad)
(d.06/28/17) |
2017 |
Johnson, Charles Christopher
(d.12/14/04) |
2004 |
Berkemann, Helen Mae
(Bixby) (d.07/07/06) |
2006 |
Johnson, Marijane Auten
(Torjesen) (d.04/14/11) |
2011 |
Bode, Katherine Jean
(Foscarini) (d. 01/13/06) |
2006 |
Karp, Sylvia (Gaynor)
(d.01/10/92) |
1992 |
Bridenstine, Donald
B. (d. 07/26/04) |
2004 |
King, Maxine (Wines)
(d.10/03/02) |
2002 |
Brindle, Erna Ruth (Pentico)
(d.06/11/15) |
2015 |
Knode, Cleone Mae (Oberg)
(d.06/23/13) |
2013 |
Broad, Edwin Earnest
(d.09/15/89) |
1989 |
Macomber, Mary H. |
Cooper, L. Wiley (d.12/85) |
1985 |
Matheny, Richard (d.06/85) |
1985 |
Cooper, Thomas Edward
(d.06/08/03) |
2003 |
McCoy, Leland C. (d.09/24/91) |
1991 |
Cox, Leona Ruth |
1991 |
Milne, William |
Devine, Rose Evelyn
(Berg) (d.01/28/04) |
2004 |
Morrison, Lloyd (d.01/15/94) |
1994 |
Dillon, Robert Eugene
(d.03/06/93) |
1993 |
Newsom, David Willis
(d.12/01/00) |
2000 |
Dishman, Wayne Ellsworth
(d.09/86) |
1986 |
Olson, Edward Donald
(d.06/87) |
1987 |
Duff, Ralph J. (d.01/26/99) |
1999 |
O'Leary, Harry K. (d.
03/22/06) |
2006 |
Dunn, Genevieve M. (Woerdeman)
(d. 07/23/06) |
2006 |
Perry, Francella |
1986 |
Eby, Elinor Ruth (Hintz)
(d.05/02/08) |
2008 |
Pidgeon, Abe (d. 08/80) |
1980 |
Erickson, Thomas A.
(d.12/72) |
1972 |
Rollins, Earl |
1979 |
Felse, Doris (Love) |
2001 |
Ross, Rose Frances (Whetzel)
(d.11/12/11) |
2011 |
Flanders, Robert P.
(d.12/75) |
1975 |
Row, Ethel (Loftin) |
1998 |
Fleming, Loran Irvin
(d.03/25/01) |
2001 |
Scott, Robert Ray (d.10/03/05) |
2005 |
Frandsen, Robert Lee
(d.12/05/03) |
2003 |
Shaw, Elinor (Rogers) |
1994 |
Frost, Maxine M. (Snow)
(d.05/05/93) |
1993 |
Spargur, John A. (d.12/06/92) |
1992 |
Garland, Verona Louise |
Spencer, Betty Jane
(McGrew) (d.11/28/14) |
2014 |
Gibson, James D. (d.
03/21/06) |
2006 |
Stanton, Robert Eldon
(d.01/80) |
1980 |
Gifford, George Richard
(d. 10/70) |
1970 |
Steen, Mary Alice (McCloud) |
2001 |
Griffin, Robert John
Storms, Daniel (d.04/85) |
1985 |
Gruening, August F.
(d.05/21/96) |
1996 |
Webb, Donald Edward
(d.04/09/08) |
2008 |
Gunderson, Gordon G.
(d.10/02/00) |
2000 |
West, James Louis (d.05/30/89) |
1989 |
Hagen, James Arthur
(d.04/74) |
1974 |
Wicklund, Leone Marie
(Niendorf) (d.08/19/14) |
2014 |
Hanson, Howard |
Zeller, Robert L. (d.12/24/95) |
1995 |
Harper, Robert George
(d. 03/23/06) |
2006 |
Zimmerman, Evelyn |
1939 (total class numbered 335) |
Adams, Jean Delores
(Wilkenson) |
Martin, William Lewis,
Jr. (d.11/12/98) |
1998 |
Adams, Robert Jack (d.02/03/95) |
1995 |
Matheny, Raymond S.
(d.09/86) |
1986 |
Atherton, William Verle
(d.09/21/96) |
1996 |
McCall, Harry Elmo (d.06/84) |
1984 |
Atkinson, Betty Marie
(Satterlee) (d.09/16/99) |
1999 |
McCarthy, Paul Eugene
(d. 02/07/07) |
2007 |
Bachman, Robert (d.10/56) |
1956 |
McCutchan, Virgil Ray
(d.07/16/09) |
2009 |
Baker, Helen Elsie (Vaughan)
(d.10/98) |
1998 |
McGee, James Isaac |
2002 |
Bales, Betty Fern |
1978 |
McGrevey, Helen Ann
(Hermann) (d.11/17/02) |
2002 |
Ballard, Mary Almeda
(Kolva) |
1995 |
McMaster, George Frederick
(d.10/28/03) |
2003 |
Barnett, James Aaron
(d.08/01/96) |
1996 |
McMullen, Fred William
(d.09/10/94) |
1994 |
Bassman, Freida (Levin)
(d.02/19/10) |
2010 |
McNeal, Barbara Jean
(Rabe) (d.04/06/00) |
2000 |
Bennett, Leila Jane
(Hokel) (d.12/26/14) |
2014 |
McPherson, Bartus Francis
(d.11/20/95) |
1995 |
Benson, Marion Arnold
(d.06/17/44) |
1944 |
Medd, Ruth Eileen |
Beougher, Lois Maxine
(O'Hare) |
2001 |
Mehaffey, Jay Howard
(d.03/02/01) |
2001 |
Bierma, Marvin Leroy
(d.02/21/93) |
1993 |
Melone, Robert Edward
(d.11/14/02) |
2002 |
Billings, Joseph Andrew
(d.02/05/12) |
2012 |
Miksell, John (d.03/92) |
1992 |
Brady, Bernard |
1997 |
Miller, Kenneth Paul
(d.10/87) |
1987 |
Bridges, Wilbur Ivan
Miller, Louise (Miller)
Bumgardner, Robert Edward
(d.04/30/97) |
1997 |
Miner, Richard Martin
(d.05/75) |
1975 |
Byers, Isabelle Izetta
(Swanson) |
2003 |
Moorehead, Robert Marshall
(d.04/28/16) |
2016 |
Carr, Evelyn Claudine
(Holt) (07/22/00) |
2000 |
Morlock, Jerome Franklin
1992 |
Chamberlin, Clarice
Mae (Wyant) (d.09/21/10) |
2010 |
(d.10/02/06) |
2006 |
Chenoweth, Dale G. (d.05/77) |
1977 |
Mueller,Waunnetta (Morrow)
(d.04/25/07) |
2007 |
Chrenan, Sadie |
Mulcahy,Elizabeth Jean
(Gottner) (d.05/15/10) |
2010 |
Christensen, Carol Jean
(Radeke) (d.02/07/05) |
2005 |
Naumann, Ivan Willard
(d.11/23/01) |
2001 |
Conroy, John Edward
(d.01/26/07) |
2007 |
Newbern, Robert Oren
(d.01/18/01) |
2001 |
Crosby, Charles Donald
(d.07/75) |
1975 |
Newburn, Don Jay (d.
07/17/06) |
2006 |
Cooper, Helen Louise
(Allen) (d.10/23/11) |
2011 |
Noftsger, Jean Louise
Crumbley, Jean Naomi
Nowels, Ruby Grace (Freed)
(d.07/17/91) |
1991 |
Curtiss, Martha Washington
(Welch) (d.05/31/09) |
2009 |
Olson, Dorothy Ellen
(Gustafson) (d.01/17/01) |
2001 |
Damon, Don Warren |
Overton, Pauline Lucille
(Ketman) (d.06/27/16) |
2016 |
Darlington, John William
(d.03/06/05) |
2005 |
Pace, Earl Darwin (d.10/27/96) |
1996 |
DeCarlo, Arthur (d.08/77) |
1977 |
Pearl, Celia (Tobis)
(d.04/03/13) |
2013 |
DeGroote, Bernice Maxine
Pedersen, Myron Edward
(d.03/85) |
1985 |
Dennis, Dorothy Jane
(Pogue) (d.10/31/97) |
1997 |
Pender, Ralph Leroy
(d.11/25/03) |
2003 |
Devine, Audrey Maxine
(Willcox) (d.03/31/14) |
2014 |
Peters, Ford Selene |
Dunshee, Fairy Mae (McCurnin) |
1987 |
Petersen, Irma Jeanne
(Mehalovich) (d.02/22/16) |
2016 |
Easterling, Barbara
Jean (Moore) (d.10/94) |
1994 |
Pigneri, Rachel Marie
(Tantillo) (d.02/02/97) |
1997 |
Edling , Leatrice Joy |
1991 |
Polsky, Hortense |
Edling, Lois Catherine
1992 |
Prescott, Edward Howard
(d.03/04/03) |
2003 |
Erlanson, Beverly E.
(DeWitt) (d.09/25/98) |
1998 |
Price, Justine LaRue
(Abraham) (d.11/21/98) |
1998 |
Farao, Frank Samuel
(d.09/03/10) |
2010 |
Randlleman, Richard
Wayne (d.01/01/99) |
1999 |
Farnsley, Jack Nevins
(d.11/07/08) |
2008 |
Rassmussen,Shirley T.
(Mehlmann) (d.01/17/91) |
1991 |
Findley, William Scott
(d.04/21/89) |
1989 |
Reed, Betty Lou |
Fletcher, Arlene Ruth
(Keyser) (d.03/80) |
1980 |
Rehder, Eileen Marie
Fuller, Robert Rex (d.02/26/10) |
2010 |
Ridgway, Anna May |
Gaekle, George Wilfred,
Jr. (d.05/24/10) |
2010 |
Rife, Eugene B. (d.12/25/94) |
1994 |
Gamble, Kenneth Omar
(d.08/25/96) |
1996 |
Riley, Helen Norine |
1998 |
Gardner, Betty Marie
(Andrus) (d.09/01/09) |
2009 |
Roberts, Carol Ruth |
Garmon, Robert Merwin
(d.01/21/97) |
1997 |
Roberts, George Harold
(d.01/03/92) |
1992 |
Garrett, Robert O. (d.12/28/84)
1984 |
Robinson, Nadine M.
(Ware) (d.02/06/97) |
1997 |
Gillette, Richard Weed
(12/44) |
1944 |
Rock, Wallace Willard
(d.07/05/91) |
1991 |
Gilliland, Franklyn
Wells (d.03/23/15) |
2015 |
Rogers, Barbara Gene
(Cook) |
1998 |
Graham, Frederick M.
(d.11/28/91) |
1991 |
Schmeltzer, J. Howard |
1999 |
Gray, Vincent Paul |
1995 |
Schneider, Charlotte
Elsie |
Guerrero, Julian Peery
(d.07/15/04) |
2004 |
Severino,Mary Ann (Tursi)
(d.11/01/08) |
2008 |
Guthrie, Thelma Arlene
(Cornwell) (d.03/12/19) |
2019 |
Shaffer, Lyle Byron,
Jr. (d.10/21/10) |
2010 |
Gwinn, Jean (McCoy) |
1993 |
Sheehan,Margaret Patricia
(Reynolds) (d.12/15/08) |
2008 |
Hamilton, Joann Helene
(Thomas) |
1975 |
Shelton,Doris Elaine
(Shoning) (d.04/11/08) |
2008 |
Hankins, Wilma Maxine
Shepard, Maurine Katherine
(Coash) (d.08/15/12) |
2012 |
Heger, Catherine Anne
Short, Wilmer Dale (d.08/10/08) |
2008 |
Helvig, Donald Fredrick
(d.09/12/08) |
2008 |
Slack, Barbara Jo |
1987 |
Hill, Jane H. (Fuller)
(d.07/90) |
1990 |
Smalley, William Russell,
Jr. (d.08/02/98) |
1998 |
Holt, Ester Mae |
1981 |
Smith, Bernice Emaline |
Hood, Beth Ellen (Hicks)
(d.09/12/11) |
2011 |
Smith, Juanita E. (Cuff)
(d.10/92) |
1992 |
Hough, Virginia Nell
(Phipps) (d.05/03/13) |
2013 |
Smith, Loren Alvin (d.10/15/80)
1980 |
Hughes, William W. |
Smith, Marialice |
1999 |
Huss, Edith Edna |
Snorf, Doris Eloise |
Jacobsen, Neva Maxine
(Shaw) (d.01/03/06) |
2006 |
Spencer, Jeanne Aileen
(Howard) (d.02/14/19) |
2019 |
Jensen, Robert DeWitt |
1995 |
Stanzel, Carolyn Mildred |
Johnson,Elizabeth (Betty)
Jane(Noon) (d.01/09/08) |
2008 |
Stark, Wilma June |
Johnson, Lacie Mae |
Stevenson, Bonnie Jeanne
(Florin) (d.04/95) |
1995 |
Jones, Elsie Juanita
(Soppeland) (d.08/11/98) |
1998 |
Stewart, Marjorie Eleanor |
Joseph, Ruth Eileen
(Kagin) (d.07/02/98) |
1998 |
Stewart, Vesta K. (Filby)
(d.11/29/94) |
1994 |
Kaldenberg,Elaine Gloria
(Denny) (d.06/15/92) |
1992 |
Sutton, Lela Mae (Janish)
(d.01/23/08) |
2008 |
Kerr, Marilyn C. (Roff)
(d. 06/19/06) |
2006 |
Thompson, Bonnie Darlene |
Kilgore, Rolla C. |
1998 |
Treon, Ruth Elizabeth
(Phares) |
2001 |
Killebrew, Kathleen
L. (Chapman) (d.11/26/88) |
1988 |
Van Maren, Clarence
Ray (d.08/02/00) |
2000 |
King, John Robert (d.11/10/01) |
2001 |
Vermeulen, Clifford
Lawrence (d.07/31/04) |
2004 |
Kisky, Vivian Marybelle
(Wolfe) (d.02/28/02) |
2002 |
Vuper, Amelia (Boofter)
Jr. |
Kissick, Robert L. (d.06/15/91) |
1991 |
Walkup, Virginia Helen
(Gilbert) (d.01/31/01) |
2001 |
Kothenbeutel, Charles
Edwin (d.01/26/89) |
1989 |
Ware, Eustace John (d.03/72) |
1972 |
Lamb, Dan Richard (d.09.07/04) |
2004 |
Warrell, Pauline LaVonne
(Fisher) (d.12/15/98) |
1998 |
Lampman, Leslie Floyd
,Jr. (WWII; France) (d.04/28/44) |
1944 |
Webster, Warner Francis
(d.04/23/03) |
2003 |
Lane, Earl Cummings
Welch, Charles William
(d.06/11/01) |
2001 |
Lawson, Vern J. |
1968 |
West, Mary Anne (Lampman,Nichols)
(d.02/13/85) |
1985 |
Lewis, Betty Marie (McAfee)
(d.04/13/12) |
2012 |
Weyand, George Franklyn
(d.02/78) |
1978 |
Lindquist, Leonard Leroy
(d.04/21/13) |
2013 |
White, Robert Eugene
(d.03/03/13) |
2013 |
Litchfield, PhyllisMarie(Youngberg)(d.04/11/08) |
2008 |
Winget, Lynn Oliver
(d.12/73) |
1973 |
Lugar, Beulah Louise
1986 |
Winick, Jeanette (Grispan) |
Malone, Helen Joyce |
1967 |
Wise, Floyjean |
Marlow, James William
(d.11/06/12) |
2012 |
Young, Kay Elizabeth
(Robertson) (08/15/06) |
2006 |
Marshall, Marilyn Marie |
1969 |
x |
2006 |
1939 (total
class numbered 35) |
Bell, Gordon Keith (d.02/93) |
1993 |
Higdon, Harry Stanton
(d.11/29/98) |
1998 |
Brotchi, Celestine M.
(Nosbisch) (d.04/22/98) |
1998 |
Hubbard, Melba E. (Comancho) |
1994 |
Funk, Floyd W. (d.10/31/97) |
1997 |
Jobusch, Russell P.
(d.03/83) |
1983 |
George, Evelyn Dora
(Chambers) (d.11/14/12) |
2012 |
Pallwitz, Heinz Gustaf |
1989 |
Gilmore, Hester Loucille
Robinson, Phillip Eugene
(d.04/25/95) |
1995 |
Handley, Gerald Guy
(d.01/31/95) |
1995 |
Tomes, Tressa Arlene
(Burke) (d.11/88) |
1988 |
For further input, please
email me at [email protected] |