North Des Moines High School
Class of 1935
Class Meetings: None scheduled
60th Reunion, 1995 60th Reunion, 1995 60th Reunion, 1995 60th Reunion, 1995
60th Reunion, 1995 60th Reunion, 1995 60th Reunion, 1995 60th Reunion, 1995
60th Reunion, 1995 60th Reunion, 1995 60th Reunion, 1995 60th Reunion, 1995
60th Reunion taken 1995
Photo: Compliments of Howard B. Crotinger
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Harold Pedersen, David Aldrich, Cornelius Charles Layman, Edward Benson, Jim Ahern
2nd Row Eleanor Williams Taylor, Zelda Peterson Grubb, Julianna Powell, Mary Hoff Dennis, Robert Morgan, Mildred Tucker Jones, Barbara Horton Liesman, Florence Blackmer Boudewyns, Catherine Keepe Morrissey, LaVere Horns Royal, Frances McGee Franklin
3rd Row Joyelene Eater Pickett, Marijane Auten Torjesen, Ray Merritt, Juanita Leaming Mitchell, Mary Lou Wheeler Fairless, Floydine Taylor Millis, Bert Millis, Edith Edwards Mackaman, Marie Davies Jones, Dorothy Row Fane, Betty Barnett McClelland, Dorothy Dewey Schiffler, Virginia Woods Pearson, Marian Streyffeller Easter, William Pallwitz
4th Row Winifred Gufler Speece, Ed Fox, Robert E. Korte, Howard Ireland, Melvin Bowen, Don Gordon, Cozy Grace Parlee, Kelly Dixon, X?, Howard Crotinger, Jerome Wheeler, Harold Shiffler
enlarged left side of reunion photo enlarged left side of reunion photo enlarged left side of reunion photo enlarged left side of reunion photo
enlarged left side of reunion photo enlarged left side of reunion photo enlarged left side of reunion photo enlarged left side of reunion photo
enlarged left side of reunion photo enlarged left side of reunion photo enlarged left side of reunion photo enlarged left side of reunion photo
enlarged left side of reunion photo enlarged left side of reunion photo enlarged left side of reunion photo enlarged left side of reunion photo
enlarged left side of 60th reunion photo
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enlarged right side of reunion photo enlarged right side of reunion photo enlarged right side of reunion photo enlarged right side of reunion photo
enlarged right side of above photo
1935 tidbit:
On 03/20/04, I was told by a 1935 graduate:
"If you could climb to the top of the school tower and back down
again without being caught, you could automatically graduate!"

Do you have a copy of your group cap and gown graduation photo?
Class of 1935 Graduation
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Names coming.
2nd Row Names coming.
3rd Row Names coming.
Photo: Compliments of

January 1935
Class Officers
James J. Ahern
Bert Kuschan
Zelda Peterson
William L. Jencks
Virginia Woods
Darwin Schenck

June 1935
Class Officers
Melvin Good
Winifred Hubler
Alice Brown
Evelyn Arthur
Joe Conley
Student Council; Fall, 1934 Student Council; Fall, 1934 Student Council; Fall, 1934
Student Council; Fall, 1934 Student Council; Fall, 1934 Student Council; Fall, 1934
Student Council - Fall, 1934
1st Mr. H.T. Steeper, administrative advisor; Nellie Correll, Harriet Johnson, Russell Barnes, Miss Helen Grace Adams, faculty advisor; Ruth Wilson, Edwin Fox, Leo Van Cleave
2nd Audrianne Olson, Rita Collins, Joe Pearlman, Harry Anderson, Hyman Winnick
3rd Lilyan West, Virginia Woods, Loretta Nelson, Ruth Silver, Thelma Petzold
4th Darwin Schenck, Herbert Kilgore, Atrell Jett, Fern Milligan, Mary Louise Wheeler
5th Frank Baker, Joe Gross, Elise Wilcox, Edward Harnagel, Helen Hunter, Zelda Peterson, Orville Morrison, Lewis Royal, Richard McAlwee
6th Don Anderson, Tom Bachman, Bob Dwyer, Carl Bentley, Bruce Bevington, William Flesher, Frances Frace, Charles Sweger, Dick Donner, Maxine Bennett
7th Bill Jencks, Howard Ireland, Alice Brown, Jack Kinney, Joe Conley, Louise Millsap, Stanley Rabinowitz
Not: James Ahern, Dick Alling, Elizabeth Clulow, Georgia Porter, Hugh Stiles
Student Council - June, 1935
1st Hugh Stiles, Lanette Thomas, Miss Helen Grace Adams, advisor; Edwin Fox, Orville Morrison, Margaret Stone, Kate Marsh, Richard McAlwee
2nd LeRoy Holley, Betty Sonderegger, Evelyn Arthur, Mary Ross, Helen Pomerantz, Anne Miller, Frances Frace, Audrianne Olson
3rd Gracie Strandholm, Ruth Williams, Margaret Hawthron, Derelle Atkinson, Stanley Rabinowitz, Lois Thompson, Edith Edwards, Joe Conley
4th James Melone, Helen Fletcher, Ellen Robinson, Alice Brown, Maxine Bennett, Billie Mason, Louise Pond, Joe Pearlman, Paul Lyon
5th Tom Frame, Harrold Shiffler, Dick Johnston, Mildred Schatz, Gould Cohen, Bernard Hawkins, Helen Young, Hilda Clements
6th Edward Harnagel, Mr. H.T. Steeper, principal; Fred Wellen, Frank Coppola, Bruce Bevington, Keith Corbley, Dick Donner, John Farrell, Max Kirby, Bob Johnson, Louie Bulgarelli, James Flatley
Oracle Staff; June, 1935 Oracle Staff; June, 1935
Oracle Staff; June, 1935 Oracle Staff; June, 1935
Oracle Staff - June, 1935
1st Miss Alice L. Geiger, art advisor; Alyce Kent, Ruth Boyd, Joseph Gross, Miss Blanche A. Calvert, journalism advisor; Stanley Rabinowitz, Audrianne Olson, Edith Edwards, Ann Garsh, Paul Anderson
2nd Doris Cooper, Mary Deitrick, William Pallwitz, Dick Johnston, Louise Pond, Naomi Ellis
3rd Gilbert Terrell, Geraldine Grose, Betty Luker, Hattie Trevillyan, Margaret Gilkerson, Mary Jean Barker,
Lois Knipp, Jack Stewart, Fred Kardon, Hy Winnick, Joe Conley, Wilber Norman
4th Frances Nance, Mildred White, Helen Kubacky, Dorothy Huffman, Jeanne Greendahl, Lela Beaver,
Esther Westlake, Jennings Peterson, James Walsh
5th John Silletto, Phyllis Byers, Maxine Seaton, Lois Nelson, Geraldine Keller, Herndon Hightower, Norman Strom,
Bill Jones
6th Dan Plummer, Cash Cordes, Bob Schaal, Jack Stein, Tom Backman, Don Huffy
Absent Mr. H.D. McCullough, business advisor; Maxine Scherf, Bernard Miles
National Honor Society; June, 1935 National Honor Society; June, 1935
National Honor Society; June, 1935 National Honor Society; June, 1935
National Honor Society - June, 1935
1st Audrianne Olson, Rosemary Morlock, Edith Edwards, Margaret Stone, Dorothy Dewey, Neva Wasson, Mary Louise Winslow, Elizabeth Clulow, Joseph Gross, Lanette Thomas, Mildred Schatz, Winifred Hubler
2nd Hyman Winnick, Helen Rissien, Cozy Parlee, Edith Woodward, Jean Ginsberg, Hattie Trevillyan, Naomi Ellis, Marian Streyfeller, Anne Miller
3rd Fred Benson, Marion Mintzer, Jeanne Greendahl, Stanley Rabinowitz, Phyllis Jacobs, Ila Hart, Elise Wilcox, Ellen Kuschan, Dick Johnson, Derelle Atkinson, Florence Peterson
4th Harrold Shiffler , Florence Blackmer, Bill Pallwitz, Ida Vestine, Margaret Hawthorne, Billie Mason, Evelyn Arthur, Catherine Cook, Alice Brown, LeRoy Holley
5th Ed Hasecamp, Ed Benson, Elizabeth Barnett, Floydine Taylor, Freida Elliott, Ernestine Peters, Maxine Bennett, Ed Harnagel
6th Lewis Royal, Dick McAlwee, Duane Medd, Edwin Fox, Orville Morrison
7th Jack Kinney, Mary Johnson, Hugh Stiles, Bernard Hawkins, Buddy Wilson, James Flatley, Bruce Bevington, Paul Lyons
City Basketball Champs City Basketball Champs City Basketball Champs
City Basketball Champs City Basketball Champs City Basketball Champs
City Basketball Champs City Basketball Champs City Basketball Champs
Front Yazman, Riggs, Good, Pallwitz, Smith
Rear Ulrich, Johnson, Sutton, Zook, Sonderleiter, Howard
State and City Indoor Champs State and City Indoor Champs
State and City Indoor Champs State and City Indoor Champs
Track Team
North won all five of their meets, winning the State Indoor Meet at Iowa City, the City Indoor Meets at the Drake Relays, Valley Junction Relays, Oskaloosa Relays, and Grinnell Relays. At the State Indoor, with the last race deciding the meet, the relay team of Smith, Fairchild, and Lewis, with Lucas anchoring, were victorious.
1st Hill, McIntire, Lowe, Caplan, Dunn, Eaves, Clay, Reeves, Lewis
2nd Barnhart, Nuzum, Stewart, Merrill, Brewer, Faris, Jones, Stephens, Tucker, Fairchild
3rd Stevens, Bishop, Heggen, Mathews, Smith, Phillips, Lucas, Good, Gross, Lynn
4th Richardson, Simms, Ware, Owens, Rogers
Absent Impson, Lyle
City Football Champs City Football Champs City Football Champs
City Football Champs City Football Champs City Football Champs
City Football Champs City Football Champs City Football Champs
First B.Johnson, Davey, Ahern, captain; Pearl
Second Mathews, Bellomo, Lucas, L.T. Johnson
Third Coppola, Beal, Good, Sonderleiter
Graduates - January, 1935
January , 1935
(numbered 161)
Ahern, James J. Hayes, Mildred Millslagle, Ernest John, Jr.
Aldrich, David M. Heap, George Harold, Jr. Mitchell, George William
Ambers, Marietta Heap, Kenneth L. Moscow, Frances F.
Anderson, Donald Heseman, Eunice May Mullen, Gail Gordon
Anderson, Harry Charles Hicks, Franz L. Nelson, H. Joy
Anderson, Orlando Holland, Earl Charles Nelson, Loretta R.
Ashby, Robert M. Holland, George Wells Nelson, Wayne E.
Baker, Frank Alton Hon, Paul Neswold, Robert Kenneth
Banning, Nola Marie Hough, Lorna Ilene Newby, Faith
Barnes, Russell P. Houston, Joe L. Nuckolls, Lyman J.
Bassman, Harry H. Howard, Earl Spencer, Jr. O'Connell, Peggy M.
Bauer, Adaline Hunter, Helen L. Patton, LaVonne
Beal, Donald M. Huse, Irvin L. Pearl, Barney
Beardsley, James L. Ireland, Howard James Pedersen, Harold Louis
Bellomo, Julius Frank Jamieson, Lillian Lorraine Peerboom, Helen A.
Bentley, Carl S. Jaquinta, John Sunday Peterson, Zelda Z.
Beymer, Harriett Jencks, William L. Petzold, Thelma Lillian
Bowen, Melvin J., Jr. Jett, Atrell L. Picken, James L.
Bruce, Frances Marie Johnson, Elizabeth Ann Powers, George Frederick
Bryan, Eva E. Johnson, L.T. Jack Reeves, Verlene Victoria
Butler, Robert Dan Johnson, Maxine Riefsnyder, Florence O.
Clayman, Seymour Sam Jones, Donald E. Rindfleisch, Ruth
Coats, Thelma Theodora Jones, George L. Rivers, Julia
Collins, Rita Louise Kahre, Ernest Alvin Root, Frances
Corliss, Margaret J. Keeney, Winifred Jean Schenck, Darwin
Correll, Nellie May Keyes, Thelma Juanitae Schlotter, Dolores
Cox, Richard Glenn Kilgore, John Herbert Schutt, Eileen Frances
Crane, Charles Kludjian, Bedros H. Shaw, Doris R.V.
Cree, Eugene Knight, Coral Louise Silver, Ruth Eleanor
Cremeens, George W.   Knode, LeRoy Slayden, Bessie
Crotinger, Howard B. Kuschan, Bert Slinger, LaRaine
Davis, Margaret Jane Lamb, Max H. Smith, Roy Allison
Dennis, Lawrence Emil Larson, Earl C. Southers, Ferne E.
Devine, Galyn Aubrey Lawhead, Bessie Marie Statton, Wallace Greeley
Downing, Marian Melba Lawrence, Watler Stillwell, Max E.
Dunn, Marion F. Layman, Cornelius Charles x Storey, Charles x
Ellett, Dean Hughes Leicht, Mildred Strong, Betty Anne
Epperly, James T. Lenhart, Robert S. Swaim, Marjorie G.
Evans, Marguerite Lineweaver, Eloida Sweger, Charles S.
Faidley, Jean E. Lord, Robert Tyer, Wilma E. Pauline
Flesher, William A., Jr. Mann, Geraldine Gretchen Van Cleave, Leo Dean
Fowler, Travis Jerome Mason, Richard Van Ness, Glenn W.
Franklin, Fred A. Mayo, LaVern M. Van, Anne E.
Freeman, Hester Mazzo, Ann Vaughn, Kathleen
Fritz, Marjorie Romaine McCarty, Russell Hilmer Ware, Florence Margaret
Gaumer, Robert Arvine McCollough, John DeWitt x White, Donald E. x
Gillfillan, Dudley McGrath, A. Wayne x White, Evelyn x
Ginsberg, Bessie R. MeKay, Allene Wilson, Ruth Nadene
Glass, Oscar Mehle, Lois Genevieve Woods, Virginia
Godwin, Regina A. Mendenhall, Ivan L., Jr. Wright, Richard Jarrett
Gordon, Robert Donald Merritt, Ray M. Wright, Wendell Carey
Gottfried, Gertrude Miller, Ruth Louise Yarowsky, Sol M.
Graham, Donna Olive Millis, Bert Zarifes, Anna
Guerrero, Edward Villaluz., Jr. Millis, Mildred Maxine x x
Graduates - June, 1935
June, 1935 (numbered 283)
Albright, Dorothea Karene Ginsberg, Jean Doris Pennock, Maxine Vivian
Allen, Dorothy Irene Good, Melvin Peters, Alice Ernestine
Anderson, Robert Paul Gooder, Carol Janet Peterson, Jennings Marion
Ankeney, Helen Lucile Griswold, Betty Maxine Peterson, Ruth Mae
Arthur, Evelyn Marie Griswold, Margaret Jeanne Plummer, Daniel Edwin
Ashton, Frances Louise Gross, Joseph Y. Poffinbarger, Paul Woodrow
Atkindon, Derelle Lenore Grubb, John Raymond Pollock, Kathryn Elva
Augustine, Robert Rezin Hall, Alice Pomerantz, Helen
Bachman, Thomas H. Hamilton, Rex E. Pond, Louise E.
Baker, Carl F. Harnagel, Edward Everett Pope, Claude Wilson
Barbour, Agnes Louise Hatcher, Donald Cummings Rabinowitz, Stanley
Barclay, Winfield Luverne Hawkins, Alfred Bernard Razor, Richard W.
Barnett, Elizabeth Hawley, Rovilla Lee Reynolds, Doris Ramona
Bell, Ernest Hegnes, John H. Robertson, Virginia Charlotte
Bennett, Jack Burton Helm, Leon Lester Robinson, Ellen Agnes (Darnell)
Bennett, Maxine Abigail Higgins, Orzealyea Mable Ross, Mary Alice
Benson, Edward Lee Hoff, Mary Angela Router, Inez Bernice
Benson, Fred Holley, LeRoy William Row, Dorothy Irene
Bernstein, Shirley Holmes, Arthur Salisbury, Treva Eileen
Betts, Grace Darlene Holmes, Joseph Ambrose Schatz, Mildred Lucille
Bevington, Bruce N. Horns, LaVere Fay Scherf, Maxine Beth
Bird, Gladys Darlene Horton, Barbara Anna Schofield, Lucile Alta
Birkinbine, Kenneth Hubler, Winifred Dorothy Shaefer, Gordon C.
Bishop, John Harvey Hurlbert, Lloyd Vernon Sharr, Harold Eugene
Blackmer, Florence Elizabeth Hutchins, Janice Elizabeth Sherman, John H.
Bonus, Don Frederick Hutton, Evelyn Viola Shiffler, Harold Clarence
Boyd, Ruth Olive Imes, James Kenneth Sides, Katherine Isabella
Brackett, Herb Impson, Travis Siepker, Louis John
Bradley, Lois Arlene Jacobsen, Garnet Virginia Silletto, John Fitch
Bray, George Leonard James, H. Iverna Simpson, Nelsine
Brooks, Robert Johnson, Courtenay G. Six, Dorothy Lucille
Brotchi, Bernadine   Johnson, Lawrence E. Skow, Margery
Brown, Alice Mable Johnson, Mary Charlotte Smalley, Winford Richard
Brown, Philip Norman Johnson, Raymond W. Smith, Emma
Bulgarelli, Louie Edward Johnston, J. Richard Smith, John
Burke, Harryette K. Jones, Eugene C. Smith, Paul Louis
Burrows, Jimmie Tanner Kappler, Richard M. Smith, Paul William
Carson, Carolyn Keefe, Catherine Frances Sofen, Hilda
Carter, Carroll Cranston Keller, Geraldine L. x Sonderegger, Bettye Louise x
Chambers, Bob Kennison, John Edward Sonderleiter, Wayne
Chase, Lyle W. Kent, Alyce June Stein, Jack
Christenson, Marjorie Lucile Kerper, Mary Elizabeth (Bettye) Stevens, Earle
Christy, Ednagrace Kinney, Helen Alice Stewart, George G.
Clayton, Roger Kinney, Jack Michael Stewart, John Clifford
Clement, Huldah Caroline Knorr, Julianna Marie Stiles, Hugh Dean
Clemmons, Ralph C. Kordic, Lloyd Stone, Margaret Anne M.
Clulow, Elizabeth Ann Korte, Robert Eugene Strandholm, Gracie Velma
Cobbs, Darrelene May Kromer, Hope Evelyn Streyffeler, Marian
Cohen, Gould F. Lair, Grace Elene Strom, Norman Edwin
Cohen, Myron Lawrence Leaming, Juanita Pauline x Sulser, Alice Elizabeth x
Conley, Joe H. Limoges, Yvonne Terese x Sutherland, James A.
Conway, Mary Ellen Logan, Elizabeth Mae (McClain) Taylor, Floydine
Cook, Catherine Lucas, Archie, Jr. Taylor, Thomas Sterling
Coon, Ruth Margaret Lyons, Richard Alvin Terrell, Gilbert Selway
Cooper, Doris Eileen Maloney, Robert Bennett Thiessen, Virginia Lee Grayce
Copple, Bernice Mason, Billie Thomas, Alberta Violet
Cordes, Winfield Cash McAlwee, Richard Neill Thomas, Lanette
Cox, Gladys Gene McBain, Doris Louise Thompson, Charles
Curtis, Conrad McCabe, Darlyne Dorothy Todd, Doris Irene
Curtis, Richard Elwood McCauley, Robert James (John?) Tovey, Esther Caroline
Damon, Jack Rolland McClurg, William (Bill) H. Trevillyan, Hattie E.
Danforth, Charles Aubrey McFarland, Marjorie Triplett, Mark
Danforth, Dorothy Mae McLuen, Emalou Ardyce Tschantz, Marguerite
Daugherty, Anna May McMorris, Gale Charles Tucker, Mildred Bell
Davenport, Leo Parnell McNeley, Roland Eugene Vance, Arlington Ernest
Davis, Marie Evelyn Medd, Duane Richard Vandeventer, Corrine
Davis, Robert Graham Melone, James Eugene Voegtlin, Louise I.
Davis, Roland Thayne Meng, Leo Joseph Waller, Alan Bernard
Deitrick, Mary Louise Meyer, Corliss Harlan Walsh, James Bernard
Dengle, Frederick William Middlebrook, F.C. Walton, Robert David
Dennis, Eunice Bernice Mikelson, Phyllis Ethel Ware, Columbus Maurice, Jr.
Dewey, Dorothy Jane Miller, Anne Wasson, Neva Rocella
Dingeman, Marie Miller, Charlotte Louise Wellen, Fred Henry
Dingman, Velma Byers Miller, Norman A. West, Josephine
Dixon, Kelly Milligan, Fern Georgia West, Lilyan
Dobson, Maxine Morgan, Bob Wheeler, Mary Louise
Dockstader, Dorothy Lois Morlock, Rosemay Jane Wieland, Georgia Ann
Doran, Mary Anna Morrison, Orville John Wieland, Jane R.
Dwyer, Robert Murphy, Josephine Wilcox, Virginia Lorraine
Edwards, Edith Isabel Needham, William A. Wiley, George Arnold
Ellis, Hubert Elwood Nelson, Gertrude Hazel Wiley, Philip Sheridan
Ellis, Naomi Emaline Nelson, Lois Artha Willey, Martha Elizabeth
Emanuel, Orville Nish, Rosemary Williams, Dorothea Lucille
Emery, John Edward Nizzi, Jerry John Williams, William (Bill) O.
Evans, Vernon Norman, Fred Leslie Williams-Taylor, Eleanor Loretta
Faris, Walter Olmstead, Viola Winnick, Hyman
Fick, Horton Olson, Audrianne Winslow, Mary Louise
Fletcher, Charles Earle Osterhout, Harold Woodcock, Ruth Viola
Fouches, Nona Elizabeth Painter, Betty Woodward, Edith I.
Fox, Edwin Larkin Pallwitz, William x Yager, Ruth Ann
Frace, Frances Virginia Parks, Garold L. Young, Helen Margaret
Garsh, Anne Gertrude Parlee, Cozy Grace Youngberg, Dale Milo
Gerhart, Charmian Ann Parrock, Lawrence William Zavat, Lillian
Gile, Violette May Patterson, Lucille Lorraine Zavatsky, Ida
Gilkerson, Margaret x x
Graduates - August, 1935
August, 1935 (numbered 33)
Barnhart, Emmagene Garner, Norma Jean Peters, Margaret Eugenia
Bierma, Merle C. Gater, Josephine Richmond, Dorothy
Blaine, LaVonne Fay Gear, Richard Francis Strait, Wilbur H.
Brown, Florence Hellberg, Helen V. Van Horne, Don Monroe
Caldwell, Mildred L. Hewitt, Leo Edward Voegtlin, Kathryn
Cohen, Isabelle Houghteling, Helen Marie Watters, Hugh Stromert
Crawford, Velda M. King, Geraldine M. Weible, Dorothy Margaret
DeWitt, Earl E. McGee, Frances Inez Weiner, Leo
Duncan, Maryruth Newby, Mary M. Wells, Russell
Emery, Austin Frank Newman, Rose Mary Wheeler, Jerome Grason
Fisher, Stanley Blaine Perry, Edna A. White, Horace x
In Memoriam
Class of January/June/August, 1935
January, 1935
Ahern, James J. (Jimmie) (d.11/18/04) 2004 Johnson, L.T. Jack (d.12/17/92) 1992
Aldrich, David M. (d.07/14/03) 2003 Kilgore, John Herbert (d.12/80) 1980
Ashby, Robert M. (d.01/10/92) 1992 Lamb, Max H. (d.07/81) 1981
Baker, Frank Alton (d.01/01/44) 1944 Layman, Cornelius Charles (d.11/02/07) 2007
Barnes, Russell P. (d.05/83) 1983 Lenhart, Robert S. (d.11/10/99) 1999
Beal, Donald M. (d.12/78) 1978 Lord, Robert P. (d.11/17/97) 1997
Bowen, Melvin J. (d.02/11/02) 2002 Mason, Richard C. (d.08/14/03) 2003
Butler, Robert Dan (d.09/07/93) 1993 McCarty, Russell Hilmer (d.08/16/93) 1993
Clayman, Seymour Sam (d.10/05/07) 2007 Mendenhall, Ivan L., Jr. (d.07/30/01) 2001
Cree, Eugene C. (d.05/24/97) 1997 Merritt, Ray M. (d.05/13/11) 2011
Cremeens, George W. (d.09/10/96) 1996 Millis, Bert B. (d.02/05/98) 1998
Crotinger, Howard B. (d.09/14/07) 2007 Millslagle, Ernest John, Jr. (d.11/08/88) 1988
Dennis, Lawrence Emil (d.08/01/07) 2007 Mitchell, George William (d.12/15/93) 1993
Devine, Galyn Aubrey (d.06/06/98) 1998 Mullen, Gail Gordon (d. 02/23/99) 1999
Ellett, Dean Hughes (d. 11/10/71) 1971 Nelson, Wayne E. (d.02/15/88) 1988
Epperly, James T. (d.01/08/06) 2006 Neswold, Robert Kenneth (d.03/10/92) 1992
Flesher, William A.,Jr. (d.08/87) 1987 Nuckolls, Lyman J. (d.04/15/93) 1993
Freeman, Hester (Maxwell) (d.06/24/14) 2014 Pedersen, Harold Louis (d.04/27/09) 2009
Gaumer, Robert Arvine (d.02/59) 1959 Peterson, Zelda Z. (Grubb) (d.04/26/00) 2000
Glass, Oscar L. (d.01/30/88) 1988 Powers, George Frederick (d.03/04/95) 1995
Gordon, Robert Donald (d.01/24/06) 2006 Reeves,Verlene Victoria (Propes) (d.05/03/01) 2001
Guerrero, Edward Villaluz, Jr. Schenck, Darwin 2004
Heap, George Harold, Jr. (d.02/10/07) 2007 Slayden, Bessie (d.11/11/03) 2003
Heseman, Eunice May (Carson) (d.12/11/09) 2009 Smith, Roy Allison (d.07/11/01) 2001
Hicks, Franz L. (d.04/11/95) 1995 Statton, Wally G. (d.01/12/45) (in combat, USN) 1945
Holland, Earl Charles (d.07/21/07) 2007 Stillwell, Max E. (d.06/82) 1982
Houston, Joseph L. (d.07/69) 1969 Storey, Charles E. (d.01/74) 1974
Howard, Earl Spencer, Jr. (d.02/12/96) 1996 Sweger, Charles S. (d.10/74) 1974
Huse, Irvin L. (d.03/06/95) 1995 VanCleave, Leo Dean (d.04/06/89) 1989
Ireland, Howard James (d.08/21/08) 2008 Wright, Richard Jarrett (d.02/18/02) 2002
Jaquinta, John Sunday (d.06/19/78) 1978 Wright, Wendell Carey (d.03/07/08) 2008
June, 1935
Anderson, Robert Paul (d.02/26/44) 1944 Maloney, Robert Bennett (d.1969) 1969
Augustine, Robert Rezin (d.12/02/07) 2007 Martin, Heloise (Allen)
Bachman, Thomas H. (d.09/23/96) 1996 McAlwee, Richard Neill (d. 03/28/99) 1999
Baker, Carl F. (d.11/14/03) 2003 McCauley, Robert John (d.08/30/97) 1997
Bennett, Maxine Abigail (Wood) (d.09/29/06) 2006 McClurg, William H. (d.06/13/07 2007
Bernstein, Shirley (Winner) (d.06/15/94) 1994 McMorris, Gale Charles (d.2002) 2002
Bevington, Bruce (d.11/68) 1968 McNeley, Roland Eugene (d.06/02/87) 1987
Blackmer,Florence (Boudewyns) (d.03/19/00) 2000 Medd, Duane R. (d.06/13/95) 1995
Bray, George L. (d. 01/29/92) 1992 Melone, James E. (d.08/03/05) 2005
Brown, Alice Mable (Walther) (d.09/22/84) 1984 Needham, William A. (d.12/25/02) 2002
Bulgarelli, Louie Edward (d.05/04/08) 2008 Nizzi, Jerry John (d.06/05/92) 1992
Carter, Carroll Cranston (d.10/4/11) 2011 Norman, Fred L. (d.09/30/89) 1989
Clayton, Roger (d.10/77) 1977 Pallwitz, William (d.11/28/10) 2010
Clemmons, Ralph (d.10/84) 1984 Parks, Garold L. (d.08/30/96) 1996
Clulow, Elizabeth Parlee, Cozy Grace
Cobbs,DarreleneHobson (Sarcone) (d.08/16/10) 2010 Peterson, Jennings Marion (d.05/05/45) 1945
Cohen, Myron L. (d.02/19/92) 1992 Plummer, Daniel Edwin (d.05/23/42 1942
Damon, Jack (d.06/84) 1984 Poffinbarger, Paul Woodrow (d.01/82) 1982
Danforth, Charles Aubrey (d.02/02/01) 2001 Pope, Claude Wilson (d.10/01/75) 1975
Davis, Marie Evelyn (Jones) (d.06/29/12) 2012 Rabinowitz, Stanley (d.06/07/12) 2012
Dengle, Frederick William (d.11/24/72) 1972 Razor, Richard W. (d.08/14/90) 1990
Dennis, Eunice Bernice (Smith) (d.12/15/08) 2008 Robinson,Ellen Agnes (Darnell) (d.03/09/65) 1965
Edwards,Edith Isabel Mackaman (d.11/95) 1995 Row,DorothyIreneOverholser(Fane) (d.10/22/06) 2006
Ellis, Hubert E. (d.11/28/90) 1990 Schatz, Mildred Lucille(Bernstein) (d.11/4/11) 2011
Emanuel, Orville (d.05/28/06) 2006 Shaefer, Gordon C. (d.11/15/04) 2004
Faris, Walter (d.07/85) 1985 Sharr, Harold Eugene (d.07/05/01) 2001
Fletcher, Charles Earle, Sr. (d.04/05/09) 2009 Shiffler, Harold Clarence (d.11/08/97) 1997
Good, Melvin (d.09/83) 1983 Silletto, John F. (d.10/31/93) 1993
Griswold,Betty Maxine(Singleton) (d.12/26/03) 2003 Smalley, Winford Richard (d.08/12/43) 1943
Grubb, John R. (d.12/07/03) 2003 Smith, Paul William (d.12/01/07) 2007
Hamilton, Rex E. (d.11/24/02) 2002 Sonderleiter, Wayne (d. 06/23/90) 1990
Hatcher, Donald Cummings (d.02/28/93) 1993 Stewart, John Clifford (d.01/19/92) 1992
Hegnes, John H. (d.01/04/07) 2007 Stiles, Hugh Dean (d.12/83) 1983
Helm, Leon (d.02/71) 1971 Strom, Norman Edwin (d.03/23/05) 2005
Hoff, Mary Angela (Dennis) (d.11/04/09) 2009 Taylor, Floydine (Millis) (d.12/09/15) 2015
Holley, Leroy W. (d.02/17/91) 1991 Taylor, Thomas Sterling (d.12/20/71) 1971
Horns, LaVere (Royal) (d.06/22/08) 2008 Terrell, Gilbert Selway (d.12/25/03) 2003
Horton, Barbara (Liesman) (d.10/15/13) 2013 Triplett, Mark (d.05/06/89) 1989
Hough, Phyllis Ilene (Smith) 2004 Vance, Arlington Ernest (d.04/80) 1980
Hubler, Winifred Dorothy (Speece) (d.10/22/07) 2007 Voegtlin, Louise I. (Conn) (d.03/11/16) 2016
Hutchins, Janice Elizabeth (Mills) (d.06/10/74) 1974 Waller, Alan Bernard (d.10/74) 1974
Imes, James Kenneth (d.02/15/00) 2000 Wellen, Fred Henry (d.08/28/88) 1988
Jacobsen, Garnet (Tullis) (d.08/78) 1978 Wheeler, Mary Louise (Fairless) (d.12/07/01) 2001
Johnson, Courtenay G. (d.08/19/02) 2002 Winnick, Hyman (d.07/11/88) 1988
Kappler, Richard M. (d.01/18/99) 1999 Young, Helen M. (Moore) 2005
Keefe, CatherineFrances (Morrissey) (d.02/09/11) 2011 Youngberg, Dale Milo (d.11/09/94) 1994
Korte, Robert Eugene (d.12/19/98) 1998 Zavat, Lillian (Littenberg) (d.09/14/04) 2004
Logan, Elizabeth Mae (McClain) (d.08/27/16) 2016 x 2004
August, 1935
Bierma, Merle C. (d.10/23/88) 1988 Strait, Wilbur H. (d.11/82) 1982
Blaine, LaVonne Fay (Brown) (d.01/19/10) 2010 Watters, Hugh Stromert (d.02/17/10) 2010
DeWitt, Earl E. (d.03/20/08) 2008 Wells, Russell M. (d.06/22/01) 2001
Fisher, Stanley Blaine (d.03/01/83) 1983 Wheeler, Jerome Grason (d.09/16/02) 2002
Gear, Richard (d.12/83) 1983 x
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Class of 1930 Pictures
Class of 1931 Pictures
Class of 1932 Meetings Pictures
Class of 1933 (60th reunion), 1993 Pictures
Class of 1934 Meetings Pictures
Class of 1935, (60th reunion), 1995 Pictures
Class of 1936, (50th reunion), 1986 Pictures
Class of 1937, (60th reunion), 1997 Pictures
Class of 1938, (50th reunion), 1988 Pictures
Class of 1939, (66th reunion), 2005 Pictures
Class of 1940, (50th reunion), 1990 Pictures
Class of 1941, (60th reunion), 2001 Pictures
Class of 1942, (45th reunion), 1987 Pictures
Class of 1943, (65th reunion), 2008 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1944, (65th reunion), 2009 Pictures
Class of 1945, (60th reunion), 2005 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1946, (65th reunion), 2011 Are we describing you?
Class of 1947, (60th reunion), 2007 Pictures
Class of 1948, (60th reunion), 2008 Pictures
Class of 1949, (70th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1950, (60th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 1951, (60th reunion), 2011 Are we describing you?
Class of 1952, (65th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1953, (grad pictures, lists) Pictures
Class of 1953, (10th reunion), 1963 Pictures
Class of 1953, (30th reunion), 1983 Pictures
Class of 1953, (40th reunion), 1993 Pictures
Class of 1953, (50th reunion), 2003 Pictures
    Class of 1953, (60th reunion), 2013 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1954, (60th reunion), 2014 Are we describing you?
We want you! Class of 1955, (60th reunion), 2015 Are we describing you?
Class of 1956, (60th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1957, (60th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1958, (60th reunion), 2018 Pictures
Class of 1959, (60th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1960, (60th reunion), 2020 Pictures
Class of 1961, (55th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1962, (60th reunion), 2022 Pictures
Class of 1963, (55th reunion), 2018 Pictures
Class of 1964, (55th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1965, (50th reunion), 2015 Pictures
Class of 1966, (50th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1967, (50th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1968, (50th reunion), 2018 Pictures
Class of 1969, (50th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1970, (51st reunion), 2021 Pictures
Class of 1971, (40th reunion), 2011 Pictures
Class of 1972, (50th reunion), 2022 Pictures
    Class of 1973, (50th reunion), 2023 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1974, (45th reunion), 2019 Are we describing you?
Class of 1975, (40th reunion), 2015 Pictures
Class of 1976, (40th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1977, (35th reunion), 2012 Pictures
Class of 1978, (35th reunion), 2013 Pictures
Class of 1979, (40th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1980, (30th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 1981 Pictures
Class of 1982 Pictures
Class of 1983, (30th reunion), 2013 Pictures
Class of 1984, (25th reunion), 2009 Pictures
Class of 1985, (30th reunion), 2015 Pictures
Class of 1986, (30th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1987, (30th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1988, (20th reunion), 2008 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1989, (20th reunion), 2009 Are we describing you?
Class of 1990, (20th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 1991 Pictures
Class of 1992, (20th reunion), 2012 Pictures
Class of 1993 Pictures
Class of 1994, (15th reunion), 2009 Pictures
Class of 1995, (10th reunion), 2005 Pictures
Class of 1996, (10th reunion), 2006 Pictures
Class of 1997 Pictures
Class of 1998 Pictures
Class of 1999 Pictures
Class of 2000, (10th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 2001 Names
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Class of 2003 Pictures
Class of 2004 Pictures
Class of 2005 Pictures
Class of 2006 Pictures
Class of 2007 Pictures
Class of 2008, (10th reunion), 2018) Pictures
Class of 2009 Pictures
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