North Des Moines High School
Class of 1938

Class Meetings: None scheduled

June, 1938 Graduating Class June, 1938 Graduating Class June, 1938 Graduating Class June, 1938 Graduating Class June, 1938 Graduating Class
June 1938 Graduation Class
June 1938 Graduating Class June 1938 Graduating Class June 1938 Graduating Class June 1938 Graduating Class
June 1938 Graduating Class June 1938 Graduating Class June 1938 Graduating Class June 1938 Graduating Class
June 1938 Graduation Class
(enlarged - left side of photo)
June 1938 Graduating Class June 1938 Graduating Class
June 1938 Graduating Class June 1938 Graduating Class June 1938 Graduating Class June 1938 Graduating Class June 1938 Graduating Class
June 1938 Graduation Class
(enlarged - right side of photo)

Photo: Compliments of Kenneth Read Armington
1938 Mens' Swimming Team 1938 Mens' Swimming Team 1938 Mens' Swimming Team 1938 Mens' Swimming Team 1938 Mens' Swimming Team 1938 Mens' Swimming Team
1938 Mens' Swimming Team
1st Row Coach Jack McGuire, Perry Lounsberry, Jack Sparger, Carl Ahlgren, Bob Jones, Howard Gaskill, Bide Austin, Dick Bowlsby
2nd Row Bill White, Hugo Press, John Shiffler, Bob Bumgardner, Dick Grey, Jack Welch, Dick Johnson
3rd Row Eugene Wright, Norman Elliot, Bob Garret, Russell Gardiner, Frank Mazzo, Marshall Moorehead, Jimmy Martin
1938 North High Whole Basketball Squad
1938 North High Whole Basketball Squad 1938 North High Whole Basketball Squad 1938 North High Whole Basketball Squad 1938 North High Whole Basketball Squad 1938 North High Whole Basketball Squad
1938 North High Whole Basketball Squad 1938 North High Whole Basketball Squad 1938 North High Whole Basketball Squad 1938 North High Whole Basketball Squad 1938 North High Whole Basketball Squad
The "Whole Basketball Squad" photo above had no name identification in the January, 1938 yearbook.
1938 Mens' Basketball
1st Row Unidentified
2nd Row Second from left: Gary Bash is No. 49
3rd Row Coach Arden McClain, Wilbur Dockstader, Kenneth Burris, Melvin Madison, Bob Kissick, Lyle Gunion, Bob Case, Louie Pomerantz, Paul Williams
1938 Mens' Baseball
1st Row Tom McCauley, Don Webb, Melvin Madison, Wilbur Dockstade, Ed Broad
2nd Row Junior Chandler, Bob Kissick, Bill Parker, Bill Milne, Lloyd Morrison
Photo: Compliments of Don Webb; January, 1939
Younkers ad Younkers ad
Younkers ad Younkers ad Younkers ad Younkers ad
Burlington Bus Depot
Burlington Bus Depot
Burlington Bus Depot
Burlington Bus Depot
  Younkers Ad (Who are they?) Sylvia Westerman?   Burlington Trailways Bus Depot  
Girls' Golf Team Girls' Golf Team Girls' Golf Team Girls' Golf Team Girls' Golf Team Girls' Golf Team
Girls' Golf Team
1st Row Mary Rebol, Doris Watkins, Betty Kinkaide, Jean Rasmussen, Norma Jean Bent
2nd Row Mrs. Theresa Anderson, Bette Bugee, Betty Bisonette, Sara Jean Gibson
Girls' Tennis Team Girls' Tennis Team Girls' Tennis Team Girls' Tennis Team Girls' Tennis Team
Girls' Tennis Team Girls' Tennis Team Girls' Tennis Team Girls' Tennis Team Girls' Tennis Team
Girls' TennisTeam
Eleanor Shaw, Peggy Martin, Mrs. Theresa Anderson, Elinor Eby, Mary Margaret Lynch, Jean Travis
Kathleen "Kay" Volz playing piano at North High
a cappella choir
a cappella choir a cappella choir a cappella choir
a cappella choir a cappella choir a cappella choir a cappella choir
A Cappella Choir
Identification for the above photo provided below. The list following and indicating sopranos, altos, etc. is from the January, 1938 yearbook accompanying the photo of the A Cappella Choir members. The choir is under the direction of Ruth Rickards.
1st Row JonAnn Rankin, Helen Hughes, Marian Liddy, Betty Jones, Marjorie Ersland, Marjorie Morris, June Dickinson, Cleone Knode, Martha Curtiss, Betty McPhee, Betty Lou Reed, Hazel Kakos, Joan Sovey, Merlin Walther. Ruth Rickards, directing (back)
2nd Row Helen Hammond, Jean Noftsgar, Maureen Shepherd, Jewel Mayne, Margaret Coltrane, Harriet Bailey, Jean Wise, Eva Mae Barclay, Julia Oliver, Carolyn Spong, Audrey Devine, Ann Gallagher, Edna Zarifes, Betty Jane Garles, Josephine Lord
3rd Row Ruth Poush, Doris Herman, Wilma Hagenberg, David Bassman, Larry Ash, Louis Abramsohn, Tom Vittetoe, John Hall, Ivan Franklin, Frank Johnson, Herbert Taylor, Eugene Wilkerson, Bob Peterson, Jack Welch, June Billings, Luana Quincy
4th Row Wayne Allen, Louis Darnell, Jack Newell, Orlin PerDue, Bob Stanton, James Gibson, Gary Bash, Calvin Dacus, Earl Rollins, Don (Tiny) McLaughlin, Glenn Ackerland, Raymond Bair, John Hutchinson, Bob Dillon, Bill Findley, Leona Guessford, Ruth Medd
Absent: Barbara Keeney, Ruth Gore, Violet Arbtin
Sopranos: June Dickinson, Audrey Devine, Marjorie Ersland, Beth Franck, Anne Gallagher, Wilma Hagenberg, Doris Herman, Ila Hicks, Marybel Jacobsen, Barbara Keeney, Marian Liddy, Jean Nofsgar, Pauline Overton, Bessie Perry, Ruth Poush, Mary Alice Steen, Jean Wise
Altos: Eva Mae Barclay, Martha Curtiss, Leona Guessford, Betty McPhee, Ruth Medd, Pauline Overton, Laura Quincy, Jo Ann Rankin, Betty Lou Reed, Betty Robson, Bernice Sage, Maxine Sirfus, Carolyn Spong, Grace Thomas, Merlin Walther
Tenors: Glenn Ackerlund, Robert Clayton, Bob Dillon, Elmore Forrest, Ivan Franklin, Frank Johnson, Bob McPhee, Earl Rollins, Herbert Taylor
Basses: Wayne Allen, David Bassman, Bob Ash, Larry Ash, Calvin Dacus, Chan Griffin, John Hall, Ross Hunt, John Hutchinson, Jack Newell, Gary Sacco, Bob Stanton, Bob Ward, Paul Williams
Photo: Taken by J.M. Houlette Studio, 910 31st Street, Des Moines, Iowa
Photo: Compliments of Martha Curtiss Welch, Class of June, 1939
Graduates - January, 1938 (numbered 155)
Abruzzese, Gilda Augustine Glyde, Dorothy Jane Peterson, Herbert
Ackerman, Margaret Elizabeth Gordon, Bonnie L. Pomerantz, Louis Robert
Ahlgren, Carl Robert Graham, Marjorie Eleanor Popple, Robert
Alcox, Betty Ann Grimes, Orville Rees, Betty Jane
Allen, Dudley Junior Hall, Doris Mae Richardson, Frank N.
Archeske, Frederick Walter Hall, Irene Richardson, Kenneth Arnold
Avitt, Jack Junior Hamlin, Charles Edwin Riggs, Ethel Lillian
Austin, Bide Bennington Hardy, Phyllis Lorraine Robson, Betty
Backus, Lester Max Hawkins, Geneva Lee Rothman, Sylvia
Baker, Leota Wilma Hiatt, Betty Jane Sacco, Gary
Barrett, Dorothy Elizabeth Houston, Helen Gertrude Sams, Arthur Robert
Baxter, Alma Huston, Mildred Marguerite Shaw, Donald Edward
Beaumont, Mary Elizabeth Jacobson, Marybel Shaw, Elsie Caro
Beerbower, Albert Carl Jenison, Thelma Gretchen Silver, Vivian Marine
Bisonette, Mary Elizabeth Johnson, Jack Donald Smith, Carlyle J.
Black, Beryl Joseph Johnson, Vincent Dale Smith, Casper R.
Blackledge, Wilma Johnston, Verla Aileen Smith, Donald Carlton
Blaney, Aileen Frances Jones, David Philip Smotkin, Alex
Bollen, Mervin Dale Jones, Robert Keating Sofen, Mary
Brace, Frank Orsen Keffer, Karl Kay Spataro, Marian
Brand, Joyce Emerson Keller, Clifton Elvin Stevens, Eleanor Ruth
Brown, Elma Jean Kerr, Dorothea Jean Stone, Donald Robert
Brown, Philip David Kersey, Genevieve Marie Sutton, Daniel Guy
Burr, William Glenn Kessler, Margaret Katherine Talkington, Harold Alphus
Caplan, Sidney J. Laird, Marcelyn Miriam Taylor, Violet Maxine
Chrenen, Sara Lang, Dorothy Alice Thomas, Grace Eunice
Clark, Helen Madge Lenning, Charles E. Thomas, Helen Louise
Clement, Ruth Louise Levin, Zalman Leonard Thomas, Mary Evelyn
Cleveland, Helen Lyon, Frederick Earl, Jr. Thompson, Helen Rachel
Cloud, Marise Martin, Harold Dennison Thompson, Jerald R.
Colbert, Bessie Virginia Martin, Peggy Lucille Thompson, Richard Henery
Conley, Robert Monroe Massman, Bob Delmar Tillotson, Marvel
Cooley, Marvin DeForest Mastrofski, Beatrice Tobis, Helen
Cremeens, Nancy Louise Mazzo, Frank P. Tower, Robert Louis
Cunningham, Ira Harold McConkey, Doris Maxine Trimble, George Marion
Davis, Robert McGuire, Carlton Lowry Twitchell, Bill
DeLong, Virginia Michal Miller, Edith Nioma Van Dam, Josephine
Dennis, Ben Wiley Miller, Shirley Anne Van Horn, Benton H.
Dennis, Otto Bernard Montoro, Florence Wade, Vera Marrie
Diehl, Patsi Morris, Jean Mary Warren, Helen Louise
Dildine, Lois Virginia Moscow, Bess Warren, Ralph Powers
Duckworth, Clell Bern Moss, John Ellwood Webb, Betty Jean
Dunn, Willard Glenn Mossberg, LaVonne Erline Wellen, Melvin
Egan, Florence Mulky, Don Westerman, Sylvia
Feeley, James Patrick Neth, Doris Ruth Westing, Esther Imojean
Feise, Kenneth Gustave Nish, John W. White, William Conrad
Fisch, Zane Joseph Olson, Carl Harold Williams, Mary Maurine
Fraction, Carl H. Parlee, Effie J. Williams, Paul Woods
Francisco, Fay Louis Payne, Mary Ellen Witzel, John Edwin
Francisco, Violet Jessie Pearl, Milton Woods, Darlene Ruth
Gaines, Amelia Perry, Bessie Irene Worden, Flora Elizabeth
Galloway, Mary Irene Pershing, Robert Leland Wyld, Edwin
Garland, Lorraine Juliann x x
Graduates - June, 1938 (numbered 321)
Aamoth, Dorothy Fishback, Miriam Morris, Barbara C.
Abramsohn, Julius Louis Fitch, Betty Elizabeth Morrison, Jeanne Irene
Ahlgren, Carl Robert Foland, Harold Dwight Murray, Geraldine
Aiken, Loretta Veatrice Forrest, Elmore Murray, Virginia
Ambos, William Glen Gammell, Mary W. Myers, Merrill Maitland
Anderson, Allan Edward Gardner, Helen Maxine Newell, Jack Farragett
Anderson, Bob Warren Gary, Dorothy Margaret Niles, Jean Ellen
Anderson, Charles Tharon Gear, Vincent Reynolds Noble, Phyllis Louisa
Andrew, Inez Irene Gibbons, Elizabeth Lynn Norman, Iowa Geneva
Armington, Kenneth Read Glenn, Lucille Ogilvie, Maxine Faith
Armstrong, Harvey Gonias, Louie Olson, Oliver Kenneth
Ash, Laurence Goss, Robert Nichols Omdahl, Olive Jean
Aulman, Betty Jane Graham, Elizabeth Ruth Palandri, August
Bailey, Chauncey Wendell Gray, Richard Warren Palmer, Betty Jean
Bailus, Marie Jane Gray, Wilidean Sylvia Parrish, Leota
Barclay, Eva Mae Guessford, Leona Mae Pearson, Mary Ann
Bash, Gerald Eugene Guessford, Ruby Perdue, Orlin W.
Bassett, Jimmy Gunion, Lyle Burton Perham, Martha
Bassman, David S. Hagenberg, Wilma Margaret Peterson, Carolyne Lorraine
Bates, Virginia Lee Hains, Maxine Gertrude Peterson, Virginia Dean
Beard, Ted Foster Hamilton, Earl Pettit, Virgil
Beauchamp, Betty Marie Hansen, Howard Phipps, Jim
Benson, Althea May Harlan, Edgar Robert Piper, Clell E.
Bentler, Glenn Harris, Donald C. Priebe, Gladys Lois
Bickford, Nora Hartsook, Quentin Pugh, Mary Esther
Biermann, Doris Elaine Hayden, Irene Velda Pyle, Quentin Otto
Billings, Virginia Jane Heimbaugh, Evelyn VerGene Rankin, Jonann
Bishop, Maxine Vera Henneberry, Ila Dolores Rebol, Mary Hazel
Bleiweiss, Sara Marie Hetherington, Robert Merle Reeck, Jean Ilene
Bliss, Dorothy Louise Hicks, George W. Reeves, Edith Barbara
Bohner, Betty Marie Higbie, Howard Lloyd Regan, Elizabeth Winifred
Bone, Virginia Hildreth, Mary Kathryn Reichenberg, Elma
Boots, Jack Roger Hills, Dana Lois Reinertson, Homer Edward
Boudewyns, Florine Theresa Hirschman, Violet Maxine Rhodes, Betty Ann
Bowlsby, Richard Everette Holcomb, Phyllis Jane Roberts, Roberta Mae
Braklow, Jeanne Elizabeth Howard, Martin Donald Rogerson, Helen Marie
Brawner, Norma June Howell, Gordon Rudd, Marion Grant
Brewer, Betty Mae Hurlbert, Richard Stanton Rushing, Ethyl Vera
Briggle, Darlene Evelyn Huston, Darrell D. Ryan, William James
Brinkman, William A. Hytone, Jean H. Sanders, Bessie Mae
Brockett, Paul Arthur Irwin, Eloise Sauerman, Charles Fredrick
Broman, Patricia Ann Ivie, Virginia Margaret Sawhill, John Wilbur
Brooks, Lawrence Edward Jamison, Marcella B. Scarlett, Marian Emma
Brown, Margaret Alice Johnson, Alfred Arnold Schatz, Sheldon
Broyles, Betty Rose Johnson, Frank LeRoy Selfe, Yvonne Elaine
Bruce, Louise Johnson, Haley Oziel Shaffer, Shirley B.
Bugee, Bette Johnson, Mary Ellen Shaw, Tom
Bullock, Norbert Francis Jones, John Robert, Jr. Shippey, Cecil Bernice
Burch, Gerald Clayton Jose, Maxine E. Shoup, Claude Thomas
Burford, Edythe Florence Kakos, Spedo George Simpson, Elinor Jean
Burford, Ethelyn Frances Karaidos, James George Smith, Yvonne Alice
Burke, Mattie Pearl Kardon, Harold Edward Snyder, George Freeland
Burris, Kenneth Edward Kauffman, Elizabeth Jeanette Sparks, Albert Harold
Butts, Frank Kearns, Maxine Ione Spencer, Ronald
Callison, Julia Paige Keeney, Barbara Ann Speridon, Pete
Campbell, Viola Windus Kellogg, Edythe Virginia Spong, Carolyn E.
Carlson, LaDeva Julianna Kelly, Keith J. Sprague, Frank De
Carter, Dyle Marion Kendall, Lois Elaine Spurgin, Jack Curtis
Chalmers, Dorothy Fern Kennedy, June F. Steele, Barbara
Chrenen, Mary Kime, Dolores Kathryn Stenoish, John Franklin
Clark, Betty Allison Kimmell, Harriet Ethelyn Sterrett, Lyle F.
Clark, Claudene Lucille King, Walter Franklin Stevens, Helen Ilene Pearl
Clark, Mildred Altha Kinkade, Betty Jane Stiles, Barbara Ann
Clayton, Robert Howard Kludjian, Shavarsh Martin Storey, Norman Ralph
Clemons, Marjorie Belle Knight, Donald Benjamin Stowe, Douglas William
Cleveland, Eugene Harold Knutson, Jarjorie Luella Streyffeler, Sam William
Clipson, Robert Lee Korte, Milton DeWitt Strother, Ellen LaVada
Cobbs, Gordon Raymon Krell, Phillip Thurman Sullivan, Frances Elizabeth
Cochran, Darlene Frances Langworthy, Charlotte Eunice Summy, Ruth Ellen
Cochran, Charles Irvan Lapcheske, Frank Edward Sutherland, Pauline Fredrika
Colbert, Jacob George Larson, Karna Elizabeth Sweigart, Pauline Angie
Cole, Mary Louise Lee, Wilda Mae Tart, Jeannette Cecilia
Coleman, Elizabeth Leseney, Emmett DeArmond Thompson, Ed
Collins, Betty Lewis, Don Thompson, Patricia Elaine
Collins, Patricia Jeanne Livingston, Robert Paul Thornton, Mildred Elzora
Coltrane, Margaret Elizabeth Lounsbury, Perry William Tingley, Dorothy Margaret
Conley, Donald Eugene Lowe, Lillian Lorraine Tinlin, Corrine Elizabeth
Cornwell, Helen Louise Lundberg, Harry Roger Travis, Beverly Jean
Correll, Irene Ruth Lynch, Mary Margaret Turnquist, Velma Jean
Couchman, Doris May Lynner, Maxine Carmen Tursi, Joseph Frank
Cowie, Marie Elizabeth Lyon, Marjorie Marie Van Wyk, Margaret
Cox, Flora Jean Macklin, Mary Margaret Vestine, Margaret L.Stewart 2000
Crouch, Charline B. Madison, Melvin Allen Vittetoe, Tom Harry
Crow, John Merle Manning, Robert Eugene Volz, Kathleen Jane
Curl, James Franklin Marlow, Alice Ann Wade, Elizabeth
Current, Darrell Kent Martin, Gladolia Marie Waggoner, Lois Virdeen
Dacus, Calvin Thomas Mastrofsky, Edward Walker, Barbara Marie
Dalton, Alice Mae May, Dorothy Irene Walker, Ruth Modell
Davis, Emanuel McClintic, Kenneth Dale Walter, William
Davis, George Merrill McClure, John Howard Watkins, Doris Eleanor
Davis, Jeannette Francis McCool, June Watters, Lois DeEtte
Davis, Kenneth Claude McCoy, Maxine Blanche Weatherly, Perry Brainard
Davis, Marjorie Jean McCulla, Marian Elizabeth Weesner, James
Day, Galeta J. McCulley, Margaret Ann Welch, John (Jack)
DeCarlo, Harry L. McGuire, Beulah Jane Wells, Dora Bernadine
DeHaan, Paul McKinley, Dorothy Louise Wells, Robert
Dew, Donald Earl McLaughlin, Donald Dean White Dick
Dockstader, Wilbur L. McLean, Donald Eugene Wilbert, Bill
Donelson, Verna McMillen, Anna Belle Wilcox, Lawrence R.
Donhowe, Robert M. McNees, Betty Marie Wilhelm, Alice Miriam
Doris, Neva McNeley, Frank Williams, William Frank
Dorland, Howard J. McTigue, Marguerite Ann Wilson, Ruth Margery
Edmunds, George Hardwick Metier, Mary Helen Wood, Mary Malinda
Eittreim, Robert Duane Miller, Russell Flynn Woodford, Alva Dean
Emery, James William Mills, Mildred Wooters, James Leland
Ersland, Marjorie Louise Minarsich, Dorothy Mae Wright, John Otis
Fairchild, Mildred Virginia Mongar, Marguerite Deane Young, Barbara Faye
Ferguson, Virginia Marie Morain, Martha Maxine Young, Norma Jean
Fischer, Maxine Jane x x
Graduates - August, 1938
Abel, Helen Winifred Huss, Rosemary Joan Myers, Dorothy Irene
Acuff, Betty J. Jones, William Granison Preston, Nora Irene
Allen, Wanda Avonelle Meier Kephart, Margaret Frances Priebe, Gladys L.
Arrowood, Bill Bryan Marino, Theresa Ann Redick, Mary Jaine
Boustead, Betty Jeanne Mason, Marjorie Sanders, Helen Elizabeth
Caplan, Morris McCauley, Thomas B. Schultz, Helen Mahuldia
Cowie, Ivan Scott Melody, Helen Romaine Simpson, Betty Arlyne
East, Robert Vail Mitchell, Leona Ruth Snow, Keith R.
Finckbone, Harold James McClaran, Lela Rose Mary Stewart, Raymond
Goodman, Doloris Juanita McCoy, Maxine B. Thompson, Lois Elaine
Heinig, Hubert H. McMillen, Anna Belle Webb, Donald Edward
Hucka, Geraldene Mitchell, Ruth Leona Wells, Bernice Ada
From January, 1938 yearbook of Audrey Devine Willcox (1939)
In Memoriam
Class of January/June/August, 1938
January, 1938
Abruzzese, Gilda Augustine (Severino) (d.12/26/03) 2003 Keller, Clifton Elvin
Ahlgren, Carl Robert (d.02/67) 1967 Kerr, Dorothea Jean (Myers) (d.10/19/88) 1988
Allen, Dudley Junior (d. 07/27/89) 1989 Kersey, Genevieve Marie (Beisser) (d.02/02/04) 2004
Archeske, Frederick Walter Kessler, Margaret Katherine (Cramer) (d.01/15/06) 2006
Austin, Bide Bennington (d.05/14/09) 2009 Laird, Marcelyn Miriam (Moon) (d.02/89) 1989
Avitt, Jack Junior Lenning, Charles E. (d.12/12/97) 1997
Backus, Lester Max (d.12/01/02) 2002 Lyon, Frederick Earl, Jr. (d.09/25/06) 2006
Baker, Leota Wilma (Davis) (d.04/06/14) 2014 Martin, Harold Dennison (d.06/17/88) 1988
Beaumont, Mary Elizabeth (Stober) (d.10/01/01) 2001 Massman, Bob Delmar (d.10/01/02) 2002
Beerbower, Albert Carl (d.02/15/98 1998 Mazzo, Frank P. (d.07/07/77) 1977
Bisonette, Mary Elizabeth (d.04/14/93) 1993 McConkey, Doris Maxine (Bondy) (d.01/22/11) 2011
Black, Beryl Joseph (d.03/05/09) 2009 McGuire, Carlton Lowry (d.11/03/00) 2000
Blackledge, Wilma (Stump) (d.01/89) 1989 Montoro, Florence (d.03/30/09) 2009
Blaney, Aileen Frances (Kimberly) (d.06/04/08) 2008 Morris, Jean Mary (Washington) (d.04/21/05) 2005
Bollen, Marvin Dale Moscow, Bess (Booth) (d.05/28/11) 2011
Brace, Frank Orsen (d.06/06/76) 1976 Moss, John Ellwood (d.09/07/98) 1998
Brand, Joyce Emerson (d. 11/05/91) 1991 Mossberg, LaVonne (Goodwin) (d.08/15/94) 1994
Brown, Philip David (d.10/23/99) 1999 Parlee, Effie J. (Hass) (d.04/01/98) 1998
Burr, William Glenn (d.WWII; ap. 1945) 1945 Payne, Mary Ellen (Fustin) (d.02/23/96) 1996
Caplan, Sidney J. (d.08/09/61) 1961 Pearl, Milton (d.10/30/13) 2013
Chrenen, Sara Perry, Bessie Irene (Redick) (d.03/06/96) 1996
Clark, Helen Madge (Millsap) (d.05/20/05) 2005 Pershing, Robert Leland (d.08/22/88) 1988
Cloud, Marise (Cole) (d.02/90) 1990 Peterson, Herbert
Colbert, Bessie Virginia (Cooley) (d.05/06/93) 1993 Pomerantz, Louis Robert (d.03/21/88) 2988
Conley, Robert Monroe (d.12/19/94) 1994 Rees, Betty Jane (Hopkins/Pottorff) (d.12/15/11) 2011
Cooley, Marvin DeForest (11/17/76) 1976 Richardson, Frank N.
Cremeens, Nancy Louise (West) (d.10/93) 1993 Richardson, Kenneth Arnold
Cunningham, Ira Harold (07/74) 1974 Riggs, Ethel Lillian (Hines) (d.03/16/12) 2012
DeLong, Virginia R. (Swandahl) (d.09/21/11) 2011 Rudd, Marion Grant
Dennis, Ben W. (d.12/10/97) 1997 Sacco, Gary (d.11/02/08) 2008
Diehl, Patricia Norine (Loetel) (d.09/28/07) 2007 Sams, Arthur Robert (d.11/08/45) WWII 1945
Dennis, Otto Bernard (d.10/17/13) 2013 Shaw, Donald Edward (d.08/15/02) 2002
Dildine, Lois Virginia (Obyrne) (d.01/25/87 1987 Smith, Carlyle J. (d.04/26/04) 2004
Duckworth, Clell Bern (d.08/18/07) 2007 Smotkin, Alex (d.01/02/08) 2008
Dunn, Willard Glenn Sofen, Mary (Turkel) (d.01/14/10) 2010
Egan, Florence (Eaton) (d.04/04/88) 1988 Stowe, Douglas William (d.03/25/08) 2008
Feeley, James Patrick (d.06/28/02) 2002 Sutton, Daniel Guy (d.09/26/03) 2003
Feise, Kenneth Gustave (d.10/23/91) 1991 Talkington, Harold Alphus (d.01/22/47) 1947
Fisch, Zane Joseph (d.02/03/90) 1990 Taylor, Violet Maxine (d.01/20/01) 2001
Fraction, Carl H. (d.03/17/00) 2000 Thomas, Grace Eunice
Francisco, Fay Louis (d.03/01/00) 2000 Thompson, Jerald R.
Francisco, Violet Jessie (Weinman) (d.02/27/10) 2010 Tobis, Helen (Gruen) (d.08/03/01) 2001
Gaines, Amelia (O'Brien) (d.01/02/05) 2005 Tower, Robert Louis (d.12/01/81) 1981
Garland, Lorraine Juliann (Cheatom) (d.08/14/96) 1996 Twitchell, Bill
Glyde, Dorothy Jane (Nish) (d.04/05/05) 2005 Van Horn, Benton H. (d. combat/1945) 1945
Gordon, Bonnie L. (Wilkinson) (d.05/09/07) 2007 Warren, Helen Louise (Jonker) (d.12/07/08) 2008
Graham, Marjorie Eleanor (Funari) (d.10/01/89) 1989 Warren, Ralph Powers (d.09/04/45) WWII 1945
Grimes, Orville (d.06/04/02) 2002 Webb, Betty Jeanne (Lucas) (d.10/29/12) 2012
Hamlin, Charles Edwin (d.03/12/08) 2008 Wellen, Melvin, Sr. (d.04/22/08) 2008
Hardy, Phyllis Lorraine (Keffer) (d.04/03/79) 1979 Westerman, Sylvia (Spilka) (d.06/26/96) 1996
Hawkins, Geneva Lee (Backus) (d.06/11/07) 2007 Westing, Esther Imojean (Bridie) (d.10/87) 1987
Huston, Mildred Marguerite (Bianco) White, William Conrad (d.08/25/96) 1996
Jacobson, Marybel J. (Keen) (d.07/14/99) 1999 Williams, Mary Maurine (Barcroft) (d.09/88) 1988
Jenison, T. Gretchen (Thomas) (d.03/01/91) 1991 Williams, Paul Woods (d.08/11/74) 1974
Johnson, Jack Donald (d.11/03/89) 1989 Witzel, John Edwin (d.06/04/03) 2003
Johnson, Vincent Dale (d.04/93) 1993 Woods, Darlene Ruth (Seery) (d.02/09/05) 2005
Jones, David Philip Worden, Flora (Innes) (d.10/20/01) 2001
Jones, Robert Keating (d.09/25/97) 1997 Wyld, Edwin (d.06/06/07) 2007
Keffer, Karl Kay (d.07/21/10) 2010 x 2007
June, 1938
Aamoth, Dorothy (Benninger) (d.08/27/00) 2000 Johnson, Alfred Arnold (d.2004) 2004
Abramsohn, Julius Louis (d.07/28/10) 2010 Johnson, Mary Ellen (Gates)
Adams, Mary Elizabeth (McIntyre) (d.01/05/98) 1998 Jose, Maxine E. (d.02/15/92) 1992
Ahlgren, Carl Robert Kakos, Spedo George (d.09/85) 1985
Aiken, Loretta Veatrice Karaidos, James George (d.11/03/83) 1983
Ambos, William Glen (d.10/27/07) 2007 Kardon, Harold Edward (d.11/02/79) 1979
Andrew, Robert James (d.08/18/96) 1996 Kauffman, Elizabeth Jeanette (Hall) (d.10/10/74) 1974
Armington, Kenneth Read (d.10/20/12) 2012 Kellogg, Edythe Virginia (VanCleave) (d.04/26/14) 2014
Armstrong, Harvey (d.03/18/01) 2001 Kelly, Keith J. (d.05/96) 1996
Bailey, Chauncey Wendell (d.12/26/16) 2016 Kendall, Lois Elaine (Fagan) (d.06/26/07) 2007
Bailus, Marie Jane (Lion) (d.04/13/92) 1992 Kime, Dolores Kathryn (Kimbro) (d.06/22/16) 2016
Barclay, Eva May (Behr) King, Walter Franklin (d.06/11/81) 1981
Bash, Gerald Eugene (d.09/28/96) 1996 Kinkade, Betty Jane (Stapp) (d.01/15/96) 1996
Bassett, Jimmy Kludjian, Shavarsh Martin (d.11/85) 1985
Bassman, David S. (d.01/03/07) 2007 Knight, Donald Benjamin (d.10/02/96) 1996
Bates, Virginia Lee (Stow) (d.04/12/98) 1998 Korte, Milton DeWitt (d.08/04/07) 2007
Beard, Ted Foster (d.03/27/75) 1975 Krell, Philip Thurman (d.0718//75) 1975
Benson, Althea May (Blomsness) (d.06/03/09) 2009 Langworthy, Charlotte Eunice (Forsythe) (d.10/31/06) 2006
Bentler, Glenn C. (d.02/12/06) 2006 Lapcheske, Frank Edward (d.01/05/03) 2003
Bickford, Nora (Galvin) (d.10/30/93) 1993 Larson, Karna Elizabeth (Lewis) (d.12/29/04) 2004
Biermann, Doris Elaine (Fernandez) (d.abt 1999) 1999 Leseney, Emmett DeArmond (d.11/27/90) 1990
Billings, Virginia Jane Lounsbury, Perry William (d. 02/16/86) 1986
Bishop, Maxine Vera (Mellerup) (d.04/04/20) 2020 Lowe, Lillian Loraine (Harban) (d.04/03/08) 2008
Bleiweiss, Sara Marie (Gavronsky) (d.04/27/08) 2008 Lundberg, Harry Roger (d.11/84) 1984
Bliss, Dorothy Louise (Stenger) (.09/08/89) 1989 Lynch, Mary Margaret (d.03/24/10) 2010
Bohner, Betty Marie (Wellborn) (d.07/17/78) 1978 Lynner, Maxine C. (McGinnis) (d.11/17/94) 1994
Boots, Jack Roger (d.11/29/92) 1992 Macklin, Mary Margaret (Hudson) (d.12/19/06) 2006
Boudewyns, Florine Theresa (Parker) (d.08/25/95) 1995 Madison, Melvin A. (d. 12/14/99) 1999
Bowlsby, Richard Everett (02/14/84) 1984 Manning, Robert Eugene (d.09/52) 1952
Braklow, Jeanne Elizabeth (McKee) (d.09/01/09) 2009 Marlow, Alice Ann (Gruening) (d.07/27/90) 1990
Brewer, Betty Mae (O'Grady) (d.11/27/10) 2010 Martin, Gladolia Marie (Hunter) (d.06/08/05) 2005
Briggle, Darlene Evelyn (Koder) (d.08/28/04) 2004 Martin, Harold Dennison (d.06/17/88) 1988
Brinkman, William A. (d.09/30/08) 2008 Master, Edward (d.11/29/96) 1996
Brockett, Paul Arthur (d.03/31/02) 2002 May, Dorothy Irene (Roush) (d.04/17/08) 2008
Broman, Patricia Ann (Imes) (d.07/01/01) 2001 McClintic, Kenneth Dale (d.11/18/92) 1992
Brooks, Lawrence Edward (d.01/28/68) 1968 McClure, John Howard (d.10/11/06) 2006
Brown, Lucille Mary (Pender) (d.03/15/98) 1998 McCool, June (Puckett) (d.10/13/00) 2000
Brown, Margaret Alice (Frost) (d.10/01/03) 2003 McCulla, Marian C. (Shigekawa) (d.01/25/01) 2001
Bullock, Norbert Francis (d.03/26/07) 2007 McCulley, Margaret Ann (Ray) (d.09/05/81) 1981
Burch, Gerald Clayton (d.12/10/91) 1991 McGuire, Beulah Jane (Bishop) (d.12/20/07) 2007
Burford, Edythe Florence (Sharp) (d.11/85) 1985 McKinley, Dorothy M. (Morrison) (d.06/24/02) 2002
Burford, Ethelyn Frances (Mazziotti) (d.10/08/94) 1994 McLaughlin, Donald Dean
Burris, Kenneth Edward (d.10/78) 1978 McNees, Betty M. (Sharp) (d.03/94) 1994
Campbell, Viola Windus (Greenleaf) (d.12/20/01) 2001 McNeley, Frank Martin (d.12/19/97) 1997
Carter, Dyle Marion (d.04/03/99) 1999 McTigue, Marguerite (Janning) (d.05/96) 1996
Chalmers, Dorothy Fern (Hinchliff) (d.03/25/18) 2018 Metier, Mary Helen (Graham) (d.12/29/96) 1996
Clark, Betty Allison (Lilly) (d.06/87) 1987 Mills, Mildred (Strom) (d.03/87) 1987
Clark, Claudene Lucille (Irelan) (d.06/75) 1975 Mongar, Marguerite Deana (Spagnola) (d.02/25/82) 1982
Clark, Mildred Altha (d.04/07/04) 2004 Morain, Maxine (Montgomery) (d.01/08/10) 2010
Clayton, Robert Howard (d.03/52) 1952 Morris, Barbara Cordelia (Nolte) (d.03/19/07) 2007
Clement, Ruth L. (Mitchell) (d.01/93) 1993 Mulky, Donald J. (d.12/09/01) 2001
Clipson, Robert Lee (d.03/28/85) 1985 Murray, Geraldine (Gammon) (d.08/09/19) 2019
Cobbs, Gordon Raymon (d.12/09/96) 1996 Murray, Virginia (Hummell)
Cole, Mary Louise (Doughman) (d.01/22/04) 2004 Myers, Merrill Maitland (d.11/19/06) 2006
Coltrane, Margaret Elizabeth (d.07/05/95) 1995 Newell, Jack
Couchman, Doris May Norman, Iowa Geneva
Cox, Flora Jean (Fontanini) (d.11/14/90) 1990 Ogilvie, Maxine Faith (d.01/01/95) 1995
Crow, John Merle (d.08/13/92) 1992 Palandri, August A. (d.09/21/88) 1988
Curl, James Franklin (d.09/41) 1941 Palmer, Betty Jean (Hogan) (d.02/05/91) 1991
Dacus, Calvin Thomas (d.06/30/83) 1983 Parrish, Leota (Alston) (d.09/11/01) 2001
Dalton, Alice M. (Schulz) (d.09/13/02) 2002 Pearson, Mary An n (Rogers) (d.12/07/02) 2002
Danforth, Joseph Wayne (d.07/04/94) 1994 Perdue, Orlin W. (d.10/26/87) 1987
Davis, Bette (Millbourn) (d.12/06/04) 2004 Peterson, Virginia Ann
Davis, Emanuel (d.11/84) 1984 Pettit, Virgil E. (d. 11/24/01) 2001
Davis, George Merrill (d.11/05/92) 1992 Piper, Clell E. (d.11/16/72) 1972
Davis, Jeannete Francis (Vignaroli) (d.11/28/10) 2010 Priebe, Gladys L.
Davis, Kenneth Claude (d.09/45) 1945 Pugh Mary Esther (McGauhey) (d.03/24/18) 2018
Davis, Marjorie Jean (Flatley) (d.11/15/05) 2005

Pyle, Quentin Otto (d.06/12/12)

Day, Galeta J. (Reidelbach) (d.12/21/08) 2008 Rankin, Jonann D. (Lyon) (d.07/30/97) 1997
DeCarlo, Harry L. (d.01/04/13) 2013 Rebol, Mary Hazel
DeHaan, Paul (d.04/14/96) 1996 Reeves, Edith B. (Earley) (d.04/01/07) 2007
Dew, Donald Earl (d.03/14/11) 2011 Regan, Elizabeth W. (McLeod) (d.04/21/02) 2002
Dockstader, Wilbur L. (d.04/11/94) 1994 Reichenberg, Elma (McClelland) (d.05/30/07) 2007
Donhowe, Robert M. (d.02/20/08) 2008 Reinertson, Homer Edward (d.12/14/94) 1994
Eittreim, Robert Duane (d.09/29/90) 1990 Rushing, Ethyl Vera (Pettit) (d.03/23/94) 1994
Emery, James William Sanders, Bessie Mae (Henry) (d.02/21/11) 2011
Fairchild, Mildred Virginia (Wright) (d.10/03/88) 1988 Sauerman, Charles Fredrick (d.07/13/96) 1996
Feeley, Vincent (d.01/10/00) 2000 Sawhill, John Wilbur (d.07/28/10) 2010
Ferguson, Virginia Marie (Cason) (d.06/06/85) 1985 Scarlett, Marian Emma (Skelding) (d.09/09/87) 1987
Fishback, Miriam A. (Higbie) (d.04/89) 1989 Schatz, Sheldon (d.11/19/04) 2004
Fitch, Rebecca Elizabeth (Davidson) (d.10/25/93) 1993 Selfe, Yvonne E. d.03/09/39) 1939
Foland, Harold Dwight (d.06/08/05) 2005 Shaffer, Shirley B. (Lettington) (d.01/29/93) 1993
Forrest, Elmore (d.08/11/00) 2000 Shaw, Thomas C. (d.02/15/91) 1991
Gammell, Mary W. Shoup, Claude Thomas (d.11/72) 1972
Gardner, Helen Maxine Smith, Yvonne A. (Freshour) (d.10/95) 1995
Gary, Dorothy Margaret (Hofbauer) (d.08/30/04) 2004 Snyder, George Freeland (d.05/25/11) 2011
Gaskill, Charles Howard (d.07/31/09) 2009 Spencer, Ronald L. (d.11/20/06) 2006
Gear, Vincent Reynolds (d.06/17/11) 2011 Speridon, Pete (d.12/10/06) 2006
Gibbons, Elizabeth Lynn (Fox) (d.10/02/14) 2014 Sprague, Frank De (d.12/19/45) WWII 1945
Glenn, Lucille (Watters) (d.05/29/01) 2001 Spurgin, Jack Curtis
Gonias, Louie Stenoish, John Franklin (d.02/27/13) 2013
Goss, Robert Nichols (d.01/21/97) 1997 Storey, Norman Ralph (d.12/74) 1974
Gray, Richard Warren (d.11/28/93) 1993 Strother, Ellen L. (Robinson) (d.07/31/04) 2004
Guessford, Leona Mae (Nash) (d.04/14/70) 1970 Summy, Ruth Ellen (Rowley) (d.07/19/11) 2011
Gunion, Lyle Burton (d.08/07/90) 1990 Sweigart, Pauline A. (Schafer) 1945
Hagenberg, Wilma Margaret (d.01/12/94) 1994 Tinlin, Corrine (Sutter) (d.10/13/98) 1998
Hains, Maxine Gertrude (Cave) (d.08/31/01) 2001 Travis, Beverly Jean (Jarman) (d.11/13/05) 2005
Hamilton, Earl F. (d.03/21/00) 2000 Van Wyk, Margaret (Hallett) (d.01/22/80) 1980
Harlan, Edgar Robert Vestine, Margaret L. (Stewart, Shepherd) (d.08/30/00) 2000
Harris, Donald C. (d.06/29/11) 2011 Vittetoe, Thomas H. (d.06/26/88) 1988
Hart, Paul Randolph Eugene (d.04/14/98) 1998 Volz, Kathleen Jane (Compiano) (d.07/24/16) 2016
Hartsook, Quentin Walker, Ruth Modell (Kinsey) (d.01/25/09) 2009
Hetherington, Robert Merle (d.01/87) 1987 Walter, William (Bill) W. (d.01/12/09) 2009
Hicks, George W. (11/82) 1982 Watters, Lois W. (Glab) (d.11/22/08) 2008
Higbie, Howard Lloyd (d.03/30/83) 1983 Weatherly, Perry Brainerd (d.11/20/98) 1998
Hirschman, Violet Maxine (Bengtson) (d.12/12/14) 2014 Welch, John (Jack) 2005
Holcomb, Phyllis J. (Shipley) (d.05/22/06) 2006 Wells, Robert 2009
Howard, Donald Martin White, Lorene (Brown) (d.12/28/03) 2003
Howell, Gordon L. (d.09/20/03) 2003 Wilbert, William J. (d.05/75) 1975
Hurlbert, Richard Stanton (d.01/04/81) 1981 Wilhelm, Alice Miriam
Hytone, Jean H. (Rubinsky) (d.12/18/06) 2006 Wood, Mary Malinda (Kirschman) (d.05/09/02) 2002
Irwin, Eloise (Fain) (d.09/86) 1986 Wooters, James Leland (d. 02/18/22) 2022
Ivie, Virginia Margaret (Hetherington) Young,BarbaraFaye(Burch,Eddy) (d.12/27/02) 2002
Jamison, Marcella B. (d.09/30/01) 2001 x
August, 1938
Abel, Helen Winifred (Conklin) (d.08/77) 1977 McCauley, Thomas B.
Acuff, Betty J. (Barber) (d.02/23/11) 2011 McMillen, Anna Belle (Taylor) (d.04/87) 1987
Allen, Wanda Avonelle Meier (d.11/27/97) 1997 Mitchell, Ruth Leona (d.01/93) 1993
Arrowood, Bill Bryan (d.04/26/94) 1994 Redick, Mary Jane (Iacopi) (d.11/23/10) 2010
Boustead, Betty Jeanne (Adams) (d.05/04/86) 1986 Snow, Keith R. (d.03/09/03) 2003
Cowie, Ivan Scott (d.03/04/78) 1978 Thompson, Lois Elaine (d.12/17/99) 1999
Finckbone, Harold James (d.03/02/92) 1992 Tursi, Joseph F. (d.03/15/03) 2003
Heinig, Hubert H. (d.05/29/83) 1983 Wells, Bernice Ada (Rhone) (d.03/06/10) 2010
Marino, Theresa Ann (Cardamon) (d.04/03/10) 2010 x 2010
For further input, please email me at [email protected]
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Class of 1953, (10th reunion), 1963 Pictures
Class of 1953, (30th reunion), 1983 Pictures
Class of 1953, (40th reunion), 1993 Pictures
Class of 1953, (50th reunion), 2003 Pictures
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We want you! Class of 1954, (60th reunion), 2014 Are we describing you?
We want you! Class of 1955, (60th reunion), 2015 Are we describing you?
Class of 1956, (60th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1957, (60th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1958, (60th reunion), 2018 Pictures
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Class of 1975, (40th reunion), 2015 Pictures
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Class of 1979, (40th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1980, (30th reunion), 2010 Pictures
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Class of 1983, (30th reunion), 2013 Pictures
Class of 1984, (25th reunion), 2009 Pictures
Class of 1985, (30th reunion), 2015 Pictures
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Class of 1988, (20th reunion), 2008 Pictures
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Class of 1990, (20th reunion), 2010 Pictures
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