North Des Moines High School
Class of 1961
Class Meetings:
55th Reunion Coming Up!
Meets the first Wednesday of every month at 6:00PM
Chuck's Restaurant
3610 6th Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50313-4155
(515) 244-4104
Friday, August 12, 2016
Time: 6:00pm until Close Chuck's Italian & American Restaurant
3610 6th Avenue
  Des Moines, IA
  (515) 244-4104
Dinner and Social ($20/person)   map
Saturday, August 13, 2016
Time: 6:00pm-9:00pm Des Moines Fire Station #1
(The Des Moines Social Club)
  900 Mulberry Street
  Des Moines, IA 50309
  (515) 369-3673
Both functions: $61.00/person Pictures and Social Hour?
Stover Photographic:
(515) 321-6691 tbd?
  Group Photo to be taken at 6:00PM. Be punctual?
7:00PM Heavy hors d'eouvres by Malo Restaurant
Friday, August 19, 2011
Time: 6:00pm until Close Chuck's Italian & American Restaurant
3610 6th Avenue
  Des Moines, IA
  (515) 244-4104
Dinner and Social   map
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Time: 6:00pm-7:00pm Echo Valley Country Club
  3150 Echo Valley Drive (Old Country Line Rd)
  Norwalk, IA 50211
  (515) 285-0101
6:00PM Pictures and Social Hour
Stover Photographic:
(515) 981-4217 tbd
  Group Photo to be taken at 6:00PM. Be punctual.
7:00PM Dinner
Sunday, August 21, 2011
10:00AM Brunch Prairie Meadows Race Track and Casino
1 Prairie Meadows Drive
Altoona, IA 50009
(515) 967-3366
50th Reunion; 2011 50th Reunion; 2011 50th Reunion; 2011
50th Reunion; 2011 50th Reunion; 2011 50th Reunion; 2011
50th Reunion; 2011 50th Reunion; 2011 50th Reunion; 2011
50th Reunion; Echo Valley CC; August 20, 2011
Photo by Stover Photographic Services (515) 981-4217
Starting first row, bottom left
Row 1 Jim German, John Worden, Kent Kaufmann, X, Danial Linke, Larry Coppola, Robert Slater, Grant Van Dorn
Row 2 X, Judy Gangestad Miller, Nancy Romp Knight, Joyce Loftus Shaffer, Linda Calhoun Cook, Susan Suchy Donohoe, Janet Samo?, Joan Carver, X, Mary Stone Beck, X, Charlotte Paxton Hradek, Barbara Bark Gaumer
Row 3

X, Betty Hutton Martindale, X, Linda Smith?, Mary Kaye Hoss Smith, X, Anola Bond, Klock, Vera Watkins Taylor, Bill Wince, Tom Brown, Paula Propes, Darlene DeCarlo, Karen Miller Scheldroup, Janice Arnold Torbert, X, Kathy McGrew Mallory, Jolane Renaker Keller, Barbara Larsen Modjeska, Patricia Spurling, Kay Albright Guinn

Row 4 Jim Locke, X, X, X, Tom Newbiggin, X, Sandra Korte, Peter Royal, X, Ron Wayman, X, X, Jerry Gates, Bob Raymond or J Farr?, X, Ron Robbins, X, Jim Shaffer, Chuck Pulley, Richard McCauley, Janet McGowan Ash, Jim Locke? Tal Zagar, David Carlson, Tom Drake, X
Row 5 X, X, X, Jim Holtz, Gary Ash, X, Richard Shafer, Richard Duncan, Alonzo Brooks, Dennis Smith, Doug Robinson, X, Dennis Winders?
50th Reunion; 2011 50th Reunion; 2011 50th Reunion; 2011
50th Reunion; 2011 50th Reunion; 2011 50th Reunion; 2011
50th Reunion; 2011 50th Reunion; 2011 50th Reunion; 2011
According to numbers assigned
1/Jim German 17/ 32/Darlene DeCarlo 48/Peter Royal 64/David Carlson
2/John Worden 18/Mary Stone Beck 33/Karen Miller Scheldroup 49/ 65/Tom Drake
3/Kent Kaufmann 19/ 34/Janice Arnold Torbert 50/Ron Wayman 66/
4/ 20/Charlotte Paxton Hradek 35/ 51/ 67/
5/Daniel Limke 21/Barbara Bark Gaumer 36/Kathy McGrew Mallory 52/ 68/
6/Larry Coppola 22/ 37/Jolane Renaker Keller 53/Jerry Gates 69/
7/Robert Slater 23/Betty Hutton Martindale 38/Barbara Larsen Modjeska 54/Bob Raymond, JFarr? 70/Jim Holtz
8/Grant Van Dorn 24/ 39/Patricia Spurling 55/ 71/Gary Ash
9/ 25/Linda Smith? 40/Kay Albright Gwinn 56/Ron Robbins 72/
10/JudyGangestadMiller 26/Mary Kaye Hoss Smith 41/Jim Locke 57/ 73/Richard Shafer
11/Nancy Romp Knight 27/ 42/ 58/Jim Shaffer 74/Richard Duncan
12/Joyce Loftus Shaffer 28a/Anola Bond Klock 43/ 59/Chuck Pulley 75/Alonzo Brooks
13/Linda Calhoun Cook 28/Vera Watkins Taylor 44/ 60/Richard McCauley 76/Dennis Smith
14/Susan Suchy Donohoe 29/Bill Wince 45/Tom Newbiggin 61/Janet McGowan Ash 77/Doug Robinson
15/Janet Samo? 30/Tom Brown 46/ 62/Jim Locke 78/
16/Joan Carver 31/Paula Propes 47/Sandra Korte 63/Tal Zagar #: Dennis Winders?
Photo Identification: Compliments of
50th Reunion; 2011; enlarged left side of photo 50th Reunion; 2011; enlarged left side of photo 50th Reunion; 2011; enlarged left side of photo
50th Reunion; 2011; enlarged left side of photo 50th Reunion; 2011; enlarged left side of photo 50th Reunion; 2011; enlarged left side of photo
50th Reunion; 2011; enlarged left side of photo 50th Reunion; 2011; enlarged left side of photo 50th Reunion; 2011; enlarged left side of photo
enlarged photo of left side of 50th reunion photo
50th Reunion; 2011; enlarged right side of photo 50th Reunion; 2011; enlarged right side of photo 50th Reunion; 2011; enlarged right side of photo
50th Reunion; 2011; enlarged right side of photo 50th Reunion; 2011; enlarged right side of photo 50th Reunion; 2011; enlarged right side of photo
50th Reunion; 2011; enlarged right side of photo 50th Reunion; 2011; enlarged right side of photo 50th Reunion; 2011; enlarged right side of photo
enlarged photo of right side of 50th reunion photo
35th Reunion; 1996 35th Reunion; 1996
35th Reunion; 1996 35th Reunion; 1996
35th Reunion; Echo Valley CC; July 27, 1996
Photo by Stover Photographic Services (515) 981-4217
According to numbers assigned
1/David Koder 13/Dennis Lindsay 25/ 37/Judy Holsman 49/Barbara Bark
2/Jim Wade 14/Thomas S. Moore 26/ 38/Darlene Oneth 50/Darlene Gust
3/Jack Keller 15/Robert Granson 27/ 39/Patsy Lovell Lucas 51/
4/Frank Wolf? 16/ 28/Burt Jurgensen 40/Darlene DeCarlo 52/Pat Spurling
5/Robert Seiberling 17/Ron Robbins 29/ 41/Karen Ferguson 53/
6/John Levy 18/Jack Passwaters 30/ 42/Jolane Renaker 54/Linda Smith
7/Leo Chancellor 19/ 31/Jim Holtz 43/Kathy McGrew 55/
8/Gary Pulley 20/Jim German 32/Marilyn Harvey 44/Janice Arnold 56/Juanita Inman
9/Dick McCauley 21/Gary Ash 33/Sharon Stone 45/Judy Gangestad 57/Chris West
10/Dennis Winders 22/ 34/Arlene Oneth 46/Janice McGowan x
11/Doug Carmichael 23/Dennis Smith 35/Nancy Romp 47/Pat Fitzpatrick x
12/ 24/ 36/Sharon Waddell 48/ x
Photo: Compliments of Gary Ash
32nd Reunion; 1993 32nd Reunion; 1993
32nd Reunion; 1993 32nd Reunion; 1993
enlarged left side of 32nd Reunion photo; 1993 enlarged left side of 32nd Reunion photo; 1993 enlarged left side of 32nd Reunion photo; 1993
enlarged left side of 32nd Reunion photo; 1993 enlarged left side of 32nd Reunion photo; 1993 enlarged left side of 32nd Reunion photo; 1993
enlarged left side of 32nd Reunion photo; 1993 enlarged left side of 32nd Reunion photo; 1993 enlarged left side of 32nd Reunion photo; 1993
enlarged left side of 32nd Reunion photo; 1993
enlarged right side of 32nd Reunion photo; 1993 enlarged right side of 32nd Reunion photo; 1993 enlarged right side of 32nd Reunion photo; 1993
enlarged right side of 32nd Reunion photo; 1993 enlarged right side of 32nd Reunion photo; 1993 enlarged right side of 32nd Reunion photo; 1993
enlarged right side of 32nd Reunion photo; 1993 enlarged right side of 32nd Reunion photo; 1993 enlarged right side of 32nd Reunion photo; 1993
enlarged right side of 32nd Reunion photo; 1993
32nd Reunion; Echo Valley CC; August 21, 1993
Photo by Stover Photographic Services   ( 515) 981-4217
Starting first row, bottom left
Row 1 Mike Farrington, Tom Fergus, Ken Swan, John Worden, Dick McCauley, Larry Coppola, Jack Keller, Jim Wade, Ron Kelderman, Dave DeCarlo, Jim German, Tom Wilson, Dennis Forker, Ron Robbins, Tal Zagar, Robert Slater, Doug Carmichael, Tom Drake
Row 2 Gary Ash, Judy Gangestad, Arlene Oneth, Darlene Oneth, Jolane Renaker, Jeri Sylvester, Janice Arnold, Paulette Hon, Janet Samo, Pat Fitzpatrick, Sue Witt, Darlene Gust, Pat Spurling, Nicoe Bittner, Sandra Korte, Jo Ann Walker, Nancy Romp, Judy Ferguson, Chris West
Row 3 John Voell, Paul Jorgensen, Leo Chancellor, Doug Robinson, Norman Newhouse, Sharon Weddell, Mary Stone, Barb Bark, Charlette Paxton, Diane McCauley, Judy Holsman, Karen Miller, Karen Ferguson, Karen Graham, Linda Smith, Anola Bond, Sharon Sappenfield, Mary Hoss, Karolyn Carley, Janice McGowan, Rasma Narins, Jodell Keyes, Mary Ann Howard, Kathy McGrew, Darlene DeCarlo, Dennis Smith, Paula Riley
Row 4 Gene Clipperton, David Koder, John Levy, Larry Biggs, Bob Granson, Tom Moore, Dennis Winders, Dennis Lindsay, Bob Swan, Doug Hanson, Gary Pulley, Alonzo Brooks, Jim Holtz, Frank Wolf, Burt Jergensen, Jack Passwaters, Charles Gabbert
Absent Gerald Brown, Kay Albright, Ron Wayman, Tom Brown, Linda Glanville, Ralph Smith, David Carlson
Photo: Compliments of Gary Ash
Class of January, 1961 Class of January, 1961 Class of January, 1961
Class of January, 1961 Class of January, 1961 Class of January, 1961
Class of January, 1961 Class of January, 1961 Class of January, 1961
Class of January, 1961 (class numbered 113; 94 pictured)
Starting first row, bottom left
Row 1 Emma Waterman, Catharine Wallace, Kaye Hukill, Sharon Slawson, Michael Rizk, Annette Pietsch, Marilyn Harvey, Mary Ellen Evans, Justina Whiteside, Carol Elings, Robert Seiberling
Row 2 Judy Funk, Susan Suchy, X, X, X, Sharon Lighon, X, Susan Linn, X, X, Halina Redko, Richard Duncan
Row 3 Sandra Korte, Eileen Malmanger, Ruth Sims, Karen O'Neal, Diane Lefler, Phyllis McEwen, Linda Calhoun, Karen Peggs, Paulette Hon, Roger Johnson, Ed Holt, Charles Huntbach, X
Row 4 X, X, X, Mary Ann Loupee, Patty Castle, Donna Lambert, Susan Lee, Janice McGowan, Janet Samo, Judy Klingaman, X. Tom Brown, Ronald Dixon. Robert Moore
Row 5 X, Donna Iseminger, Mary Scheckel, Paula Propes, Alan Patera, Robert Anthony, Tom Nau, Michael Wittkop, Steve Huntoon, Jerry Farr, Tal Zagar, Tom Drake, Travis Fowler, Ronald Shade, Ron Robbins
Row 6 Betty Ann Peterson, Larry Hanover, Craig Clark, Edward Simons, X, Tom Weidner, Robert Slater, Tom Longden, Larry Simmer, Bill Bartlett, Edward Fisher, Daniel Limke, Olivia Walmer, X
Row 7 X, X, Mike Gunson, Mike Hayward, David Carlson, Larry Cook, Myrna Gray, X, X, Gary Ibson, Dennis Smith, Chuck Spaans, Dick Bittle, Harry Stewart, Jim Locke
Graduating Class of June, 1961 Graduating Class of June, 1961 Graduating Class of June, 1961
Graduating Class of June, 1961 Graduating Class of June, 1961 Graduating Class of June, 1961
Graduating Class of June, 1961 Graduating Class of June, 1961 Graduating Class of June, 1961
Graduating Class of June, 1961 Graduating Class of June, 1961 Graduating Class of June, 1961
Class of June, 1961 (class numbered 244)
Starting first row, bottom left
Row 1 names coming
Row 2 names coming
Row 3 names coming
Row 4 names coming
Row 5 names coming
Row 6 names coming
Row 7 names coming
Photo: from memorabilia of the late Joseph Allen Glasgow
enlarged left side of June grad photo enlarged left side of June grad photo enlarged left side of June grad photo
enlarged left side of June grad photo enlarged left side of June grad photo enlarged left side of June grad photo
enlarged left side of June grad photo enlarged left side of June grad photo enlarged left side of June grad photo
enlarged left side of June grad photo
enlarged right side of June grad photo enlarged right side of June grad photo enlarged right side of June grad photo
enlarged right side of June grad photo enlarged right side of June grad photo enlarged right side of June grad photo
enlarged right side of June grad photo enlarged right side of June grad photo enlarged right side of June grad photo
enlarged right side of June grad photo

January 1961
Class Officers

Robert Francis Moore
Michael Gunson
Susan Linn
Janice McGowan
Susan Lee
Donna Mae Lambert
Betty Peterson
Steven Huntoon

June 1961
Class Officers

Larry D. Kurmel
Jack Passwaters
Nancy Romp
Roberta Wells
Mary Agnes Stone
Rasma Narins
Kathleen Donahue
Barbara Bark
Grant Van Dorn
Upper 3% Scholastically
Thomas Brown Kathy Donahue Judy Gagestad Linda Glanville Jean Grubbs
Gary Knight Susan Linn Janice McGowan Rasma Narins Nan Patterson
Betty Peterson Sharon Phoenix Linda Smith Catherine Wallace Roberta Wells
January Student Council
1st Row Nancy Hall, Nancy Romp, Nancy Stout, Mary Ann Warad, Dick McDonald, Sandra Sevedge, Mike Ritz, Diane Wing, Jeri Sylvester, Carolyn Wlech
2nd Row Tom Drake, Linda Smith, Tom Turner, Ronnie Mohr, Gene Stout, Gary Knight, Chris West, Sonie Moore, Nancy Patterson, Alice Olson, Janice McGowan
3rd Row Craig Milhollin, Gifford Rodine, Jim Stout, Jack Passwaters, Jay Orr, Peter Royal, Tom Wilson, Bob Moore, Jerry Farr
June Student Council
1st Row Donna McKowen, Dixie Hackman, Jeri Sylvester, Nancy Hall, Marilyn Babbit, Susan Taylor, Judy Gangestad, Mary Whitson
2nd Row Linda Knudsen, Bob Hamman, Larry Tippets, Larry Hedgpeth, Tom Turner, Mary Stone, Nan Jerome, Nancy Patterson
3rd Row Penny Parsons, Jon VanDusseldorp, Jim Shaffer, Ray Nystrom, Dennis Forker, Bob Dickey, Larry Dorr, Mary Moll
4th Row Lee Kness, Ed McCullom, Jay Orr, Dick McCauley, Ray Hall, Larry Cimino
Chemistry with Mr. Lockridge Chemistry with Mr. Lockridge
Chemistry with Mr. Lockridge Chemistry with Mr. Lockridge
Blues in the Night Blues in the Night
Blues in the Night Blues in the Night
Chemistry with Mr. Lockridge   Janice Arnold, Modine Upchurch, Carolyn Welch, Connie Galloway
District Champions District Champions
District Champions District Champions
Volleyball Champs Volleyball Champs
Volleyball Champs Volleyball Champs
Jim Miller, Marvin Moore, Imants Papedis
Row 1 Noreen Smith, Betty Scheckel, Carolyn Wilson, Bonnie Travis
Row 2 Rasma Narins, Shirley Dyer, Mary Hoss, Diane McCauley, Shiela Dixon
1961 Varsity Basketball
1961 Varsity Basketball
Varsity Basketball
Row 1 Jack Passwaters, Tom Dorsey, Jay Orr, Bob Parish, Gary Echternacht, Jim Jorgenson, Mike Snodgrass
Row 2 Gary Knight, Tom Drake, Dick McCauley, Paul Jorgensen, Bill Coppock, Larry Kurmel, Bob Ellison, Ray Hall
Photos: Compliments of Yearbook from Robert Slater
Graduates - January, 1961 (numbered 97)
Anthony, Robert Joseph Gray, Myra Joy Limke, Daniel Ray Scheckel, Mary Lee
Apa, Sue Virginia Gunson, Michael Thomas Linn, Susan Kay Seiberling, Robert Andrew
Bartlett, William Harold Hanover, Larry Lee Locke, James Robert Shade, Ronald
Bittle, Richard Steven Harvey, Marilyn K. Longden,Thomaas Edmund Simmer, Larry Dean
Blythe, Edker William Hayward, Michael Clyde Loupee, Maryann Simons, Edward Anderson
Brown, Thomas Allen Holt, Edward Dale Lyons, Loretta Jean Sims, Ruth Ellen
Calhoun, Linda Carol Hon, Paulette Kay Malmanger, Eileen Ruth Slater, Robert Alan
Caliger, Roger Kent Hukill, Kaye Ellen McEwen, Phyllis Elaine Slawson, Sharon Kay
Carlson, David Arthur Huntbach, Charles C. McGowan, Janice Kay Smith, Dennis Earl
Castle, Patricia Joanne Huntoon, Steven Marais Moore, Carolyn Kay Smith, Eula Noreen
Clark, Craig Baker Ibson, Gary B. Moore, Robert Francis Smith, Linda Lee
Clark, Patricia Ann Iseminger, Donna Mae Nau, Thomas John Spaans, Ralph Charles
Cook, Larry Ray Ivers, Connie Louise Newbiggin, Thomas Carl Stewart, Harry V., Jr.
Dahl, Carleen Mary Johnson, Helen Janice O'Neal, Karen Kay Suchy, Susan Carol
Dixon, Ronald Allen Johnson, Roger Marion Oatley, Nancy Ann Taylor,Marguerite Jeanette
Drake, Thomas Roscoe Kauffman, Kent Burnell Patera, Alan Henry Tschantz, John Robert
Duncan,Richard Franklin Kipper, Rose Marie Peggs, Helen Karen Wallace,Catharine Anna
Elings, Carol Marie Klingaman, Judith Ellen Peterson, Betty Ann Walmer, Olivia Diane
Ellis, Robert Charles Korte, Sandra Jean Pietsch, Annette Gean Waterman, Emma Jane
Evans, Mary Ellen Kuenkel, William Ward Propes, Paula Gertrude Weidner,Thomas Michael
Farr, Donald Jerry Lambert, Donna Mae Redko, Haline Western, Sharon Louise
Fisher, Edward Lee Lee, Susan Kay Rizk, Michael Anthony Whiteside, Justine June
Fowler,Travis Jerome,Jr. Lefler, Diana Jo Robbins, Ronald Clyde Wittkop, Michael Leigh
Frette, Richard Amil Lighon, Sharon Raye Samo, Janet Lorraine Zagar, Talbert Neil
Funk, Judith Ann x x x
Graduates - June, 1961 (numbered 264)
Adamson, Katherine Marie Fitzpatrick,Patricia Kathryn Knight, Gary Gene Renaker, Jolane Kay
Andrew, Susan Kay Flaherty, Colleen Marie Koder, David Lee Reynolds, Edwanna Jean
Angus, Pamela Kay Flesher, Michael Alan Kuhlenbeck,Wendell Lee Rice, James Donald
Arnold, Janice Lee Forker, Dennis Eugene Kurmel, Larry D. Riley, Paula Lee
Ash, Gary Arthur Freel, Karen Lamb, Judith Margaret Robinson, Douglas Eugene
Ashby, Lucius Antone Fuller, Roberta Jean Larson, Barbara jean Rockwell, Margo Alana
Atkinson, Judith Ann Gabbert, Charles Clark Lassiter, Larrie Ann Rollins, Kenneth Carl
Aunspach, Kay Elizabeth Gangestad, Judy Lee Leach, David Michael Romp, Nancy Lee
Babbit, Marilyn Flavia Garner, Kenneth Paul Leaming, Mary C. Ross, Rebecca Jeanne
Balsan, David Harvey Garrels, Harlan Frank Levy, John Douglas Royal, Peter Lewis
Baring, Herman Leander,Jr. Garton, David Dwight Liepa, Martin Sappenfield, Sharon Lee
Bark, Barbara Jean Gates, Jerry Delmar Light, Rosemary Eva Sciarrotta,Rachel Anthonette
Bengtson, Ruth Evelyn German, James Dale Lindsay, Dennis Ray Semple, Sharon Ann
Biggs, Larry Dean Gilmore, Max William,Jr. Littlewood, Paul Shafer, Richard Earl
Bittner, Nicoe Luella Glanville, Linda Joyce Loftus, Joyce Darlene Shaffer, Jamie Harold
Bomberger,William Frederick Glasgow, Joseph Allen Longerbone,Patricia Francis Sharp, Brenda Diann
Bond, Anola Shan Goin, Donald Eugene Lorey, Robert Perry Simpson, Dixie Norrine
Bond, Thomas Bruce Goldsboro, Ruth Elaine Losee, Jon Richard Smith, Ralph Earl
Bowman, Robert Mitchell Goodside, Phillip Stan Lovell, Patsy Luella Smith, Linda Jean
Brennan, Larry Burton Graham, Karen Kay Martinache,Judith Marie Snyder, Sherril Lynn
Brewer, Daniel Lyle Graham, Robert Lee McCarthy,Michael Patrick Spurling,Patricia Jane
Brooks, Alonzo Warnell Granson, Robert Don McCauley, Diane Carole Sterns, Larry Dean
Brown, Gerald Michael Green, Judith Ann McCauley,Richard Harrison Stone, Mary Agnes
Burgess, Beverly Ann Grubbs, Margaret Jean McCollum, Craig Roy Stout, James Harrison
Burke, Ernest, Jr. Guely, Jan Michael McGuire, Michael Stevan Stout, Sara Kay
Cadwell,Elizabeth Marie Gust, Darlene Allen McKinney, Patricia Lou Strait, Sharon Lee
Carley, Karolyn Joanne Hanson, Douglas Allen McKinstry, Sheila Jayne Strausbaugh,William Ray
Carmichael,Douglas Arthur Harriott,Johnny Raymond McKowen, Donna Lea Swan, Kenneth Lee
Carver, Joan Yvonne Harris, David William Miller, Dudley Lee Swan, Robert Gene
Caswell, Johnnie Lloyd Hayes, Talva Deanne Miller, Karen Louise Sylvester, Jeri Lyn
Chance, Donna Marie Hays, Judith Rae Miller, Philip Matthew Taylor, Susan
Chancellor, Leo Craig Heaivilin, Marilyn Ruth Moen, Donald William Thomas,Constance Mae
Chipps, Fredrick Ray Heariold, Georgeann Moon, Carol Lynn Tippetts, Diane Rae
Clark, Jeanette Kay Heminover, David Paul Moore, LaSonia DaVonne Tomlinson,Dorothy Agnes
Coderre,Laurence Martinius Henderson, Anna Louise Moore, Marvin Eugene Travis, Bonnie Jean
Conklin, Darnley Lee Hendrick, Charles Stephen Moore, Thomas Russell Tuttle,Marjorie Anne
Coppock, William James Hobson, Robert Reid Moore, Thomas Sherman Upchurch,Modine Evelyn
Coppola, Larry Joe Hollingworth,David Richard Morris, Roger Clark Valencic, Wilma Louise
Cord, Sandra Lee Holsman, Judith Evelyn Myer, Mary VanDorn, Grant Lyman
Coulson, Nancy Jean Holtz, James Dean Narins, Rasma Vaught, Sandra Monnie
Cox, Michael David Hoss, Mary Kaye Needham, Ann Marie Voell, John Raymond
Craig, Mary Ruth Howard, Linda Gale Nelson,Theodore Byron II Wade, James Cleveland
Crawford,Nancy Kathryn Howard, Mary Ann Newhouse, Norman C Walker, Jo Ann
Cunningham,Linda Lou Howard, William Ray Newsom,Marshall Jon,Jr. Wallace, Sharon Lee
Davis, Mary Jane Huffman, Beverly Jane Nicholson, Dixie Lee Ware, Penny Alecia
DeCarlo, Darlene Marie Hurley, John William Nicolet,Lanny Douglas Watkins, Vera Jean
DeCarlo, David Charles Hutton, Betty Anne Oliver, Barbara Jean Watson, Ellen Krohn
DeVore, Judith Ellen Jacobsen, Allan Helweg Oliver, Brenda Kay Watson, Jerry Keith
Dewey, Blair Herbert II Jenks, Phyllis Arlene Oneth, Arlene Kay Watts, Kenneth Robert
Dewey, Jack Lowell, Jr. Jinks, Gary Lee Oneth, Darlene Mae Weddell, Sharon Sue
Dickey, Robert Elston Johnson, Anita Louise Parks, Philip Wayne Welder, Gloria Jean
Dillard, Beverly Jean Johnson,Darlene Florence Passwaters, Jack Douglas Wells, Robert Jo Ann
Donahue,Kathleen Anne Johnson, Dorothy Anna Patterson, Gary Lee West, Christina Lee
Donahue, Michael Larry Johnson, Gary Patterson, Nancy Aileen White, Verdo Margon
Donovan, Nancy Kay Johnson, Mary Elizabeth Patton, Charles Oran Wiegand,Henry Duane
Dunshee,Jacqueline Dianne Johnson, Vernon Paxton, Charlette Ardeen Willis, David Freman
Dye, Saundra Kay Johnston,Roger Cameron Perdue, Lonny Lee Wilson, Thomas Hewes
Edwards, Joyce Ann Jones, Arlene Ruth Peterson, Barbara Ruth Wince, Bill Domonic
Ellison,Robert Darrel Matthew Jorgensen,Paul Christian Peterson, Pamela Ann Winders, Dennis James
Emmons, Peres Jess Jurgensen,Burt Harry Peterson, Stanley Herman Witmer, Ellen Sue
Engstrom, Dixie Ann Kaufman, Eunice Naomi Phoenix, Sharon Louise Witts, Susan Rose
Evans, Richard William Kauzlarich,Patricia Ann Powers, Nancy Ellen Wittman, Charles Douglas
Farrington,Michael Scott Kelderman,Ronald Dean Pulley, Gary Henry Wolf, Francis Maynard
Fergus, Thomas Henry Keyes,Jodell Ann Quinn, Don Louis Worden, John Roger
Ferguson, Judy Marlene Kilbourne,Larry Ronald Ramey,Jeannine Marie Ziebell, Virginia Lee
Fiene, Duane William Kness, Lee Edwin Raymond, Robert Clifford x
Graduates - August, 1961 (numbered 10)
Arendts,Charlotte Elaine Gruening,John August Nuckolls, Susanne Carol Wilson, Douglas R.
Davison, Judy May Jay, Judith Carole Parisho, Susanne Kay x
Fane, Lois Irene Lawson, Jerry Allen Rice, Jerry Kenneth x
In Memoriam
Class of January/June/August, 1961
January, 1961
Anthony, Robert Joseph (d.01/31/09) 2009 Johnson, Helen Janice (d.03/25/17) 2017
Bittle, Richard Steven (Dick) (d.12/15/01) 2001 Lefler, Diana Jo
Caliger, Roger Kent (d.1995) 1995 Limke, Daniel Raymond (d.05/15/14) 2014
Cook, Larry Ray (d.02/19/?) Locke, James Robert (d.03/19/19) 2019
Fowler, Travis Jerome, Jr. (d.08/75) 1975 Lyons, Loretta Jean (Taylor) (d.11/15/13) 2013
Frette, Richard Amil (d.12/05/07) 2007 Moore, Robert Francis (before 1991)
Hanover, Larry Lee (d.03/25/02) 2002 Seiberling, Robert Andrew (d.02/14/16) 2016
Hayward, Michael Clyde (d.05/22/22) 2022 Simmer, Larry Dean (d.07/12/12) 2012
Holt, Edward Dale (d.07/09/12) 2012 Sims, Ruth Ellen (Chambers) (d.09/04/67) 1967
Hon, Paulette Kay (d.12/13/93) 1993 Whiteside, Justina June
Hukill, Kaye Ellen (Formaro) (d.07/23/16) 2016 Wittkop, Michael Leigh (d.05/06/00) 2000
Ibson, Gary B. (d.03/26/12) 2012 Zagar, Talbert Neil (d.11/12/15) 2015
June, 1961
Bond, Thomas Bruce Kauzlarich, Patricia Ann
Bowman, Robert Mitchell (d.06/30/16) 2016 Kilbourne, Larry Ronald (d.12/05/02) 2002
Brown, Gerald Michael (d.02/14/24) 2024 Kuhlenbeck, Wendell Lee (d.03/91) 1991
Burke, Ernest Clyde, Jr. (d.10/19/17) 2017 Lamb, Judith Margaret
Conklin,Darnley Lee(Sheaffer/Utter) (d.07/20/93) 1993 Leaming, Mary C. (Rodriguez) (d.08/29/13) 2013
Coppock, William James (d.07/86) 1986 Lindsay, Dennis Ray (d.11/10/09) 2009
Cox, Michael David Loftus, Joyce Darlene (Shaffer) (d.11/15/22) 2022
Crawford, Nancy Kathryn (Fitch) (d.02/22/08) 2008 Lorey, Robert Perry (d.07/21/19) 2019
Dewey, Jack Lowell, Jr. 1961 McCarthy, Michael Patrick (d.11/01/07) 2007
Dickey, Robert Elston (d.05/04/03) 2003 Moore, Thomas Sherman (d.01/31/07) 2007
Emmons, Peres Jess (d.05/12/98) 1998 McCauley, Richard Harrison (d.10/18/18) 2018
Farrington, Michael Scott (d.01/31/08) 2008 Oliver, Brenda Kay (Jotzke) (d.10/28/06) 2006
Fitzpatrick, Patricia Kathryn (Stone) (d.06/16) 2016 Oneth, Darlene Mae (Jones) (d.08/30/10) 2010

Forker, Dennis Eugene (d.07/21/18)

2018 Smith, Ralph Earl (d. 01/21/98) 1998
Garton, David Dwight (d.01/08/12) 2012 Stout, Sara Kay (Childress) (d.09/29/12) 2012
Glasgow, Joseph Allen (d.07/81) 1981 West, Christina Lee (Smith) (d.01/20/10) 2010
Goodside, Phillip Stanley (d.04/76) 1976 White, Verdo Margon (d.07/30/94) 1994
Graham, Robert Lee (d. 03/21/07) 2007 Wiegand, Henry (Hank) Duane 2003
Johnson, Gary L. (d. 11/30/05) 2005 Willis, David Freman (d.04/04/08) 2008
Jurgensen, Burt Harry (d.11/17/08) 2008 Wolf, Francis Maynard (d.06/07/99) 1999
Kaufman,Eunice Naomi (Leonard) x x 1999
August, 1961
Nuckolls, Suzanne Carol (Fliehler) (d.09/13/15) 2015 Wilson, Douglas R. (d.11/84) 1984
For further input, please email me at [email protected]
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Class of 1920 Pictures
Class of 1921 Pictures
Class of 1922 Pictures
Class of 1923 Pictures
Class of 1924 Pictures
Class of 1925 Pictures
Class of 1926 Pictures
Class of 1927 Pictures
Class of 1928 Pictures
Class of 1929 Pictures
Class of 1930 Pictures
Class of 1931 Pictures
Class of 1932 Meetings Pictures
Class of 1933 (60th reunion), 1993 Pictures
Class of 1934 Meetings Pictures
Class of 1935, (60th reunion), 1995 Pictures
Class of 1936, (50th reunion), 1986 Pictures
Class of 1937, (60th reunion), 1997 Pictures
Class of 1938, (50th reunion), 1988 Pictures
Class of 1939, (66th reunion), 2005 Pictures
Class of 1940, (50th reunion), 1990 Pictures
Class of 1941, (60th reunion), 2001 Pictures
Class of 1942, (45th reunion), 1987 Pictures
Class of 1943, (65th reunion), 2008 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1944, (65th reunion), 2009 Pictures
Class of 1945, (60th reunion), 2005 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1946, (65th reunion), 2011 Are we describing you?
Class of 1947, (60th reunion), 2007 Pictures
Class of 1948, (60th reunion), 2008 Pictures
Class of 1949, (70th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1950, (60th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 1951, (60th reunion), 2011 Are we describing you?
Class of 1952, (65th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1953, (grad pictures, lists) Pictures
Class of 1953, (10th reunion), 1963 Pictures
Class of 1953, (30th reunion), 1983 Pictures
Class of 1953, (40th reunion), 1993 Pictures
Class of 1953, (50th reunion), 2003 Pictures
    Class of 1953, (60th reunion), 2013 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1954, (60th reunion), 2014 Are we describing you?
We want you! Class of 1955, (60th reunion), 2015 Are we describing you?
Class of 1956, (60th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1957, (60th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1958, (60th reunion), 2018 Pictures
Class of 1959, (60th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1960, (60th reunion), 2020 Pictures
Class of 1961, (55th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1962, (60th reunion), 2022 Pictures
Class of 1963, (55th reunion), 2018 Pictures
Class of 1964, (55th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1965, (50th reunion), 2015 Pictures
Class of 1966, (50th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1967, (55th reunion), 2022 Pictures
Class of 1968, (50th reunion), 2018 Pictures
Class of 1969, (50th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1970, (51st reunion), 2021 Pictures
Class of 1971, (40th reunion), 2011 Pictures
Class of 1972, (50th reunion), 2022 Pictures
    Class of 1973, (50th reunion), 2023 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1974, (45th reunion), 2019 Are we describing you?
Class of 1975, (40th reunion), 2015 Pictures
Class of 1976, (40th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1977, (35th reunion), 2012 Pictures
Class of 1978, (35th reunion), 2013 Pictures
Class of 1979, (40th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1980, (30th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 1981 Pictures
Class of 1982 Pictures
Class of 1983, (30th reunion), 2013 Pictures
Class of 1984, (25th reunion), 2009 Pictures
Class of 1985, (30th reunion), 2015 Pictures
Class of 1986, (30th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1987, (30th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1988, (20th reunion), 2008 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1989, (20th reunion), 2009 Are we describing you?
Class of 1990, (20th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 1991 Pictures
Class of 1992, (20th reunion), 2012 Pictures
Class of 1993 Pictures
Class of 1994, (15th reunion), 2009 Pictures
Class of 1995, (10th reunion), 2005 Pictures
Class of 1996, (10th reunion), 2006 Pictures
Class of 1997 Pictures
Class of 1998 Pictures
Class of 1999 Pictures
Class of 2000, (10th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 2001 Names
    Class of 2002 Pictures
Class of 2003 Pictures
Class of 2004 Pictures
Class of 2005 Pictures
Class of 2006 Pictures
Class of 2007 Pictures
Class of 2008, (10th reunion), 2018) Pictures
Class of 2009 Pictures
    Class of 2010 Pictures
    Class of 2011 Pictures
    Class of 2012 Pictures
    Class of 2013 Pictures
    Class of 2014 Pictures
    Class of 2015 Pictures/names
    Class of 2016 Names
    Class of 2017 Names
    Class of 2018 Names
    Class of 2019 Names
    Class of 2020 Names
    Class of 2021 Names
    Class of 2022 Names
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