North Des Moines High School
Class of 1934

Class Meetings:

No regularly scheduled meetings are being held.
Class of January, 1934 Class of January, 1934
Class of January, 1934 Class of January, 1934
Class of January, 1934
Photo: Houlette, Des Moines
Photo: From memorabilia of the late Ralph Harold Deuben, Class of January, 1934
January, 1934, enlarged left section
January, 1934, enlarged left section January, 1934, enlarged left section January, 1934, enlarged left section
January, 1934, enlarged left section January, 1934, enlarged left section January, 1934, enlarged left section
Class of January, 1934; enlarged photo, left section
January, 1934, enlarged center section January, 1934, enlarged center section January, 1934, enlarged center section
January, 1934, enlarged center section January, 1934, enlarged center section January, 1934, enlarged center section
January, 1934, enlarged center section January, 1934, enlarged center section January, 1934, enlarged center section
Class of January, 1934; enlarged photo, center section
January, 1934, enlarged right section January, 1934, enlarged right section January, 1934, enlarged right section
January, 1934, enlarged right section January, 1934, enlarged right section January, 1934, enlarged right section
January, 1934, enlarged right section January, 1934, enlarged right section January, 1934, enlarged right section
Class of January, 1934; enlarged photo, right section
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Please help me with names.
2nd Row Please help me with names.
3rd Row Please help me with names.
Photo: Compliments of

January 1934
Class Officers
Don B. Hatch
James N. Iles
Doris I. Baker
Dan H. Flatley
Bessie R. Caplan
Robert R. Kendall
January, 1934 Student Council January, 1934 Student Council January, 1934 Student Council January, 1934 Student Council
January, 1934 Student Council January, 1934 Student Council January, 1934 Student Council January, 1934 Student Council
Student Council, January, 1934
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Rosemary Murlock, Eleanor Davis, Doris Munday, Keith Kirstein, Miss Helen Grace Adams, Irene Henderson, Harry Harris, Amos Pearsall
2nd Row Dan Flatley, Wendell Haynes, Kenneth Hart, Sara Hurwitz, Margaret Mitchell, Betty Bauserman, Margaret Stiles, Charlene Henson, Violet Thompson, DeWitt Mosher, Billie Mason, Alice Brown, Zelda Peterson, Patricia Stribling, Wilma Wilbert, Bob Trotter
3rd Row Jack Morgan, Harold Davidson, Bernard Bailey, Dorothy Michaelson, Gerald Morris, Rebecca Loeber, James Ahern, Ernest Gray, Gretchen White, William Nordstrom, James Iles, Don Hatch, Howard Anderson
4th Row Roy Meadows, Lester Bruhn, Joe Leo, Fred Vernon, Malvin Good, Russell Barnes, Hugh Stiles, Charles Sweger, Dale Clark, Everett Pendarvis, Forrest Kirchner, Bernard Strittmatter, Bob Gooch
June, 1934 group cap and gown photo
Class of June, 1934
Photo: Coming
enlarged left section of June, 1934 group cap and gown photo
Class of June, 1934; enlarged photo, left section
enlarged center section of June, 1934 group cap and gown photo
Class of June, 1934; enlarged photo, center section
enlarged right section of June, 1934 group cap and gown photo
Class of June, 1934; enlarged photo, right section
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Please help me with names.
2nd Row Please help me with names.
3rd Row Please help me with names.
Photo: Compliments of

June 1934
Class Officers
Frank Gallagher
Russell E. Law
Virginia Irene Mier
Jack Lynch
Opal G. Smay
Robert E. Trotter
June, 1934 Student Council June, 1934 Student Council
June, 1934 Student Council June, 1934 Student Council
June, 1934 Student Council June, 1934 Student Council
Student Council, June, 1934
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Eleanor Davis, Lilyan West, Virginia Bishop, Margaret O'Brien, Miss Helen Grace Adams, Advisor: Irene Henderson, Gerald Morris, Doris Munday, Amos Pearall
2nd Row Betty Bissig, Clara Woods, Zelda Peterson, Kate Marsh, Ruth Wilson, Lorna Huff
3rd Row Betty Gaylord, Alice Brown, Ellen Robinson, Margret MacManus, Betty Bauserman, Bill Maas, Charlene Henson, Bob Trotter, Edwin Fox
4th Row Robert Southworth, Beauford Marshall, Joe Miller, Jack Campbell, James McKee, Hugh Stiles, Edward McClain, James Ahern, Harry Anderson, Jack Morgan, Billy Parshing, Albert Rice, Gladys Miller, Wayne Clifford, Lester Bruhn
5th Row Travis Impson, William Nordstrom, Charles Sweger, Duane Murray, Jack Lynch, Phil Hoffman, Harley Barrett
Graduates - January, 1934 (numbered 161)
Addington, Elizabeth S. Hart, Bernard C. Phelan, Ruby J.
Anderson, Howard W. Hart, Kenneth P. Phelps, Richard E.
Armington, Laurence Wilbur Hartman, Audrey Bernice Polsky, Lois
Bailey, Bernard O. Hatch, Donald B. Pomerantz, Victor Robert
Baker, Doris I. Hitchcock, Dorothy Porter, Blaine H.
Barker, Betheen Hodgson, Dorothy Ruth Porter, Theda F.
Bates, Joseph D. Hoeye, Catherine Kegler Redinger, William E.
Beisser, Eugene L. Hurwitz, Sara Roberts, Bernita I.
Bernstein, Dave Iles, James N. Robinson, Carl M.
Beveridge, Orilla Jean Irvin, Esther Bee Robinson, Richard R.
Blackiston, Eva Magratha Johnson, Leland Mac Rothman, Anna
Boggs, Mildred Helen Johnson, Olanda Milford Rubinson, Joseph E.
Boyd, Ethel Irene Johnston, Ruth Alice Rushing, Margaret Jane
Brockmeier, Allen Wayne Jones, Thelma I. Saluri, Sam P.
Brown, Leonard Charles Jones, Vernon H. Samo, Clyde I.
Burnes, Katherine Cora Joseph, Arnold I. Schaket, Sarah R.
Bush, Arthur Harold Kendall, Robert Ream Schroeder, Jeanne Edith
Bussey, Anne I. Kennedy, Alice Louise Seaman, S. Jean
Calhoun, Virginia Verle Kimball, Leo G. Simon, David L.
Campbell, Marjorie Lucille Kirstein, Keith Kingsford Smith, O. Levin
Caplan, Bessie R. Koeppel, Robert Harold States, Bernice Elsie
Carson, Verle Lyle Lamb, Martha Aline Sterratt, Dorothy
Cass, Mary Rosecrans Lassaux, Crandall Carl Stierwalt, Charles Franklin
Conklin, Leon B. Lee, Lorraine Virginia Stiles, Margaret Irene
Davidson, Harold Lemke, George Halsy Strait, Mae Belle Jane
Davis, Florence Marguerite Leo, Joseph Charles Stribling, Betty Marie
Deuben, Ralph Harold Leveke, Virginia C. Sturgeon, J. Maurice
Devine, Robert John Lucia, Orlando E. Sulser, Wayne J.
Dewey, Wilma Ruth Marks, Helene Swift, Don
Dippert, Dorothy W. McDonald, Anna Marie Taylor, Samuel David
Dove, Meryle Ayliene McGlothlen, George Benton Thomas, Harvey D.
Emanuel, Sylvia D. McKeeman, E. Nadine Triggs, Willard A.
Engman, Leo Nathan McLaughlin, Wendell West Turbett, Jeanne E.
Fagen, Carl Adelbert McMaster, Harry M. Turpin, Earl Arthur
Fairman, Marion W. Miksell, Claude E. Van Scoy, Ray
Fairman, Mary Isabelle Miller, Katherine Ellen Vessels, Helen T.
Field, Richard McLean Miller, Rose Mary Wadsworth, Marvin Henry
Flatley, Dan H. Miller, Scott B. Wagner, Miriam Virginia
Flesher, John James Milton, Agnes L. Warren, Vivian Irene
George, Richard E. Minor, Richard C. Wells, Ray W.
Gibson, Donald E. Mitchell, Margaret Faustine Westerman, Bernice Lorrayne x
Ginsberg, Benjamin Moscove, Sarah (Sue) Ida Whaley, Marguerite Helen
Ginsberg, Iz Edward Mosher, DeWitt C. White, Evelyn Fern
Ginsburg, Beverly B. Newsom, Frances Louise White, Gretchen Ida
Graber, Lois Evelyn O'Farrell, Mary Elizabeth Whitehead, Virginia Lea
Graham, Ada Pearl I. O'Malley, Darrell Paul Wieland, Florine Frances
Grant, Bruce Howland Parker, Vincent Dwight Williams, Emma May
Graves, Morton Robert Parson, John William Williams, Nelly May
Gray, Ernest R. Patterson, Muriel Illiene Winslow, William M.
Hall, William Merrill Pedersen, Ray Lawrence Witter, Alice F.
Hanny, Ethel Lou Peggs, Royal Edward Woodmansee, Don J.
Harmon, Helen E. Perdue, Frances V. Yazman, Tillie Ruth
Harrington, Fred Peterson, E. Gale Zavat, Minnie
Harris, Harry Evans Phelan, Pauline B. x x x
Graduates - June, 1934 (numbered 351)
Abramsohn, Maurice Arthur Gooch, Robert Edwin Parmenter, Fred McClellan
Acuff, Arthur Clarence Graves, Helen Florence Patterson, Howard Albert
Alcox, Alice Green, Margaret Valonna Pearsall, Amos C., Jr.
Anderson, Lester Warner Grubb, Bob W. Pearson, Geraldine Clara
Anderson, Paul Irvin Grund, Sam D. Peck, Richard LaVerne
Anderson, Virginia Mary Gurner, Harold Peddicord, Virginia
Armstrong, Dorothy Ella Hanes, O. Wendell Pendarvis, Everett Houston
Aronow, Albert William Hankins, Vera Gwendolyn Perkins, Ruth Dolores
Ash, Stanley James Hardman, Katherine Audoline Pershing, Billy (William Willits)
Ashby, Lorraine Barbara Hare, Richard Coburn Peterson, Eileen Lnewalto
Atchley, Pauline Beatrice Harvey, Thelma Gladys Peterson, Henry Gordon, Jr.
Auestad, Geraldine Elizabeth Haubert, Donald Peterson, Margaret Elizabeth
Austin, Jane Hearn, Angela Clair Pharmer, McGloire R., Jr.
Baker, Verna Waltrena Henderson, Irene V. Pilkington, Tom Edgar
Barger, Dorothy Ann Hensley, Marjorie Elaine Porter, Robert LaClair
Barkee, Eunice Pauline Henson, Charlene Eleanor Pratt, Leah Mildred
Barkley, Winifred Naomi Heston, Catherine May Price, Harold
Barnes, John Stanley Hickey, Mary Julia Puterbaugh, Marlys Mae
Barrell, Dixie Frederick Hicks, Rosa Frances Rakes, Lester D.
Barrett, Harley Fred Hitchcock, Olive Lorene Ramsay, Roy
Barsetti, Gina Elizabeth Hochenberg, Bernard Ratcliff, Virginia Blanche
Bateman, Virginia Maxine Hoffman, Phil H. Redington, Josephine Mildred
Bauserman, Elizabeth Blanche Hogg, John George Eric Reilly, Jane Ellen
Bell, Carman Ercelle Hoover, John William Reilly, Walter Eugene., Jr.
Benjamin, Maxine Eaton Horsley, Dorothy Jeannette Rice, Albert A.
Bertini, Leo Mathew Horstmann, Echo Oliva Ricketts, Virginia Marie
Best, Colleen Margaret Howard, Ivan Rolla Ridgeway, George Wilbur
Betts, Vera Joyce Hudson, Wanda Marie Roach, Berenice Louise
Bishop, Virginia Bell Hughes, John Melvin Robinson, George, Jr.
Bissig, Betty Cecelia Hutchins, Elizabeth Branch Rogers, Evelyn Abby
Bognanno, John J. Hyde, Robert Nelson Roop, Bernadine Marjorie
Bognanno, Mary Alicia Infelt, Jeanne Gretchen Roush, Bettie M.
Boyd, Shirley Elizabeth Irvin, Mary Louise Roush, Frances Jane
Bricka, Jack Walter Jackson, Robert Alexander Royce, Amy Elizabeth
Bringolf, Maxine Elizabeth Jahnke, Madeline Josephine Russell, Louise Leota
Brooks, Evelyn Flora Jarnagin, Lorraine Saltzgaver, Lillian Rose
Brotchi, Mary Louise Jayne, W.ilma Cleone Scheil, Leah Mary
Browne, Grace Ruby Jennings, Emily Marie Schmitt, Mark Anthony
Brubaker, Nellie Gertrude Johnston, Georgia Scholes, Harold Leroy
Bruhn, Lester John Jones, Doris Janet Schreck, Floyd Frederick
Buchanan, Hazel Marie Jones, James Robert, Jr. Schwartz, Henry x
Bumpilori, Ralph August Juneau, Robert Lawrence Scoonover, Jack
Burke, Mildred Kamraz, Hortense Faye Senechal, Albert
Butcher, Mary La Royce Kessler, Rosabelle Schaeffer, Audrey Marcelle
Butler, Ruth Malinda Kienast, Lon G. Shaw, Velma Ruth
Butters, Ernest Victor Kimber, Jane Ann Shepard, Lester K., Jr.
Campbell, Jack Noble Kinney, Delia A. Smalls, Dorothy Rose
Carlson, Veron Gerald Kirchner, Forrest Eugene Smay, Opal Gladys
Carlson, Helen L. Kleppe, Juanita Marie Smith, Clovis Wickliffe
Carlson, Lloyd Lackey, Evelyn Darlene Smith, Nellie Mary
Carlson, Mildred Darlene Lane, Jack J. Smith, William H.
Carlson, Pearl Carolyn Larsh, Mary Madeliene Solomon, Dorothy Bernadine
Carris, Pauline Bernice Larson, Herbert Paul Sommars, Ralph
Chase, Hubert Hendricks Law, Russell Edward x Southworth, Robert, Jr. x
Christenson, Claude W., Jr. Lawton, Virginia Jane Sowash, Mildred Laura
Christianson, Kala Marie Lee, Earl Leslie Stacy, H. Lyell
Clements, Wilda Mary Lee, Frank Elftrf Starr, Georgia Rose
Clifford, Ellen Leo, Victoria May Stenoish, Mary Maxine
Coffeen, Wilbur Franklin Lipsey, Revella Stickler, Louise Marguerite
Coffin, Roderick Franklin Lockard, Nita Marie Stogdill, William A.
Coffin, Willard Shelton Loeber, Rebecca Naomi Stokes, Elbert George
Cofield, Mildred Logsdon, Ramon Lionel Strasser, Mary Louise
Colby, James Leonard Lorenzen, Lois Genevieve Stribling, Patricia May
Collins, Jack Stephen, Jr. Lorey, Cecil Wise Strittmatter, Bernard Addicus
Cook, Dorothy Ann Lowenberg, Mary Gretchen Strittmatter, Evangeline Lena
Cook, Eloise Edna Lundberg, Arlene Frances Strong, Esther May
Cope, Kenneth William Lyle, James Ely Stubbs, Gordon Wwilliam
Cornish, Howard L. Lyman, Arvis Homer Swain, Charles Beede
Cramer, Dorothy Jayne Lynch, Jack Swanson, Doris Sarah
Cravens, Josie Mae Maas, William Fredrick, Jr. Swartzman, Elizabeth Helen
Cretors, Anita Belva Mabry, Jack A. Tharnish, Ruby Emeline
Crowley, Scott Elliott MacManus, Margaret Frances Thomas, Ellen Louise
Curl, John Arthur Malcolm, Harold F. Thompson, Avol
Curtis, Claire Stillwell Marshall, Beauford Campbell Thompson,Violet B.
Curtiss, Homer Allen Martin, Heloise Alice Tilley, Elvin
Davis, Eleanor Louise Marvin, Jeannette Evelyn Tilzey, Virginia Fae
Davis, Maxine Elizabeth Masteller, Pauline Grace Tobis, Mildred
Davis, Veronica Neoma Maurer, Helen Marie Trotter, Robert Eugene
Dawson, H. King May, Fred Eugene Ullrich, Susan Jean
Day, Margaret Marie McCarthy, Paddy Joseph Unger, Leo S.
De Armond, Gerald Alden McClain, Edward Fallis Van Chidester, Nelson
Dixon, Geraldine O. McClaran, Shirley Vermont Van Dam, Berdena Palmer
Donahue, Harry Robert McKee, James M. Van Gordon, Evelyn Fern
Dorrell, Charles Harvey Meadows, Roy William Van Wyk, Johanna Marie
Doud, John Winfield Mehle, Lucille Elaine Vance, Earl Joseph
Dumlao, Victor Evangelista Mendenhall, Vera Ida Varellas, Helen Lucylle
Durrie, Gertrude Ellen Middleton, Max Lemain Veenschoten, Hazel Violia
Easter, Lorene Belle Mier, Virginia Irene Vernon, Fred Clifton
Else, Weldon Edwin Miles, Dorothy LaVerne Walker, Myrtle Louise
Emmke, Marguerite Lucille Miller, Arden R. Walker, Norma Jean
Ersland, Harald Sihler Aplin Miller, Gladys Ward, Hazel Geraldine
Everett, Mary Ethel Miller, Joe C. Waterhouse, Marcella Ruth
Fawkes, Beverly Elizabeth Milligan, Mary Virginia Weesner, Marjorie Ruth
Feeley, Fernando Francis Millsap, Frank Daniel Weesner, Phyllis E.leanor
Felse, Margaret Jean Mixon, Warren W. Weidner, Robert Earl
Fenster, Minnie Mongar, Katherine Leota Weiner, Sylvia
Ferguson, Mary Virginia Moore, Wilson W., Jr. Wheeler, Emma Edna
Ferguson, Verda Mae Moreland, Genevieve Lynne White, Charles William Willard
Fidlar, Edwin Holmes Morgan, John E. White, Dorothy Elizabeth
Filbert, Robert Lee Morgan, Joseph C. White, Verna Jeanne
Fingert, Lillian Morris, Gerald Robert Wilbert, Wilma Maxine
Firkins, Helen Morrow, Fred Oliver, Jr. Wilkinson, Wallace Woodrow
Fisher, Catherine La Vaun Moscow, Sadie Lena Willey, Nedra Gleides
Flora, Jeannine Vanice Mougin, Lady Maxine Willis, Geroge William, Jr.
Fuller, Carl Llewellis Mumm, Evelyn Marie Willis, Linford Randolph
Fusaro,Genevieve Carolina Munday, Doris Nellie Wilson, Harriett Marie
Gagen, Dorothy Catherine Naumann, Vernon Leroy Wilson, Irvin Burton
Gagen, Harold Leonard Neidt, M. Louise Brockmeier Wood, Clara Myrtle
Gallagher, Frank Nemirovsky, Morris S. Wood, William Cornelius
Garrard, Eileen Marjorie Nemmers, Mary Jean Woodruff, Maxine Elizabeth
Gaylor, Betty Mae Nibel, Rose Beverly Woods, Catherine Eylene
Gelatti, Raymond R. Nordstrom, William Fredrick Woolery, Gladys Elrene
Gifford, Wayne Allison Norton, Edward Wright, Verle V.
Ginn, Dale E. O'Brien, Margaret Ann York, Mary Virginia
Glenn, James Clarence, Jr. Ogden, George Edward Young, Katheryn Marcella
Glynn, Genevieve Helen Olds, Jack Franklin x
Graduates - August, 1934 (numbered 27)
Briggs, Willard V. Jacobs, Samuel Joseph Olmstead, Eleanor
Buckroyd, Robert (Bob) Richard Kikendall, Russell Parks, Gordon M. x
Elings, Alda C. Louthan, Thelma Jacqueline Quinn, Mary Louise
Elmore, Bennie H. Lukey, Jack Rhoads, Howard Edwin
Epstein, Julius Joseph Lydon, Mary Pauline Roth, Charles William
Fiala, Georga Jackquetta Lynner, Darwin Thomas Southers, Ferne
Garland, Dorothy Lucille Mefferd, James Boyd Stapp, Gale W.
Hathaway, Gordon Mullen, Gail Gordon Stokes, Ellis
Heniger, Dean Jackson Murray, Duane P. Williams, James Marshall
Hite, Maurice J. x x
In Memoriam
Class of January/June/August, 1934
January, 1934
Addington, Elizabeth S. (Fuller) (d.05/10/05) 2005 Iles, James (d.04/84) 1984
Armington, Laurence Wilbur (d.03/25/87) 1987 Jones, Vernon H. (d.12/17/10) 2010
Bailey, Bernard O.(d.03/22/81) 1981 Joseph, Arnold I. (d.09/86) 1986
Barker, Betheen (d.05/09/03) 2003 Kendall, Robert Ream (d.01/26/97) 1997
Beisser, Eugene L. (d.03/07/93) 1993 Kimball, Leo G. (d.11/71) 1971
Bernstein, David (d.03/29/65) 1965 Kirstein, Keith Kingsford (d.10/29/97) 1997
Blackiston, Eva Magratha (Light) (d.10/24/06) 2006 Knecht, Kenneth Eernest (d.01/26/98) 1998
Brockmeier, Allen Wayne (d.11/02/96) 1996 Koeppel, Robert Harold (d.12/13/03) 2003
Brown, Leonard Charles (d.01/96) 1996 Lassaux, Crandall Carl (d.03/16/05) 2005
Bush, Arthur H. (d.03/04/02) 2002 Lemke, George Halsy (d.01/17/77) 1977
Bussey, Anne I.(Hammer)(Dennis) (d.07/27/97) 1997 Leo, Joseph Charles (d.06/76) 1976
Carson, Verle Lyle (d.07/25/98) 1998 Linnane, Thomas Daniel (d.04/06/99) 1999
Davis,FlorenceMarguerite(Hayden)(d.10/26/06) 2006 McGlothlen, George Benton (d.01/14/99) 1999
Deuben, Ralph Harold (d.08/28/80) 1980 McLaughlin, Wendell West (d.03/28/78) 1978
Devine, Robert J. (d.02/16/89) 1989 McMaster, Harry M. (d.11/23/05) 2005
Engman, Leo N.athan (d.01/24/86) 1986 Miller, Edward Paul (d.09/26/97) 1997
Fagen, Carl Adelbert (d.11/75) 1975 Moscove, Sarah (Sue) Ida (Armel) (d.06/27/09) 2009
Fairman, Marion W. (d.06/05/91) 1991 O'Malley, Darrell P. (d.08/21/01) 2001
Flatley, Dan H. (d.05/28/75) 1975 Parson, John William (d.09/16/89) 1989
Flesher, John J. (d.02/84) 1984 Peggs, Royal Edward (d.11/26/96) 1996
Garland,Dorothy Lucille (Hall) (d.09/26/91) 1991 Peterson, E. Gale (d.4/79) 1979
George, Richard E. Porter, Blaine H. (d.06/18/88) 1988
Ginsburg, Beverly G. (Meyer) (d.07/30/01) 2001 Rubinson, Joseph E. (d.02/70) 1970
Grant, Bruce Howland (d.11/27/87) 1987 Saluri, Sam P. (d.04/10/90) 1990
Graves, Morton Robert (d.03/16/99) 1999 Samo, Clyde Travis (d.09/78) 1978
Gray, Ernest R. (d.03/15/92) 1992 Wadsworth, Marvin Henry (d.04/03/95) 1995
Harris, Harry E. (d.12/05/05) 2005 Wells, Raymond W. (d.06/77) 1977
Hart, Bernard C. (d.10/85) 1985 Westerman,Bernice (Caspe) (d.05/01/06) 2006
Hart, Kenneth P. (d.02/87) 1987 Woodmansee, Donald J. (d.07/20/88) 1988
Hatch, Donald B. (d.05/13/78) 1978 x
June, 1934
Acuff, Arthur Clarence (d.09/15/03) 2003 Kienast, Lon G. (d.03/03/09) 2009
Aronow, Albert (d.03/84) 1984 Kikendall, Russell Dean (d.09/09/88) 1988
Ash, Stanley James (d.02/21/94) 1994 Lee, Earl Leslie (d.03/13/02) 2002
Barsetti, Gina Elizabeth (d.09/13/19) 2019 Logsdon, Ramon Lionel (d.11/05/93) 1993
Bertini, Leo Mathew (d.08/20/97) 1997 Lorey, Cecil Wise (d.05/23/99) 1999
Bognanno, John (d.01/10/89) 1989 Lukey, Jack (d.01/70) 1970
Bricka, Jack Walter (d.09/11/95) 1995 Lyle, James Ely (d.12/70) 1970
Bringolf, Maxine E. (Hinds) (d.11/06/08) 2008 Lyman, Arvis Homer (Bill) (d.03/29/04) 2004
Browne, Grace Ruby (Mauro) (d.03/84) 1984 Lynner, Darwin T. (d.07/28/93) 1993
Bruhn, Lester John (d.08/81) 1981 Malcolm, Harold F. (d.03/11/99) 1999
Bumpilori,Ralph August (d.09/30/03) 2003 May, Fred Eugene (d.01/81) 1981
Butcher,MaryLaRoyce (Wohlenhaus) (d.12/23/00) 2000 Meadows, Roy William (d.04/25/05) 2005
Butters, Ernest Victor (d.05/22/98) 1998 Middleton, Max Lemain (d.10/85) 1985
Carlson, Lloyd E. (d.07/01/90) 1990

Miller, Arden R. (d.08/13/08)

Carlson, Veron Gerald (d.11/09/93) 1993 Milligan,MaryVirginia (Portel/Wheeler) (d.11/7/92) 1992
Chase, Hubert Hendricks (d.06/25/09) 2009

Millsap, Frank Daniel (d.11/95)

Christenson, Claude Wilhelm,Jr. (d.05/86) 1986 Moore, Wilson W. (d.08/05/89) 1989
Christianson,Kala Marie (Houlette/Fay) (d.9/9/10) 2010 Morris, Gerald Robert (d.03/82) 1982
Clements, Wilda Mary (Arndt) (d.05/11/10) 2010 Morrow, Fred Oliver (d.07/02/89) 1989
Coffeen, Wilbur Franklin (d.07/12/91) 1991 Munday, DorisN.(Randa,Reese) (d.03/04/08) 2008
Coffin, Roderick (d.02/08/05) 2005 Nemmers, Mary Jean (Zaun) (d.11/25/11) 2011
Coffin, Willard Shelton (d.12/02/05) 2005 Nixon, Warren Winters (d.05/28/01) 2001
Colby, James Leonard (d.04/29/03) 2003 Nordstrom, William Fredrick (d.05/73) 1973
Cramer, Dorothy Jayne (Dwyer) (d.02/23/08) 2008 Ogden, George Edward (d.05/81) 1981
Crowley, Scott Elliott (d. 08/23/95) 1995 Pendarvis, Everett Houston (d.07/20/50) Korea. 1950
Curl, John Arthur (d.01/85) 1985 Pershing, William Willits (d.11/07/88 ) 1988
Dawson, H. King (d.05/27/08) 2008 Peterson,MargaretElizabeth (Wilhelm)(d.07/07/04) 2004
DeArmond, Gerald Allen (d.07/82) 1982 Pharmer, McGloire R., Jr. (d.08/84) 1984
Dixon, Geraldine O. (McKay) (d.04/21/13) 2013 Rakes, Lester D. (d.11/30/01) 2001
Donahue, Harry Robert (d.09/24/94) 1994 Reilly, Walter Eugene, Jr. (09/60) 1960
Dorrell, Charles Harvey (d.02/86) 1986 Ridgeway, George Wilbur (d.08/77) 1977
Doud, John Winfield (d.01/09/97) 1997 Saltzgaver, Lillian Rose (Ziegler) (d.04/10/83) 1983
Else, Weldon Edwin (d.05/26/04) 2004 Schmitt, Mark Anthony (d.09/84) 1984
Ersland, Harald Sihler Aplin (d.06/85) 1985 Scoonover, Jack P. (d.12/19/00) 2000
Feeley, Fernando Francis (d.12/08/08) 2008 Senechal, Albert (d.04/67) 1967
Ferguson, Verda Mae (Swim) (d.01/03/12) 2012 Shephard, Lester K. (d.02/10/97) 1997
Fidlar, Edwin Holmes (d.01/24/00) 2000 Smay, Opal G. (Hanes) (d.12/28/05) 2005
Fuller, Carl Llewellis (d.03/84) 1984 Sommars, Ralph S. (d.05/19/05 2005
Gagen, Harold Leonard (d.03/28/97) 1997 Southworth, Robert, Jr. (d.05/24/98) 1998
Gelatti, Raymond (d.09/79( 1979 Stokes, Elbert George (d.03/89) 1989
Glenn, James Clarence, Jr. (d.05/74) 1974 Strittmatter, Bernard Addicus (d.09/29/79) 1979
Green, Margaret Valonna (Hamilton) (d.04/03/09) 2009 Strittmatter, Evangeline Lena (Stein) (d./01/27/10) 2010
Grubb, Bob W. (d.10/15/10) 2010 Trotter, Robert E. (d. 12/09/07) 2007
Grund, Sam D. (d.02/11/97) 1997 Vance, Earl Joseph (d.03/27/99) 1999
Hare, Richard Colburn (d.04/58) 1958 Vernon, Fred Cliffton (d.07/15/02) 2002
Haubert, Donald (d.01/28/99) 1999 Weesner, Marjorie Ruth (Meyer) (d.03/20/09) 2009
Henson, Charlene Eleanor (Millard) (d.03/02/04) 2004 Weidner, Robert Earl (d. 12/01/98) 1998
Hochenberg, Bernard (d.05/14/99) 1999 Wheeler, Emma Edna (Gardner) (d.03/06/09) 2009
Hogg, John George Eric (d.12/83) 1983 White,Charles Wm Willard (d.08/30/94) 1994
Howard, R. Ivan (d.06/87) 1987 Wilkinson, Wallace Woodrow (d.08/30/94) 1994
Huse, Irvin LeRoy (d.03/06/95) 1995 Willis, George Willima, Jr. (d. 12/79) 1979
Hyde, Robert Nelson (d.02/19/14) 2014 Willis, Linford Randolph (d.05/85) 1985
Ireland, Howard J. (d.08/21/08) 2008 Wright, Verle O. (d.07/76) 1976
Jacobs, Samuel Joseph (d.02/11/05) 2005 Young,Katherine Marcella (Paulson) (d.91) 1991
Juneau, Herbert Lawrence (d.04/21/96) 1996 x 1991
August, 1934 (and others)
Briggs, Willard V. (d.03/19/01) 2001 LLydon, Mary Pauline (Osborne) (d.06/18/91) 1991
Buckroyd, Robert Richard (d.06/73) 1973 Lynner, Darwin Thomas (d.07/08/93) 1993
Epstein, Julius Joseph (d.11/24/09) 2009 Mullen, Gail Gordon (d.02/23/99) 1999
Fitch, Maxine A. (Walker) (d.04/16/05) 2005 Rhoads, Howard Edwin (d.01/09/96) 1996
For further input, please email me at [email protected]
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Class of 1922 Pictures
Class of 1923 Pictures
Class of 1924 Pictures
Class of 1925 Pictures
Class of 1926 Pictures
Class of 1927 Pictures
Class of 1928 Pictures
Class of 1929 Pictures
Class of 1930 Pictures
Class of 1931 Pictures
Class of 1932 Meetings Pictures
Class of 1933 (60th reunion), 1993 Pictures
Class of 1934 Meetings Pictures
Class of 1935, (60th reunion), 1995 Pictures
Class of 1936, (50th reunion), 1986 Pictures
Class of 1937, (60th reunion), 1997 Pictures
Class of 1938, (50th reunion), 1988 Pictures
Class of 1939, (66th reunion), 2005 Pictures
Class of 1940, (50th reunion), 1990 Pictures
Class of 1941, (60th reunion), 2001 Pictures
Class of 1942, (45th reunion), 1987 Pictures
Class of 1943, (65th reunion), 2008 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1944, (65th reunion), 2009 Pictures
Class of 1945, (60th reunion), 2005 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1946, (65th reunion), 2011 Are we describing you?
Class of 1947, (60th reunion), 2007 Pictures
Class of 1948, (60th reunion), 2008 Pictures
Class of 1949, (70th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1950, (60th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 1951, (60th reunion), 2011 Are we describing you?
Class of 1952, (65th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1953, (grad pictures, lists) Pictures
Class of 1953, (10th reunion), 1963 Pictures
Class of 1953, (30th reunion), 1983 Pictures
Class of 1953, (40th reunion), 1993 Pictures
Class of 1953, (50th reunion), 2003 Pictures
    Class of 1953, (60th reunion), 2013 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1954, (60th reunion), 2014 Are we describing you?
We want you! Class of 1955, (60th reunion), 2015 Are we describing you?
Class of 1956, (60th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1957, (60th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1958, (60th reunion), 2018 Pictures
Class of 1959, (60th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1960, (60th reunion), 2020 Pictures
Class of 1961, (55th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1962, (60th reunion), 2022 Pictures
Class of 1963, (55th reunion), 2018 Pictures
Class of 1964, (55th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1965, (50th reunion), 2015 Pictures
Class of 1966, (50th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1967, (50th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1968, (50th reunion), 2018 Pictures
Class of 1969, (50th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1970, (51st reunion), 2021 Pictures
Class of 1971, (40th reunion), 2011 Pictures
Class of 1972, (50th reunion), 2022 Pictures
    Class of 1973, (50th reunion), 2023 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1974, (45th reunion), 2019 Are we describing you?
Class of 1975, (40th reunion), 2015 Pictures
Class of 1976, (40th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1977, (35th reunion), 2012 Pictures
Class of 1978, (35th reunion), 2013 Pictures
Class of 1979, (40th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1980, (30th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 1981 Pictures
Class of 1982 Pictures
Class of 1983, (30th reunion), 2013 Pictures
Class of 1984, (25th reunion), 2009 Pictures
Class of 1985, (30th reunion), 2015 Pictures
Class of 1986, (30th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1987, (30th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1988, (20th reunion), 2008 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1989, (20th reunion), 2009 Are we describing you?
Class of 1990, (20th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 1991 Pictures
Class of 1992, (20th reunion), 2012 Pictures
Class of 1993 Pictures
Class of 1994, (15th reunion), 2009 Pictures
Class of 1995, (10th reunion), 2005 Pictures
Class of 1996, (10th reunion), 2006 Pictures
Class of 1997 Pictures
Class of 1998 Pictures
Class of 1999 Pictures
Class of 2000, (10th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 2001 Names
    Class of 2002 Pictures
Class of 2003 Pictures
Class of 2004 Pictures
Class of 2005 Pictures
Class of 2006 Pictures
Class of 2007 Pictures
Class of 2008, (10th reunion), 2018) Pictures
Class of 2009 Pictures
    Class of 2010 Pictures
    Class of 2011 Pictures
    Class of 2012 Pictures
    Class of 2013 Pictures
    Class of 2014 Pictures
    Class of 2015 Pictures/names
    Class of 2016 Names
    Class of 2017 Names
    Class of 2018 Names
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