North Des Moines High School
Class of 1945
60th Reunion
June 10-12, 2005

Did you join us at our 60th Reunion in 2005?
June 10-12, 2005

West Des Moines Marriott
1250 74th Street
(1250 Jordan Creek Parkway)
West Des Moines, IA 50266-5825
60th Reunion, June, 2005 60th Reunion, June, 2005 60th Reunion, June, 2005
60th Reunion, June, 2005 60th Reunion, June, 2005 60th Reunion, June, 2005
60th Reunion, June, 2005 60th Reunion, June, 2005 60th Reunion, June, 2005
60th Reunion - taken June 12, 2005
Photo by Stover Photographic Services   ( 515) 981-4217
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Willa Mae Frette Ware, Maxine McIntyre Andrews, Norma Jennings Wilder, Mary Love Bowlsby McCall, Pat Welty Connell, Lugene Morain Burns, Marlys Willcockson Bixby, Neita Vogel Derrough, Martha Richards Thompson, Doris Deibert Braden, Jane Trost Sebern, Mayme Ferkins Ringis, Betty McCoy Lawson
2nd Row Margaret Barbieri McCormick, Pat Hicks Thorpe, Dorothy Hurless Miller, Audrey Stoner MacRae, Margaret Manning Orman, Mary Crisp Greger, Elinor Skaggs Ratliff, Barbara Ward Hartman, Mary Alice Oaks Johnson, Betty Bartholow Wise, Eileen McAndrews Anderson, Betty Duffy Stalcup, Mary Lou Ries Morrissey, Jessie Aiden Jenkins
3rd Row Sam Ford, Richard Hammer, Fred Swanson, Don Buckingham, Gerald Robinson, Edward Grodt, Byron Thorpe
4th Row Hugh Copeland, Jim Brown, Tom Kemble, Alvin Ungerman, Robert Hilley, Bob Harris, Guy Bradley, Gerald Cowles, Jim Cox, Jim Gray, John Donnenwerth, Jim Wise
50th Reunion, 1995 50th Reunion, 1995 50th Reunion, 1995 50th Reunion, 1995
50th Reunion, 1995 50th Reunion, 1995 50th Reunion, 1995 50th Reunion, 1995
50th Reunion - taken 1995
Photo by Stover Photographic Services   ( 515) 981-4217
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Sally Walrod Berrier, Patty Hicks Thorpe, Betty Duffy Stalcup, Kathryn Davis Nielsen, Verneil Manton Hancock, Phyllis Welty Connell, Toodie Barbieri McCormick, Dorothy Hurless Miller, Eileen McAndrews Anderson, Elaine McFarland Anderson
2nd Row Betty Stowell Chipman, Byron Thorpe, Maxine Turner McCurnin, Marjorie Robinson Shoemaker, Sally Phillipson Boat, Pat Case Dipprey, Willi Frette Ware, Jim Watrous, Lugene Morain Burns, Carolyn Moore Erickson, Betty Bartholow Wise, Margaret Manning Orman, Phil Bernstein
3rd Row Rae Dannatt Evans, Audrey Stoner MacRae, Ellie Skaggs Ratliff, Pat Olson Brinton, Mary Crisp Greger, Doris Deibert Braden, Bob Harris, Martha Richards Horne, Marlys Willcockson Bixby, Mary Alice Lee Polito, Florence Marcovis Lipsman, Mary Alice Oaks Johnson, Jim Cox
Back: Jim Brown, Lillian Bish Lohmann, Mary Parlee Price, Hugh Copeland, Bob Lewis, Jane Trost Sebern, Ed Grodt, Dave Wilson, Dick Hammer, Al Ungerman, Thornton Howard, Jerry Chait, Tom Kennedy, Bill Clay, Bob Garvin, Darold Brophy, Guy Bradley, Gilbert Proudfit
50th Reunion, 1995 50th Reunion, 1995 50th Reunion, 1995 50th Reunion, 1995
50th Reunion, 1995 50th Reunion, 1995 50th Reunion, 1995 50th Reunion, 1995
left side of photo (enlarged)
50th Reunion, 1995 50th Reunion, 1995 50th Reunion, 1995 50th Reunion, 1995
50th Reunion, 1995 50th Reunion, 1995 50th Reunion, 1995 50th Reunion, 1995
right side of photo (enlarged)
Photo: Compliments of Eileen (McAndrews) Anderson
45th Reunion, 1990 45th Reunion, 1990 45th Reunion, 1990 45th Reunion, 1990
45th Reunion, 1990 45th Reunion, 1990 45th Reunion, 1990 45th Reunion, 1990
45th Reunion - taken June 9, 1990
Photo by Stover Photographic Services   ( 515) 981-4217
Starting first row, bottom left
Front Bill Chase, Shirley McMillen Buck, Gertrude Smalls Sandler, Patricia Hohl Bowen, Rae Dannatt Evans, Mary Love Bowlsby McCall, Harriette McClelland Milburn, Norine Miner Breneman, Ynonne Walker Chapman, Mary Parlee Price, Vernell Manton Hancock, Phyllis Welty Connell, Carolyn Moore Erickson, Eileen McAndrews Anderson, Sally Walrod Berrier, Mary Alice Lee Polito
Middle Marjorie Deischer Moore, Marlys Willcockson Bixby, Dick Skain, Robert Elliott, Jean Daniels Atkin, Phil Bernstein, Don Buckingham, Frances Irving Stohlgren, Martha Richards Horne, Elinore Skaggs Ratliff, Bill Pearce, Marjorie Robinson Shoemaker, Jacqueline Culp LeCroy, Mary Alice Oaks Johnson, Norma Jennings Wilder, Betty Bartholow Wise, Jack Copeland, Mary Crisp Greger, Hugh Copeland, Alice Underwood Smith, Patricia Brooks Mills, Jack Culp, Dick Novak (behind J. Culp), Lillian Bish Lohmann, Betty Werkmeister Swenson, Helen Swanson Swartslander, Norma Wickliff Hanes, Geraldine Gohner Ashley, Betty Duffy Stalcup, Willi Frette Ware, Jim Watrous, Margaret Barbieri McCormick, Barbara Ward Hartman
Back Tom Kennedy, Lloyd Tharp, Guy Bradley, Roger Gruetzmacher, David Wilson, Dick Johnson, Jim Wise, Russell Fisher, Jack Wichman, Sam Ford, Eugene Swanson, Dick Keith, Darold Brophy, Bill Clay, Jim Brown, Alvin Ungerman
Photo: Compliments of Eileen (McAndrews) Anderson
Class of January, 1945 Class of January, 1945 Class of January, 1945 Class of January, 1945
Class of January, 1945 Class of January, 1945 Class of January, 1945 Class of January, 1945
Class of January, 1945
Starting first row, bottom left
1st: names coming
2nd: X, X, X, X, Jessie Lou Aiken Jenkins
3rd: Marcella Matilda Cunningham at far left end of row
4th: names coming
5th: Eldon Leroy Bailey at far left end of row
Photo: Compliments of Jessie Lou Aiken Jenkins
Class of June, 1945 Class of June, 1945 Class of June, 1945 Class of June, 1945 Class of June, 1945
Class of June, 1945 Class of June, 1945 Class of June, 1945 Class of June, 1945 Class of June, 1945
Class of June, 1945
Starting first row, bottom left
1st: names coming
2nd: names coming
3rd: names coming
4th: names coming
5th: names coming
6th: names coming
7th names coming
Photo: Compliments of Marlys Willcockson Bixby

June 1945
Class Officers
Dick Keith
Tom Kennedy
Gilbert Proudfit
Betty Bartholow
Everett Tew
Margaret Manning
Harriet McClelland
Jim Cox
June Student Council
1st: Dick Shepard, David Quiner, Bill Clay
2nd: David Lum, Guy Bradley, Mary Alice Oaks, Barbara Ward, Betty Bartholow, Mac Baty, Bob Lewis
3rd: Keith Gunnar, Jeanne Mobley, Jean Gordon, Anna Marie Clark, Sorita Caplan, Darlene Allen, Jim Brown, Bill Zilm
4th: Ed Grodt, Charles Sullivan, Neita Vogel, Shirley Cohen, Alice Underwood, Ruth Moore, Janet Smith, Jim Wise, Dave Juroe
5th: Howard Johnson,Jerry Robinson,Juanita White,Marilyn Rinehardt,Lorraine Ross,Patty Brooks,Russell Fisher,Tom Kemble
6th: Don Barlow, Gene Davis, Mary Maloy, Jim Cox, Helen Grace Adams, Diane Griffith, Roy Butler, George Fox
7th Bill Wood, Durward Price, Harriett Swinney, Marilyn Buss, Ray Johnston, Verneil Manton, Osmund Brynie, Don Buckingham, Jim Romaine
Athletic Committee Athletic Committee Athletic Committee
Athletic Committee Athletic Committee Athletic Committee
Girls' Swimming Girls' Swimming Girls' Swimming
Girls' Swimming Girls' Swimming Girls' Swimming
Athletic Committee
1st: Mrs. Anderson, Shirley Peters, Mary Maloy, Martha Jane Bailie, Eugenia Green, Gloria McGovern, Mr. Jencks
2nd: Mr. Cretzmeyer, Janet Tillotson, Diane Griffith, Barbara Downs, Doris Deibert, Durward Price, Jim Cox, Mr. McClain
3rd: Bob Nelson, Osmund Brynie, Mr. Besley, Dick Keith, John Estes, Ray Johnston
Girls' Swimming
Gloria McGovern, Mary Maloy, Patti Hohl, Martha Jane Bailey, Rose Marie Shortell, Mary Lou Seibel, Barbara Downs, Jane Webster, Eugenia Green
Wrestling Squad Wrestling Squad
Wrestling Squad Wrestling Squad
Jack Wichman,
All-American Diver

Dick Keith,
All-American Breastroker
Wrestling Squad
Front: Paul Morrison, Tom McConnell, Byron Thorpe, Bob Landsberger, Mc Baty, Coach Walter Besley
Back: Kenneth Neilson, Al Maupin, Chuck Orwick, Kenneth Burglund, Bob Garvin, David Hillis
Boys' Golf Boys' Golf
Boys' Golf Boys' Golf
Cross Country State Champs Cross Country State Champs
Cross Country State Champs Cross Country State Champs
Boys' Golf Team
Front: Ronnie Fox, Dick Steen, Claude Hixenbaugh
Back: Bill Brooks, Roger Gruetzmacher, Charles Condy, Jack Frantz, Mr. Jencks
Cross Country Champs
Front: Elvin Kirkpatrick, Mac Baty
Back: Bill Pearce, Jack Copeland, Tom Kemble
War Stamp Representatives and Citizenship Committee War Stamp Representatives and Citizenship Committee War Stamp Representatives and Citizenship Committee War Stamp Representatives and Citizenship Committee War Stamp Representatives and Citizenship Committee
War Stamp Representatives and Citizenship Committee
1st Row Donna Bernhard, Marlyce Olson, Rona Turner, Norma Jean Barnett, Janice Miller, Rosemary Lamb, Darlene Allen, Sorita Caplan, Gordia Shafer, Jean Davey
2nd Row Margaret Ashford, Martha Richards, Doris Deibert, Gertrude Smalls, Doris Bullington, Myrtle Barker, Norma Remore, Jeanne Berson, Alvin Ungerman
3rd Row Fayette Subur, Patty Kerbel, Audrey Stoner, Jeanne Brooks, Shirley Cohen, Marcella McCarthy, Beverly Riley
4th Row Marilyn Fogarty, Jane Sage, Beverly Hill, Betty Norman, Marjorie Lernam, Linetta Greenwood, Beverly Waddell, Bob Schultz, Jack Thompson
5th Row Patty McDermott, Doris Peterson, Rae Dannat, Pat Moorehead, Lugene Morain, Barbara Burton, Phyllis Meister, Dick Johnson
6th Row Marjorie Robinson, Bonnie Baker, Phyllis Weltry, Beverly McKinley, Colleen Wood, Madge Lunt, Mr. Lory, Morton Miles
First Team Football First Team Football First Team Football First Team Football
First Team Football First Team Football First Team Football First Team Football
First Team Football
1st Row Bob Harris, Bob Nelson, Bill Gillam, John Polito, Jack Wichman, Carl Peresman, Rocky Gabriel, John Estes, Wayne Whitecotton
2nd Row Thornton Howard, Charles Orwich, Bob Hanely, Jim Totman, Kenneth Berglund, Don Prior, Osmund Brynie, Bill Fanton, David Quiner, Bill Broquist, Jay Howard
3rd Row Coach Arden McClain, Jim Wise, Jim Watrous, Bob Bernhart, Lee Meredith, Dick Skain, Jack Doughman, Bob Hansman, Dick Keith, Russell Fisher, Sam Ford, Gus Welch, Dick Haller
                                      Jack Wichman     Rocky Gabriel           Bill Gillam              John Estes     
     Dick Keith            Jack Doughman      Jay Howard        Robert Hansman      Russell Fisher        Dick Skain           Don Prior
1945 North High Football
(from the fall of 1944)
The Season's Record
North 13  
Sioux City 0
  North 24   West Waterloo 7
North 32
Dowling 30
North 31 East Waterloo 20
North 13 Mason City 7 North 0 East 6
North 31 Roosevelt 7    
Graduates - January, 1945 (numbered 80)
Aduddell, Joyce Varner Ford, Samuel George Nichols, Howard Myron, Jr.
Aiken, Jessie Lou Gillam, William C. Panique, Mary Alice
Ankeney, Keith Sanford Goldman, Jay Norton Patterson, Earl Steward
Bailey, Eldon Leroy Gordinier, Velda Faye Pildis, Marvin L.
Bailey, Fred Calvin Green, Gildra Donald Polito, John
Ball, Frank Robert Hansman, Robert John Randolph, Josephine Abbott
Bernhard, Robert F. Heggen, Grace Elizabeth Read, Sara Laing
Bessey, Juliette Kelley Howard, James Allen Reese, Owen III
Bloomburg, Albin Richard Hurwitz, Richard Nathan Sanderson, Betty Ann
Brown, Russell Jay Jackson, Margaret Lucille Sayers, Leonard I.
Brunia, Catherine W. Johanson, Dorit Mary Marie Seidenfeld, Helene
Chamberlain,Catherine May Johnson, Alice May Seidenfeld, Zeldene
Condy, Charles Bernard Johnston, Vivian Louise Snodgrass, Muriel Phyllis
Connors, Paul Raymond Keith, Mary L. Soldat, James Robert
Cram, Anna Grace Kraus, Larry Donald Steffen, William Frederick
Cunningham, Marcella Matilda Liter, June Marie Swanson, Frederick Glen
DeBoest, Darlene Alice Lyons, Patricia Jane Swisher, Violet Lorraine
DeBord, Rozella Mae Mardis, Marjorie Ruth Thomas, Thomas, Jr.
DeFrees, Ruth Gordon Martinsen, Elsie Ann Vandermeulen,RichardDwight
Donnenwerth, John William McCarney, Mary Elizabeth VanDeventer, Charles A.
Doughman, John Gilbert McIntyre, Maxine Mae Vroom, Gerald
Du Vall, Betty Ann McLuen, Doris Rose Walters, Robert Lundy
Eddy, Darrell Dean Meredith, William Lee Webster, Jane Lucinda
Eggert, Agnes Mae Morningstar, Donna Lee Wilkinson, Margret Elizabeth
Elliot, Robert James Mulchy, Diana Jacquelyn Wilson, Jack Walter
Ellis, Wilma J. Mullen, Mary Jane York, Helen Louise
Ferguson, Mary Jane Nau, John O.P.
Graduates - June, 1945 (numbered 226)
Ahlberg, Jack Milton Hart, Evelyn Louise Proudfit, Gilbert LeRoy
Amos, Barbara Jean Hartson, Lois Joyce Purdy, Helen Marjorie
Anderson, Kathryn Jeanne Hicks, Patricia Lea Quiner, David Bernard
Anderson, Mary Carol Hill, Joanna June Reinhardt, Marilyn Darlene
Andrews, Harvey Max, Jr. Hilley, Robert (Bob) Burns Remore, Norma Mae
Ashford, Margaret Ann Hohl, Edwin Glen Richards, Martha Lavina
Baker, Bonnie Mae Hohl, Patricia Lou Ries, Mary Lou
Baker, Donald Dean Hoover, Norma Jean Robbins, Joan Elizabeth
Barbieri, Margaret Elizabeth Howard, Thornton Mellor Roberts, Ruth Annette
Barker, Myrtle Pauline Huggins, Edith Anne Robinson, Gerald Allen
Barlow, Donald Dean Hurless, Dorothy Virginia Robinson, Marjorie
Barnes, Robert Eugene Hyde, Beryl LaVonne Roble, Geraldine Marie
Bartholow, Betty Lou Irving, Frances Jean Ross, Lorraine Shirley
Beeler, Charlotte May Jennings, Norma Lee Schreck, Mary Catherine
Behanish, Dorothy Ann Johns, Norma Lee Shafer, Betty Jean
Belland, Kenneth LeRoy Johnson, Betty Jane Shafer, Gordia Rae
Bender, Melba Joyce Jordan, Aubrey Lavern Shane, Richard (Dick) Falk
Bernstein, Philip Joy, Ralph Paul Sheil, Mary Teen
Biggs, Nilene Beth Juroe, Dave Jason Shields, Charles LeRoy
Bish, Lillian Myrtle Kalwishky, David Lyle Shepard, Richard (Dick) L.
Bland, James William Kamraz, Eloise Gail Shimizu, May Satsuki
Boatwright, Madonna Patricia Keith, Richard Edwin Short, Ivan Eugene
Bowlsby, Marylove Kelce, Kathryn Alberta Simpson, Roger Allen
Bradley, Guy D. Kelly, Dorothy Ann Sinex, Barbara Ann
Brooks, Bill Bryant Kemble, Thomas Haynes Skaggs, Elinor Rose
Brooks, Patricia Joan (Patty) Kennedy, Tom John Skain, Richard (Dick) Lugene
Brophy, Darold J. Landsberger, Robert Smalls, Gertrude Estelle
Broquist, William Albert., Jr. Langin, Rose Marie Smith, Shirley Jean
Brown, Jim William Lawson, Le Roy Spencer, Roberta Louise
Brynie, Thyra Evelyn Lawhead, Vivia Joyn Steen, Richard Ardell
Buckingham, Donald Warren Lee, Mary Alice Stickel, Dean Henry
Buss, Marilyn Susan Lewis, Robert Andrew Stoneburner, Hazel May
Butler, Roy, Jr. Lippold, Mary Louise Stoner, Audrey May
Case, Patricia Lee Lundgren, Maxine Mildred Stowell, Betty Jayne
Chait, Jerry Lyon, Virginia May Strother, Bartharena
Chase, Bill Dean Mann, Marvin Dale Sullivan, Charles Everett
Clay, William (Bill) Lynn Mann, Martha Jean Summers, Victorene M.
Cohen, Shirley Jean Manning, Margaret Sutton, Georgia Arlene
Copeland, Hugh Johnston Manton, Verneil Swanson, Eugene Charles
Copeland, Jack Alexander Marcovis, Florence Shirley Swanson, Helen Josephine
Costy, Marybelle Marks, Ethelyn Yvonne Swinney, Harriett Marie
Cowles, Gerald Mac Martin, Therman Linneaus Talenti, Gloria Lorraine
Cox, James Robert Marvin, Alfred Junior Teachenor, Lillian Leona
Cox, Mary Mae Jacklyn McAndrews, Eileen Marie Tew, Martin Everett, Jr.
Crane, Carolyn McClelland, Harriette Louise Thorpe, Byron Burdette
Crisp, Mary Alyson McConnell, Tommy LaMar Tinlin, Josephine Colleen
Culp, Jack Oliver McCoy, Betty Charlene Trost, Ellen Jane
Culp, Jacqueline Ann McCoy, Betty Jean Turner, Rona Maxine
Daniels, Emma Ruth McDermott, Patricia Ann Underwood, Alice Joan
Dannat, Rae Avis McKinley, Barbara Ann Ungerman, Alvin Kenneth
Davey, Dorothy Jeanne McKinley, Beverly Jean Vogel, Neita Mae
Davis, Kathryn Louise McMillan, Shirley Gale Walker, Laura Yvonne
Deibert, Doris Eileen McNeal, Polly Anne Ward, Barbara Jean
Deischer, Marjorie Mae McNeley, Richard Dean Walrod, Carolyn Ellen
Delk, Marjorie Jean Melton, Dolores Jean Watrous, James (Jim) Joseph
Duffy, Betty LaRue Miner, Willa Norine Weaver, Anita Rodgers
Ewart, Patricia Ann Mobley, Wilma Jeane Weller, Gloria Ann
Ferkins, Mayme Lucille Moore, Carolyn Frances Welty, Phyllis Jeane
Fisher, Carlynn Genelle Morain, Ruth Lugene Westing Charlie C.
Fisher, Russell Gilbert Moyer, Grace Virginia White, Juanita Mae
Fogarty, Marilyn Ann Mussetter, Marilyn Louise White, Robert Dean
Fogel, Norma Esther Nelson, Gloria Jane Wichman, Jack
Folkers, Marlys June Nelson, Margaret Helen Wilcots, Virgie Lou Etta
Forney, Virginia LaNelle Norman, Bettie May Willcockson, Marlys Marie
Frette, Willa May Nossaman, James L. Williams, Doris Maxine
Garvin, Robert Milton Novak, Richard Lee Wilson, David A., Jr.
Gohner, Geraldine Rae Oaks, Mary Alice Wise, James Edward
Gordon, Jean Margaret Olson, Patricia Louise Wise, Virginia Minerva
Gordon, Rosalie Palmer, Harry Dwight Wolfe, Colleen Ann
Gray, Jim M. Parlee, Mary Leota Wood, Bill Alan
Grodt, Edward Dale Pearce, William Dwaine Wood, Colleen Ann
Gruetzmacher, Roger Franklin Peterson, Beverly Lorraine Wright, Robert William (Bob)
Gunder, Mary Elizabeth Peresman, Carl Mose Young, Ruth Ethel
Haller, Richard Winfield Petersen, Doris Jean Zeller, Elizabeth (Betty) Marie
Hammer, Richard Wilson Pewick, Lillian Louise
Harris, Robert Eugene Price, Durward Little
Graduates - August, 1945 (numbered 20)
Black, Joyce E. Howard, Randall R. Rizzuti, Carmela
Brown, Clyde Allen Jensen, Homer Scobie, Isabel E.
Cloud, Jacquelyn McGregory, Fannie Mae Smith, Donald
Crockett, Vivian Mitchell, Dorothy Snyder, Rosemary
Dawson, Lois Nelson, Bob Tharpe, Lloyd
Frasier, Bill Orr, Velma Winburn, Betty
Higgins, Roger Porter, Donna
In Memoriam - to those who served

Class of January/June/August, 1945
Anderson, Horace (1911) Fundus, Rodney Byron Phipps, Gordon (1940)
Anderson, Paul Ginder, Arthur R. (1937) Plummer, Daniel (1935)
Benson, Marion Arnold (1939) Goodwin, Harold G. (1937) Pouchot, Robert E.
Boots, Jack R.(1938) Grove, Johnny R. (1940) Proudfit, Ross L.
Bowlsby, Malcolm Thomas (1941) Groves, John Pruce, Sidney
Brown, Eugene R. (1940) Hancock, Richard Albert Hay (1940) Schreck, Jimmy
Brown, Philip David (1938) Hardaway, Langston J.B. (1941) Silletto, John (1941?)
Bullington, Rudy L. (1940) Hutchinson, Howard Smith, Paul
Burr, William Glenn (1938) Healy, Norman Smith, Robert Bernard (1937)
Caldwell, Robert D. Kincebach, George Earl Snodgrass, Raymond Larry (1942)
Cappola, Art Loll, Richard H. (grad 1944) Stephen, Lyle H.
Crowell, Dale Dwight (1933) Marchael, Clarence Cardwell (1941) Stickle, Otto
Dale, Donald E. (1940) Morris, Tom Harlan (1941) Taylor, Eugene Leonard (1942)
Damon, Donald Morrison, Arville Thornton, Lonnie
Davis, Blaine Moses, Beverly Jeanne (1940) Turner, Ray
Davis, Mervyn Murray, Robert Vance, Jack Clyde (1941)
Dunn, Willard Glenn (1938) Novak, Jack (grad 1943) Walker, Buddy
Emerling, Fred (1940) O'Hara, Leonard (1936) Wheeler, Jack M. (1941)
Evans, Dick Oliver, Julia Jean (1940) Wilson, William J.
Evans, Floyd Perkins, Inman L. (1929) Wolfe, Jack (1940)
Fitch, Ralph Andrew Peterson, Bill Young, Norman
Francis, Don I. (1937) Petty, John x
In Memoriam
Class of January/June/August, 1945
January, 1945
Aduddell, Joyce Varner (Slater) (d. 02/09/97) 1997 Gillam, William C. (d. 01/13/04) 2004
Aiken, Jessie Lou (Jenkins) (d.03/01/07) 2007 Gordinier, Velda Faye (Park) (d.08/85) 1985
Ankeney, Keith Sanford (d.10/16/15) 2015 Hansman, Robert John (d.06/13/18) 2018
Bailey, Eldon Leroy (d.01/30/13) 2013 Hurwitz, Richard Nathan (d. 05/23/98) 1998
Brunia, Catherine W. (Maurer) (d. 11/29/03) 2003 McLuen, Doris Rose (Beveridge) (d. 12/19/95) 1995
Cunningham,Marcella Matilda (Fink) (d.03/27/13) 2013 Reece, Owen, III
DeBoest, Darlene Alice (West) (d.04/13/06) 2006 Seidenfeld, Zeldene (Lipsman) (d.11/15/10) 2010
DeBord, Rozella Mae (Bussanmus) 2001 Soldat, James Robert
DeFrees, Ruth Gordon (Hood) (d.12/18/97) 1997 Vandermeulen, Richard Dwight
Doughman, John (Jack) Gilbert (d. 10/04/03) 2003 Wilson, Jack Walter
DuVall, Betty Ann (Anderson) (d.12/29/09) 2093 x
June, 1945
Ahlberg, Jack Milton (d. 01/01/95) 1995 McAndrews, Eileen Marie (Anderson) (d.10/27/16) 2016
Andrews, Harvey, Jr. McConnell, Tommy
Ashford, Margaret Ann (McDaniel) (d.12/20/10) 2010 McCoy, Betty Jean (Martinache)
Baker, Bonnie McDermott, Patricia Ann (Goldie)
Barbieri,MargaretElizabeth(McCormick)(d.3/6/8) 2008 McKinley,Barbara Ann (Brown)(Wolfe) (d.04/03/06) 2006
Bartholow, Betty Lou (Wise) (d.03/05/21) 2021 McKinley,Beverly (Bloomburg) (d.11/17/06) 2006
Behanish, Dorothy (Deremiah) McMillen, Shirley (Buck)
Boatwright,MadonnaPatricia (Serpento)(d.6/9/09) 2009 McNeal, Polly Anne
Bradley, Guy D. (d.07/04/08) 2008 McNeley, Richard Dean (d.08/12/81) 1981
Brooks, Patricia Joan (Mills) (d. 05/09/91) 1991 Mobley, Wilma Jeane (Arrasmith)
Brophy, Darold J. (d.02/22/13) 2013 Moyer, Grace Virginia (Smith/Ault) (d.07/01/12) 2012
Brynie, Thyra Evelyn (Grazier) (d.02/18/88) 1988 Mussetter,Marilyn Louise (Card) (d.08/19/14) 2014
Buss, Marilyn (d. 08/77) 1977 Nelson, Margaret Helen (Swanson) (d.05/23/09) 2009
Butler, Roy Nossaman, James L.
Chase, Bill Oaks, Mary Alice (Johnson) (d.03/10/20) 2020
Culp, Jack O. (d. 10/09/93) 1993 Parlee, Mary Leota (Price) (d.08/05/12) 2012
Culp, Jacqueline (LeCroy) (d. 02/09/07) 2007 Pearce, William (Bill) Dwaine
Dannat, Rae Avis (Evans) Peresman, Carl Mose
Delk, Marjorie Jean (Stephens) (d.02/24/11) 2011 Pewick, Lillian Louise (Welty) (d.01/10/00) 2000
Doughman, John ("Jack) Price, Durward Little
Ewart, Patricia Proudfit, Gilbert Leroy (d.03/27/15) 2015
Fisher, Carlynn (Lueder) Quiner, David Bernard (d. 11/03/03) 2003
Fogel, Norma (Damiani) (d. 03/13/003) 2003 Ries, Mary Lou (Morrissey) (d.08/27/18) 2018
Frette, Willa May (Ware) (d.02/17/10) 2010 Robbins, Joan Elizabeth (Rhodes)
Fries, Thomas Walter (d.06/05/18) diploma/service 2018 Roberts, Ruth Annette (McNeeley) (d.12/01/12) 2012
Gohner, Geraldine (Ashley) Robinson, Gerald A. (d.09/28/08) 2008
Grodt, Edward Dale (d.10/11/15) 2015 Shafer, Betty Jean (Ashley)
Gruetzmacher, Roger F. Sheil, Mary Teen (Carlson) (d.03/ 07/13) 2013
Haller, Richard Winfield (d.07/24/18) 2018 Shields, Charles
Hammer, Richard Wilson (d.01/20/10) 2010 Sinex, Barbara Ann (Cunningham)
Hohl, Edwin G. Smalls, Gertrude Estelle (Sandler)
Hohl, Patti (Bowen) Steen, Richard A.
Hoover, Norma Jean (Mintle) (d.07/11/06) 2006 Stickel, Dean Henry
Howard, Thornton Mellor (d. 07/29/04) 2004 Stoner, Audrey May (MacRae) (d.10/12/21) 2021
Hyde, Beryl "Bonnie" (Farren) Strother, Bertharena (Cropp) (d.05/06/18) 2018
Irving, FrancesJean (Stohlgren) (d.06/92) 1992 Sullivan, Charles
Jennings, Norma Lee (Wilder) (d.09/22/11) 2011 Swanson, Eugene Charles (d.07/07/10) 2010
Johns, Norma (Hoxeng) Swanson,Helen Josephine(Swartslander)(d.04/30/02) 2002
Jordan, LaVern Talenti, Gloria Lorraine (Amodeo)
Joy, Ralph P. Teachenor, Lillian (Denk)
Keith, Richard Edwin Vogel, Neita Mae (Derrough) (d.10/20/15) 2015
Landsberger, Robert (Bob) Watts, Harry
Langin, Rose Marie Westing, Charles C.
Lawhead, Vivian (Carey) White, Juanita Mae (Zucco)
Lee, Mary Alice (Polito) (d.10/28/07) 2007 Willcockson, Marlys Marie (Moon/Bixby) (d.06/03/24) 2024
Lippold, Mary Wilson, David A., Jr.
Lundgren, Maxine Mildred (Smith) (d.07/16/15) 2015 Wise, James Edward (d.03/10/21) 2021
Manning, Margaret (Orman) (d.05/14/07) 2007 Wolfe, Colleen (Fagen)
Martin, Therman Linneaus (d.07/15) 2015 Young, Ruth (Hoffman) x
Marvin, Alfred Junior (d.08/23/20) 2020 x x
August, 1945
Black, Joyce E. (Seals) (d.03/03/14) 2014 Howard, Randall R. (d.03/16/76) 1976
Brown, Clyde Allen (d.02/26/21) 2021 Rizzuti, Carmela (Riccio)
Chick, Don 2005 Tharpe, Lloyd
For further input, please email me at [email protected]
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Class of 1930 Pictures
Class of 1931 Pictures
Class of 1932 Meetings Pictures
Class of 1933 (60th reunion), 1993 Pictures
Class of 1934 Meetings Pictures
Class of 1935, (60th reunion), 1995 Pictures
Class of 1936, (50th reunion), 1986 Pictures
Class of 1937, (60th reunion), 1997 Pictures
Class of 1938, (50th reunion), 1988 Pictures
Class of 1939, (66th reunion), 2005 Pictures
Class of 1940, (50th reunion), 1990 Pictures
Class of 1941, (60th reunion), 2001 Pictures
Class of 1942, (45th reunion), 1987 Pictures
Class of 1943, (65th reunion), 2008 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1944, (65th reunion), 2009 Pictures
Class of 1945, (60th reunion), 2005 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1946, (65th reunion), 2011 Are we describing you?
Class of 1947, (60th reunion), 2007 Pictures
Class of 1948, (60th reunion), 2008 Pictures
Class of 1949, (70th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1950, (60th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 1951, (60th reunion), 2011 Are we describing you?
Class of 1952, (65th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1953, (grad pictures, lists) Pictures
Class of 1953, (10th reunion), 1963 Pictures
Class of 1953, (30th reunion), 1983 Pictures
Class of 1953, (40th reunion), 1993 Pictures
Class of 1953, (50th reunion), 2003 Pictures
    Class of 1953, (60th reunion), 2013 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1954, (60th reunion), 2014 Are we describing you?
We want you! Class of 1955, (60th reunion), 2015 Are we describing you?
Class of 1956, (60th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1957, (60th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1958, (60th reunion), 2018 Pictures
Class of 1959, (60th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1960, (60th reunion), 2020 Pictures
Class of 1961, (55th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1962, (60th reunion), 2022 Pictures
Class of 1963, (55th reunion), 2018 Pictures
Class of 1964, (55th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1965, (50th reunion), 2015 Pictures
Class of 1966, (50th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1967, (55th reunion), 2022 Pictures
Class of 1968, (50th reunion), 2018 Pictures
Class of 1969, (50th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1970, (51st reunion), 2021 Pictures
Class of 1971, (40th reunion), 2011 Pictures
Class of 1972, (50th reunion), 2022 Pictures
    Class of 1973, (50th reunion), 2023 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1974, (45th reunion), 2019 Are we describing you?
Class of 1975, (40th reunion), 2015 Pictures
Class of 1976, (40th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1977, (35th reunion), 2012 Pictures
Class of 1978, (35th reunion), 2013 Pictures
Class of 1979, (40th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1980, (30th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 1981 Pictures
Class of 1982 Pictures
Class of 1983, (30th reunion), 2013 Pictures
Class of 1984, (25th reunion), 2009 Pictures
Class of 1985, (30th reunion), 2015 Pictures
Class of 1986, (30th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1987, (30th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1988, (20th reunion), 2008 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1989, (20th reunion), 2009 Are we describing you?
Class of 1990, (20th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 1991 Pictures
Class of 1992, (20th reunion), 2012 Pictures
Class of 1993 Pictures
Class of 1994, (15th reunion), 2009 Pictures
Class of 1995, (10th reunion), 2005 Pictures
Class of 1996, (10th reunion), 2006 Pictures
Class of 1997 Pictures
Class of 1998 Pictures
Class of 1999 Pictures
Class of 2000, (10th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 2001 Names
    Class of 2002 Pictures
Class of 2003 Pictures
Class of 2004 Pictures
Class of 2005 Pictures
Class of 2006 Pictures
Class of 2007 Pictures
Class of 2008, (10th reunion), 2018) Pictures
Class of 2009 Pictures
    Class of 2010 Pictures
    Class of 2011 Pictures
    Class of 2012 Pictures
    Class of 2013 Pictures
    Class of 2014 Pictures
    Class of 2015 Pictures/names
    Class of 2016 Names
    Class of 2017 Names
    Class of 2018 Names
    Class of 2019 Names
    Class of 2020 Names
    Class of 2021 Names
    Class of 2022 Names
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