North Des Moines High School
Class of 1931

Class Meetings:
No class meetings scheduled, but the class of 1932 meets:
January and June classes meet the fourth Thursday of each month at
Baker's Cafeteria (Baker's is now closed.)
Sherwood Forest
73rd and Hickman Road
Windsor Heights , IA 50322-4619
Class of January, 1931 Class of January, 1931 Class of January, 1931
Class of January, 1931 Class of January, 1931 Class of January, 1931
Class of January, 1931
Photo by Showers Photo Service, Des Moines, Iowa
Photo: Compliments of
Nathaline Bragg Dixon
Class of January, 1931 Class of January, 1931 Class of January, 1931 Class of January, 1931
Class of January, 1931 Class of January, 1931 Class of January, 1931 Class of January, 1931
enlarged left side of photo
Class of January, 1931 Class of January, 1931 Class of January, 1931 Class of January, 1931
Class of January, 1931 Class of January, 1931 Class of January, 1931
enlarged center portion of photo
Class of January, 1931 Class of January, 1931 Class of January, 1931 Class of January, 1931
Class of January, 1931 Class of January, 1931 Class of January, 1931 Class of January, 1931
enlarged right side of photo
Class of June, 1931 Class of June, 1931 Class of June, 1931
Class of June, 1931 Class of June, 1931 Class of June, 1931
Class of June, 1931 Class of June, 1931 Class of June, 1931
Class of June, 1931
Photo by Showers Photo Service, Des Moines, Iowa
enlarged left side of photo
Class of June, 1931 Class of June, 1931 Class of June, 1931
Class of June, 1931 Class of June, 1931 Class of June, 1931
Class of June, 1931 Class of June, 1931 Class of June, 1931
enlarged right side of photo
Nathaline Bragg Dixon, Claradell Shedd, Catherine Williams Nathaline Bragg Dixon, Claradell Shedd, Catherine Williams Nathaline Bragg Dixon, Claradell Shedd, Catherine Williams
Nathaline Bragg Dixon, Claradell Shedd, Catherine Williams Nathaline Bragg Dixon, Claradell Shedd, Catherine Williams Nathaline Bragg Dixon, Claradell Shedd, Catherine Williams
Nathaline Bragg Dixon (1931), Claradell Shedd (1953), Catherine Williams (1932)
Sunday, May 1, 2005
North High Band - 1931 North High Band - 1931 North High Band - 1931 North High Band - 1931
North High Band - 1931 North High Band - 1931 North High Band - 1931 North High Band - 1931
North High Band - 1931
Roger Hartzer on far left; Ralph Zarnow on far right Roger Hartzer on far left; Ralph Zarnow on far right Roger Hartzer on far left; Ralph Zarnow on far right Roger Hartzer on far left; Ralph Zarnow on far right Roger Hartzer on far left; Ralph Zarnow on far right Roger Hartzer on far left; Ralph Zarnow on far right Roger Hartzer on far left; Ralph Zarnow on far right
Closeup of Roger Hartzer and Ralph Zarnow
Roger on far left, Ralph on far right (mouse rollovers)
Photo: Compliments of Danny Hartzer
National Honor Society, 1931 National Honor Society, 1931 National Honor Society, 1931
National Honor Society, 1931 National Honor Society, 1931 National Honor Society, 1931
National Honor Society
New members of the National Honor Society are: Ruth Adams, Paul Annear, June Asman, Gwenda Callens, Joe Conkling, Dorothy Darby, Mildred Dawson, Mildred Duval, Frances Dwyer, Mary Alice Fidler, Arabelle Flatley, Grace Fuller, John Ganschow, Jean Gordon, Mildred Hatch, Chester Howell, Erma Johnson, Theresa Lambert, Jessie Laughead, Jane Peterson, Russell Plummer, Maxine Schaeffer, Mildred Sherman, Robert Simmons, Rexienne Startzer, Maxine Stout, Joe Woodruff, Eugene Worden
Above photo: North High Oracle dated Friday, March 13, 1931;
from memorabilia of the late Olive M. Hodgson Waddington; June, 1933
Cast for Cast for Cast for
Cast for Cast for Cast for
Casts for "Mrs. Bumpstead Leigh"
1st Row Dorothy Patton, Bill Collins, Mayer Enabnit, Audrey Northup
2nd Row Margaret Marchino, Kathryn Foster, George Earhart, Leola Anderson, Bessie Spiwak
3rd Row Ruth Klemm, Henry Landis, Paul Lawhead, Bob Pennington, Grace Clifford, Helen Southworth
4th Row Roy Ramsay, Ruth Woods, David Robinson, Bob Fagen, Evelyn Mitchell, LaVerna Goodman
Above photo: North High Oracle dated Friday, November 20, 1931;
from memorabilia of the late Olive M. Hodgson Waddington; June, 1933
Golf and Tennis, 1931 Golf and Tennis, 1931 Golf and Tennis, 1931
Golf and Tennis, 1931 Golf and Tennis, 1931 Golf and Tennis, 1931
Golf and Tennis Teams
1st Row Betty Evans, Mary Jane Kiggins, June Asman, Mary Alice Fidler, Virginia Wheeler, Mrs. Anderson, Leola Anderson, Katheryn Foster, Katheryn Pearlman
2nd Row M.A. Jencks, Nellie Kennedy, Ritta Gibbons, Gladys Hayes, Ruth DeGan, Marion Foster, Gwendolynne Simons, Sarah Dawson, Helen L. Miller, Favor Kellog
3rd Row John Christian, Robert L. Erickson, Paul Fellingham, Amos Jancks, Myron Schatz, Jimmie Brumbaugh, Victor Watters, Mary Boyston
4th Row Cedric Coffman, Isadore Pomerantz, Bob Brown, Harry Levin, Paul Annear, William Wheatley, Jack Asarch, Bob Riley
Boys' Track Boys' Track
Boys' Track Boys' Track
Boys' Track Boys' Track
Track Team
1st Row Lewis Horne, Richard Work, Eugene Worden, Albert Webb, Ray Turner, Ray Cummings, Melvin Overton, Bill Heggen
2nd Row Gerald Foster, Robert Earl, Charles Orebaugh, Harold Hall, Don Emery, Dale Allen, Willard Murphy
3rd Row Coach Billy Sherman, Ralph Montis, Carlton Shaw, Robert Chidester, Frank Caple, Fred Timmons, Harry Harris
State Baseball Champs State Baseball Champs State Baseball Champs
State Baseball Champs State Baseball Champs State Baseball Champs
State Baseball Champs State Baseball Champs State Baseball Champs
1st Row Andrew Townsend, Earl Dennis, Jack Haubert, Lawrence Hanes, Marion Hammer, Captain; David Wilson
2nd Row Basil Gray, Edward Miller, Herbert Moore, Robert Tidrick, Lee Kemp
3rd Row John Ruan, Kenneth Chenoweth, George Reaves, Kieth Kirstein
Not shown Alfonso DeCarlo
Above two photos: North High Oracle yearbook dated June, 1931;
from memorabilia of the late Olive M. Hodgson Waddington; June, 1933
Graduates - January, 1931
Shrine Auditorium
Des Moines Public Schools

Combined 4 high schools--East/North/Lincoln/Roosevelt graduation exercises;
104 graduating from North High
January, 1931 (numbered 105)
Agard, Evelyn Frances Francisco, Wilma McCracken, Madge A.
Alvord, W. Paul Franklin, Evelyn M. McWilliams, Joseph Vernon
Anderson, Edwin Gerald Franklin, Helen Ruth MacPhail, Dorothy V.
Barnes, Velda Beverly Games, Ray Markman, Hyman
Benefiel, Helen Bernice Ginsburg, Edward Jacob Matthews, C. Robert
Betz, Emma L. Gonder, Mildred A. Mefferd, Mariam
Bickelhaupt. Genevieve Gooch, Eugene A. Mintle, Martin E.
Barclay, Earle Gordon, Vivilore Morris, Dorsey Jackson
Booth, E. Alice Graham, Floyd A. Munzenmaier, Lewis Donald
Booth, Helen A. Green, Jerry Murray, Lasca C.
Boudewyns, Francis Smith Gregory, Ruth Irene Myers, William Massey
Bragg, Julya Nathaline Gresdal, Marjorie Vera Neer, Adolph P.
Brewer, Marian Gross, Carl W. Nelson, Bernice V.
Brown, Myrle Marjorie Gruening, Helen Jane Ogilvie, Jack D.
Bullis, Richard Gustafson, Glenn C. O'Grady, Josephine Regina
Cannom, Paul E. Gullett, Wilma N. O'Neil, Jean Patricia
Carr, Vera May Hall, Mabel W. Ormerod, Sidney R.
Carter, Ruth A. Harlan, Burdean Louise Orwig, Burnham
Chumbley, Gladys Heskett, Vern Penney, Esther
Cohen, Aaron H. Hodson, Grace M. Perry, Lloyd
Cohen, Aaron L. Hoffman, Russell H. Porter, Kathleen
Colby, Margaret Neoma Holden, Evelyn Faye Price, Kathleen
Connolly, Joseph, Jr. Holliday, Johnita M. Reeves, Evelyn B.
Copley, Vivian Faye Hood, James F. Riley, James T.
Craig, Jack W. Huff, William E. Robinson, Elsie Mae
Cramblet, Delbert F. Jennings, Georgia Phoenix Rubash, Pauline A.
Davidson, Lillian May Johnston, Annabel Schroeder, Maxine P.
Denburger, Mary Josephine Jones, Sarah Janet Scroggs, Herbert E.
Dixon, Wiley Douglas Kautzky, Albert C. Shaler, Floyd E.
Ellis, Gertrude W. Keenan, Josephine Alyce Siegel, Sara Rose
Ellison, Rose Keil, Winifred Skinner, Woodrow
Evans, Charles   Kilgore, Galyn M. Smith, Howard Albert
Evans, Don C. King, Genevieve Southern, Darrell B.
Fahrney, Oren C. Leonard, Maxine E. Sterrett, Delbert E.
Ferris, Florence L. Lewis, Jim E. Stewart, Kenneth A.
Fideler, Raymond Edwin Linn, Dorothy E. Watkins, Harlan E.
Forster, Lorena H. x x
Graduates - June, 1931
Shrine Auditorium
Des Moines Public Schools

Combined 4 high schools--East/North/Lincoln/Roosevelt graduation exercises;
243 graduating from North High
June, 1931 (numbered 243)
Adams, Ruth E. Frisbie, John J. Narland, Elston J.
Albright, Frances Gates, W. Everett, Jr. Nece, Katherine Anne
Anderson, Ernest E. Gibbons, Rita F. O'Connell, Marjorie
Armington, Dorothy E. Gibson, Bertha E. Olmstead, Milford H.
Ashby, Margaret Gifford, George I. Overholser, Raymond
Augustine, Eugene Edward Gonder, Elinor F. Payne, Velma E.
Bailey, James A., Jr. Goodman, Bennie Pedersen, Virginia R.
Barker, Zora Bess Graham, James Richard Peresman, Elizabeth
Barr, Jacob Leon Gregson, John B. Peresman, Hannah R.
Bates, Esther Mae Grooms, Paul R. Peterson, M. Jane
Beanblossom, Edwin A. Hall, Candis M. Peterson, Walnah May
Beanblossom, Zelma Leone Hamburger, Manny C. Piatt, Pauline
Beckerman, Meyer J. Hammer, Marion DeForrest Pidgeon, V. Rose
Bentler, Edwin C. Hanes, Lawrence D. (Fuzzy) Pomerantz, Isadore
Bevington, Loyd R. Harper, Harriett Louise Potter, Milton H.
Blanchard, Harriette E. Hatch, Mildred L. Preston, Esther Lou
Blaschke, Elizabeth A. Hawkins, Garnet E. Priegel, Darlene L.
Boggs, Dorothy D. Haynes, Maxine V. .I. Quaife, Marian C.
Bosley, Lillian E. Hays, Paul W. Ralf, Donald W.
Boydston, Leland Joe Heath, Margaret Odetta Ratcliff, Don
Bringolf, Kathleen F. Henney, Victor T. Reeves, Marvin
Brock, Dorothy H. Herbrecht, Helen K. Renner, Harold Frank
Brooks, Pauline T. Hill, H. Clint Riegelman, Ruth Estell
Brownfield, Katherine M. Hird, Ted Ries, Harold W.
Brown, Dorothy G. Holley, John M. Ross, Helen Leone
Brown, Opal Irene Howell, Chester Rostberg, Richard W.
Bruhn, Leonard W. Howell, Lillian J. Ruan, John
Buck, Raymond L. Hughes, Harry, Jr. Sandberg, Maye
Bunten, Robert Royal Hulburt, D. Richard Sawhill, Mabel Lenore
Caldwell, Lois M. Hume, Dean G. Shaeffer, Maxine M.
Callen, Gwenda Hunter, Dorothy May Shannon, Georgia
Caplan, Ruth H.   Huntley, Nancy M. Shepard, Elaine
Carlson, Elsie C. Huntoon, Roy M., Jr. Sherman, Mildred
Carver, Greta Meneva Hutchins, Miriam S. Eugenie Sherriff, H. Mzry Alice
Chance, Eloise V. James, Dorothy C. Silverstein Lillian
Chavannes, Arthur Jencks, Amos H. Simmons, Frank
Chrenen, Inez Jensen, Carrie Marie Simmons, Robert
Christenson, Paul L. Jensen, Mildred Beatrice x Simons, Gwendolynne E. x
Clancy, Doris Virginia Jesse, Mildred B. Slattery, Agnes Claire
Clark, Lester M. Jewell, Gladys E. Small, Ruby Helen
Clark, Ruby Ross Jones, Golda Edith Smith, Verne E.
Clayton, Samuel Edward Jones, Musette Smuleson, Mabel
Clulow, Doris C. Keller, Audrey M. Sowash, Dorothy Louise
Cogg, Hallie A. Kesl, Virginia J. Stafford, Stanley B.
Collins, Etheline Kimball, Doris M. Startzer, Rexiene M.
Conkling, Joe E. Kinney, Nellie M. Startzer, Roy M.
Conley, J. Leo Kirchner, Wilbur W. Stefani, Santi F.
Conner, Randall W. Kitchen, Nathan Henry x Stevens, Nelda x
Cook, Robert J. Knox, Quitine W. x Stickle, Harry F. x
Cook, Ruth Kondes, James Peter Stiles, Raymond Claire, jr.
Cooke, Dorothy E. Lamb, Marjorie M. Sutcliffe, Wilfred A.
Costello, Bernice E. Lamb, Robert Durley Thelan, Kathryn M.
Couch, Raymond William Lambert, Flora Theresa Timmons, Ruth Louise
Cox, Raymond G. Layman, Margaret Louise Tobin, Beatrice
Craig, Dollie Ludden, Bernice Catherine Uetz, Don
Cricksman, Esther Lynch, Alice Ellen VanderWal, W. Stephen
Cummings, Raymond L. Maloney, Mary Jane Van Wzk, Bertina
Dailey, Grayce M. Markey, Katherine A. Versteeg, James C.
Darby, Dorothy Martin, Dorothy L. Voorhees, Jeanette
Daugherty, Edwad C. Matherly, Marcia Myrtle Voorhees, Jenevieve
Davies, Stella Isabel Mayer, Wilbert G. Wagner, Boyd M.
Daymude, Frances Darlyne McCarthey, Robert E. Walker, Elizabeth R.
DeCarlo, Alfonso McDevitt, Don J. Walsh, John E.
Dengle, Mary Caroline McDonald, Graydon LeRoy Warner, Gail R.
Devine, Florence Irene McIntosh, Phyllis Irene Webb, Elbert
DeVries, Frank John Medd, LaVonne Ethel Webber, Eileene L.
Douglas, Edward E. Meng, John Lucius Weesner, Wilma L.
Dreyer, Clifton H. Merritt, Clella Marie Wheatley, Armin Edward
Duval, Mildred Louise Miller, Frances Jane Wheatley, William W.
Elliott, Thelma E. Miller, Helen L. Whitmore, Glenn
Emery, Marjorie Zola Miller, Helen Marie Wiest, Thelma L.
Erickson, Harley L. Miller, Maurine V. Williams, Cecelia Gladys
Erickson, Robert L. Miller, Vernon Earl Williams, Lillian Bernadine
Feise, Karl R. Miner, Arthur J. Wilson, David D.
Fellingham, Paul Morain, Margaret D. Wilson, Don M.
Field, Robert G. Morris, Mary G. Wilson, Louva
Finn, Edward C. Morse, Howard E. Wingert, Leora Julia Anna
Flatley, Arabelle Moss, Robert W. Woods, Eleanor May
Foulkes, Edward W. Murphy, Dorothy Lucille Work, Richard H.
Freebourn, Dorothy J. Mueller, Frances L. Yazman, Sam K.
Fries, Margaret Marie Murray, Maxine R. Zenor, Jack M.
In Memoriam
Class of January/June/August, 1931
January, 1931
Anderson, Edwin Gerald Ginsburg, Edward Jacob (d.11/19/05) 2005 Rubash,PaulineA.(Henderson)(5/14/12) 2012
Bragg, Julya Nathaline (d.11/15/11) 2011 Leonard,Maxine E.(Smith) (d.01/05/14) 2014 Scroggs, Herbert E. (d.03/16/01) 2001
Bussey, Arthur Garfield (d.02/01/05) 2005 O'Neil,Jean(Bonham) (d.2/25/7) 2007 Stewart, Kennth A. (d.05/22/93) 1993
Carr,Vera May (Francisco) (d.12/19/11) 2011 Porter,Kathleen (Williamson)(Ashby) (d.06/22/06) 2006 Watkins, Harlan E. (d.04/30/81) 1981
June, 1931
Armington,Dorothy E. (d.10/20/00) 2000 Clulow,DorisC.(Watkins)(d.1/19/79) 1976 Hammer,Marion DeForrest (d.10/29/72) 1972
Ashby, Margaret (d. 12/28/96) 1996 Cook, Robert J. (d.03/30/89) 1989 Hanes,Lawrence D. (d. 06/18/06) 2006
Augustine,Eugene Edward (d.10/11/04) 2004 Costello, Beatrice Marie (d.02/01/10) 2010 Jones,Golda Edith(Cord)(d.10/13/07) 2007
Bates, Esther Mae (Taylor) (d.01/11/85) 1985 Couch,Raymond William (d.02/11/02) 2002 Kondes, James Peter (d.05/19/07) 2007
Beanblossom, Edwin A. (d.12/75) 1975 Dengle,Mary Caroline (Adamson) (3/21/03) 2003 Layman,Margaret Louise (d.09/11/00) 2000
Bevington, Loyd R. (d. 09/20/98) 1998 Devine,Florence I. (Mills) (d.01/14/11) 2011 Lynch,Alice E.(Stromberg) (d.07/16/6) 2006
Bringolf, Kathleen F.(Figg)(d.01/19/07) 2007 DeVries, Frank John (d.01/24/04) 2004 McDonald Graydon L. (d.01/17/91) 1991
Brownfield,KatherineM. (d. 5/26/01) 2001 Douglas,Edward E. (d.5/05/88) 1988 Pomerantz, Isadore (d.05/1976) 1976
Bruhn, Leonard W. (d.12/68) 1968 Erickson,Harley L. (d.06/03/98) 1998 Ruan, John (d.02/14/10) 2010
Chavannes, Arthur J. (d.02/01/77) 1977 Fries, Margaret Marie(Phoenix) (07/09/99) 1999 Shepard,Audrey Elaine(d.07/27/07) 2007
Clayton,Samuel Edward (d.03/76) 1976 Gibson,Bertha Etta(Wallace) (d.12/01/96) 1996 Yazman, Sam K. (d. 04/1993) 1993
August, 1931
x x x
For further input, please email me at [email protected]
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Class of 1930 Pictures
Class of 1931 Pictures
Class of 1932 Meetings Pictures
Class of 1933 (60th reunion), 1993 Pictures
Class of 1934 Meetings Pictures
Class of 1935, (60th reunion), 1995 Pictures
Class of 1936, (50th reunion), 1986 Pictures
Class of 1937, (60th reunion), 1997 Pictures
Class of 1938, (50th reunion), 1988 Pictures
Class of 1939, (66th reunion), 2005 Pictures
Class of 1940, (50th reunion), 1990 Pictures
Class of 1941, (60th reunion), 2001 Pictures
Class of 1942, (45th reunion), 1987 Pictures
Class of 1943, (65th reunion), 2008 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1944, (65th reunion), 2009 Pictures
Class of 1945, (60th reunion), 2005 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1946, (65th reunion), 2011 Are we describing you?
Class of 1947, (60th reunion), 2007 Pictures
Class of 1948, (60th reunion), 2008 Pictures
Class of 1949, (70th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1950, (60th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 1951, (60th reunion), 2011 Are we describing you?
Class of 1952, (65th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1953, (grad pictures, lists) Pictures
Class of 1953, (10th reunion), 1963 Pictures
Class of 1953, (30th reunion), 1983 Pictures
Class of 1953, (40th reunion), 1993 Pictures
Class of 1953, (50th reunion), 2003 Pictures
    Class of 1953, (60th reunion), 2013 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1954, (60th reunion), 2014 Are we describing you?
We want you! Class of 1955, (60th reunion), 2015 Are we describing you?
Class of 1956, (60th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1957, (60th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1958, (60th reunion), 2018 Pictures
Class of 1959, (60th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1960, (60th reunion), 2020 Pictures
Class of 1961, (55th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1962, (60th reunion), 2022 Pictures
Class of 1963, (55th reunion), 2018 Pictures
Class of 1964, (55th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1965, (50th reunion), 2015 Pictures
Class of 1966, (50th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1967, (50th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1968, (50th reunion), 2018 Pictures
Class of 1969, (50th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1970, (51st reunion), 2021 Pictures
Class of 1971, (40th reunion), 2011 Pictures
Class of 1972, (50th reunion), 2022 Pictures
    Class of 1973, (50th reunion), 2023 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1974, (45th reunion), 2019 Are we describing you?
Class of 1975, (40th reunion), 2015 Pictures
Class of 1976, (40th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1977, (35th reunion), 2012 Pictures
Class of 1978, (35th reunion), 2013 Pictures
Class of 1979, (40th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1980, (30th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 1981 Pictures
Class of 1982 Pictures
Class of 1983, (30th reunion), 2013 Pictures
Class of 1984, (25th reunion), 2009 Pictures
Class of 1985, (30th reunion), 2015 Pictures
Class of 1986, (30th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1987, (30th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1988, (20th reunion), 2008 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1989, (20th reunion), 2009 Are we describing you?
Class of 1990, (20th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 1991 Pictures
Class of 1992, (20th reunion), 2012 Pictures
Class of 1993 Pictures
Class of 1994, (15th reunion), 2009 Pictures
Class of 1995, (10th reunion), 2005 Pictures
Class of 1996, (10th reunion), 2006 Pictures
Class of 1997 Pictures
Class of 1998 Pictures
Class of 1999 Pictures
Class of 2000, (10th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 2001 Names
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Class of 2003 Pictures
Class of 2004 Pictures
Class of 2005 Pictures
Class of 2006 Pictures
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Class of 2008, (10th reunion), 2018) Pictures
Class of 2009 Pictures
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All images and content are © copyright of their respective copyright owners.
Roger Hartzer Ralph Zarnow Nathaline Bragg Marion D. Hammer Marion D. Hammer