North Des Moines High School
Class of 1960
Class Meetings:
CANCELLED: Our 60th reunion scheduled for Saturday,
June 13, 2020 is cancelled! We hope to have it next year.
Saturday, June 13, 2020
Hospitality Room Open: 1:00-5:30PM
Memorial Room Open: 1:00-5:30PM
Time: booked: 1:00PM-9:00PM Johnston Lions Club
64th Place & Merle Hay Road
  Johnston, IA 50131
  (515) 270-6171
Dinner: 5:30-9:00PM   Catered roast beef, etc.
Group Photo (TBD) Time: Promptly at TBD
Charlie Stover, Norwalk: (515) 321-6691
Dinner:   Event is $40.00/each. Check payable to
North High 60th Reunion
Contact: Ray Dennis, Treasurer
8000 Huntingwood Court
Johnston, IA 50131-8735
[email protected]
Friday, July 23, 2010
Holiday Inn - Downtown; Top of the Tower
Registration Open: 12Noon-4:00PM Lunch on your own
Hospitality Room Open: 2:00-4:00PM Hospitality Room Open: 8:00-10:00PM
Memorial Room Open: 2:00-4:00PM
Time: 6:00-10:00PM   "Rendezvous at Riverview"
Meet at the former Clarkson School (6th Avenue and Boston/Corning) site unless it is raining, and we then would move indoors. Brats and drinks available for purchase. No need to register; admission is free.
Des Moines, IA
Riverview Park website:
Clarkson School   map
Free Concert: 6:00-10:00PM   Riverview Park
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Registration Open: 9:00AM-12:00PM and 2:00-5:00PM. Various events during day.
Hospitality Room Open: 10:00AM-12:00PM and 2:00-4:00PM.
Memorial Room Open: 10:00AM-12:00PM and 2:00-4:00PM.
Time: booked: 4:00PM-Midnight Holiday Inn - Downtown; Top of the Tower
I-235 and 6th Avenue (1050 6th Avenue)
  Des Moines, IA 50314-2606
  (515) 283-0151
Social Hour:   5:45PM-6:45PM
Group Photo Time: Promptly at 6:45PM
Dinner:   Welcome at 7:15PM
Meal at 7:30-8:30PM
Program: Steve Mathews Emcee: 8:30-9:30PM
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Brunch: 9:00AM-11:00AM   Holiday Inn - Downtown; Top of the Tower
Friday Night, July 23, 6:00-10:00
Site of the old Clarkson School—Please see directions below.
The Highland Park and Oak Park neighborhoods have a gathering on Friday nights throughout the summer, and we’re invited to join in. This is very casual (jeans and shorts will be common) with a local band. Things like hot dogs and beverages will be available for purchase.

Here are some directions for this very casual event: Drive north from the Holiday Inn on 6th Avenue. You’ll pass North High on the east side of the street, and this party will be a few blocks north of North on the west side of 6th Avenue. Look for tents, a North High 50th sign, and pink and green balloons in a vacant lot where Clarkson School used to stand. You can park in a lot near 6th and Corning Avenues on the west side of 6th Avenue. If you go past this corner, you’ll need to turn around because other streets will be blocked off.

Saturday Night, July 24, 6:00-9:30--
Top floor of the Holiday Inn 1050 6th Avenue, (515) 283 0151
At 6:45, Stover Photography will begin organizing North High folks for the large group picture, and dinner will be served at about 7:15, so the 6:45 time is important.
If you wish, you can order pictures and pay with cash, check, or Visa or MasterCard.
The large picture is $20, and any smaller pictures of elementary or junior high groups are less than $10.
All pictures will be ready for you to take with you at the end of the evening.
Cash bar begins at 6:00. This is the time for us to meet and greet a few of our teachers, some with spouses.
After the pictures, staff will begin serving at 7:15, and the program will follow.
Carole Hill Gassaway will have some more neat North High 50th Reunion $10 tee-shirts and $20 sweat shirts for sale.
One more thing: The dining floor moves very, very slowly, but you won’t notice it unless you leave your table. Please know that you’re not dreaming if it seems that your table has moved by the time you get back to it.
50th Reunion - Class of January, 1960 taken July 24, 2010
Photo: Stover Photographic Services; (515) 981-4217
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Terry Smith, David Cahow, Sheila Williams Manly, Carolyn Atkins Beaty, Molly McCarthy, Janice Pender Mattern, Sharilyn Carter Moss, Garold Plummer, Julie Stewart Kolker
2nd Row X. Richard Hutton, James Leroy Smith, Tom Tenorio, Sharon Richards Faymore, Gary Ordway, Richard Fox, Bob Barnett
Others: Phyllis Clay, David Cahow, Lloyd William Duncan, Richard Leroy Fox, Judy Stewart Lyon, Gary Eugene Plummer, James Leroy Smith, Jackie Dunagan Waddell
50th Reunion - Class of June, 1960 taken July 24, 2010
Photo: Stover Photographic Services; (515) 981-4217
Photo ID by Nancy Clayton Phillips and Marilynn Grant Wadden
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Pat Sims Smith, Rosalie Shapiro Sandahl
2nd Row Belva Brugger Millard, Rosalie Manis Mattern, Joann Olson, Marylee Smith Donovan, Carol Steinmetz Hogue, Barbara Young VanCleave, Joyce Dawson Waite, Linda Lamb Mosier, Kay Hodgson Bechtel, Vonel Leatherby Kirkman, Lois Wilson Crook, Carol Hill Gassaway, Cathy McKenna Nelson, Marilynn Grant Wadden, Marylin Crandall Hanson, Toni Thompson, Linda Gronert Yoder, Karen Gangestad McCord, Bill Kauzlarich, Pat Foss Robertson
3rd Row Nyla Walker Isele, Janet Morse Boyd, Diane DeMoss Smith, (behind) Ron Modjeska, (behind) Bob Cornelison, Linda Rose, Dottie Paris Bauer, Virginia Cox Plummer, Juanita Inman Marasco, (behind) Kaye Smith Gilles, Nancy Clayton Phillips, Lynda Hoover Smith, JoAnn Evans Evans, Ann Sampson Herteen, Diane Cosgrove Goldsberry, Diane Bochner Davis, (behind in aqua) Patty Welter Huston, Carol Fuller Velasquez, Jane Tyree Prange (behind) Jan Waters Friezen, Mel Ott, Mike Newell, George Bogenrief, Jim VerHoef, Judi Jones VerHoef, Diane Nelson Waterbury, Gary Frederiksen, JoAnn Henderson Martens, David White, Ojars Papedis, Bob Crouch, Mark Boyd, Ron Spratt, Bev Spraker Watts, Linda Newell Hutchins, Julie Bowlby Miller, Pam Frazier Pfaff, Karen Sachse Dehart, Irene Popken Carr, David Bradbury, Glaciel Coon Watson, Mary Lou Hammer Wieting, Marianne Jackovich Early, Beverly Olson, Donna Rees Aprahamian
4th Row Chad Williams, Mike Raye, Ed Fisher, Dick McCloud, Ray Dennis, Karen Martin Taul, Steve Parson, Jim Carlisle, Mark Tyler, David Taylor, Don Patterson, Russ Chance, Bob Westlund, Bob Clark, Ron McMickle, Marvin Walker, Jack Bean, Rich Jorgensen
enlarged far left side of 50th reunion photo (June)
enlarged middle of 50th reunion photo (June)
enlarged right side of 50th reunion photo (June)
45th Reunion, 2005 45th Reunion, 2005 45th Reunion, 2005 45th Reunion, 2005
45th Reunion, 2005 45th Reunion, 2005 45th Reunion, 2005 45th Reunion, 2005
45th Reunion - taken May 6, 2005
Botanical Center, Des Moines
Row 1 Nancy Clayton, Steve Arthur, Belva Brueger, Jane Tyree
Row 2 Mike Porter, Bill Voyce, Judi Jones-VerHoef, X, Diana Bochner Davis, Beverly Spraker Watts, Carol Fuller Velasquez, Dianne "Cos" Cosgrove, Pam Frazier, Carole Hill Gassaway, Marilynn Grant Wadden, X
Row 3 Jim VerHoef, Ray Dennis, X, woman: Jan Morse; man in yellow shirt:Bob Clark, Ann Sampson Herteen
40th Reunion, 2000 40th Reunion, 2000 40th Reunion, 2000
40th Reunion, 2000 40th Reunion, 2000 40th Reunion, 2000
40th Reunion, 2000 40th Reunion, 2000 40th Reunion, 2000
40th Reunion - taken August 26, 2000
Starting first row, bottom left
Row 1 X,X, George Coburn, Bob Howe, David Bradbury, George Bodenrief, X, Michael Huston
Row 2 X, Sandra Izzolena, X, Alice Darr, X, X, X, Dottie Paris, Lynda Hoover Smith, .Sandy Evans Nau. Juanita Inman
Row 3 X, X, X, X, X, Jane Tyree, X, X, Mike Porter
Row 4 X, X, X, Marilynn Grant, Joann Olson, Linda Newell, Jeanie Koehl, Jan Morse
Row 5 Julie Bowlby
Row 6 X, X, Bev Spraker, Marylin Crandall
  Please help with identification of others. Please email me at [email protected]
Photo Above: Compliments of Beverly Spraker Watts
20th Reunion, 1980 20th Reunion, 1980 20th Reunion, 1980 20th Reunion, 1980
20th Reunion, 1980 20th Reunion, 1980 20th Reunion, 1980 20th Reunion, 1980
20th Reunion - taken 1980
Des Moines Golf & Country Club
According to numbers assigned
1/Blanche Shehan 19/Pat Carroll 37/Barb Houston 55/Ray Dennis 73/Kerry Montgomery
2/Mike Newell 20/X 38/Ron Modjeska 56/Mike Huston 74/Penny Stafford
3/Linda Lamb 21/X 39/Mary Johnson 57/X 75/Pam Frazier
4/X 22/X 40/Ron Sharp 58/X 76/Janet Morse
5/X 23/Judy Rowland 41/Rosalie Shapiro 59/Bob Westlund 77/Patty Welter
6/Barbara Young 24/Helen Nelson 42/X 60/X 78/Jane Tyree
7/Sandy Burns 25/X 43/X 61/Bev Spraker 79/Carol Fuller
8/George Smith 26/Jeannie Koehl 44/X 62/Donna Rees 80/Juanita Inman
9/X 27/George Bogenrief 45/Linda Newell 63/Dottie Paris 81/Sandy Evans
10/X 28/X 46/Mark Boyd 64/X 82/Alice Darr
11/Richard Jorgensen 29/Ann Sampson 47/Bob Orvick 65/X 83/JoAnn Henderson
12/Ginger Cox 30/Diana Nelson 48/X 66/Sandy Izzolena 84/Karen Sachse
13/Lynda Hoover 31/Mariann Jackovich 49/Bob Barnett 67/Gary Frederiksen 85/David White
14/X 32/Jan Waters 50/Mike Raye 68/Madonna Lamberti 86/X
15/Bob Cornelison 33/Greg Russo 51/Marylin Crandall 69/Alan Anderson 87/X
16/Pat Coxe 34/Greg Lowe 52/Bob Clark 70/X x
17/Irene Popken 35/Sandy York 53/Ron Spratt 71/Julie Bowlby x
18/X 36/Pat Sims 54/Jack Brindley 72/Marilynn Grant x
Photo Above: Compliments of Marilynn Grant Wadden
Class of January, 1960 (class numbered 104)
Starting first row, bottom left
Row 1 names coming
Row 2 names coming
Row 3 names coming
Row 4 names coming
Row 5 names coming
Row 6 names coming
Row 7 names coming
Photo above: Compliments of Bob Barnett
Class of 1960 Class of 1960 Class of 1960
Class of 1960 Class of 1960 Class of 1960
Class of 1960 Class of 1960 Class of 1960
Class of June, 1960 (class numbered 458)
Starting first row, bottom left
Row 1 Bob Orvick, Ray Osberg, Marvin Harner, Sandra Henrichs, Steve Arthur, Pat Foss, Glaciel Coon, Sandra Holub, Pat Pickett, X, Marilyn Thompson, Ron Mansfield, Jane Faux, X, X, Belva Brugger, Jackie Jeffries, Karen Bright, David Thompson, Joan Lee Hutchinson, Blanche Shehan, Virginia Cox, Sandy Evans, Bob Crouch
Row 2 Brenda Evans, X, X, Sharon Frost, Shirley Yamasaki, Judy Dunn, Ruth Taka, Kenneth Vaughn, X, Sherry Moore, Pat Patterson, Penny Stafford, Dottie Paris Samaniego, Sandy Izzolena, Madonna Lamberti, Penny Brandsfield, Jane Tyree, Penny Hopkins, Freda Brown, Diane Lincoln, Mary Lee Smith, Carol Steinmetz, Rosalie Manis, Linda Jetter, Vonel Leatherby
Row 3 Diane Cosgrove, Carol Fuller, Gary Goldsberry, Linda Bingaman, Helen Nelson, Pat Piziali, X, Lena Baker, Vesta Williamson, Nancy Slaughter, Diane Quigley, Aysel Ciftkas, Marilynn Grant, Diane Bochner, David Taylor, S, X, X, David Bradbury, Linda Gronert, X, Judy Johnston, Linda Lamb, Barbara Young
Row 4 X, Joyce Dawson, Marcia Moore, Annette Ewing, Donna Rees, Marianne Jackovich, Mary Lou Hammer, Diane Demoss, Pam Frazier, Judy White, Seymour Gray, Julie Bowlby, Pat Welter, X, Linda Epps, Shirley Olson, Carol Reeves, X, Susan Dewey, Linda Pruitt, Karen Gangstead, Judy Turner, Pat Prickett, Peggy Hutchinson, Mary Ann Crawford
Row 5 Sandy Burns, X, Margo Kinkade, Karen Sachse, X, Irene Popken, Shirley Parish, Sharon Nyswonger, Paul Dimke, Jerry Davis, Jerry Lewis, Scott Sutherland, Steve McNaney, X, X, Carole Arnold, X, Nancy Clayton, Joyce Coburn, X, Karen Suplee, Robert Jones, William Voyce, X, Inta Bensons, Sharon Murphy, X
Row 6 Nora White, Bob Oxley, Kenny Smith, David White, Nancy Garwood, Beverly Spraker, Ann Sampson, Jackie Arns, X, X, Mike Newell, X, X, X, Sharon Dillenback, Joyce Arnold, Pat Sims, Rosalie Shapiro, Mary Johnson, Gary Frederiksen, X, X, Pat Picard, Joann Olson, X, Mike Ivanovich, Margaret Mullen, Beverly Olson
Row 7 X, X, X, Bob Howe, X, Bruno Walter, X, X, Joan Cowger, Marcia Molsberry, Marilyn Crandall, Barb Houston, Jan Morse, Gary Soldat, Diane Tuers, X, Phyllis Wickett, Jim Hall, Mike Huston, X, Gary Lewis, Ross Terwilliger, Jim Marshall, X, Shirley Barnes, X, X, Carole Hill, Pat Coxe, Jack Brindley
Row 8 Larry Payne, Kay Hodsen, Pat Smith, Janet Morrison, X, Beverly Harlow, Rosie McQuitty, X, Donna Burkhead, X, Kathie Davis, X, X, X, X, Bob Clark, Kaye Smith, John Payne, Linda Newell, David Olson, X, Bev Hansen, Ed Braun, X, Sandy Chivers, Marilynn Roszell, Mary Katzureck, X, Ray Dennis
Row 9 Kerry Montgomery, X, Dale Smith, X, X, Greg Russo, X, Joe Runyon, Diana Nelson, Kay Gordon, Jan Waters, X, Roger Kataoka, X, Dave Holt, X, Judy Rowland, Dale Arts, Ron Sharp, James Farmer, X, X, X, X, Gray Warren, Jim Carlisle, Larry Pedritti, Ron Spratt, Mike Raye, John Anderson, Dale Shaw
Row 10 Alice Darr, JoAnn Henderson, Jeannie Koehl, X, X, X, Keith Osborn, Larry Bauer, X, Mark Tyler, X, X, X, X, Richard Jorgensen, Dennis Hamil, X, X, Juri Kaseoru, Greg Lowe, Breon Cook, Charlotte Lofgren, Pat Carroll, Karen Whitson, X, George Smith, Tai Liepa, Karen Watson, Myla Walker, Russ Chance, Alan Anderson
Row 11 X, Bill Kauzlarich, Ron Thompson, X, Lewis Wharff, X, X, X, X, X, Doug Leslie, X, Dale Arts, X, X, Don Patterson, Ron Modjeska, Mark Boyd, Steve Parson, Steve Sharp, X, Lawrence Robinson, X, Phil Warner, X, Ojars Papedis, Bob Westlund, X, X, X, X, X, X
enlarged left side of grad photo enlarged left side of grad photo enlarged left side of grad photo
enlarged left side of grad photo enlarged left side of grad photo enlarged left side of grad photo
enlarged left side of grad photo enlarged left side of grad photo enlarged left side of grad photo
enlarged left side of graduation photo
enlarged right side of grad photo enlarged right side of grad photo enlarged right side of grad photo
enlarged right side of grad photo enlarged right side of grad photo enlarged right side of grad photo
enlarged right side of grad photo enlarged right side of grad photo enlarged right side of grad photo
enlarged right side of graduation photo
Graduation Photo Above: Compliments of Beverly Spraker Watts
Identification of graduates by Beverly Spraker Watts and Marilynn Grant Wadden

January 1960
Class Officers

Richard Hutton
Lloyd Duncan
Joann Miller
Joanne DeVries
Sherilyn Brown
Marilyn Jones
Jacquelin Dunagan
Gordon Black

June 1960
Class Officers

Richard Jorgensen
Robert Oxley
Linda Newell
Linda Gronert
Sharon Nyswonger
Lewis Wharff
Diane Tuers
Judith White
Ronald Modjeska
Student Council, January, 1960 Student Council, January, 1960 Student Council, January, 1960 Student Council, January, 1960
Student Council, January, 1960 Student Council, January, 1960 Student Council, January, 1960 Student Council, January, 1960
Student Council - January, 1960
1st Row Jerry Lewis, Karen Gangestad, Joanne DeVries, JoAnn Miller, Sharon Nelson, Nancy Hall, Joyce Loftus, Susan Dewey, Janet Douglas, Linda Gronert, Linda Frazier
2nd Row Steve Arthur, Phyllis McEwen, Marilynn Grant, Bev Adams, Linda Katz, Molly McCarthy, Gerald Brown, Dick Hutton Larry Biggs
3rd Row Gary Anderson, Dennis Forker, Sam Henning, Mary Howard, Pat Carroll, Tom Drake, Jim Hall, Richard Jorgenson, Mr. Lory
4th Row Steven Dann, Jim Miller, Jim Jorgenson, Bill Leech, Dennis Cronk, Dick Fox, Ed Graves, Mike Hayward, Dave Carlson, Bob Milinsky, Charlotte Lofgren
Student Council, Spring, 1960 Student Council, Spring, 1960 Student Council, Spring, 1960
Student Council, Spring, 1960 Student Council, Spring, 1960 Student Council, Spring, 1960
Student Council - June, 1960
1st Row Marilynn Grant, Christine Catterson, Nancy Hall, Carol Moon, Janet Douglas, Janaan Schroder
2nd Row Mary Ann Howard, Linda Calhoun, Mike Houston, Steve Arthur, Linda Newell, Kaye Smith, Paulette Hon, Bev Adams, Mr. Lory
3rd Row Nyla Walker, Bob Oxley, Barb Emanuel, Ron Spratt, JoAnn Henderson, Tom Drake, Jim Hall, John Ridout, Gary Houston, Kent Wildrick
4th Row Bob Clark, Carl Lohafer, Jim Jorgensen, Bill Kauzlarich, Paul Jorgensen, Doug Leslie, Steve Parson, Dick McCauley, Peter Royal, Dave Carlson, Dick Miller
1960 Girls' Tennis 1960 Girls' Tennis 1960 Girls' Tennis 1960 Girls' Tennis
1960 Girls' Tennis 1960 Girls' Tennis 1960 Girls' Tennis 1960 Girls' Tennis
Girls' Tennis - June, 1960
1st Row Julie Bowlby, Dianne Cosgrove, Pat Carroll, Kathie Davis, Mary Johnson
2nd Row Sue Bruett, Sandy Divelbiss, Marilynn Grant, Rosalie Shaperio, Kay Hodgson, Barbara Houston
3rd Row Joyce Youngbird, Janet Hutchinson, Marilyn Adair, Linda Knudsen, Linda Strong, Mary Ellen Osborn, Mr. Knee
1960 Boys' Tennis 1960 Boys' Tennis 1960 Boys' Tennis 1960 Boys' Tennis
1960 Boys' Tennis 1960 Boys' Tennis 1960 Boys' Tennis 1960 Boys' Tennis
Boys' Tennis - June, 1960
1st Row Greg Lowe, Gary Soldat, Don Bothwell, Jack Brindley, Jack Passwater, John Payne, Terry Prettyman
2nd Row John Mayo, Ted Russell, Tom Brown, Ron Flora, Jim Mayse, Jim Leseney, Chuck Withman, Bill Burdick
3rd Row Roger Griffith, Frank Garrells, Craig Clark, Dave Carlson, Bill Leech, Lee Kness, George Smith, Mr. Knee
1960 Band 1960 Band
1960 Band 1960 Band
1960 Band 1960 Band
Band - June, 1960
1st Row Craig Clark, Janice McGowan, Linda Kapfer, Gerald Wright, Mary Whitson, Gary Morrow, Judy Hays, Elizabeth Coe, Marylin Babbit, Mary Johnson
2nd Row Jean Musgrove, Sam Henning, Pam Peterson, Verda Williams, Ted Russell, Charles Wittman, Bill Burdick, Jim Leseney, Bill Bartlett, Bryan Hall, Mike Hayward, Larry Brennan, Lee Conklin, Meredith Morrison, Ed Fisher, Jack Jackson, Jack Gordon, Greg Lowe
3rd Row Judy Green, Tom Fergus, Carole Johnson, Steve Cervin, Dennis Jackson, Raymond Bates, Bob Dickey, Jim Mayse, Barbara Bertrand, Carol Ivers, Marilynn Clark Atcheson, Angela Hosier, Fred Hostetler, Bob Ketch, Max Gilmore, Bob Crouch, Ray Dennis, Dale Smith, Jon Van Dusseldorp, Everett Kemp, Philip Warner
4th Row Pam Bradley, Lora Barton, Mr. Lomen
Absent Danny Boyd, Bob Brown, Richard Evans, Bob Jones, David Koder, Mattie Matlock, Jack Olson, Gary Pulley, John Ridout, Ellen Watson, Karin Watson, Carolyn Wilson, Jack Boller, Gary Fox, Mary Nordell, Duane Perry
Oak Park Elementary, 1954 Oak Park Elementary, 1954 Oak Park Elementary, 1954
Oak Park Elementary, 1954 Oak Park Elementary, 1954 Oak Park Elementary, 1954
Oak Park Elementary, 1954 Oak Park Elementary, 1954 Oak Park Elementary, 1954
Oak Park Elementary - 6th Graders - 1954
1st Row Ricky Schliepsick, Robert Oxley, Greg Lowe, Chuck Long, Dale Smith, Kerry Montgomery, Mike Ivanovich, Johnny Herriott, Russell Carpenter
2nd Row John Anderson, George Smith, Gerald Murray, Fred Miller, Mike Newell, Betty Ford, Kaye Smith, Charlotte Lofgren, JoAnn Olson
3rd Row Miss Leupold, Marilynn Grant, Mary Lee Smith, Jean Sterrett, Kay Gordon, Sharon Nyswonger, Janet Jensen, Kathie Davis, Jacqueline Arns, Sue Nystrom, Barbara Young, Penny Hopkins
Note:What a visionary was Marilynn Grant's mother, Dorothy Grant, when she arranged to have this photo taken. She knew that someday the capture of this moment would be significant to every individual in this Oak Park 1954 class...the photo is a meaningful tribute to this mother's legacy!
Graduates - January, 1960 (numbered 104)
Agee, Patricia Louise Dann, Stephen Eugene Jay, Ronald Robert Reyes, Sandra Dianne
Anderson, Gary Clifford DeVries, Joanne Sue Jensen, Eileen Marie Rhoads, Stephen Michael
Ashcraft, Carmen Lois Dunagan, Jacquelin Lee Jones, Marilyn Eleanor Richard, Sharon Kay
Atkins, Carolyn Lee Duncan, Lloyd William, Jr. Katz, Linda Elaine Rieck, William Henry
Avramis, William George Edgren, John Alan Kemp, Harold Otto Robertson, James David
Barnett, Robert Forrest Ellis, Sandi Rae Kiefer, Val Albert Sams, Steven James
Barney, Loretta Darlene Ellsworth, Patricia Lynn Killion, Linda Louise Sayre, Mary Jane
Bell, Shirlene Ann Erickson, Wayne Edwin King, Kathryn Ann Schultz, Stephen Chris
Bishop, Reta Rae Ewald, Dixie Ellen Lapole, Jeannine Seaman, Nancy Louella
Black, Gordon Sedgwick Fett, Karen Marie Lucas, Robert Ensign Seward, Steve Carl
Blythe, Kenneth Edward Fitch, Sharon Kay Maples, Charles James Shelburg, Phillip King
Boggs, Judith Pearl Fox, Richard Leroy Marcusen, James Oscar Shepherd, Crystal Annette
Brown, Sherilyn Ann Fuller, Larry Gene McCarthy, Molly Claire Smith, James Leroy
Burrell, Wesley Charles Gaines, Wallace Jaunell McCraven, Dennis N. Smith, Roger Edward
Cahill, James Franklin Gaylor, Georgia Ann Miller, Joann Margaret Smith, Terry Rex
Cahow, David Kent Graves, Edward Moore, Kay Lavon Solomon, Donald Lee
Campbell, Rose Lee Brown Green, Judy Laverne Moran, Karla Kay Stevens, Kent M.
Carey, Donald James Greenberg, Gary Mullen, Judith Virginia Stewart, Julie Kay
Carter, Donna Jean Hawkins, Michael Edward Murphy, Joyce Lynn Swanson, David Bruce
Carter, Lawrence, Jr. Hawxby, Sheila May Nelson, Sandra Lee Tenorio, Thomas John
Carter, Lenore Karen Heariold, Barbara Jane Norcross, Susan Dorothy Walton, Robert Lee
Carter, Sharilyn Kay Hidlebaugh, Mabel Denise Ordway, Gary Dean Webb, Lucille Fay
Clay, Phyllis Arlene Holmes, Mary Ann Pender, Janice Eileen Williams, Sheilah Marie
Coe, Elizabeth Ann Humeston, Mary Ellen Plummer, Garold Eugene Winters, Carolyn Sue
Cooper, Marvin Hutton, Richard Reed Poffenberger, Burrt Dee Wright, Robert Edward
Cozad, Gary Eugene Jackson, Jack Thomas Prewitt, Jack Martin Wulf, Barbara Lee
Graduates - June, 1960 (numbered 331)
Allison, Linda Sue Ellis, Lucille Venice Lamb, Linda Rae Rees, Donna Paulette
Allyn, Mary Elizabeth Ellison, William Charles Lamberti, Madonna Jean Reeves, Carol Lou
Anderson, Alan Andrew Epps, Linda Bess Leatherby, Margaret Vonel Rivers, Marilyn Annette
Anderson, John Horace Erickson, Richard Robert Leslie, Douglas Lester Robinson,Lawrence Owen
Anneberg, Connie Ives Evans,BrendaAnneElizabeth Lewis, Gary William Robinson, Paula Jo
Arnold, Carole Joan Evans, Jo Ann Lewis, Jerry Lee Robison, Phyllis Ann
Arnold, Joyce Carolyn Evans, Sandra Kay Lewis, Terry Russell Roszell, Marilynn Louise
Arns, Jacklyn Delle Ewing, Annette Elaine Liepa, Talivaldis Rowland, Judith Ann
Arthur, Stephen Ray Farmer, James Edward Lincoln, Diane Kay Runyon, Joseph Richard
Arts, Dale Gilbert Faux, Jane Arlene Lofgren, Charlotte Marie Russo, Gregory Allen
Baker, Lena Lou Fogel, Patricia Sue Lohafer, Carl Wendell Sachse, Karen Faye
Barnes, Shirley Irene Forsyth, Larry Walter Lowe, Gregory Allan Samaniego,DorothyPaulette
Barry, James Richard Foss, Patricia Ann Lybarger, Linda Lou Sampson, Aurelia Ann
Bauer, Larry Ray Foster, Gregory John Manis, Rosalie Ruth Schultz, Mark Alan
Bean, Jack Henry Frazier, Pamela Diane Mansfield, Ronald Eugene Shapiro,Rosalie Joan
Bensons, Inta Emilija Frederiksen, Gary Evan Marquis, William Riley Sharp, Ronald Alden
Bettis, Ritta Marie Frost, Sharon Kay Marshall, James Dixon Sharp, Steven James
Bingaman, Linda Kathleen Fuller, Carol Ann Martin, Karen Kay Shaw, Dale Ronald
Bochner, Diane Rae Fuqua, Robert Wesley McCloud,Richard Laurence Shehan, Blanche Marie
Bogenrief, George Walter Gangestad, Karen Ann McFall, James Leslie Shelton, Roxie Lee
Bogle, Roger Rendles Garwood, Nancy Lee McKelvey, Robert Jay Siftkas, Aysel
Bogle, Terrence Richard Gean, Judith Ann McKinney,Connie Marion Sims, Patricia Leah
Bowlby, Julie Ann Gereau, Gary Worth McMickle, Ronald Dean Slaughter,Nancy Junette
Boyd, Mark Alvin Goldsberry, Gary Gene McNaney, Steven Paul Smith, Dale William
Bradbury, David Lynn Gordon, Kathryn Ethel McQuitty, Rosie Ann Smith, George Allen
Brandsfield, Penny Ann Grant, Marilynn Elaine Mehaffey, Shannon Rae Smith, Gerald Earl
Braun, Edward Wendell Graves, Leonard Wallace Merz, Adora Karen Smith, Kaye Corrine
Brewer, Mary Lou Gray, Seymour James, Jr. Miller, Douglas McArthur Smith, Kenneth Lee
Bright, Karen Kay Green, Dale Ross Miller, Earl Warren Smith, Lynda Hoover
Brindley, Jack William Griffith, Roger Paul Modjeska, Ronald Lamoine Smith, Marylee Elizabeth
Brocksmith, James Alan Gronert, Linda Marie Molsberry, Marcia Kay Smyth, Patricia Ann
Brown, Freda Elizabeth Gurnsey, Sharon Lee Montgomery,Kerry Crawford Soldat, Gary Edward
Brown, Janice Elaine Hall, James Loyd Moore, Marcia Sharon Spraker, Beverly Jean
Brugger, Belva Jean Hamil, Frank Dennis Moore, Sherry Ann Spratt, Ronald Leo
Buch, Charles Edward Hammer, Mary Lou Morrison, Janet Rexanne Spring, Mark Nicholas
Burkhead, Donna Mae Hansen, Beverly Maxine Morrison, Meredith John Stafford, Penny Ann
Burns, Sandra Mae Harlow, Beverly Jean Morrow, Gary Lee Steinmetz, Carol June
Caldwell, Irma Lee Harner, Marvin Harold Morse, Janet Helen Stone, James Leo
Calhoun, Everett Edward Hays, Beverly Ann Moses, Robert Lee Stoneking, Michael A.
Callahan, Douglas Henderson, Joann Mossholder, Stephen Bruce Suplee, Karen Lou
Carlisle, James Stewart Henning, Gary Ernest Mullen, Margaret Marie Sutherland, Scott Richard
Carlton, Leo Max, Jr. Henrichs, Sandra Lou Mumford, Thomas Malcom Taka, Ruth Megumi
Carroll, Patricia Ann Hill, Carole Louise Murphy, Sharon Sue Taylor, David Craig
Chance, Russell Lee Hodgson, Karen Kay Musgrove, Jean Elaine Taylor, Gary Frank
Chivers, Sandra Sue Holt, Charles David Nelson, Diana Ghlee Tebo, Pamela Kay
Ciftkas, Aysel Holub, Sandra Sue Nelson, Helen Janice Terwilliger, Ross Lee
Clark, Marilynn Kay Hopkins, Penny Louise Newell, Linda Sue Thomas, Sharon Lee
Clark, Robert Kenneth Hosier, Angela Ruth Newell,Michael Edward Thompson, David Edward
Clayton, Nancy Dee Hostetler, Frederick Lee Nyswonger, Sharon Kay Thompson, Marilyn Joyce
Coburn, George Albert

Houston, Barbara Lee

O'Brien, Stephanie Jane Thompson, Ronald Lavern
Coburn, Joyce Anne Howe, Robert Lee Olson, Beverly Jane Thompson, Toni Arnett
Coe, Larry Charles Hubbard, Donna Rae Olson, David Mark Trout, Susan Nystrom
Conklin, Jerry Lee Hulsizer, Carole Lee Olson, Joann Kay Tuers, Diane Elaine
Cook, Breon Allison Huston, Michael Lewis Olson, Shirley Ann Turner, Judy Kay
Cook, Linda Hope Huston, Nancy Ann Orvick, Robert Myron Tyler, Mark James
Cooley, Darrell Wayne Hutchinson, Joan Lee Osberg, Raymond Jon Tynan, Ralph Philip
Coon, Glaciel Mae Hutchison, Margaret Louise Osborn, Keith Robert Tyree, Jane Ann
Cornelison, Robert Vern Ivanovich, Michael Kent Ott, Melvin Jack Vaughn, Kenneth Marion
Correll, Cinda irene Izzolena, Sandra Kay Oxley, Robert Edward Voyce, William Thomas
Cosgrove, Dianne Rae Jackovich, Marianne Padget, Kenneth Allan Walker, Marvin Leroy
Cowger, Joan Kay Jackson, William Earl, Sr. Page, David Edwin Walker, Nyla Janette
Cox, Virginia Ellen Jamison, Arthur Allen Papedis, Ojars Andrew Walter, Bruno
Coxe, Patricia Louise Jarc, Arthur Joseph Parish, Shirley Jean Warner, Philip Leon
Crandall, Marylin Lee Jeffries, Jacqueline Sue Parisho, Sandra Jean Warren, Gray Dawson
Crawford, Mary Ann Jenkins, Kenneth Wray Parson, Stephen Richard Waters, Janice Jean
Crouch, Robert James, Jr. Jennings,Ronald Edwin,Jr. Parsons,KatharineEdwardetta Watson, Karen Kay
Darr, Alice Kay Jetter, Linda Sharrol Patterson, Donald Bruce Welter, Patricia Ann
Davis, Gerald Leland Johnson, Jary Eldridge Patterson, Patricia Elaine Westlund, Robert Carl
Davis, Kathryn Elaine Johnson, Mary Louise Payne, John Anthony Wharff, Lewis Eugene
Davis, Thomas Stanley Johnston, Judith Diane Payne, Larry Bennett White, David Richard
Davis, William Charles Jones, Judi Ann Peterson,William Francis,Jr. White, Judith Ann
Dawson, Joyce Rae Jones, Robert Lee Picard, Patricia Ann White, Nora Emma
Delk, Janice Ruth Jorgensen,Richard Stanley Pickett, Patricia Diane Whitson, Karen Dee
Delong, Sharon Kay Kaseoru, Juri Pietsch, Raymond Earl Wickett, Phyllis Jane
DeMoss, Dixie Dianne Kataoka, Roger S. Piziali, Patricia Anne Williams, Chad Lee
Dennis, Raymond Carol Katzureck, Mary Frances Popken, Irene Williams,Donald Raymond
Denniston, Jay William Kauzlarich, William Joseph Powers, Sharon Lee Williams, Kaylene Lucille
Dewey, Susan Lynne Kellis, Dorotha Melva Prickett, Patty Lou Williamson, Vesta Clara
Dillenback, Sharon Lou Kime, William James Pruitt, Linda Arlene Wilson, Lois Jean
Dimke, Paul Calvin Kinkade, Margo Sue Quigley, Diane Kay Yamasaki, Shirley Ann
Dorn, William Jeffery Koehl, Norma Jean Raye, Michael Laverne York, Sandra Kaye
Droessler,Robert Valentine Koeppel, Betty Ford Redick, Ellen Louise Young, Barbara Irene
Dunn, Judy Kay Kohl, Diane Christine Reed, Joyce Marshall x
Graduates - August, 1960 (numbered 26)
Atha, Sharon Joyce Gilmore, Carmen Olivia Mortice, Diana Jeanne Shaeffer,Jacqueline Raye
Bean, Nancy Annette Harvey, Linda Louise Pedretti, Larry Paul Smith, David Lee
Brackett, Richard Den Hickman, Richard Warren Powers, Phillip James Smith, Frances Lynn
Bundy, Harry Blaine Inman, Martha Juanita Reeves, Larry Gean Miller Turner, Donald Roy
Burrell, Jerry Leon Lafferty,GeraldRonaldDrake Rullman, John William VanDyke, Mary Elizabeth
Estey, Edward Duane Lehmkuhl, Carmen Sue Russell, Lary Donn Verhoef, James Michael
Fiscus, Michael Dennis Mark, Michael Alan x x
In Memoriam (class totaled 458)
Class of January/June/August, 1960
January, 1960 (class totaled 104)
Atkins, Carolyn Lee (Bailey) (d.03/19/22) 2022 Jensen, Eileen Marie (Beasley) (d.01/11/97) 1997
Barney, Loretta Darlene (Lewis) (d.11/14/01) 2001 Lapole, Jeannine (d.11/05/03) 2003
Bell, Shirlene Ann (Taylor) (d.08/19/97) 1997 Lucas, Robert Ensign (d.08/30/97) 1997
Bishop, Reta Rae (Halsted) (d.08/19/14) 2014 Maples, Charles James (d.01/07/17) 2017
Blythe, Kenneth Edward (d.05/16/81) 1981 McCarthy, Molly Claire (Okamoto) (d.10/30/13) 2013
Boggs, Judith Pearl (James) (d.01/14/21) 2021 McCraven, Dennis N. (d.12/22/20) 2020
Burrell, Wesley Charles (d.11/17/99) 1999 Moore, Kay Lavon (Alvord) (d.05/12/14) 2014
Cahill, James Franklin (d.07/26/10) 2010 Miller, JoAnn Margaret (Willcockson) (d.07/19/24) 2024
Carey, Donald James (d.01/87) 1987 Pender, Janice Eileen (Mattern) (d.03/09/21) 2021
Carter, Sharilyn "Kay" (Moss) (d.09/29/21) 2021 Poffenberger, Burrt Dee (d.05/02/09) 2009
Cooper, Marvin T. (d.03/30/12) 2012 Reyes, Sandra Dianne (Bolton) (d.12/09/19( 2019
Cozad, Gary Eugene (d.04/14/10) 2010 Rhoads, Stephen Michael (d.01/17/19) 2019
Dann, Stephen Eugene (d.10/25/22) 2022 Robertson, James David (d.02/19//84) 1984
Dunagan, Jacquelin Lee (Waddell) (d.04/06/18) 2018 Sams, Steven James (d.11/09/93) 1993
Erickson, Wayne Edwin (d.12/2/89) 1989 Seaman, Nancy Louella (Owen) (d.09/27/02) 2002
Fett, Karen Marie (Coulter) (d.10/18/04) 2004 Seward, Steve Carl (d.07/01/13) 2013
Fitch, Sharon Kay (McClure) (d.01/21/13) 2013 Shelburg, Phillip King (d.12/14/20) 2020
Fuller, Larry Gene (d.06/23/08) 2008 Shepherd, Crystal Annette (Battle) (d.06/04/64) 1964
Gaines, Wallace Jaunell (d.10/20/06) 2006 Smith, Roger Edward (d.08/05/02) 2002
Green, Judy Laverne (Hermann) (d.04/23/16) 2016 Smith, Terry Rex (d.07/22/17) 2017
Hawkins, Michael Edward (d.07/82) 1982 Solomon, Donald Lee (d.02/12/01) 2001
Holmes, Mary Ann Williams, Sheilah Marie (Manley) (d.08/30/12) 2012
Jay, Ronald Robert (d.09/2017) 2017 Wright, Robert Edward (d.11/20/92) 1992
June, 1960 (class totaled 330)
Allison, Linda Sue (Gilbert) (d.11/10/74) 1974 Liepa, Talivaldis (d.01/30/00) 2000
Allyn, Mary Elizabeth (McDaniel) (d.09/15/23) 2023 Lofgren, Charlotte Marie (Palmer) (d.12/05/08) 2008
Arts, Dale Gilbert (d.12/19/08) 2008 Lowe, Gregory Allan (d.06/20/99) 1999
Barnes, Shirley Irene (Nystrom) (d.01/03/09) 2009 Marquis, William Riley (d.02/24/14) 2014
Bensons, Inta Emilija (Canine) (d.01/22/99) 1999 Marshall, James Dixon (d.10/21/10) 2010
Bochner, Diane Rae (Davis) (d.01/14/16) 2016 McFall, James Leslie (d. 06/05/07) 2007
Brandsfield, Penny Ann (Rounds) (d.07/23/18) 2018 McKinney, Connie Marion (d.05/22/21) 2021
Brewer, Mary Lou (Monroe) (d.09/08/64) 1964 Miller, Douglas McArthur (11/15/93) 1993
Bright, Karen Kay (Flockhart) (d.10/05/92) 1992 Miller, Earl Warren (d.09/02/92) 1992
Brown, Janice Elaine (Innis) (d.03/11/18) 2018 Molsberry, Marcia Kay (Sharp) (d.05/24/68) 1968
Brugger, Belva Jean (Millard) (d.03/13/15) 2015 Moore, Marcia Sharon (Neal) (d.10/12/09) 2009
Burne, Sandra Mae (McCleary) (d.03/29/21) 2021 Montgomery, Kerry Crawford (d.05/04/92) 1992
Calhoun, Everett Edward (d.01/15/20) 2020 Morrison, Meredith John (d.07/19/05) 2005
Chivers, Sandra Sue (Sachs) (d.01/04/15) 2015 Mullen, Margaret Marie (Koeppel) (d.08/23/18) 2018
Coburn, George Albert (d.07/01/09) 2009 Murphy, Sharon Sue (Lejeune) (d.01/30/13) 2013
Conklin, Jerry Lee (d.01/24/01) 2001 Nelson, Helen Janice (Aalbers) (d.10/14/15) 2015
Cook, Breon Allison (d.03/07/90) 1990 Olson, Joann Kay (d.08/02/22) 2022
Cooley, Darrell Wayne (d.12/03/77) 1977 Orvick, Robert Myron (d. 12/01/02) 2002
Cosgrove, Dianne Rae (Goldsberry) (d.07/20/16) 2016 Oxley, Robert Edward (d.08/10/21) 2021
Crawford, Mary Ann (Kiterman) (d.03/10/11) 2011 Padget, Kenneth Allan (d.07/14/90) 1990
Darr, Alice Kay (Underfer) (d.01/13/18) 2018 Page, David Edwin (d.09/06/09) 2009
Davis, Gerald Leland (d.08/02/12) 2012 Parish, Shirley Jean (d.10/09/65) 1965
Davis, Thomas Stanley (d.08/29/97) 1997 Payne, Larry Bennett (d.08/06/05) 2005
Davis, William Charles (d.04/29/04) 2004 Peterson, William Francis, Jr. (d.11/13/99) 1999
Denniston, Jay William (d.03/12/15) 2015 Raye, Michael Laverne (d.01/02/15) 2015
Dillenback, Sharon Lee (Evans) (d.02/24/18) 2018 Rivers, Marilyn Annette (Jenkins) (d.11/25/94) 1994
Dorn, William Jeffery (d.07/04/18) 2018 Ronk, Judy Dianne (d.01/28/60) 1960
Ellis, Lucille Venice (McKinney) (d.08/06/00) 2000 Sharp, Steven James (d.10/02/09) 2009
Ellison, William Charles (d.07/28/07) 2007 Shaw, Dale Ronald (d.03/17/75) 1975
Erickson, Richard Robert (d.11/18/80) 1980 Shehan, Blanche (Jones) (d.05/11/05) 2005
Evans, Sandra Kay (Nau) (d.04/30/24) 2024 Shelton, Roxie Lee (d.09/06/07) 2007
Frederiksen, Gary Evan (d.02/02/16) 2016 Smith, Dale William (d.01/13/02) 2002
Fuqua, Robert Wesley (d.09/15/89) 1989 Smith, George Allen (d.11/14/01) 2001
Gereau, Gary Worth (d.07/27/11) 2011 Smith, Kenneth Lee (d.03/29/92) 1992
Goldsberry, Gary Gene (d.11/15/93) 1993 Smith, Marylee Elizabeth (Donovan) (d.08/15/17) 2017
Green, Dale Ross (d.11/16/94) 1994 Soldat, Gary Edward (d.07/15/16) 2016
Hamil, Frank Dennis/Korea/pneumonia (d.02/16/63) 1963 Stoneking, Michael A. (d.12/02/89) 1989
Harner, Marvin Harold (d.08/28/07 2007 Sutherland, Scott Richard (d.06/13/19) 2019
Henning, Gary Ernest(d.06/19/13) 2013 Taylor, Gary Frank (d.08/05/15) 2015
Holub, Sandra Sue (Borghi) (d.01/14/02) 2002 Tebo, Pamela Kay (Feaster) (d.07/10/16) 2016
Hopkins, Penny Paynter (Werntz) (d.03/03/05) 2005 Terwilliger, Ross Lee (d.08/21/17) 2017
Hubbard, Donna Rae (Beeman) (d.02/18/07) 2007 Thompson, David Edward (d.11/26/13) 2013
Hulsizer, Carole Lee (Fuqua,-Jones) (d.01/09/04)) 2004 Tuers, Diane Elaine (d.08/08/99) 1999
Huston, Michael Lewis (d.11/20/19) 2018 Vaughn, Kenneth Marion (d.07/22/99) 1999
Huston, Nancy Ann (Carnes) (d.03/31/90) 1990 Voyce, William Thomas (d.11/24/07) 2007
Hutchinson, Joan Lee (Zuccala) (d.11/03/06) 2006 Warren, Gray Dawson/VietNam (d.10/26/69) 1969
Ivanovich, Michael Kent (d.03/31/99) 1999 Wharff, Lewis Eugene (d.11/02/18) 2018
Jackson, William Earl, Sr. (d.08/06/88) 1988 White, Judith Ann (Ferin) (d.07/06/18) 2018
Kaseoru, Juri (d.06/07/14) 2014 White, Nora Emma (Severson) (d.10/17/68) 1968
Kataoka, Roger S. (d.02/2019) 2019 Whitson, Karen Dee (Huffman) (d.1992) 1992
Katzureck, Mary Frances (Siegenthaler) (d.10/13/17) 2017 Williams, Chad Lee (d.06/11/18) 2018
Kauzlarich, William Joseph (d.04/20/15) 2015 Williamson, Vesta Clara (Sloan) (d.12/19/06) 2006
Kohl, Diane Christine (d.03/28/04) 2004 York, Sandra Kaye (Taylor) (d.06/04/91) 1991
Lamb, Linda Rae (Mosier) (d.12/04/17) 2017 Young, Barbara Irene (VanCleave) (d.11/20/21) 2021
Lewis, Gary William (d. 03/15/94) 1994 x 2021
August, 1960 (class totaled 26)
Bundy, Harry Blaine (d.06/18/09 2009 Lehmkuhl, Carmen Sue (Berry) (d.07/23/20) 2020
Burrell, Jerry Leon (d.07/13/78) 1978 Reeves, Larry Gean Miller (d.05/05/97) 1997
Harvey, Linda Louse (d.11/24/11) 2011 Russell, Larry Donn (d.09/14/09) 2009
Lafferty, Gerald Ronald Drake (d.07/16/75) 1975 Smith, David Lee (d.06/24/24) 2024
Now playing...hit song in 1960...
"Try to Remember"
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Class of 1947, (60th reunion), 2007 Pictures
Class of 1948, (60th reunion), 2008 Pictures
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Class of 1950, (60th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 1951, (60th reunion), 2011 Are we describing you?
Class of 1952, (65th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1953, (grad pictures, lists) Pictures
Class of 1953, (10th reunion), 1963 Pictures
Class of 1953, (30th reunion), 1983 Pictures
Class of 1953, (40th reunion), 1993 Pictures
Class of 1953, (50th reunion), 2003 Pictures
    Class of 1953, (60th reunion), 2013 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1954, (60th reunion), 2014 Are we describing you?
We want you! Class of 1955, (60th reunion), 2015 Are we describing you?
Class of 1956, (60th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1957, (60th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1958, (60th reunion), 2018 Pictures
Class of 1959, (60th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1960, (60th reunion), 2020 Pictures
Class of 1961, (55th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1962, (60th reunion), 2022 Pictures
Class of 1963, (55th reunion), 2018 Pictures
Class of 1964, (55th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1965, (50th reunion), 2015 Pictures
Class of 1966, (50th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1967, (55th reunion), 2022 Pictures
Class of 1968, (50th reunion), 2018 Pictures
Class of 1969, (50th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1970, (51st reunion), 2021 Pictures
Class of 1971, (40th reunion), 2011 Pictures
Class of 1972, (50th reunion), 2022 Pictures
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We want you! Class of 1974, (45th reunion), 2019 Are we describing you?
Class of 1975, (40th reunion), 2015 Pictures
Class of 1976, (40th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1977, (35th reunion), 2012 Pictures
Class of 1978, (35th reunion), 2013 Pictures
Class of 1979, (40th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1980, (30th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 1981 Pictures
Class of 1982 Pictures
Class of 1983, (30th reunion), 2013 Pictures
Class of 1984, (25th reunion), 2009 Pictures
Class of 1985, (30th reunion), 2015 Pictures
Class of 1986, (30th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1987, (30th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1988, (20th reunion), 2008 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1989, (20th reunion), 2009 Are we describing you?
Class of 1990, (20th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 1991 Pictures
Class of 1992, (20th reunion), 2012 Pictures
Class of 1993 Pictures
Class of 1994, (15th reunion), 2009 Pictures
Class of 1995, (10th reunion), 2005 Pictures
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Class of 2000, (10th reunion), 2010 Pictures
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