North Des Moines High School
Class of 1959
60th Reunion
August 1-3, 2019
Class Meetings
February Meeting:
Will meet third Tuesday of every quarter
(February, May, August, and November) at 9:00AM at:
Drake Diner
1111 25th Street
Des Moines, IA 50311
(515) 277-1111
Contact is JoAnn Shafer Dreckman by email, [email protected] or (515) 681-7891
Address: 3931 69th Street, Urbandale, IA 50322
Thursday, August 1, 2019
9:00-11:00AM   Breakfast - order from menu
Machine Shed
I 80 and Hickman Avenue
(11151 Hickman Road)
Des Moines, IA 50322
(515) 270-6818
Price your breakfast   map ($10.99 + tax & gratuity)
Friday, August 2, 2019
Time: 5:00PM-6:00PM   Social
Time: 6:00PM-7:30PM   Dinner
  Hyperion Field Club
7390 NW Beaver Drive
Johnston, IA 50131
515) 278-4711
    map ($35.00 + cash bar)
Group Photo: Stover Photo
(515) 321-6691
  Make reservation for group photos scheduled for?
Saturday, August 3, 2019
8:00AM Tee/Morning Golf
$31.00/9 holes and cart
  Willow Creek Golf Course
140 Army Post Road
West Des Moines, IA
(515) 285-4558
    Harry Griger
[email protected] . (515) 537-1454
Time: 6:00PM on
Social. From the menu on your own
Chucks Restaurant (back room) order from menu
3610 6th Avenue
Des Moines, IA
(515) 244-4104
Group Photo: Stover Photo
(515) 321-6691
  Group photos scheduled for ?
Contact is JoAnn Shafer Dreckman by email, [email protected] or (515) 681-7891.
Thursday, August 14, 2014
Breakfast - order from menu
9:00-11:00AM   Machine Shed
I 80 and Hickman Avenue
(11151 Hickman Road)
Des Moines, IA 50322
(515) 270-6818
Price your breakfast   map
Friday, August 15, 2014
Time: 4:30-5:30PM   North High; meet in lobby
501 Holcomb Avenue (which North High?)
Des Moines, IA 50313
Time: 6:00PM   Chucks Restaurant (back room) order from menu
3610 6th Avenue
Des Moines, IA
(515) 244-4104
picture from 1964 ad   map
Saturday, August 16, 2014
10:00AM Tee/Morning Golf
$42.00/18 holes and cart
$32.00/9 holes and cart
  Toad Valley Golf Course
Pleasant Hill, IA
(641) 431-3343
  Harry Griger
[email protected]
(515) 537-1454
Time: 6:00PM on
Urbandale County Club
4000 86th Street
Urbandale, IA 50322
(515) 276-5496
Group Photo: Stover Photo
(515) 981-4217?
  Group photos scheduled for ?
Time: 6:00PM   Buffet. $25.00/person
Contact is Jan Mohr Draper, 7955 Wistful Vista Drive; Unit 29, West Des Moines, IA 50266, or by email, ,[email protected] or (515) 537-3095.
The Iowa State Fair will be running August 7 through 17 during our reunion weekend.
Special motel rate has been arranged with The Hilton Garden Inn off of I 35/80 at 86th Street exit, Johnston, IA. The rate is $109.00 per night.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Breakfast coordinated by Howie Wass
9:00-11:00AM   Machine Shed
I 80 and Hickman Avenue
(11151 Hickman Road)
Des Moines, IA 50322
(515) 270-6818
Price your breakfast   map
Friday, June 12, 2009
Time: 3:30PM tour   North High; meet in lobby
501 Holcomb Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50313
Time: 5:00PM   Chucks Restaurant (back room)
3610 6th Avenue
Des Moines, IA
(515) 244-4104
picture from 1964 ad   map
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Morning Golf   Ron Lang
(641) 431-3343
Harry Griger
[email protected]
(515) 537-1454
Time: 5:30PM on
Adventureland Inn (Party Room)
3200 Adventureland Drive
Altoona, IA 50009-9548
  (515) 265-7321
Group Photo: Stover Photo
(515) 981-4217
  Group photos scheduled for 6:45PM
Time: 5:30PM   Cocktails
Time: 7:00PM   Dinner
I know that this is an Urbandale High School class. They have been contacted to be able to copy this picture, but have not yet responded. Meanwhile, this Urbandale High School picture is being intentionally left here.
55th Reunion - Class of 1969 taken August 30, 2014
Photo: Stover Photographic Services; (515) 981-4217
Urbandale High School - Starting first row, bottom left (correct names coming)
1st Row names 1-14:
2nd Row names 15-33:
3rd Row names 34-42:
4th Row names 43-54:
enlarged left side of 55th reunion photo (Urbandale High School)
enlarged right side of 55th reunion photo (Urbandale High School)
North High 55th Reunion - Class of 1959 taken August 16, 2014
Photo: Stover Photographic Services; (515) 981-4217
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row names 1-12: Janet Mohr Draper, Carol Henderson Zollner, Carol Wagoner Bogan, Gail Salvini Spitzer, Marilyn Dann Rychel, Jackie Ziegler Bogenrief, Barbara Westvold Breining, Marjorie Evenson Ramsey, Cheryl Wing Gelner, Pat Jennings Borchert, Karen Leaming Pearce, Ian Thompson
2nd Row names 13-26: Kathy Williby Donaldson, Doris Southers Dixon, Vaunette Ziebell Spiers, James Pomeroy, Wendell Bailey, Gary Larson, Ronald Johnson, Nancy Smith Bohning, Jo Ann Shafer Dreckman, Linda Bowes Fraaken, Carolyn Yeast Lutrell, Mary Shaffer Snell, Mary Jo Kellam Payne, Ronald Lang
3rd Row names 27-32: Harold Leroy Mann, X, Frank Murano, X, David Hubbart, Marian Guerrero
4th Row names 33-46: Donald Peterson, Orwood Minor, Larry Hoskins, Robert T. Brown, Ronald Hougham, Dennis Illingworth, Larry Martindale, Joe Shepard, John Miller, Jan Yearian, Howard Payne, Jim Henderson, David Stevens, Harry Griger
enlarged left side of 55th reunion photo
David Hubbart
enlarged right side of 55th reunion photo
50th Reunion, 2009 50th Reunion, 2009
50th Reunion, 2009 50th Reunion, 2009
50th Reunion - Class of 1959 taken June 13, 2009
Photo: Stover Photographic Services; (515) 981-4217
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Jolene Smith Hartman, Clyde Coulthard, Jan Yearian, Dennis Illingworth, Barbara Gudgel Crook, Cheri Rockey Cook, Shirley Gray Flatt, Jeanne Reay Pray, Penny Burch Brafford, Orwood Minor, Harold Mann, Larry Hoskins, Marian Guerrero, Paul Adair
2nd Row Mary Lou Cunningham Stout, Donene Moore Kroeger, Judy Cook Overton, Marilyn Dann-Rychel, Carolyn Yeast Luttrell, Jo Ann Shafer Dreckman, Cheri Wing Geiner, Janet Mohr Draper, Mary Robbins Belknap, Marilyn Hoffman Gilbertson, Carol Henderson Zoellner, Norma Ganoe Dorr, Janice Atkinson Hanks, Kathy Williby Donaldson, Nancy Smith, Jim Pomeroy
3rd Row Vaunnetta Ziebell Spiers, Gloria Kinney Ellingson, Judy Ford Fiene, Howie Wass, Carol Weiss Schwin, Gary Larson, Gail Salvini Spitzer, Lorna Kay Fisher Nussle, Linda Leigan Justiniano, Mary Jo Kellam Payne, Karen Leaming Pearce, Carol Wagoner Bogan, Al Winick, Melvin Glazer, Doris Southers Dixon, Elinore Dixon Sharp, Elaine Dixon Boyd, Harry Griger, Jim Leech
4th Row Ron Lang, Diane Robinson Lawnsdail, Linden Hartman, Barbara Wesvold Breining, Joe Shepard, David Hubbart, Dave Stevens, Nancy Robertson Sidebotham, Gene Jones, Charles Lukehart, Al Collier, Ian Thompson, Mary Shaffer Snell, Tom Mayse, Ron Hougham
5th Row Betsye Beatle Feauto, Nancy Callen Stults, Nancy Gilmour Oliver, Carol Parsons Amundson, Jackie Ziegler Bogenrief, Howard Payne, Jim Hoss, Bob Vasey, Don Peterson, Larry Martindale, Harold Babbit, Roger Stoneking, Ron Johnson
enlarged left side of 50th Reunion photo enlarged left side of 50th Reunion photo enlarged left side of 50th Reunion photo
enlarged left side of 50th Reunion photo enlarged left side of 50th Reunion photo enlarged left side of 50th Reunion photo
enlarged left side of 50th Reunion photo enlarged left side of 50th Reunion photo enlarged left side of 50th Reunion photo
enlarged left side of 50th reunion photo
enlarged right side of 50th Reunion photo enlarged right side of 50th Reunion photo enlarged right side of 50th Reunion photo
enlarged right side of 50th Reunion photo enlarged right side of 50th Reunion photo enlarged right side of 50th Reunion photo
enlarged right side of 50th Reunion photo enlarged right side of 50th Reunion photo enlarged right side of 50th Reunion photo
enlarged right side of 50th reunion photo
Class of 1959/40th Reunion/July, 1999 Class of 1959/40th Reunion/July, 1999 Class of 1959/40th Reunion/July, 1999 Class of 1959/40th Reunion/July, 1999 Class of 1959/40th Reunion/July, 1999
Class of 1959/40th Reunion/July, 1999 Class of 1959/40th Reunion/July, 1999 Class of 1959/40th Reunion/July, 1999 Class of 1959/40th Reunion/July, 1999 Class of 1959/40th Reunion/July, 1999
40th Reunion Class of 1959 taken July 24, 1999
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Help identify classmates, please. Second from left is Karen Leaming Pearce; Fifth from left in green: Carol Henderson Zoellner; Ninth from left is Mary Jo Kellam Payne
2nd Row Doris Southers Dixon, 2, Gene Jones, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Robert Clayton, Ron Johnson, 13, Howard Payne, 15, Roger McKinney, Jim Pomeroy
3rd Row Harry Griger, Denny Illingworth, 3, 4, Dave Hubbart, Charles Lukehart, Ron Hougham, Patti Hubbard
Photo: Compliments of Ron Johnson
Graduation Class of January, 1959
1st Row Donene Ann Moore, X, Carol Anne Henderson, X, Joann Hackerson, X, X, Georgia Diane Ballinger, Jeanne Betts Ikenberry, Lou Jean Evans
2nd Row X. Judith Jean Robertson,. Robert Eugene Jeffries, X, Marilyn Sara Hoffman, Janice Kaye Clingman, X, Nora Emily McClain, Judith Joyce Cook, X, Leonard Norman Johnson
3rd Row X, Wendell Lucian Bailey, Kathleen Williby, X, Mary Jo Walker, X, X, X, X, Dianne Josephine Huff
4th Row X, X, X, X, Robert Crieg Romeo, Larry David Moore, X, X, X, X, Donna Rose Dow, X, Susan Jane Davis, George Joseph Palik
5th Row X, James Thomas Donahue, X, Sara Joan Seaman, Bernard Thomas Gaines, James Norman Hoss, X, Lilah Jane Stewart, X, X, Melvin Riley McDonald, X. Dorothy Jean Reay
6th Row X, Robert Roy Divelbiss, X, X, Jerry Lee Audas, Charles Willis Lukehart, Robert James MacCauley, Jr., Juris Poncius, James Allan Goheen, X, David Lee Finch, John David Breemer, Jr., Nathaniel Richard Craddock, X, Robert Terrance Brown , Charlene Marie Harris
Photo: Compliments of Nora McClain Penenger
Graduation Class of 1959 Graduation Class of 1959 Graduation Class of 1959 Graduation Class of 1959 Graduation Class of 1959
Graduation Class of June, 1959
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Sharon Soppeland, Jackie Ziegler, Zeta Ziegler, John Miller, Carolyn Hagen, Judy Thompson, Penny Burch, Phyllis Phoenix, Francine Belhassen, Wanda Amber, Rose Marie Bradshaw, Karen Clark, Juanita Gomez, Elaine Dixon, Elinore Dixon, Alice Payce, Cathy Mulstay, Arlene Ivanovich
2nd Row Karen Meis, Tom Rowland, Ramona Marshall, Marie Simbro, Pat Duncan, Barbara Burgess, Margaret Stone, Gail Salvini, Sue Costello, Sandy Chesowsky, Karen David Sherrill Townsend, Fran Steinback, Norma White, Doris Sothers, Cecelia Allen, Dianna Hayes, Margie Evenson, Karen Leaming
3rd Row Dick Baker, Dorthy Burke, JoAnn Stotts, Kay Hildebrand, Judy Evans, Karen Patterson, Gloria Kinney, Doris Loose, Linda Wallace, Yvonne Coppock, Nancy Callen, Peggy Keller, Barbara Cook, Mary Talley, Pat Thayer,JoAnn Shafer, X, Frances Williams, Edmonia Dixon, Jolene Smith
4th Row Sue Maggard, JaLee Lundholm, Sandy Wishman, Linda Bowes, Margie Jones, Carol Weiss, Georgianna Sexauer, Cheryl Wing, Pat Jennings, Clara Woolsey, Darla Stockwell, Judy Wilbur, Nancy Smith, Sharon Snyder, Jo Fuller, Tone Wilson, Lorna K. Fisher, Anna Watkins, Jan Mohr, Cheri Rockey, Judy Johnson
5th Row Mary Snell, Marg Pilgrim, Carolyn Yeast, M.Lou Prescott, Anda Kupcis, JoAnn Favors, Madalyn Sweeney, Eric Olson, Al Winick, Linda Gatrel, Joyce Ashley Smith, Carol Parsons, Sandy Strosnider, Betsye Beatle, Karen Keener, Virg Marshall, Sue Rutledge, Al Collier, Janice Atkinson, Cynthia Auestad, Karen Deeds
6th Row Sandy Watson, Anne Tallman, Russ Miller, Jan Yearian, Gary Larson, Tom With, Bob Stewart, Ron Johnson, Gary Stanek, Clayton Shank, John Sheifer, JoAnn Barberio, Nancy Gilmore, Joe DeFino, Harold Holt, Tom Woolery, Bernie Leeds, Gary Grant, Linda Liegan, Alyce Shore, Jerilynn Lingeman, M.Beth Kinzie
7th Row Judy Smith, Linda Thompson, Barbara Gudgel, Judy Housman, Judy Ford, Sue Brewster, Dortha Slorah, Donna Slorah, Ruth A. Oaks, Mary Jo Kellam, Charles Mellgran, Jerry Dock, Mike Weibel, Jim Leech, Ed Filby, John Smith, Harry Griger, Orwood Minor, Larry Kuesel, Lester Wood, Marian Guerrero, Richard Diehl, Larry Woods
8th Row Jim Favors, Willie Wells, Bobo Wince, Bill Tigue, Bob Wilson, Vaunnetta Ziebell, Sharon Bergstresser, Bob Clayton, Sharon Murray, Helen Strickler, Dick Patton, Jim Moorehead, Don Plumb, John Townsend, Ed Hamilton, Harold Bobbitt, Mel Glazer, Guy Shepard, Bob Barth, Paul Adair, Marcus Hauge, Bob Walser, Phil Potter, Nancy Robertson
9th Row Nancy Murray, Paul Osweiller, Dwight Higgins, Leslie Odell, Tom Douglas, Howard McIntosh, Goldynne Booth, Jerilynn Stone, Tom Donahue, Tom Williams, Larry Martindale, Ron Hougham, Denny Illingsworth, Jerry Hoskins, Dick Roscoe, Al Allbaugh, John Quinn, Bob Gassaway, Carl Smith, Don Costales, Jim Godfroy, Barb Westvold, Pat Fetzer, Karen Strong
10th Row Bob Dahl, Denny Davis, Louis Weidner, Larry Keller, Roger Stoneking, Ronny Lang, Larry Hartshorn, Ted Thorne, Joe Sheperd, Dick Feaster, Mike Haberman, Mike Simmons, Don Peterson, Lynn Hartman, Phil Enabnit, Dick Gray, Clyde Coulthard, Gary Lynch, Frank Murano, Max Whisler, Larry Lake, Phil Jenkinson, Dave Hubbart, Diane Robinson, George Robinson
11th Row Don Boyd, Ann Erbe, Carol Dwyer, Pat Hubbard, Norma Ganoe, Dean Higgins, Bud Nichols, Ron Fletcher, Lyle Fisher, Ray Marguett, Dennis Gentry, Bob Johnson, Tom Coulson, George Narrins, Monty Ver Steeg, Roger McKinney, Jim Henderson, Harold Mann, Al DeFrancisco, Howard Payne, Al Shope, Tom Mayse, Ron VanderLinde, Gene Jones, Ed Carter, Bob Vasey, Bob Kappelman
Photo: From the scrapbook of the late Karen S. Clark
(She had identified every classmate...237.)
Class of 1959: January: 83; June: 253; August: 28 = 364

January 1959
Class Officers

Leonard Johnson
Dennis Petre
Dorothy Beay
Frances Haws
Cathryn Winter
Beverly Caswell
Bernard Gaines

June 1959
Class Officers

Harold Babbit
Larry Martindale
Sharon Snyder
Carol Weiss
Barbara Gudgel
Karen Keener
Sharon Dale
Gail Salvini
Edward Filby
January Student Council
1st Row Lorna Kay Fisher, Joanne DeVries, Pam Frazier, Darlene DeCarlo, Linda Katz, Karen Keener, Peggy Hutchins, Al Collier
2nd Row Yvonne Coppock, Betsye Beatle, Paul Dimke, Goldynne Booth, Harold Babbit, Jim Hall, Pat Hubbard, Joe DeFino
3rd Row George Bogenrief, Jim German, Jim Holtz, Gary Knight, Dave Hubbart, Pat Carrol, Bill Kauzlaritch, John Anderson
4th Row Steven Dann, Ron Hougham, Jim Hoss, Eugene Jones, Richard Fox, Terry Brown, Steve Huntoon, Phil Enabnit, Bernie Gaines
June Student Council
1st Row Darlene DeCarlo, Linda Katz, Julie Bowlby, Karen Gangestad, Sharon Conrad, Judy Gangestad, Donna Jackson, Karen Leaming, Sandy Chesowsky, Judy Dunn
2nd Row Nancy Clayton, Jo Fuller, Jim Hall, Dick Hutton, Mel Glazier, Joe DeFino, Tom Drake, Steve Arthur, Mary Beth Kinzie, Al Collier
3rd Row Harold Babbit, Bill Duncan, Gary Knight, Jim Holtz, Kent Kauffman, Leonard Amick, Dave Cahow, Ron Hougham, Jim Leech, Ed Filby
4th Row Russ Chance, Mike Gunson, Marvin Harner, Doug Leslie, Gordon Black, Bill Coppock, Jim Gaudineer, Richard Jorgenson, Larry Bauer
Track and Cross County Seniors
1st Row Gary Anderson, Al Collier, Joe DeFino, Ed Carter, Larry Woods, Ed Hamilton, Mike Hawkins
2nd Row Larry Hoskins, Dick Hutton, George Robinson, Gary Cozad, Westley Burrell, Gary Ordway, Larry Martindale, Ron Hougham, Russ Miller
3rd Row Eugene Jones, Jim Favors, Wallace Gaines, John Edgren, Dennis McCraven, Jim Smith, Tom Williams, Bob Wilson
Pep Kadets Pep Kadets Pep Kadets Pep Kadets
Pep Kadets Pep Kadets Pep Kadets Pep Kadets
Pep Kadets Pep Kadets Pep Pep Kadets
Pep Kadets
1st Row Joan Hutchinson, Sandy Strosnider, Ruth Taka, Nancy Romp, Joyce Loftus, Alice Darr, Penny Hopkins, Kay Moore, Penny Bransfield, Mary Lou Hammer
2nd Row Marilyn Crandall, Judy Turner, Barbara Burgess, Cathie Wallace, Cheryl Hamilton, Judy Johnston, Carol Fuller, Diane Cosgrove, Dianne Bochner, Cheryl Wing, Betsye Beatle
3rd Row Marianne Jackovich, Jodell Keyes, Ann Sampson, Diane Quigley, Kathy Williby, Kay Hodgson, Marsha Molsberry, Jan Waters, Chris West, Jerilyn Stone, Pat Hubbard
Social Committee Social Committee Social Committee
Social Committee Social Committee Social Committee
Social Committee
1st Row Lorna Kay Fisher, Pat Hubbard, Harold Babbit, Ron Johnson, Margaret Pilgrim, Yvonne Coppock, Jo Fuller, Miss Whirry
2nd Row Denny Illingworth, Dave Hubbart, Anne Erb, Carol Dwyer, Larry Martindale, Ed Filby
Photos: Compliments of Yearbook from a 1961 alum
Graduates - January, 1959 (numbered 83)
Audas, Jerry Lee Dunn, Mary Jo Walker Ingalls, Carol Marie Petre, Dennis Thomas
Bailey, Wendell Lucian Evans, Lana Lue Jeffries, Robert Eugene Pomeroy, James Howard
Bales, Charlene Mae Evans, LouJean Johnson, Leonard Norman Poncius, Juris
Ballinger, Georgia Diane Fane, Edwin Gene Johnston, Sharon Lynne Pottinger, Stephen Clark
Betz, Dixie Lee Angela Fenton,Charles Hadley,Jr. Kasner, Donald Robert Ramsey, Charlene Ann
Bodensteiner,WilliamRobert Finch, David Lee Kibbe, Phyllis Jeanne Reay, Dorothy Jean
Breemer, John David, Jr. Francisco, Russell Arthur Kubicek, Oliver Irene Rench, Alice Jean
Brown, Robert Terrance Gaines, Bernard Thomas Lowe, Sharon Lee Reynolds, Thomas Dale
Buckroyd, Judith Ann Goheen, James Allan Lukehart, Charles Willis Riley, Donna Lee
Bruce,Gwendolyn LaVon Goodwin, Janet Arlene Lyda, Mary Ellen Robbins, Msary Ellen
Caswell, Beverly Jean Gray, Shirley Carole McCauley,Robert James,Jr. Robertson, Judith Jean
Cline, Shirley Ann Greenfield, LaVerne McClain, Nora Emily Romeo, Robert Craig
Clingman, Janice Kaye Hackerson, Joann McDonald, Melvin Riley Seaman, Sara Joan
Cook, Judith Joyce Hansen, Judith Ann Mentzer, Sondra Kathryn Stewart, Lilah Jane
Craddock,Nathaniel Richard Harris, Charleen Marie Montenguise, Josephine Wagoner, Carol Sue
Davis, Susan Jane Haws, Frances Helen Moore, Donene Ann Walden, Janice Marie
DeCamp, Regene Rose Henderson, Carol Anne Moore, Larry David Watson, Sharon Dee
Devine, Robert John Hoffman, Marilyn Sara Nau, John Allen Williby, Kathleen
Divelbiss, Robert Roy Hoss, James Norman Nichols, Renfro Isaac Winter, Cathryn Ann
Donahue, James Thomas Huff, Dianne Josephine Orwick, Ellen Jane Wood, Marilyn Mae Dann
Dow, Donna Rose Ikenberry, Jeanne Betts Palik, George Joseph x
Graduates - June, 1959 (numbered 253)
Adair, Paul William Ford, Judith Frances Marquett, Raymond Melvin Smith, Judith Anne
Allbaugh, Aldon Ronald Fuller, Glenda Jo Marshall, Ramona Jean Smith, Nancy Jean
Allen, Cecelia Ruth Ganoe, Norma Jean Marshall, Virginia Lee Soppeland, Sharon Lee
Allman, Anne Sharon Gassaway, Robert Allen Martindale, Larry Clark Southers, Doris Lee
Amber, Wanda Kay Gatrel, Linda Lou Mayse, Preston Thomas,Jr. Stanek, Gary Lee
Atkinson, Janice Nadine Gentry, Dennis Clifford McIntosh, Howard Eugene Steinback,Frances Lorraine
Auestad, Cynthia Anne Gilmour, Nancy Ellen McKinney, Roger Allen Stewart, John Robert
Babbit, Harold William Glazer, Melvin Lewis Meis, Karen Louise Stockwell, Darla Dea
Baker, Richard Roy Godfroy, Jimmy Dale Mellgren, Charles Leroy Stone, Jerilynn Kaye
Barberio, Jo Ann Mary Grant, Gary Samuel Miller, John Edward Stone, Margaret Ellen
Barth, Robert Benjamin Gray, Richard Lon Miller, Russell Dean Stoneking, Roger Gene
Beatle, Betsye Frank Griger, Harry Max Minor, Orwood Jay Stong, Karen Eileen
Belhassen, Francine Fortune Gudgel, Barbara Ann Mohr, Janet Lou Stotts, JoAnn Ruth
Bergstresser, Sharon Kay Guerrero, Marian Browning Moorehad, Jim Don Strickler, Helen Marie
Bolte, Boyd Fred Haberman, Michael Bruce Mulstay, Catherine Anne Strosnider, Sandra Lynn
Booth, Goldynne Rochelle Hagen, Carolyn Ann Murano, Frank Joseph Sweeney, Madalyn Jewel
Bowes, Linda Sue Hamilton, Edward LeRoy Murray, Nancy Lee Ruth Snyder, Sharon Lea
Boyd, Donald Loren Hartman, Linden Dean Murray, Sharron Catherine Talley, Mary Catherine
Bradshaw, Rose Marie Hartshorn, Larry Francis Narins, George Tallman, Anne Sharon
Brewster, Susan Madge Hauge, Marcus Leroy Nichols, George Walter,Jr. Terjesen, Tone (Wilson)
Burch, Pamella Sue Hayes, Dianna Marilyn Oaks, Ruth Ann Thayer, Patricia Lynn
Burgess, Barbara Jean Henderson, James Earl Odell, Leslie Anne Thompson, Ian Donnald
Burke, Dorothy Rae Herbold, Charlotte Ann Olson, Eric James Thompson, Judy Joan
Callen, Nancy Lee Higgins, Dean Richard Osweiler, Paul John Thompson, Linda Ruth
Carter, Edward Cecil Higgins, Dwight Raymond Parsons, Carol Ann Thorne, Ted E.
Chesowsky,SandraMaryLouise Hildebrand, Kay Patterson, Karen Joyce Tigue, William David
Clark, Karen Sue Holt, Harold Ronald Patton, Richard Allen Townsend, John Selby
Clayton, Robert James Hoskins, Larry Lee Payne, Alice Pauleen Townsend, Sherrill Sue
Collier, Albert Earl Hougham, Ronald Lee Payne, Howard James VanderLinden,Ronald Lee
Conrad, Sharon Lynne Housman, Judith Ann Peterson, Donald Jean Vasey, Robert Glen
Cook, Barbara Jean Hubbard, Patricia Joann Phillips, Henry S. VerSteeg, Monty Stratton
Coppock, Florence Yvonne Hubbart, David Lyle Phoenix, Phyllis Ann Wallace, Linda Lou
Costales, Don Jamison Illingworth, Dennis Lee Pilgrim, Margaret Anne Walser, Robert Hall
Costello, Susan Mariam Ivanovich, Arlene Plumb, Donald Herbert Wass, Howard Lee
Coulson, Thomas Lee Jenkinson, Phillip Henry Prescott, Mary Lou Watkins, Anna Margaret
Coulthard, Clyde Clifford Jennings, Patricic Elizabeth Quinn, John Reece, Jr. Watkins, Clifford James
Dahl, Robert Ray Johnson, Judy Carrie Robertson, Nancy Lee Watson, Sandra Kay
Dale, Sharon Kay Johnson, Robert Wesley Robinson, Diane Kay Weibel, Michael Kent
Davis, Dennis Alan Johnson, Ronald Cleve Robinson, George Michael Weidner,Louis Edward,Jr.
Davis, Karen Lee Jones, Eugene Arthur Rockey,Cheri Kae Weiss, Carol Maridel
Deeds, Karen Marie Jones, Marjorie Ellen Roscoe, Richard Robert Wells, Willie Wallace
DeFino, Joseph Charles Kakos, Spedo George Rowland, Thomas Everett Westvold, Barbara Jane
DeFrancisco,Albert Joseph Kappelman, Robert Ralph Ruby, Margaret Gertrude Whisler, Gary Max
Diehl, Richard Lee Kenner, Karen Lea Russell, John Albert White, Norma Lee
Dixon,Edmonia Meltheata Kellam, Mary Jo Rutledge, Sona Sue Wilbur, Judith Miriam
Dixon, Elaine Frankie Keller,Lawrence Woods Salvini, Gail Ann Williams, Frances Arlene
Dixon, Elinore Judy Keller, Peggy LaBelle Scales, Silas Lee Williams, Thomas Patrick
Dock, Gerald Paul Kinney,Gloria Ann Schiefer, John Holt Wilson,Robert Earl
Donahue, Thomas George Kinzie, Mary Beth Sexauer, Georgiana Wince, Bobo Benedict, Sr.
Douglas, Thomas Roy Kuesel, Larry John Shafer, JoAnn Wing, Cheryl Kay
Duncan, Patricia Eileen Kupcis, Anda Shaffer, Mary Katherine Winick, Alfred Zell
Dwyer, Carole Sue Lake, Larry Herbert Shank, Clayton Delano Wishman, Sandra Lee
Enabnit, Philip Alan Lang, Ronald Lee Shepard, Joseph Robert With, Tommy George
Erb, Elizabeth Anne Larson, Gary Lynn Shepherd, George Guy Wood, Lester Gerold
Evans, Judy Lee Leaming, Karen Rae Shope, Albert Gordon Woods, Larry Lee
Evenson, Marjorie Ellen Leech, James Richard Shore, Alyce Faye Woolery, Thomas Delbert
Favors, James Von Leeds, Bernard LeRoy Simbro,LillyMarie(Davidson) Woolsey, Clara Ruth
Favors, Penny Jo Anne Leigan, Linda Jean Simmons, Michael Orlo Yearian, Jan Elliott
Feaster, Richard Damon Lengeman,Jerilynn Allayne Slorah, Donna Lee Yeast, Carolyn Rae
Fetzer, Patricia L. Loose, Doris Ann Slorah, Dortha Mae Ziebell,Vaunnetta Virginia
Filby, Edward Jay Lundholm, Jo Lee Smith, Carl Elliott Ziegler, Jackie Marie
Fisher, Lorna Kay Lynch, Gary Dean Smith, John Conrad Ziegler, Zeta Zella
Fisher, Lyle Alvin, Jr. Maggard, Bertha Sue Smith, Jolene Bronwen x
Fletcher, Ronald Robert Mann, Harold Le Roy Smith, Joyce Ashley x
Graduates - August, 1959 (numbered 28)
Baldwin, Mahlon Richard Gomez, Juanita Lilley, John Ellis Sloan, Verbenia Camille
Barber, Melvin Dowell Hall, Margaret Ann Lofquist, Patrick W. Snell, Dennis Floyd
Anderson, Sharon Ruth Houston, Marsha Diane Mohr, Linda Lea Steffens, Lonnie Franklin
Cook, George Henry Hukill, Vicki Ann Moss, Judith Kay Thornley, Jerilyn Ann
Cunningham, Mary Lou Ivers, Laurence William Potter, Phillip Wayne Watkins, Norma Charlene
Ellis, Sandra Rae Jeter, Marilyn Ann Riley, Sharon Rae Webb, Valerie Lee
Fitzgibbon, Joyce Arlene Leahy, Patricia Jeanne Shehan, Geraldine Anne Wilkinson, Barbara Dalene
In Memoriam
Class of January/June/August, 1959
January, 1959
Bodensteiner,William Robert (d.05/04/07) 2007 Nau, John Allen (d.11/28/18) 2018
Breemer, John David, Jr. (d.07/19/05) 2005 Nichols, Renfro Isaac (d.11/27/03) 2003
Bruce, Gwendolyn LaVon (Bundy) (d.02/22/94) 1994 Palik, George Joseph (d.06/03/94) 1994
Buckroyd, Judith Ann (Cox) (d.08/18/21) 2021 Petre, Dennis Thomas (d.10/73) 1973
Divelbiss, Robert Roy (d.05/21/98) 1998 Pomeroy, James Howard (d.03/10/17) 2017
Evans, LouJean (d.03/02/17) 2017 Pontius, Juris (d.03/29/18) 2018
Fane, Edwin Gene (d.01/83) 1983 Pottinger, Stephen Clark (d.02/04/08) 2008
Finch, David Lee (d.10/26/07) 2007 Rench, Alice Jean (Kephart) (d.05/14/04) 2004
Gaines, Bernard Thomas Robertson,Judith Jean (Wegener/Vicar/Riley)(d.05/10/02) 2002
Hoffman, Marilyn Sara (Gilbertson) (d.09/05/10) 2010 Romeo, Robert Crieg (d.06/10/94) 1994
Johnson, Leonard Norman (d.06/09/06) 2006 Walden, Janice Marie (Brooks) (d.10/03/73) 1973
McCauley, Robert James Jr. (d.03/28/23) 2023 Watson, Sharon Dee (Priest) (d.11/08/12) 2012
Mentzer, Sondra Kathryn (d.07/1989) 1989 Winter, Cathryn Ann (Norrgard) (d.05/09/09) 2009
Montenguise, Josephine (d.03/19/12) 2012 Wood, Marilyn Mae Dann (Rychel) (d.01/21/22) 2022
Moore, Larry David (d.10/15/05) 2005 x 2022
June, 1959
Allen, Cecelia Ruth (Hald) (d.03/21/16) 2016 Marquett, Raymond Melvin (d.03/30/96) 1996
Auestad, Cynthia Anne (Dulaney) (d.11/10/14) 2014 Marshall, Virginia Lee
Babbit, Harold William (d.10/22/23) 2023 McIntosh, Howard Eugene (d.08/14/61) 1961
Baker, Richard Roy (d.11/23/93) 1993 McKinney, Roger Allen (d.06/06/07) 2007
Bolte, Boyd Fred (d.07/09/23) 2023 Miller, John Edward (d.07/04/20)` 2020
Brewster, Susan Madge (d.07/14/11) 2011 Mohr, Janet Lou (Draper) (d.98/22/22) 2022
Burch, Pamella Sue (Penny)(Brafford)(d.05/26/13) 2013 Nichols, George Walter (d.02/04/81) 1981
Burgess,Barbara Jean (Hamilton/Snuggs)(d.11/28/10) 2010 Oaks,Ruth Ann (Gratton/Lehenbauer) (d.04/29/11) 2011
Burke, Dorothy Rae (White) (d.03/20/08) 2008 Olson, Eric James (Twombley) (d.12/03/14) 2014
Clark, Karen Sue (d. 05/12/93) 1993 Patton, Richard Allen (01/87) 1987
Clayton, Robert James (d.11/07/18) 2018 Phillips, Henry S. (d.08/22/04) 2004
Cook, Barbara Jean (Beech) (d.07/28/11) 2011 Phoenix, Phyllis Ann (d.11/22/17) 2017
Coppock, Florence Yvonne Pilgrim, Margaret Anne (Norman) (d.07/16/10) 2010
Costello,Susan Mariam (Shortley) (d.10/24/99) 1999 Plumb, Donald Herbert (d.05/25/08) 2008
Coulson, Thomas Lee (d.09/22/90) 1990 Quinn, John Reece, Jr. (d.03/15/11) 2011
Dahl, Robert Ray (d.03/02/12) 2012 Rockey, Cheri Kae (Cook) (d.08/14/18) 2018
DeFino, Joseph Charles (d.02/15/04) 2004 Rowland, Thomas Everett (d.03/29/14) 2014
DeFrancisco, Albert Joseph (d.07/30/18) 2018 Russell, John Albert (d. 12/17/88) 1988
Donahue, Thomas George (d.01/15/02) 2002 Rutledge, Sona Sue (Brown) (d.07/11/15) 2015
Duncan, Patricia Eileen Scales, Silas Lee (d.12/31/14) 2014
Evenson, Marjorie Ellen (Ramsey) (d.08/07/23) 2023 Sexauer, Georgiana ("Jo") (Brown) (d.05/04/06) 2006
Favors, James Von (d.05/04/10) 2010 Shepherd, George Guy (d.01/26/07) 2007
Favors, Penny Jo Anne (d.03/76) 1976 Shope, Albert Gordon (d.01/27/67) 1967
Fetzer, Patricia L. (Cannon) (d.05/19/19) 2019 Slorah, Donna Lee (Bates) (d.07/13/08) 2008
Gassaway, Robert Allen (12/03/13) 2013 Slorah, Dortha Mae (Talty) (d.12/19/20) 2020
Gentry, Dennis Clifford (d.06/06/06) 2006 Smith, Joyce Ashley (d.08/24/01) 2001
Godfroy, Jimmy Dale (d.01/19/20) 2020 Stanek, Gary Lee (d.1962) 1962
Grant, Gary Samuel (d.09/17/17) 2017 Stewart, John Robert (d.12/15/89) 1989
Gray, Richard Lon (d.06/15/18) 2018 Stone, Margaret Ellen (Dooley) (d.07/14/07) 2007
Gudgel, Barbara Ann (Croo) (d.09/2015) 2015 Stoneking, Roger Gene (d.03/25/17) 2017
Hartshorn, Larry Francis (d.07/81) 1981 Strickler, Helen Marie(Meyers-Bywaters) (d.10/08/14) 2014
Hauge, Marcus Leroy (d.11/07/20) 2020 Talley, Mary Catherine (Edwards) (d.03/10/14) 2014
Hayes,DiannaMarilyn (Buckroyd) (d.09/14/01) 2001 Tallman, Anne Sharon (d.03/09/08) 2008
Higgins, Dean Richard (d.10/31/19) 2019 Thompson, Ian Donnald (d.09/25/20) 2020
Higgins, Dwight Raymond (d.11/21/05) 2005 Thompson, Linda Ruth (Wilson) (d.10/09/02) 2002
Holt, Harold Ronald (d.01/17/66) 1966 Thorne, Ted E. (d.10/05/17)
Housman, Judith Ann (d.01/30/99) 1999 Townsend, John Selby (d.06/30/02) 2017
Ivanovich, Arlene (d.02/13/75) 1975 Townsend, Sherrill Sue (d.01/24/16) 2002
Jenkinson, Phillip Harry (08/22/99) 1999 VerSteeg, Monty Stratton (d.08/02/16) 2016
Johnson, Robert Wesley (d.08/02/12) 2012 Wass, Howard Lee (d.01/15/23) 2023
Johnson, Ronald Cleve (d.11/01/22) 2022 Watkins,Anna Margaret (Rozenberg) (d.06/10/08) 2016
Kakos, Spedo George (d.03/77) 1977 Watkins,Clifford James (d. 12/08/09) 2008
Kappelman, Robert Ralph (d. 06/17/98) 1998 Weidner, Louis Edward, Jr. (d.08/06/07) 2009
Keller, Lawrence Woods (d.06/19/23) 2023 Wells, Willie Wallace (d.02/10/02) 2007
Kuesel, Larry John (d.03/25/09) 2009 Wilbur, Judith Miriam (d.03/26/05) 2002
Kupcis, Anda (Romeo) (d.01/19/19) 2019 Wince, Bobo Benedict (d. 07/15/00) 2005
Larson, Gary Lynn (d.12/07/20) 2020 Wood, Lester Gerold (08/15/91) 2000
Leeds, Bernard LeRoy (d.12/08/91) 1991 Woods, Larry Lee (d.05/20/17) 1991
Maggard, Bertha Sue (Seeman) (d.10/04/24) 2024 Woolery, Thomas Delbert (d.02/28/13) 2017
Mann, Harold Le Roy (d.10/07/23) 2023 Ziegler, Jackie Marie (Bogenrief) (d.11/23/18) 2013
August, 1959
Baldwin, Mahlon Richard (d.12/02/06) 2006 Lofquist, Patrick W. (d.06/09/09) 2009
Barber, Melvin Dowell (d.05/25/09) 2009 Mohr, Linda Lea (Gordinier) (d.10/27/19) 2019
Cook, George Henry (d.10/31/09) 2009 Riley, Sharon Rae (Linn) (d.04/29/14) 2014
Hukill,VictoriaAnn(Carlisle/Zenor) (d.10/29/09) 2009 Snell, Dennis Floyd (d.06/14/02) 2002
Lilley, John Ellis, Jr.(d.1966) 1966 x 2002
For further input, please email me at [email protected]
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Class of 1933 (60th reunion), 1993 Pictures
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We want you! Class of 1946, (65th reunion), 2011 Are we describing you?
Class of 1947, (60th reunion), 2007 Pictures
Class of 1948, (60th reunion), 2008 Pictures
Class of 1949, (70th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1950, (60th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 1951, (60th reunion), 2011 Are we describing you?
Class of 1952, (65th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1953, (grad pictures, lists) Pictures
Class of 1953, (10th reunion), 1963 Pictures
Class of 1953, (30th reunion), 1983 Pictures
Class of 1953, (40th reunion), 1993 Pictures
Class of 1953, (50th reunion), 2003 Pictures
    Class of 1953, (60th reunion), 2013 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1954, (60th reunion), 2014 Are we describing you?
We want you! Class of 1955, (60th reunion), 2015 Are we describing you?
Class of 1956, (60th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1957, (60th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1958, (60th reunion), 2018 Pictures
Class of 1959, (60th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1960, (60th reunion), 2020 Pictures
Class of 1961, (55th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1962, (60th reunion), 2022 Pictures
Class of 1963, (55th reunion), 2018 Pictures
Class of 1964, (55th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1965, (50th reunion), 2015 Pictures
Class of 1966, (50th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1967, (50th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1968, (50th reunion), 2018 Pictures
Class of 1969, (50th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1970, (51st reunion), 2021 Pictures
Class of 1971, (40th reunion), 2011 Pictures
Class of 1972, (50th reunion), 2022 Pictures
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We want you! Class of 1974, (45th reunion), 2019 Are we describing you?
Class of 1975, (40th reunion), 2015 Pictures
Class of 1976, (40th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1977, (35th reunion), 2012 Pictures
Class of 1978, (35th reunion), 2013 Pictures
Class of 1979, (40th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1980, (30th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 1981 Pictures
Class of 1982 Pictures
Class of 1983, (30th reunion), 2013 Pictures
Class of 1984, (25th reunion), 2009 Pictures
Class of 1985, (30th reunion), 2015 Pictures
Class of 1986, (30th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1987, (30th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1988, (20th reunion), 2008 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1989, (20th reunion), 2009 Are we describing you?
Class of 1990, (20th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 1991 Pictures
Class of 1992, (20th reunion), 2012 Pictures
Class of 1993 Pictures
Class of 1994, (15th reunion), 2009 Pictures
Class of 1995, (10th reunion), 2005 Pictures
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Class of 2000, (10th reunion), 2010 Pictures
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