North Des Moines High School
Class of 1956
60th Reunion in 2016
September 16-17, 2016
(deciding on details which will follow shortly)
56th Reunion
August 3-4, 2012
(This reunion did not occur.)
Did this 62nd reunion ever occur as shown online as October 8, 2018?
Friday, September 16, 2016
About 6:00PM-10:00PM Felix & Oscar's
4050 Merle Hay Road
Des Moines, IA 50310
Phone:(515) 278-8887
Saturday, September 17, 2016
Breakfast: 8:00AM-11:00AM   West Des Moines Marriiott
West Des Moines Marriott
1250 Jordan Creek Parkway
formerly 1250 74th Street
West Des Moines, IA 50266
Phone: (515) 267-1500
Dinner Time: tbd Dinner locationr: tbd
Group Photo: Stover
(515) 321-6691
make reservation for group photo
Will not be on Sunday, September 18, 2016?
Breakfast/Brunch tbd
Friday, September 15, 2006
  Raccoon River Park Nature Lodge
2500 Grand Avenue
West Des Moines, IA 50312
(515) 222-3424
Nature Lodge map
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Group Photo: Stover
approximately 7:15PM?
Hyperion Country Club
  7390 NW Beaver Drive
  Johnston, IA 50131-1922
  (515) 276-1596
Hyperion map
Class Meetings:
Nothing scheduled at present.
Would appreciate your loaning any past reunion photos for inclusion.. They will be
returned to you promptly. My mailing address is on the "closing" page of this website:
Celebrate new North High band uniforms!
These new band uniforms were made possible by a grant from the W.T. and Edna M. Dahl Trust in 2016. Classmate Jerry Jones is a Trustee of the trust and made these new uniforms possible. ($32,000)
50th reunion, 2006 50th reunion, 2006 50th reunion, 2006
50th reunion, 2006 50th reunion, 2006
50th reunion, 2006 50th reunion, 2006 50th reunion, 2006
50th Reunion - Saturday, September 16, 2006
Photo by Stover Photographic Services   ( 515) 981-4217
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Rosalie Moore, Eleanor Edwards, Judy Arlaud, Vanita Hosier, Eleanor McDonald, Margaret Moran, Linda ZumBrunnen, Sandy Bricker, Dottie Welter, Jean Robison, Verna Baumann, Pat Murphy, Maurine McCoy, Linda McDaniel, Suzanne Jackson, Michael Wonder, Donna Godfrey
2nd Row Ruth Gardiner, Sara Allie, Arvella Forsyth, Karen Lynch, Denise Wills, Rodena Snell, Beverly Simmons, Leesanne Powers, Margaret Aduddell, Sally J. Dudley, Joyce Oneth, Nancy Gillespie, Janis Free, Jane Hutchinson, Jere Higgins, Charlene Ross, Gloria Katzmark
3rd Row Pat Gamble, Marilyn Allgood, Joan Sowers, Judy Wood, Phyllis Cattrall, Carol Gambrell, David Dorr, Earlene Gray, Don Burrell, Virgil Lundy, Joye Everhart, Wayne Wallace, Earl Short, Ted Toulouse, Neal Bailey, Don Burnett, Craig Carlisle, Jerry Wadden, Gary Christianson, Dave Miller, Ted Coppock, Jan Anderson, Jerry Cole, Helene McClellan, Beverly Wells, Sandra Ashford, Betty Gallagher
4th Row Jim Moran, David Stewart, Don Newell, James Owens, Don Brown, Jerry Jones, Richard Barber, Tim Lockner, Merlin Linn, Tom Moore, Everett Smith, Dave Tyler, Ken Masimore, Neil Parmenter, Jim Frazier
enlarged left side of 50th reunion photo enlarged left side of 50th reunion photo enlarged left side of 50th reunion photo
enlarged left side of 50th reunion photo enlarged left side of 50th reunion photo enlarged left side of 50th reunion photo
enlarged left side of 50th reunion photo enlarged left side of 50th reunion photo enlarged left side of 50th reunion photo
enlarged left side of reunion photo
enlarged right side of 50th reunion photo enlarged right side of 50th reunion photo enlarged right side of 50th reunion photo
enlarged right side of 50th reunion photo enlarged right side of 50th reunion photo enlarged right side of 50th reunion photo
enlarged right side of 50th reunion photo enlarged right side of 50th reunion photo enlarged right side of 50th reunion photo
enlarged right side of reunion photo
Everett Smith &
Mary Kaye Smith
  Denise Wills Tyler &
Lyle Tyler
  Nancy Gillespie Jewett
& Lyndell Jewett
  Joyce Oneth Samo &
David Samo
Jane Hutchinson Jones
& Ben Jones
  Vanita Hosier Gallo
& Frank Gallo
  Eleanor Edwards Irvin
& Dick Irvin
  Richard Barber &
Ruthanne Barber
Michael Wonder
& Judy Arlaud Sims
      Jim Frazier &
Sandy Bricker Frazier
  Donald Newell
Class of January, 1956 Class of January, 1956 Class of January, 1956
Class of January, 1956 Class of January, 1956 Class of January, 1956
Class of January, 1956 Class of January, 1956 Class of January, 1956
Class of January, 1956
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Carolyn Yates, Jacque Brown, Mary Galenbeck, Bob Talley, Adrain Winick, Mary Alice Triplett
2nd Row Kenny Stivers, Sharon Lewis, Marilyn Hansen, Don Brady, Jim Frazier, Margaret Ames, Geraldine Ashman, Ruth Gardiner
3rd Row Barbara Phoenix, Sandra Ashford, Nancy Paulson, Jerry Underfer, Joyce Johnson, Phyllis Pool, Beverly Neilson, Joann Adkins
4th Row Jim Moran, Jerry Wadden, Denny Nulph, Wilbur Adkins, Don Brown, Sue Battles, Betty Gallagher, Barbara Crouch, Ron Caulk
5th Row Jim Quick, Alvin Overton, Arvella Machir, Joan Armstrong, Barbara Shuck, Sharon Priess, Hiko Takeda, Charles Singleton
6th Row Mary Jo Kapfer, Larry Sward, Carol Buckmann, Corinne Dickey, Noel Huss, Phyllis Vandekieft, Sue Allen, Pat Muller
7th Row Danny Mallow, Gary Carson, Nolan Laird, Dennis Marchael, Bill Heritage, Pete Pravlis, Rodney Miller, Arvid Gates
Photo: Compliments of Jim Frazier
June 1956 Graduating Class June 1956 Graduating Class June 1956 Graduating Class June 1956 Graduating Class June 1956 Graduating Class
June 1956 Graduating Class June 1956 Graduating Class June 1956 Graduating Class June 1956 Graduating Class
June 1956 Graduating Class June 1956 Graduating Class June 1956 Graduating Class June 1956 Graduating Class June 1956 Graduating Class
Class of June, 1956 taken June 3, 1956
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Leota Stiles, Donna Lou Bowes, Skaidrite Ranne, Pat Gamble, Colleen Ruddell, Leona Coppens, Sandra Bricker, Dottie Welter, Leesanne Powers, Gayle Hedke, Beverly Wells, Vicki Chambers, Sharon Merical, Marilyn Allgood, Saradel Allie, Linda Lou Zum Brunnen , Carol Searcy
2nd Row Carolyn Nourse, Rae Steigleder, Carole Fitzgibbon, Phyllis Cottrall, Beverly Clark, X, Mary Evans, Carolyne Sanderson, Marion Simmons, Denise Wills, Nova Turpen, Veronica Tarm, Gloria Katzmark, Gary Christensen, Bob Aller, Jean Robison, X
3rd Row Marilyn Akes, Mildred Woolsey, Anita Roberts, Virginia Boyd, Judy Garner, Janice Free, Sherry Smith, Joyce Oneth, Joyce Nieman, Sandra Jameson, Phyllis Thompson, Eleanor Brittian, Elise Liebow, Delores Gagle, Virginia Huston, Beverly Simmons, X, X,
4th Row Jerrie Lou Nedderman, Jo Ann Rouse, Carole McClure, Patty Whipple, Patricia Green, Mary Kay Glotfelty, Janice Furman, Eleanor Edwards, Mildred Osborne, Nancy Knudsen, Elaine Mulcahy, Rosalie Duffy, Nancy Hefner, Pat Murphy, Jackie Wilson, Linda McDaniel, Carol Buckmann, X, Virgil Sims, David Dorr
5th Row Eldora Godfrey, Karen Lynch, Suzanne Jackson, Rodena Snell, Ruby Oberender, Rosalie Moore, Judy Perry, Betty Wilson, Joyce Gates, X, Marilynne Nail, X, Don Burrell, Jo Hamman, Judy Wood, X, Rosemary Braman, Nancy Robson, Jerry Logan, Darlene Macy
6th Row Doris Peterson, Carol Gambrel, Judy Arlaud, Carol Calhoun, Gleora Devlin, Joye Everhart, Adrian Martin, Tim Lockner, Sally Jo Dudley, Donna Mesler, X, Sharon Bell, Karen Therkelsen, Eleanor McDonald, Jane Hutchinson, Nancy Gillaspie, Charlene Ross, Jim Perry
7th Row Ron Paulson, Ed Campbell, Merlin Linn, Wayne Wallace, Margaret Moran, Sharon McClellan, Pene List, Jere Lu Higgins, Jim McCauley, Martin Johnson, Maurine McCoy, Dominic Morano, Gene Phillips, Sandra Jo Jarc, Jerry Cole, Craig Carlisle, Orbie Boggs, Roberta McClure
8th Row Verna Baumann, Rita Habekost, Barbara Furynanick, Margaret Aduddell, Mary Miller, Bob Burton, Ted Toulouse, Dan Finch, Jim McGlasson, John Forney, Don Burnett, Al Smith, X, Charles Singelton, Earlene Gray, Ralph Lyle, Dave Tyler, X,
9th Row Clyde Easter, X, Wayne Gander, Ron Mott, X, Richard Burns, Fred Foreman, Jim Kennedy, X, Jeannette Anderson, David Miller, Eugene Anderson, Achilles Hadges, Malcomb Hester, Ken Masimore, Neil Parmenter, X,
10th Row William Driskill, Sharon Lathrum, Jim Yeast, Tom Ewald, Dennis Kaupp, Tom Moore, Earl Short, David Stewart, Don Newell, X, Paul Juber, X, Neale Bailey, Everett Smith, Larry Holsman, Don Kieler, Jay Reichenbacher, James Owens, Richard Barber, Bonnie Rogers
Photo: Compliments of Judy Arlaud Sims
left side of graduation photo
left side of graduation photo left side of graduation photo left side of graduation photo left side of graduation photo
left side of picture (enlarged from version above)
right side of graduation photo
right side of graduation photo right side of graduation photo right side of graduation photo right side of graduation photo
right side of picture (enlarged from version above)

January 1956
Class Officers

James Frazier
Nancy Paulson
Carolyn Hayes
Sharon Priess
Donald Brady
Donald Brown
Helene McClellan

June 1956
Class Officers

Neil Parmenter
Wayne Wallace
Verna Baumann
Mary Jean Robison
Charles Escher
Joyce Gates
John Forney
Margaret Moran
Girls Tennis Team Girls Tennis Team Girls Tennis Team
Girls Tennis Team Girls Tennis Team Girls Tennis Team
Boys' Cross Country Team Boys' Cross Country Team Boys' Cross Country Team
Boys' Cross Country Team Boys' Cross Country Team Boys' Cross Country Team
Girls' Tennis Team
Judy Tyler, Verna Baumann, Jerrie Nedderman, Barbara Hokanson, Carol Calhoon, Jan Furman, Eleanor Edwards, Louise Beugin, Virginia Daly
Cross Country - City Champs
Front: Wayne Wallace, Don Walker, John Montgomery, Dave Dorr, Ralph Lyle, Ernie Weatherington
Back: Ed Thomas, Ronnie Ware, Jim Sloan, Dick Brumbaugh, Victor Propes
State Champions State Champions State Champions
State Champions State Champions State Champions
State Champions State Champions State Champions
Synchronized Swimming State Champs
Rita Habekost, Vera Baumann, Judy McDowell, Nancy Hefner, Pat Murphy, Rosalie Duffy
Synchronized Swimming State Champs
Eleanore McDonald, Margaret Moran, Sharon Bell, Mary Jo Dunn
National Champions National Champions
National Champions National Champions
National Champions National Champions
National Champions National Champions
National Champions National Champions
National Champions National Champions
Synchronized Swimming National Champs
Sharon Bell, Margaret Moran
Synchronized Swimming National Champs
Front: Carol Fenske, Ann Lippincott, Helen Porter
Back: Vicki Chambers, Carol Calhoon, Breta James
  Since 1944, North's Synchronized Swimming team has taken the state championship each year and since 1952, they have taken the national championship. Coached by Mrs. Theresa Anderson, the girls spend all year readying for the state and national meets. This year's state champions in the senior division included Sharon Bell, Mary Jo Dunn, Eleanore McDonald, and Margaret Moran.  
Cosmopolitan Club
Cosmopolitan Club Cosmopolitan Club Cosmopolitan Club Cosmopolitan Club Cosmopolitan Club Cosmopolitan Club
Cosmopolitan Club -- to promote better understanding among all groups at North
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Sherry Smith, Colleen Ruddell, Mary Alice Triplett, Jane Martin, Elise Liebow, Pat Murphy, Elaine Mulcahy, Karen Therkelsen, Leesanne Powers, Rosemary Shepard, Donna Wolder, Sheila Osborne, Dottie Pearson
2nd Row Ruby Oberender, Doris Petrson, Kay Reichenbacher, Sharon Lewis, Betty Moll, Janet Lindfelt, Judy McCarty, Kay Mallicoat, Janice Lossner, Mary Lins, Carla Rinehart, Berta Jean Stamper, Linda zum Brunnen
3rd Row Loretta Wharff, Gayle Olson, Judy Moseley, Betty Larson, Jean Rinne, Janet Morain, Darlene Speck, Arlene Perry, Nancy Summers, Ada Triplett
4th Row Miss Whirry, Shirley Phillips, Norva Terrell,Rodena Snell, Phyllis Wade, Sue Tamse, Maurine McCoy, Carole Sue Rank, Helen Porter, Joyce Sales, Betty Wilson
Cosmopolitan Club Cosmopolitan Club Cosmopolitan Club Cosmopolitan Club Cosmopolitan Club
Cosmopolitan Club -- to promote better understanding among all groups at North
Starting first row, bottom left
1st Row Ermadell Freel, Ruth Gordiner, Beverly Knutson, Afton Hooner, DeVelma Hall, Karen Erickson, Judy Boone, Gerrie Davis, Rosalie Duffy, Judy Brick, Sharon Ann Hammitt, Judy Johnson
2nd Row Barbara Griglione, Janet Huntoon, Kay Kircher, Beverly Bailey, Karolyn Hayes, Eleanor Edwards, Jane Hutchinson, Carol Calhoon, Jan Furman, Margie Hurd, Carol Gambrel, Beverly Clark, Elizabeth Jensen, Darlene Haycook
3rd Row LJudy Knight, Arlene Frantz, Nancy Burgeson, Ellen Sue Fredericksen, Joyce Campbell, Joan Armstrong, Rita Habekost, Carol Buckmann, Donna Babcock, Donna Foss
4th Row Miss Whirry, Viola Bradley, Bertha Kaldenberg, Sandra Hanselman, Lynn Goetsch, Beverly Huisman, Nancy Britton, Pat Alexander, Margaret Aduddell, Sally Jo Dudley, Earlene Gray, Jeannette Anderson
Photos: Compliments of yearbook of Judy Arlaud Sims
Graduates - January, 1956 (numbered 59)
Adkins, Joann Marie Dickey, Mary Corinne Mallow, Danny Ray Quick, James Allen
Adkins, Wilbur, Jr. Frazier, James Schiller Marchael, Dennis Lee Schultz, Paul Donald
Allen, Margaret Sue Galenbeck, Mary Lou McClellan,Lynn Helene Claire Shuck, Barbara Jean
Ames, Margaret Ellen Gallagher, Betty Harlene Miller, Rodney Ray Singleton, Charles E.
Armstrong, Joan Dianne Gardiner, Ruth Ellen Moran, James Anthony Spencer, Gerald Leeroy
Ashford, Sandra May Gates, Arvid Upton, Jr. Muller, Patricia Kay Stivers, Kenny Roger
Ashman, Geraldine Bertha Hansen, Marilyn Boneta Nielson, Beverly Kay Sward, Larry Raymond
Battles, Marilyn Sue Hayes, Carolyn Lee Nuckolls, Nellie Marie Takeda, Hiko
Brady, Donald Leroy Heritage, William Edson Nulph, Dennis Arnold Talley, Robert Leroy
Brown, Donald Lynn Huss, Noel Edwin Overton, Alvin Edward Triplett, Mary Alice
Brown, Jacquelyn Kay Johnson, Joyce Ella Paulson, Nancy Kay Underfer, Jerry Lee
Buckmann, Carol Ann Kapfer, Maryjo Lavina Phoenix, Barbara Jean VanDeKieft, Phyllis Ruth
Carson, Gary Edwin Laird, Nolan James Pool, Phyllis Eilene Wadden, Jerry Michael
Caulk, Ronald Frederick Lewis, Sharon Kay Pravlis, Petros Winick, Abraham Hershel
Crouch, Barbara Ruth Machir, Arvella Cordle Priess, Sharon Lynn x
Graduates - June, 1956 (numbered 196)
Aduddell, Margaret Emily Farao, Theresa Carmella Liebow, Elise Jeanine Phillips, Marlys Ann
Akes, Marilyn Dea Finch, Daniel Joe Limke, Carole Ann Poulson, Ronald Edward
Aller, Robert King Fitzgibbon, Carole Jean Linn, Merlyn Keith Powers, Leesanne Sue
Allgood,Marilyn Elizabeth Foreman, Fred Thomas List, Pene Ann Ranne, Skaidrite Vaira
Allie, Saradell Forney, John Junior Logan, Jerry Lee Reichenbacher,Jay Phelps
Andersen, Carole Anne Free, Janis Ellen Lyle, Ralph James Richards,Barbara Marie
Anderson, Eugene K. Furman, Janice Kay Lynch, Karen Frances Rivers, Martha Louise
Anderson, Hazel Jeannette Furyanick,Barbara Cecilia Macaulay,James Thomas Roberts, Anita Jane
Arlaud, Judy Ann Gagle, Delores Kay Mack, William Jess Robison, Mary Jean
Bailey, Neale Robert Gaissmayer,Konrad Ulrich Macy,Darlene Dorothy King Robson, Nancy Rae
Barber, Richard Warren Gamble, Patricia Jean Martin, Adrian Leroy Rogers,Bonita Louise
Baumann, Verna Jean Gambrel, Carol Ann Masimore,Kenneth Lee,Jr. Ross, Charlene Ann
Bell, Sharon Maureen Gander, Wayne Harlan McClellan,Sharon Reay Rouse, Jo Ann
Boggs, Orbie, Jr. Garner, Judith Ann McClure,Carole Catherine Ruby, Mary Catherine
Bowes, Donna Lou Gates, Joyce Ann McClure, Roberat Louise Ruddell, Colleen Sue
Boyd, Virginia Margaret Gendrolis, Edith Waltrout McCoy, Maurine Roberta Sanderson,Carolyn Janelle
Braman, Rosemary Gillespie, Nancy Jean McDaniel, Linda Maude Searcy, Carol Ann
Bricker, Sandra Jean Glotfelty, Mary Kay McDonald,Eleanore Jane Shepard,Carolyn Jo
Brittain, Eleanore Louise Godfrey, Eldora Louise McGlasson, James Carl Short, Earl Ray
Burks, Donald Edward Gray, Earlene Kay Merical, Joan Lavone Simmons, Beverly Ann
Burnett, Donald Jon Green,Patricia Ruth Anne Merical, Sharon Ann Simmons,Marian Elizabeth
Burns, Richard Keates Habekost, Rita Kathleen Mesler, Donna Jane Sims, Virgil Melvin, Jr.
Burr, Sondra Carole Hadges, Achilles George Miller, David Arthur Smith, Alfred Charles,Jr.
Burrell, Donald Eugene Hamman,Josephine Miller, Mary Emma Smith, Everett Carleton
Burton, Robert Roy Hampton, Diane Joy Moore, Carl Thomas Smith, Sherry Diane
Calhoon, Carol Ann Hedke, Gayle Agnes Moore, Rosalie Carol Snell, Rodena Mae
Campbell, Edward James Hefner, Nancy Lou Moran, Margaret Ann Steigleder, Silda Rae
Carlisle, Craig Irwin Hester, Malcomb David Morano, Domenic Joseph Stephens, Larry Thomas
Chambers, Vicki Lee Higgins,Geraldine Louise Mott, Ronald Lee Stewart, John David
Christensen, Gary Stephen Holsman, Larry Dean Mulcahy,Eleanor Elaine Stiles, Leota Ellen
Clark, Beverly Jeanne Hosier, Juanita Sue Mullin,Robert Eugene Tarm, Veronica
Clark, Raymond Lee Hosier, Vanita Lou Mumford,Kenneth James Therkelsen, Karen Ann
Cole, Jerry Lloyd Huston, Virginia Mae Murphy, Patricia Jane Thomson, Phyllis Amiela
Coppens, Leona Jeanne Hutchins, Jean Wynette Nail, Marilynne Anne Toulouse,Theodore Wayne
Coppock, Homer Theodore Hutchinson, Jane Ellen Nedderman, Jerrie Lou Turpen, Nova Louise
Cottrall, Phyllis Rae Jackson, Richard, Jr. Newell, Donald Lee Tyler, Walter David
Devlin, Gleora Alice Jackson, Suzanne Nieman, Joyce Lynne Wallace,Wayne Arnold
Dorr, David Marion Jameson, Sandra Lea Nourse, Carolyn Wells, Beverly Annabell
Driskill, Jean Ann Jarc, Sandra Jo Oberender, Ruby Joann Welter, Dottie Lou
Driskill, William Thomas Johnson, David Custis Olson, Jerry Lee Whipple, Patricia Lee
Dudley, Sally Jo Johnson, Martin Leroy Oneth, Joyce Lucille Wills, Denise Louise
Duffy, Rosalie Kathryn Johnston, William Bruce Osborne,Mildred Gertrude Wilson, Betty Ann
Easter, James Clyde Juber, Paul Albert Owens,James Edward,Jr. Wilson, Diana Jacqueline
Edwards, Eleanor Elizabeth Katzmark,Gloria Yvonne Parmenter,Neil Almon Wolfe, Kark Frederick
Escher, Charles David Kaupp, Karl Dennis Perry, Edna Delorse Wonders,Michael Lloyd
Evans, Mary Kathleen Kennedy, James Orrin Perry, James Nelson Wood, Judith Ann
Everhart, Marla Joye Kieler,Donald Michael,Jr. Perry, Judith Edna Woolsey, Mildred Joan
Ewald, Thomas Guy Knudsen, Nancy Rochelle Peterson, Doris Iola Yeast, James William
Fallis, Melvin Dean Lathrum, Sharon Kay Phillips, Evans Eugene ZumBrunnen, Linda Lou
Graduates - August, 1956 (numbered 4)
Blanchard, Robert Lee Hockett, Duane Earl McQuitty, Elmer Thomas Scheidler, Lawrence Edward
David, Ernest Elton Johnson, Neil Roger Menter, Norman Lawrence Sowers, Wainlie Joan
Donahue, Jon Daniel Lockner, Timothy Micheal Nicholson, Sandra Jean Woolsey, Frank Dwight
Gordon,Beverly Anne Lundy, Virgil Harold Perry, Arlene Louise x
In Memoriam
Class of January/June/August, 1956
January, 1956
Adkins, Joann Marie (Wilson) McClellan,Lynn Helene Claire (Campbell) (d.12/19/23 2023
Adkins, Wilbur Butch (d.11/12/98) 1998 Miller, Rodney Ray (d.07/23/17) 2017
Ames, Margaret Ellen (Rhodes) (d.05/09/15) 2015 Moran, James Anthony (d.11/28/20) 2020
Ashman, Geraldine Bertha (Hilliard) (d.12/12/05) 2005 Mouser, Roberta (Holmes) (grad unk) (d.08/22/95) 1995
Brady, Donald Leroy (d.05/27/07) 2007 Nelson, Myrna (Landers) (grad unk) (d.02/13/92) 1992
Bridgman, Charlene (Walsh) (grad.unk) (d.05/17/94) 1994 Nuckolls, Nellie Marie (Smith) (d.03/24/03) 2003
Brown, Donald Lynn (d.12/10/19) 2019 Nulph, Dennis Arnold "Denny" (d.01/85) 1985
Buckmann, Carol Ann "Bucky" (d.12/21/94) 1994 Overton, Alvin Edward (d.02/09/11) 2011
Caulk, Ronald Frederick (d.04/29/16) 2016 Paulson, Nancy Kay (Fox) (d.09/10/06) 2006
Dickey,MaryCorinne (Villirillo) (d.04/08/06) 2006 Pence, Karen (Goetting) (grad unk) (d.08/17/96) 1996
Gates, Arvid Upton, Jr. (d.07/28/10) 2010 Quick, James Allen "Jim" (d.06/02/98) 1998
Hansen, Marilyn Boneta "Marylee" Shuck, Barbara Jean "Shuckel" (Estes) (d.12/12/92) 1992
Hayes, Carolyn Lee "Kelly" (d.06/01/64) 1964 Stivers, Kenny Roger (d.08/16/93) 1993
Heritage, William Edson "Bill" (d.01/29/92) 1992 Talley, Robert Leroy (d.09/24/06) 2006
Huss, Noel Edwin (d.02/02/12) 2012 Triplett, Mary Alice (d.05/14/93) 1993
  Laird, Nolan James (d.02/15/92)     VanDeKieft,Phyllis Ruth (Cowles) (d.04/19/09) 2009  
Machir, Arvella Hazel (Forsyth) (d.12/15/22) 2022 Wadden, Jerry Michael (d.01/05/24) 2024
June, 1956
Aduddell, Margaret Emily (Lindquist) (03/12/11) 2011 Masimore, Kenneth Lee (d.10/22/20) 2020
Akes, Marilyn Dea (Betts) (d.08/31/12) 2012 McClellan, Sharon Reay (Emory) (d.03/26/13) 2013
Allie, Saradell (Breeding) (d. 06/12/11) 2011 McClure, Carole Catherine (Holmes) (d.08/11/18) 2018
Anderson,Hazel Jeannette (Middleton) (d.6/13/08) 2008 McClure, Roberta Louise "Bobbie" (d.08/30/95) 1995
Baumann, Verna Jean (Moore) (d.02/26/23) 2023 McDonald, Eleanore Jane (Troxel) (d.02/05/18) 2018
Birdsall, K. John (bef.1956) 1956 Mesler, Donna Jane (Sweeney) (d.02/02/08) 2008
Bowes, Donna Lou (Vitalis) (d. 06/08/05) 2005 Miller, David Arthur (d. about 2024) 2024
Brittain, Eleanore Louise (Chapin) (d.07/08/13) 2013 Moore, Carl Thomas (d.10/01/20) 2020
Brooks, Jon Edward (bef.1956) 1956 Moran, Margaret Ann (d.11/01/22) 2022
Burns, Richard Keates (d.01/13/21) 2021 Morano, Domenic Joseph (d.07/15/21) 2021
Burrell, Donald Eugene (d.06/07/08) 2008 Mulcahy,Eleanor Elaine (Sorensen) (d.02/26/23) 2023
Burton, Robert Roy (d.08/22/97) 1997 Nail, Marilynne Anne "Marc" (Neal) (d.11/07/92) 1992
Calhoon, Carol Ann (Hammer) (d.03/24/02) 2002 Nourse, Carolyn (Berg) (d.08/08/08) 2008
Christensen, Gary Stephen (d.07/11/08) 2008 Osborne, Mildred Gertrude (d.04/13/00) 2000
Christiansen,JeanneMarie(Baty) (d.01/28/19) not grad 2019 Owens, James Edward (d.08/29/10) 2010
Cole, Jerry Lloyd (d.04/21/22) 2022 Parmenter, Neil Almon (d.05/03/09) 2009
Coppock, Homer Theodore (d.07/06/23) 2023 Perry, James Nelson (d.08/18/01) 2001
Driskill, William Thomas (d.9/27/13) 2013 Perry, Judith Edna (Mash) (05/04/05) 2005
Escher, Charles David (d.12/28/80) 1980 Peterson, Doris Iola (Darby) (d.09/01/11) 2011
Evans, Mary Kathleen (Snook) (d.03/25/18) 2018 Poulson, Ronald Edward "Pole" (d.09/19/03) 2003
Fallis, Melvin Dean (d.11/18/09) 2009 Reichenbacher, Jay Phelps (d.05/10/22) 2022
Farao, Theresa Carmella (Cemore) (d.08/19/09) 2009 Richards, Barbara Marie (Godfrey) (d.01/10/12) 2012
Fitzgibbon, Carole Jean (Weeks) (d.08/16/04) 2004 Robson, Nancy Rae (Davis) (d.09/16/02) 2002
Gagle, Delores Kay (Bitting) (05/10/14) 2014 Rogers, Bonita Louise (Petterson) (d.08/20/15) 2015
Gander, Wayne Harlan (d.2016) 2016 Ruby, Mary Catherine (Kuster) (d.04/06/02) 2002
Gates, Joyce Ann (Tarbell) (d.12/29/01) 2001 Sanderson,Carolyn Janelle (Myers) (d.12/13/01) 2001
Gray, Earlene K. (Walker/Walton) (d.06/16/10) 2010 Searcy, Carol Ann (Thompson) (d. 02/27/05) 2005
Green, Pat Ruth Anne (Boylan) (d.02/21/05) 2005 Simmons, Marian Elizabeth (Wills) (d.2010) 2010
Habekost, Rita Kathleen (Sanders) (04/11/99) 1999 Snell, Rodena Mae (Clayton) (d.03/01/12) 2012
Hadges, Achilles George (Harry G.) (d.06/15/05) 2005 Steigleder, Silda Mar (Whitman) (d.11/12/16) 2016
Hedke, Gayle Agnes (Nelson-Hopper) (d.12/08/12) 2012 Therkelsen, Karen Ann "Katie" (Tyler) (d.02/85) 1985
Hefner, Nancy Lou (Moore) (d.07/15/03) 2003 Thomson, Phyllis Amiela (Lash) (05/14/94) 1994
Hester, Malcomb David (d.07/23/06?) 2006 Toulouse, Theodore Wayne (d.03/14/22) 2022
Holsman, Larry Dean (d.05/03/17) 2017 Wilson,Diana Jacqueline (Hartman) (d.10/03/07) 2007
Hosier, Juanita Sue (Kizlauskas) (d.03/66) 1966 Wolfe, Karl Frederick (d.01/25/06) 2006
Juber, Paul Albert (d.02/14/22) 2022 Wonders, Michael Lloyd (d.01/25/17) 2017
Limke, Carole Ann (Manders) (.10/17/05) 2005 Woolsey, Mildred Joan (Wendt) (d.07/24/09) 2009
Logan, Jerry Lee (d.06/04/11) 2011 Yeast, James "Gym" William (d.10/19/13) 2013
Martin, Adrian Leroy "Ade" (d. 05/01/01) 2001 ZumBrunnen, Linda Lou (Lyons) (d.12/10/14) 2014
August, 1956
Blanchard, Robert Lee (d.05/76) 1976 Perry, Arlene Louise (Belcher) (d.04/02/98) 1998
Donahue, Jon Daniel "Yam" (Aug) Scheidler, Lawrence Edward,Jr. (d.09/18/07) 2007
Lundy, Virgil Harold (d.03/30/17) 2017 Sowers, Wainlie Joan (Reints) (d.01/28/16 2016
McQuitty, Elmer Thomas (Aug) (d.12/22/05) 2005 x 2016
For further input, please email me at [email protected]
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Class of 1931 Pictures
Class of 1932 Meetings Pictures
Class of 1933 (60th reunion), 1993 Pictures
Class of 1934 Meetings Pictures
Class of 1935, (60th reunion), 1995 Pictures
Class of 1936, (50th reunion), 1986 Pictures
Class of 1937, (60th reunion), 1997 Pictures
Class of 1938, (50th reunion), 1988 Pictures
Class of 1939, (66th reunion), 2005 Pictures
Class of 1940, (50th reunion), 1990 Pictures
Class of 1941, (60th reunion), 2001 Pictures
Class of 1942, (45th reunion), 1987 Pictures
Class of 1943, (65th reunion), 2008 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1944, (65th reunion), 2009 Pictures
Class of 1945, (60th reunion), 2005 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1946, (65th reunion), 2011 Are we describing you?
Class of 1947, (60th reunion), 2007 Pictures
Class of 1948, (60th reunion), 2008 Pictures
Class of 1949, (70th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1950, (60th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 1951, (60th reunion), 2011 Are we describing you?
Class of 1952, (65th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1953, (grad pictures, lists) Pictures
Class of 1953, (10th reunion), 1963 Pictures
Class of 1953, (30th reunion), 1983 Pictures
Class of 1953, (40th reunion), 1993 Pictures
Class of 1953, (50th reunion), 2003 Pictures
    Class of 1953, (60th reunion), 2013 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1954, (60th reunion), 2014 Are we describing you?
We want you! Class of 1955, (60th reunion), 2015 Are we describing you?
Class of 1956, (60th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1957, (60th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1958, (60th reunion), 2018 Pictures
Class of 1959, (60th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1960, (60th reunion), 2020 Pictures
Class of 1961, (55th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1962, (60th reunion), 2022 Pictures
Class of 1963, (55th reunion), 2018 Pictures
Class of 1964, (55th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1965, (50th reunion), 2015 Pictures
Class of 1966, (50th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1967, (55th reunion), 2022 Pictures
Class of 1968, (50th reunion), 2018 Pictures
Class of 1969, (50th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1970, (51st reunion), 2021 Pictures
Class of 1971, (40th reunion), 2011 Pictures
Class of 1972, (50th reunion), 2022 Pictures
    Class of 1973, (50th reunion), 2023 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1974, (45th reunion), 2019 Are we describing you?
Class of 1975, (40th reunion), 2015 Pictures
Class of 1976, (40th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1977, (35th reunion), 2012 Pictures
Class of 1978, (35th reunion), 2013 Pictures
Class of 1979, (40th reunion), 2019 Pictures
Class of 1980, (30th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 1981 Pictures
Class of 1982 Pictures
Class of 1983, (30th reunion), 2013 Pictures
Class of 1984, (25th reunion), 2009 Pictures
Class of 1985, (30th reunion), 2015 Pictures
Class of 1986, (30th reunion), 2016 Pictures
Class of 1987, (30th reunion), 2017 Pictures
Class of 1988, (20th reunion), 2008 Pictures
We want you! Class of 1989, (20th reunion), 2009 Are we describing you?
Class of 1990, (20th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 1991 Pictures
Class of 1992, (20th reunion), 2012 Pictures
Class of 1993 Pictures
Class of 1994, (15th reunion), 2009 Pictures
Class of 1995, (10th reunion), 2005 Pictures
Class of 1996, (10th reunion), 2006 Pictures
Class of 1997 Pictures
Class of 1998 Pictures
Class of 1999 Pictures
Class of 2000, (10th reunion), 2010 Pictures
Class of 2001 Names
    Class of 2002 Pictures
Class of 2003 Pictures
Class of 2004 Pictures
Class of 2005 Pictures
Class of 2006 Pictures
Class of 2007 Pictures
Class of 2008, (10th reunion), 2018) Pictures
Class of 2009 Pictures
    Class of 2010 Pictures
    Class of 2011 Pictures
    Class of 2012 Pictures
    Class of 2013 Pictures
    Class of 2014 Pictures
    Class of 2015 Pictures/names
    Class of 2016 Names
    Class of 2017 Names
    Class of 2018 Names
    Class of 2019 Names
    Class of 2020 Names
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